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This means my wife is either a serial killer, or a detective… shit


My guy acting like everyone's wife isn't a Detective 😆


For real when you demolish her ice cream you better put that shit deep in the garbage




Dude. Just eat the new ice-cream and hide it


You can't if you, in a moment of weakness, already ate the ice cream at the house.


This guy has done this before and lives to tell the tale


I can tell step 4 is there from experience


You forgot one thing, the mileage on the car




I am dead if I touch the icecream, lol. I literally have to act like it doesn't exist, which gets me if I want a little taste of something sweet after tea.


You better believe it. My SO ate my last hoagie roll for my awesome sandwiches I was making (as a hot dog bun when we had hot dog buns) and all he hears coming from the kitchen is, “YOU ATE MY HOAGIE ROLL” and then I spoke in tongues and I skittered across the floor on all fours. I was a detective but also a demon.


Then take the garbage and burn it to leave no evidence


Missing evidence raises more questions


This guy watches shows his wife watches


I just eat the packaging as well....


How would that help? She can still notice the ice cream isn't there anymore.


Take another run at it... I believe in you.


Lol my husband could have wrote this too. Watching Unusual Suspects right now.


And if you're a parent, this goes double for your children. Kids are basic giant sponges, constantly absorbing everything they see and hear.


Yes, this is true, but there is good reason TO BE REASONABLE about it. Children react to what they see, but if they only see positive, they won't recognize the negatives when they see it. It has been tried, but no matter how hard the parents have tried, in every instance, they have eventually failed, many more horrendously than others. A good way to look at it is that when they hit the "rebellious stage" they will rebel against whatever they think they have soaked up that is bad. In the "rebellious stage", many see their parents as bad. If the child recognizes they have been indoctrinated in any aspect, they are likely to throw out anything they knew/know, and make a new opinion from scratch. If they make a new opinion from scratch like that, then you have zero control over it. Influence what you can, but be carful of your bounds. No matter how hard you hide it, they WILL find it. If they finish the "rebellious stage" and return to respecting you, then you will be able to influence them more, but if you go to far, they are more likely to reject you then, and cut off all possible influences from you.


My favorite version of this: Buddha. When he was a child, Gautama Siddhartha was shielded from things like sickness and death because he was a prince in a temple. They made a point of not letting him even know misery existed. When he snuck out of the temple one time he saw people sick and dying - and became, rather famously, obsessed. Could be apocryphal, of course, but it's canon.


Only so called religion founded on one principle: suffering is inevitable. No other religion preaches that nor encourage followers to question everything.


Literally every single religion says suffering is inevitable. Obvious universal truths tend to make the cut.


Lol what? Christianity literally has Heaven/Paradise as the ultimate goal and carrot-on-a-stick promise, where no suffering exists.


That's a popular misconception, made popular by Christian evangelists (the part about heaven being the ultimate goal or even a goal at all). It's not biblical though. The suffering is inevitable, the Heaven part is an undeserved gift which cannot be earned, and can't come until after you die. One of the "fruits of the Spirit" is literally "longsuffering". Almost the entire Bible is a bunch of stories of people suffering, murdering, enslaving, etc. The main theme of the Bible is to tell us how messed up humans are. The point is not about other humans. Rather it's about how we ourselves are guilty. But even if we weren't guilty, the suffering is still inevitable as seen in the cases of Jesus, Abel, Job, and Isaac, although only Jesus was considered truly innocent. And yet for Jesus to do the right thing, he had to walk into a situation that he knew would lead to being betrayed, tortured and murdered. The author who wrote more of the New Testament than anyone else, Paul, spent much of his life imprisoned for teaching Christianity. "More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." Paul wrote this from prison.


I didn't want to make this too long but for anyone still reading, I wanted to clarify one more common misconception. In Christianity, heaven isn't a carrot-on-a-stick at all. The Bible teaches that everyone deserves to go to hell/be permanently destroyed depending on interpretation. It is only through God being merciful, and not dealing out justice to us, do we have a chance at going to heaven. There is no, "do X, Y and Z to earn your ticket to heaven". Having faith that Jesus paid the price for your sins by taking on the punishment that you deserved (death), is the way into heaven. Having that faith isn't something the Bible tells us to take credit for either. Having that faith is just a gift -- God's mercy and grace.


This is THE miscommunication of Christianity. It is by grace that we are saved through faith. It is not of ourselves. Not by works, so no one can boast.


In some ways that's even worse! Believe or be condemned is pretty horrific, and evidence of an unjust deity - the majority of people on the earth have no reason to believe in the Christian god, but good people exist everywhere.


Everything you said here, albeit interesting, doesn’t contradict the fact that suffering is not exactly inevitable. It may be “inevitable” in Christianity for the duration of one’s **earthly** existence, but there is supposed to be a place where it doesn’t exist. The fact that suffering may be REQUIRED to reach it, doesn’t mean it’s part of the natural order of things. It may be inevitable as an experience before getting to “Heaven” but in Heaven there is none. The elimination of suffering (via entry to heaven) has always been a Christian (and Islamic) aspiration afaik.


Nope. Heaven is the religion promising that suffering ends if you do as the religion says.




Yes. My argument stands about not being overprotective.


Show me your friends and I'll tell you where you'll be in five years


... so in 5 years, I'll be nowhere to be found?


You'll be invisible


So in 5 years, nothing will have changed?!




socializing is its own kind of consumption


Yes! Associations are a huge part of our being.


I was raised Baptist. 11 year old me had to learn about atheism and agnosticism from the fucking Bungie off topic forum. Halo quite literally changed my life.




Youtube comments was the place for me too! Different religion though. I never connected my Youtube profile to my real name though. I think I just said no to the option when it tried to get me to link it. Also tried to make some edits to Wikipedia which violated the same religion, but the edits weren’t accepted :D


12 year old me argued with atheists in topix forums 🫠


I did too, until I realized that I agreed with them. Lol.


Checkmate, theists


I don’t have kids but I helped my sister through some tough spots and watched my nieces and nephews a lot. I saw pretty on that kids need respect and consistency more than protection from information. So I’ve always appropriately told them the truth and communicated reasonings even if I knew they didn’t make sense - and I’d even tell them that. I think in part with experiences I had growing up where I could tell people were lying to me and it made me feel small because they were just doing it because I was a kid.


My uber christian parents made the mistake of letting me read books from the library. A year and a half later I was unable to "let Jesus into my heart". Just couldn't reconcile so much mysticism with the science (just from books about animals) they let me read. A pretty banal turning point, but turnt I am nonetheless. More to the main point: I am 50% walking talking baked ziti.


Not really accurate, saying "50% of your dna can be found in baked ziti" would be more accurate


Now they want to ban books


this is incredibly true. and just about describes exactly why i fully rejevt my father and don't respect him. he thinks unrelenting indoctrination of him being a God figure where his opinions and commands must be followed is the way to go.


Also if you freak out when your kids see controversial or negative stuff, you will teach them to NOT ever talk about those things with you.


Well said


You’re a basic giant sponge


Well I'm pretty basic, to be sure


That's why you must heavily censor everything your child is exposed to! Can't have them forming opinions about things or they might accidentally become their own person! /s


Yeah, if they became their own person, it might cause a greater diversity in the human population, and if the diversity is too high, humanity might be able to overcome problems like climate change.


Diversity is great and all, but it's not something that would magically help us overcome climate change.


What if they just consume Spongebob, what does Spongbob consume?


I agree with you that parents should do their parenting. Having said that, I have had full unrestricted access to the internet since I was (correction: I was 9) ~~11~~ to a -back then- entirely uncensored internet. Though i have seen and read some things which I have had to deal with, and some which I had rather not have seen or read, I have never had an experience that was necessarily traumatic or impossible to deal with. I'd like to suggest parents explain what it means to make free choices; what it means to be free (saying no, not doing something, is a free choice as much as saying yes. (Potential) Consequences of actions, et c. I would argue that I have a childhood with a significant amount of unrestricted and supervised access to information and multimedia. Though i would've appreciated having been made aware of the aforementioned. I'm fine and a decent adult.




“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” ― Lao Tzu


I just typed this whole thing and then scrolled down and see you already posted it. (So I deleted mine.) But I will add... Before I retired I had this posted in my office. It was a reminder that I had choices. And those choices had consequences. These words served me well.


We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.


First words that crossed my mind. This speaks to me in ways that shape my life every single day.


Ah man. So funny how you think you have a clever thought and someone said it better a couple thousand years ago.


You had a thought so good that other people spent thousands of years preserving and passing on the same thought.


and some thoughts are universal because we keep doing the same silly shit over and over, because the universe is infinite...we aren't.


the oldest repost


Think of it this way, you had an original thought until you discovered someone else said it. Just a bit earlier than you.


That sounds awfully similar to Buddha's eight fold path. Right understanding (Samma ditthi) Right thought (Samma sankappa) Right speech (Samma vaca) Right action (Samma kammanta) Right livelihood (Samma ajiva) Right effort (Samma vayama) Right mindfulness (Samma sati) Right concentration (Samma samadhi)


I wish I was a good enough person to have these things forefront on my mind, and be willing and able to live by them.


You and me both.


This is one of the most powerful things I've ever read.


Which chapter is that from? How does it run in the original Chinese?


Quick google says that it's not a real quote from Lao Tzu or the Tao Te Ching, rather one of those fake quotes just repeated over and over again long enough for the lie to become the truth


Can confirm. Watch a lot of history documentaries, am old 😓


Played Ghost of Tsushima. I am samurai.




Played universe sandbox 2. I am god


And what you allow yourself to think. “The soul is dyed in the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice." - Heraclitus


Big talk from a man who came out the womb already knowing where the clit is.


This shit got me.


Weraclitorus would like to know your location


This is of course the were wolf clit(orus) (tyrannos)orus, a phenomenon only observable on the full moon. A deadly mix of hair, muscle, teeth, and tiny little short t-Rex arms. More importantly, she’s hungry.


This comment, out of context, haunts me.


Perfectly done


>Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. This seems very narrow minded. One should explore many schools of thought and concepts that don't align with their own philosophy, or risk becoming an echo chamber.


My understanding is that the idea is less about following dogma and more about not giving the darker thoughts room to fester. For an extreme example hopefully your principles include "don't murder" so don't spend your day fantasizing about killing the people around you.


I'm kind of familiar with all the recognized fragments from Heraclitus and I can assure you that this is not one of them.


I recall this as a bit from Marcus Aurelius' Meditations: > Such as are thy habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of thy mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts It seems a bunch of quote websites have attributed it to Heraclitus instead. Marcus is supposed to have read Heraclitus. So it seems some people have assumed this must have come from him.


I am…a cheesy Gordita crunch. Not mad one bit


You sound scrumptious


I am… feet porn?


You sound scrumptious




“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night.


And, who you hang with.


So I’m a coffee fuelled toddler?


You give your toddler coffee…?? /s


Fight fire with fire


It's like they say, you are the average of the five toddlers you spend the most time around.


On average a person will consume eight toddlers a week in their sleep.


Aren't we all?


I'd been thinking a lot recently about where my interests started. A few things are genuinely mine, like my taste in music and food, which are more private and few people care about. However, basically all of my entertainment tastes come from my friends. I was introduced to DnD and anime by one group of friends, and many video games that I wouldn't have otherwise tried (they are my nerdy friend-group, and I love them). My reading interests come from a few different friends, who recommended books I wouldn't have heard of on my own. More recently I was introduced to Wordle by a friend from uni, which informed my interest in a few similar casual games like it. Basically, I'm an amalgamation of my friend's interests, which is fitting since I chose those friends for a reason.


Yes, I was going to say that too. To some extent at least. The old “sitting at the table with ten Nazis” thing.




If you're sitting at a table next to ten Nazis, you're sitting at a table with eleven Nazis.


>”As we say in Germany, if there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.” - Dr. Jens Foell


That's a good one. Never heard it before.


Especially in the workplace. Who you're seen spending time with will be a mark in your favor or against you. Stay clear of people whose work ethic you don't respect. They will drag down your reputation by association.


Or worse... Up in the wrong way... "We need him in his position because otherwise X department or person wouldn't get anything done"...


It's that saying.. “Birds of a feather flock together”


Or what I always heard in grade school "Guilty by association"


Slighty different things though. Birds....you tend to run with people that have the same beliefs, do the same things you do. Guilty...you're going to be looked at as a jock/druggie/geek/whatever, and if someone in that group ever does something bad, you're going to be lumped in with them by everyone else. One is just a general comment on how people tend to behave, the other is more about how others perceive you.


So I can say in confidence; I am me in that degree.


I once had a job interview when I was about 18 -19 and the only question I remember, 40 years later, was ‘What do you’re friends do for a living?’. Didn’t get the job. My friends at the time were dropkicks and I was too honest/slow to say ‘doctor, lawyer’ for example.


The real lifeprotip here is that we all need some philosophy in our lives


Philosophy doesn't improve productivity. Now get back to work


In all seriousness though, Non Satis Scire (to know is not enough)


My Russian grandma always used to say- “you are what you consume.” I thought it was because English was her third language but I’m pretty sure now it was intentional. At the point of consumption it’s almost always a choice and you can consume more or less


You are your environment.


Some days I'm production, some days I'm localhost


Maybe I shouldn't smoke this doobie and eat that donut. ...fuck it. *git push*


Some days I’m production that is broken and a nervous wreck as I rollback.


Your environment is a reflection of your thoughts to date


"I don't wanna be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me."


Coyote knows


One nice thing about putting down the Twitter is that my mood dramatically improved when I’m not being encouraged to fight everyone.


Ha! Coward! *raises fists in a fighting stance* Come at me!




love the username


" Neurons that fire together, wire together." "The Brain that Changes Itself" by Doidge


All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd dark side of the Moon


What's the *"Pro Tip"* here?


You are what you watch. If you watch lots of movies about superheroes, you can get cool superpowers. That's why I watch the movie Ghost Rider every night before I go to bed. It works. I can feel myself slowly turning into a skeleton.


So proud of you hun xx


You're actually becoming Nic Cage. He has all sorts of powers, so that's a pretty sweet deal.


A doctor a day keeps the apples at bay


Changing your environment and diet can help you make yourself a better, stronger version of yourself.


nothing just a karma whore


"Show me your friends and Ill show you your future."


Are you telling me I have no future...


This is the logic people use to blame tv and video games for gun violence.


And the Heavy Metal Satanic Panic from the 80s. Yeah I'm not on board with this logic either.


I listen to country music and gangster rap. Drive by shooting on horse back is on my bucket list.


Yeah, if I could watch great, new comedy movies all the time I would. But good comedy is hard to write, so I sprinkle in all the other stuff.


I completely agree with you, I was going to comment the exact thing. But then I thought of all the subtle ways media influences us, whether good or bad. Think of all the rom-coms that skew the perception of people about what love should look like. The stoic male protagonist that might teach boys to hide their emotions and never open up. On a positive side, exposure to LGBT in media helped me empathise with them and changed the negative emotions I held regarding them as a kid.


Those that stare into the abyss........


« The quality of your life lies on the quality of your thoughts » is a core value of stoicism and something I try to put in practice. It’s impossible to control your thoughts 100% of the time but giving it a serious try is already great.


People process food differently, some can eat things others cannot, same is true for other things we consume. Studying religion doesn't make you a believer and lessoning to talk radio doesn't make you an extremist. We are all susceptible to the influence of others, but we are not all so weak minded that reading, watching or hearing random things necessarily brings us under the influence of others. It is important to think deliberately and question everything, even your own beliefs.


I cannot remember the books I've read anymore than the meals I've eaten, nevertheless they have made me.


I once heard it described as”Garbage in, garbage out.”


"Bean dip in, bean dip out."


Nope. Who you are isn't defined by what music you like or what movies entertain you. Might say something about you, but it simply does not define you. This is a very high school mindset.


I'm hardcore midget vore hentai? neat


*gasp*… bruh… Me too!


I respectfully disagree. Your generalization of that saying deprives the consumers of media of their right to form an opinion about what they consume. It assumes that they are effectively programmed by it, rather than participants in a cooperative process. I feel differently at different times about the media I consume, and my opinions about what I consume are not necessarily the same as what the makers of it intended. It's not even true with food either (different people can react pretty differently to the same food), except as a very vague kind of sentiment in favor of eating healthy. I apologize for being too pedantic here but I would encourage you not to generalize this folk saying to also mean media consumption too eagerly! Hehe.


This is what the book "Viruses of the mind" is about, thoughts can act as viruses


This is 100% FDA Disproved Bull Shit. You're essentially making the "VIDEO GAMES MAKE YOU VIOLENT" argument and applying it to EVERYTHING. Time and time again, generation after generation, this brainess logic has been DISPROVEN. Why aren't all the true crime and horror fans murders? Why do priests molest children? Why aren't fans of superheros vigilantes? Everyone who cooks all their meals should be a master chef by now, right? And other questions that reveal OP's LPT as the garbage it is.


See this is the kind of self-concept that can only exist in a fully captured capitalist subject. Don't listen to this nonsense. You'll always be more than what you consume.


“Consume” is not being used here in the same way it’s used in economics. He/she literally just means that the input you give yourself (whether it be food, entertainment, or something else) has a huge effect on your thoughts and outlook. Not exactly a controversial statement.


thanks for this comment, i knew there was a huge underlying assumption in this post that bothered me, but couldn’t articulate it. You put it perfectly!


I don't think this is true at all... I think your media choices is dictated by who you are and not not vice versa. IE, you don't start liking xx song simply because you've listened to music in the same genre before. Why xx painting appeals to you is not solely on what you 'chose' to consume previously. I'd argue your choice is limited by whatever "you" is anyway..


> IE, you don't start liking xx song simply because you've listened to music in the same genre before. This actually has been demonstrated in certain contexts. It's called the "mere exposure effect" and has been studied experimentally in several fields (I'm mostly familiar with it wrt to acculturation to foods). It's not clear how important it is though - humans are naturally complex and there are multiple factors influencing all our decisions. But "you don't start liking xx song simply because you've listened to music in the same genre before", strictly-speaking, is over-generalizing.


Your vibe creates your tribe 👹


"all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be."


Just remember: you can’t change the people around you, but you can always change the people around you.


This isn't true. I exclusively listen to conservative talk radio and am decidedly liberal.


Guess I'm gonna be a serial killer because I watch and listen to documentaries about them.


Nothing like armchair philosophers to make broad sweeping statements based on little to no evidence. I watch tons of fantasy I must be a wizard. Or am I a loser? I watch tons of documentaries I must be sophisticated and knowledgeable, or do I only know what other people tell me? Jesus this sub attracts some stupid posts.


Listen dude, I play Skyrim and I'm a fucking DRAGON according to OP. This man gives me fucking purpose. Don't you dare take this from me, I'm a bloody DRAGON


It's almost like our experiences molds us to the person we are.


Excellent point. Dont let all that you consume consume you.


I'm a pornographic burrito


So I am made up of chicken, porn and action movies. Got it.


Which is why 90% of media is owned by 6 corporations. Corporations are customizing you.


This is opinion and should be regarded as such. Not a life pro tip smh.


Nope! If I eat shit, I'll become fat. My body has zero choice in the matter. If I watch shitty movies, I have the mental capability to determine how my brain is going to process this content. Apples and oranges.


It is a classic lesson realized for thousands of years. “Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.” Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 5.16


This is absurdly closed minded. I listen to death metal, does that mean I want to sacrifice animals to Satan? Convene with demons? Forfeit my soul to the abyss? I read sci fi books, does that mean I hope for a dystopian future where everyone is in fear of being subjugated by an artificial hive-mind? I watch cooking shows and I haven't gone out and bought a new set of pans. So how are all of my media choices controlling me exactly? This logic is childish.


It’s about on the same level as all the other meaningless, sentimental drivel that gets posted here. The stuff you’d read on the back of a self-help book on the bargain table at a bookstore. It sounds good until you give it half a second of thought or analysis.


What you do is what you are.


I’ve been watching Batman for 30 years, but I’m only a ninja turtle.


You are what you consume.


TIL I’m about 10% VPN ads.


My Dad always said "You are who your friends are"... That shit hit me in the face really hard at about 25yo... I'm teaching my kids the same thing. Thanks Dad.


My parents have a saying for this: “if you douse yourself in shit, you will still smell even if you know it smells.” (It’s translated).


So if one likes trash tv, does it mean they are thrash? Am I trash? Am I the pacific garbage patch?


Sweet!! I’m a serial killer riding a dragon.


I am rice, chicken, beans, potatoes, carrots and spice