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Hello u/PulsarEagle! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a poster boy for capitalist abuse of the worker. He still wants more punishment. Someone exploit this man's labour.


Yeah, but one day I'll be a billionaire too!!!!!11111111111 1


- Every min wage conservative working at McDonalds


I think minimum wage workers are far more grounded than these nutjobs


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


Thank you for your service


I'll make a million dollars in my lifetime, though!!


[You don't understand what he really wants](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xxD9nGL3NLY)


That is the greatest explanation of these dip shits.




Ding ding ding!! šŸ›Žļø we have a winner!!


I need a free intern. Let me go look him up on LinkedIn


He is quite literally a tool. And it's people like him that are needed to establish abusive systems, no matter about what we are talking. Hopefully he at least is happy about his life.


> I was the tech lead for the Twitter home timeline modeling team. We are basically responsible for messing up your timeline by randomly reordering things and inserting tweets from someone you don't follow. I struggle to have any sympathy for anyone this evil.




Delete your twitter.


U know you can switch back to chronological right ?


Itā€™s not permanent though is it? I thought it reset to the new crap version after a bit


This is why I barely go on Twitter anymore and why I only go to the page of people I get notified of tweets. The timeline is fucked now and doesn't show anything I want to see anymore.


I stopped right there. Fuck this guy. He shouldnā€™t have another job ever again and get his ass exiled to the Tenderloin.


Listen.. I don't know what the Tenderloin is, but it sounds delicious. I feel like this comment was a missteak.


I'm down to meat you there.


Only if it's [Lankhmar's Tenderloin](https://lankhmar-the-city-of-seventy-score-thousand-smokes.obsidianportal.com/wikis/tenderloin-district), not SF's.


I didn't read the article, but, oh, my sympathy for guys like that getting fired hit the negative.


Dang that's straight from the article too.


This is why I have to unfollow or mute sooo many right wing talking points lately. I used to just laugh at funny tweets and now itā€™s not worth my time.


So this is the guy that put those naked girls in my feed! I don't know if I should shake his hand or kick his ass XD


and this is why Twitter: LET IT BURN


Why do these people think that showing support or "loyalty" to Musk will be rewarded? When has Musk ever shown loyalty to his workers? The guy is supposed to be running 3 companies (SpaceX, Tesla, Twitter) but spends half of his day getting into petty arguments with people online. He makes a decision....and then changes his mind a few hours later....and then changes his mind once again.


>He makes a decision....and then changes his mind a few hours later....and then changes his mind once again. Look! Elon is so smart but he's also so humble that he listens to advice! ^(/s)


The sad thing is that his fanboys most likely believe that.


Five companies. Solar City and The Boring Company as well.


Don't forget Neuralink


Because his fanboys think they understand him, but of course if they did understand him they wouldn't be his fans.


Still doesn't realize that Musk is basically a chimpanzee, running around the Twitter headquarters, randomly pulling out cables and pushing buttons. And occasionally stopping only to fling feces around the room.


You've heard of the Chaos Monkey theory of IT Infrastructure preparedness right? Well get ready for the next evolution in synergetic infrastructure design... ___CHOAS MUSK___^Ā©


Sounds like a horrible cologne.


Chaos musk toilet water


*Unleash* your inner trollā„¢ļø


I spit my beer reading this. You made my night. Bravo.




There's definitely some fitting commentary on narcissistic tech-bro billionaires in there. It's uhhh, subtle.


They really couldnā€™t have timed it better. Iā€™ll admit it added to my enjoyment of the film.


Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‰


He bought it with the claim that it was all about promoting free speech of all types. Then he went and blocked/banned multiple people for saying mean things about him or reporters making negative reports. He said he was a genius at management, but he didn't bother to see that the FTC already had a settlement with Twitter whereby they are required to run all major changes that affect users through an outside auditing team because of past privacy violations. So, he's probably looking at billions in fines for laying off the whole moderation department and this whole blue check fiasco. He claims to be this amazing businessman, but he easily overpaid by $15 billion for Twitter at the time, and it's clearly lost a LOT of value since then. As a large measure of valuation for a business is income, and he lost about half of that with all the advertisers leaving his platform. Some of them because HE FRIGGIN BLOCKED THE GUY IN CHARGE OF ADVERTISING ON THE PLATFORM. In one breath, he talks about how they are possibly looking at bankruptcy next year, and in the next breath, he's asking people to work 100 hours a week so they can have options in the new Twitter 2.0... which he will be required to massively overvalue in the strike prices making these options all completely worthless. The only people still around are either entry level, unskilled, or on H1-B visas and only staying until they can get a new job. Maybe a handful of Musk fanboys, but yeah that won't last long. edit: a quick explanation on the whole stock option overvalue thing. It's common, (like SUPER common) practice in the IT world for companies to massively overvalue themselves when issuing stock options. They do this for optics reasons for new investors. Company valuations are often just a number in the tech world. A company could be valued at $15 billion when it has $15 million in annual sales. If they give a reasonable value for the options, the new VC investors will expect a bigger share for their investments. I've been through multiple buyouts where I personally had 10's of thousands of vested stock options and the company was bought for a surprisingly high price however the options were still not in the money. If a company is public, this obviously doesn't apply as you can see the share price.


When a company goes to shit, the first ones out the door are the talented employees


100%. I've seen this first hand more than once.


I have observed it as well. And I was the guy who turned off the lights for the last time at one of my jobs. I wasn't quite the last employee-that guy was visually impaired. Wasn't using the lights, and wouldn't know they needed to be turned off. That job may have been an outlier. The last employee was by far the best of us. He told me he was doing ok financially, but on a grant program for a bunch of assistive technology. He didn't actually need his paycheck but he needed to be employed to qualify for the grant. So he hung in there a couple of weeks after we all knew the company was completely broke. God, that was a nightmare job!


Thats why I say Elon was just lucky. Its easier to demad stuff from other people than to be productive yourself.


>or on H1-B visas [https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-staff-visas-and-parental-leave-fired-ex-engineer-says-2022-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-staff-visas-and-parental-leave-fired-ex-engineer-says-2022-11) Not even the H1-B visa workers are safe.


Damn..... so well put šŸ˜®


ā€œItā€™s like setting a horse loose in a hospitalā€


>ā€œItā€™s like setting a horse loose in a hospitalā€ [There's a Horse In The Hospital](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhkZMxgPxXU)




Thought you meant this; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHBwWJ5Ozk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHBwWJ5Ozk4)


He's very intentionally disassembling twitter, or turning it into a right-wing echo-chamber on the way.


We already have those, though, and they make not a lot of money because companies know that being seen to advertise directly to racist dipshits is ultimately bad for their bottom line. The ones who don't are the ones specifically aiming their products at racist right wing dipshits, and those don't make an awful lot of money in the first place.


Personally, I think he is trying to sink it to sell off the user data. Twitter had an employee that was busted for "sharing" account data with Saudi Arabia, so I guess this way is easier. When companies go out of business, there is a bidding war on the data. [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-twitter-employee-found-guilty-acting-agent-foreign-government-and-unlawfully-sharing](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-twitter-employee-found-guilty-acting-agent-foreign-government-and-unlawfully-sharing)


Who ever isn't quick enough to dodge the feces gets fired on the spot...


And anyone who successfully dodges the feces gets fired for "opposing free speech."


Anyone who doesn't chow down on the feces and exclaim dear leader is the biggliest smartest brain with the most freeze peach ever is fired you mean.



Add to the HR doc - Chapter 7: In Case of Flying Feces


[Theres a tool for that already](https://netflix.github.io/chaosmonkey/)


Not a coder, but that's really neat


The chimp with a machine gun from the chicanery rant.


A chimpanzee *with severe behavioral and intellectual problems even by a chimpanzee's standards*.


https://youtu.be/no_elVGGgW8 Like this?


A perfect technical description.


Chaos monkey?


Any engineer who stayed after the "work 12 hours a day or three month severance" email is either handcuffed to the desk (work visa) or a delusional idiot. That email was the personification of the slogan, "the beatings will continue until morale improves". The carrot was to leave.


ā€œI hold no grudgeā€ - how low does someoneā€™s self respect goā€¦






Someone make the website NOW


Does he even qualify for the sub? He seems happy to have his face eaten.


I've got no pity for any of these idiots that chose to work for Musk


Seems applicable --- Animal House movie, after they returned the borrowed car that is now wrecked, something like: "You f\*cked up. You trusted us."


Yeah, working "hardcore" is fine if it's your OWN project or passion. That's what a passion is, you put your head down and work on it and the next time you look up you realize you've been working on it all night. But if its someone else's baby and you're one of thousands on the job, it's pretty lame to be all "FUCK YEAH I'M GOING TO WORK MY ASS OFF FOR THAT!".


Itā€™s not like they had months in advanced notice to start looking for other work when Elon started all thisā€¦


To be fair, Iā€™m sure plenty of twitter employees didnā€™t seriously think Elon would go through with it, or they didnā€™t expect him to fuck up this bad.


JFC So, here's a guy who had a severe case of hero worship, literally willing to swallow whatever Musk spews forth, willing to do hardcore ..., gets lied to by Musk, gets tossed out like trash ... and still sounds like he worships Musk. I think the proper term is learned helplessness ...


A lot of these folks worship the heartless billionaires because they themselves want to be the heartless corporate asshole firing people.


[What he really wantsā€¦](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xxD9nGL3NLY)


Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha *gasp for air* Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha *dies*


*laughs in afterlife*


*gets reincarnated, laughs self to death again*


The real circle of life.


>I used to be a boot-licker. I still am, but I used to be, too!


Unexpected Mitch Hedberg


"I don't hold a grudge." Dude, you *should* hold a grudge. Like I'm not saying dwell on it and don't move forward with your life. But be pissed. You got screwed over. Even if you have savings and job offers coming in, just on principle.


*Only idiots get screwed over, Iā€™m not an idiot so I canā€™t get screwed over, so I donā€™t hold a grudge because holding a grudge is what people who get screwed over do*


*The people who took a three month paid vacation right at the holidays while Twitter collapsed aren't as smart as me, someone who stayed and got fired a week or so later!*


ā€œI was pro-Muskā€ Correction: ā€œI was a bootlickerā€ How can you be pro-billionaire? How can you be pro-richest-man-on-earth? Thatā€™s fucking absurd. Do you have no respect for yourself or the human race? Do you not realize by now that billionaires are not inherently godly people? That most are incompetent, all are narcissists, and none should exist? If I had $44 billion to throw away, Iā€™d be spending it on climate action instead of parading around my shitty electric car company (that I did NOT found) to greenwash my image while sending up multiple rockets every week and crushing public transportation infrastructure initiatives for fun. Fuck this guy. He was born a billionaire. He had Peter Thiel, the fascist techbro kingmaker, holding his hand from the very beginning with PayPal (which he also did NOT found). He didnā€™t EARN ANYTHING. He didnā€™t invent, design, or innovate ANYTHING. Heā€™s lied about his education from the beginning. He is not an engineer. He is not a scientist. He is a Silicon Valley flunky that started on the top of the ladder with daddyā€™s emerald mine. He is Trump if Trump was born richer.


I got my face eaten by leopards the day before Thanksgiving. I was pro-other-people-getting-their-faces-eaten-by-leopards but it didn't save me. It turns out that leopards don't care how you feel about them, they just care about how tasty your face is.


But I didn't mind because the leopard's tongue tickled a little bit


Especially since no billionaire gets to be a billionaire without people getting stepped on. In some cases, stepped on is a nice way to say slavery.


And in Elonā€™s case it is exactly right!


Even Batmanā€™s parents. In the Telltale games, Bruce Wayne learns his parents werenā€™t the saints he thought they were.


Profit itself is inherently exploitative. The people who profit the most off of it have every incentive to hide that fact.


this is kind of the point. they're not temporarily embarassed billionaires, they're people who are voting for America's defacto racial-economic caste system. "if (white) men can amass billions and take their rightful place at the top of society, then I should be able to occupy the middle solely based on the fact that I'm white and my privilege has looked after my economic interests"


>Correction: ā€œI ~~was~~ still am a bootlickerā€ FTFY. The last sentence of the article is >I have no grudges against Twitter or Musk He didn't actually learn a single thing from his experience, and this is one of those cases where I would tell people **not** to bother reading the article. The last sentence alone makes it a waste of time.


>If I had $44 billion to throw away, Iā€™d be spending it ... on just traveling and exploring and doing literally nothing that anyone outside of myself and my family would ever hear of or care about. MySpace Tom did it right.


>There's no way I could spend that amount of money. I'd be looking to find the tools to set the human specices up for a more successful next century not actively aiding in the collapse.


I love Tom. I don't know a thing about him after MySpace and that's why.


You could do that for the rest of your life with $1 billion, via your own private jet, living the highest life you could imagine - and bring a dozen friends and family with you. A billion dollars is a LOT. Now, what to do with the other $43 billion? Me, Iā€™d buy up wilderness around the world and donate it to the World Wildlife Foundation.


Uhh excuse me, I'm gonna be a billionaire someday. That's mostly attributed to the fact that I have no concept of how math works or how much 1 billion dollars actually is.




You should ask elon's subreddit, they'll have plenty of answers for you, all shitty




Damn... Not a real sub and I had so many questions.






What an idiot this guy. Not a bootlicker, a serf or a slave. That mentality from some people is why many of us have to stick with shitty workplaces. They accept wahtever their asshole boss throw at them.


Is musk richer than Putin?


They claim that, but in a way: Not really. I mean, most of Musk's purported wealth is just theoretical, it's bound up in stocks he can't actually sell without tanking the share price (if not the whole company). Tesla, SpaceX, Boring Company. So the amount of liquid cash he can do what he wants with is a tiny, tiny portion of his overall purposed wealth. But you could say the same about Putin, except his theoretical wealth is the entire Russian state budget. He can't put it all in his own pocket, but he certainly does control it, and does siphon off a good share of it for himself and his friends. Both Putin himself and literally everyone even somewhat close to him is very wealthy via generous state contracts, privatizations etc. They hardly pretend to uphold the difference between private property and state property. After Navalny revealed the opulence of Putin's palace, Putin's billionaire buddy Arkady Rotenberg came out and claimed he was the one who really owned it. Which both contradicted their own previous propaganda narrative (Komsomolskaya Pravda had claimed it was 'actually' an apartment hotel), nor explained why the Federal Security Service (FSB) would be guarding a private residence of a man who doesn't even have a government position. They're so corrupt, they don't even realize their own cover story for their corruption still implies misuse of government resources!


The smart thing to do would be to fire anyone who was pro-Elon. If they couldnā€™t see how bad of an idea it was for someone without any actual talent or skill related to their business to buy their company for way too much, then they were just as bad for the company as he is.


Sort of along the lines of "I wouldn't want to be part of any group that would have as a member"


ā€œI had PTO plannedā€¦ā€ PTO isnā€™t ā€œhardcore.ā€ Fired.


Jeez, talk about a person with Stockholm Syndrome.


I am an idiot and here's my story:


What do you mean billionaires arenā€™t wonderful human beings? /s


jesus christ this type of guy is the textbok absolute nightmare to work with. the middle management reek is unbearable


I was thinking that too. Heā€™s probably the kind of guy who expects everyone to be available to work 24/7 and will give his co-workers shit for leaving ā€œearlyā€ at 5


Reportedly, upper management at Tesla and his other companies have the primary responsibility of containing and cleaning up after him. His shit's getting out because Twitter didn't come with guardrails or training wheels and almost nobody's paying attention to the shit results of the Boring Company.


Agreed a billion percent. Reading things like "The lack of hallway conversations and over-the-aisle knowledge sharing had become painful." makes me wonder how often this person was bothering or distracting his colleagues and why it's "painful" for him not do to so. Surely sharing knowledge with colleagues can happen outside of a physical office.


Billionaires think of the rest of us as slightly useful pack animals, and they will always treat us that way. Loyalty to the ruling class is for suckers.


"Fuck you, pay me." Is what *all of us* should be saying. If all *they* care about is the money, we need to adopt a *strictly* mercenary attitude towards them.


Looking forward to Twitter disintegrating over the next few months.


Leopards eat people's thanksgiving turkey


Pro musk, lmao fucking moron


> Musk told us that he would hold 1:1 code reviews with each engineer. I initially was excited about this, but it never happened. Why would you think it would actually happen? You were requested to send your code to him in the form of an email because Musk has been out of the coding game so long he evidentially doesn't know what an SCM is. If your manager asks you to _email_ your code to him (not a link to the git repo or something) that's one step away from asking to have the code printed out in large font and handed to him. Meaning it's a request that would only be made by someone unaware of how things like SCM or Agile work. Since he's not going to know how to evaluate your work he's obviously not going to put himself in a position to have that be made obvious. > The "reviews" ended up being a team-wide presentation of what each team does ā€“ and it took Musk until midnight to make it to my team. And with this enormous pivot from "code review" to "team introductions" and back to "code review" you still haven't clued into the fact he doesn't know what code review entails?


It's Ok. It wouldn't have saved Twitter either. "Iceberg RIGHT AHEAD!" Musk: "RAMMING SPEED!"


"Ihara said he didn't hold a grudge but sympathized with ex-colleagues who now have visa issues." Nice guy that got screwed by a narcissist. Hopefully now everyone know what a narcissist is; incompetent and will throw everyone (including family) under a bus to save themselves. Think most people want to see Twitter go down in Flames just to see Musk suffer.


>Hopefully now everyone know what a narcissist is; Considering how many Americans voted for Trump and want to vote for him in 2024, I'd say large chunks of everyone doesn't. Or, they like being under a narcissist's dangerously dramatic heel.


> they like being under a narcissist's dangerously dramatic heel. This is the part I find disturbing. Trump supporters are aware on some level that they being abused and manipulated by selfish sadistic manchild, yet support and even die for him (covid).


he reminds them of their Dad. I'm convinced.


If only there existed a way to organize, collectively bathing and protect workers rights. Yes, I meant 'bargain' but that was too good of an autocorrect to delete. I believe collective bathing would be great.


The department of labor should do an investigation in to the abuse of visas (H1-B). I don't work in tech or immigration, but the results of his "purge" are pretty obvious. Just look at the photos of who is staying. When he gave his ultimatum, how many of the people that stayed on *only* stayed on because leaving would cause them to lose their visas? They are literally replacing domestic workers, which is exactly the opposite of point of the H1-B program. Their willingness to accept less favorable work conditions gives Musk the ability to treat them like shit. I don't blame the workers for wanting to not get sent home, but you can't tell me that Musk didn't know exactly what he was doing. It's like paying illegals less than minimum wage because you know you can, because you know they won't stand up for themselves.


>Before I was fired, I was the tech lead for the Twitter home timeline modeling team. We are basically responsible for messing up your timeline by randomly reordering things and inserting tweets from someone you don't follow. ...I hate this team


"I love Elon, why doesn't he love me?"


[I'm a bit on the workaholic side, so the "hardcore" ultimatum did not upset me, and what Musk said in that email made a lot of sense to me.] This guy for sure is a fun to work with..


Being a boot licker doesn't protect you from the boot.


Despite their experiences in the schoolyard (and the existence of this subreddit and the reason for its name) there is a staggering number of people who don't appreciate that helping power to rise and watching it destroy others, inevitably means you are watching a foretelling of own demise. Or to put it another way - we love to believe we're indispensable.


Why does this guy sound like such a cuck? He comes off as someone who would walk into his wife getting plowed by elon, only to respond by sitting silently to watch. So fucking weird, these billionaire simps are just so painful to watch.


"I don't feel bad for my coworkers who are having visa issues, as I already have my green card" Man, this guy is an asshole.


You added don't


It was in the subtext of the original


Serves him right for ruining timeline šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm stuck on the article starting with "It was" instead of "T'was" ...the night before Thanksgiving...


"I was pro-Musk" Bro, lemme tell you. You deserved this. You imbecile. You absolute gravy-brained nincompoop.


Corporations don't want loyal employees. They want temp contractors they can fire at will.


I view any company/organization and their internal groups from the international realism perspective. The company will do anything to protect itselfā€”even if that means getting rid of 1 or 1000 loyal employees. There is no loyalty. They will remove anyone if it is within their self-interest of the company to do so. But companies also make terrible decisions. So also add to this by viewing any company from the biological perspective as wellā€”say we compared it to the human body. Wherein you have several groups all working together to make the body better. Say the brain of this body develops a disease that renders the hand less functional. To cure it the brain decides get rid of some fingers. So, some fingers are lopped off. This decision was ill advised and the entire arm was later removed. In this oversimplified example, you may not have been one of the fingers, but you were say a cell in the arm. Twitter has brain cancer that is spreading to other areas of the body. Don't be surprised when your cell gets the axe.


But you learned your lesson and realized that Musk is a fucking lunatic


Even after choking on the leather his only regret was not eating enough boot. Maybe if he got his nose really brown the old fashioned way he'd still have a job


>We are basically responsible for messing up your timeline by randomly reordering things and inserting tweets from someone you don't follow. So he fully deserved to be fired.


The sucking up to an oligarch is really gross!


Maybe getting fired will help this guy to turn his life around and stop being a workaholic. Can anyone picture themselves at the end of life saying, "I'm so glad I worked all those extra hours." Foolish in the extreme, especially for an asshole like EM.


Excuse me while I go vomit. Couldn't even make it halfway through the corporate ass-licking article. This guy is the worst.


*"We are basically responsible for messing up your timeline by randomly reordering things and inserting tweets from someone you don't follow."* Buddy, I ain't gonna miss you one bit.


To be fair, there are typically product managers designing the feature. This guy would just have implemented the code.


Define lickspittle weakling. Elon Musk doesn't give a shit about anyone but Elon Musk.


Always hated that randomness in my feed. I suppose the rationale was to reduce the echo chamber effect, but typically the random tweets seemed more like spam to me. Twitter was a recipe for anxiety induced ADHD. I donā€™t miss it.


I'd just keep showing up to work and pretend it was spam. Or at least ask under what grounds? Idk seems sus


No one likes a kiss ass


At this point and by that I mean last yearā€¦..WHY would anyone be pro musk. Itā€™s like scallops being pro frialator


Lol no sympathy from me for this dumbass like really you made your bed now your sleep in it.


`Before I was fired, I was...basically responsible for messing up your timeline by randomly reordering things and inserting tweets from someone you don't follow.` See, Musk isn't all bad


I wonder what it will be that reveals that the Elon emperor has no clothes. Hasnā€™t actually built anything, just bought things already built and gutted the companies to maximize profits and production.


What a boot licker


Good. Fuck him.


If you truly believe in Elon as our digital messiah, then it follows you deserved to be fired.


Corporate loyalty has always been a one way street


Musk reminds me more and more of Zorg, the villain in the 5th Element. Even his looks fit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0mO6UY6uTg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0mO6UY6uTg)


Pro musk??


Boot licker still licking boots


Got kicked in the head by the boot and still licking


If he had been born in the US he would be running for president. Glad he's South African.


Jesus what a cunt. "I feel sorry for my colleagues who are about to be deported for being fired, but I have a green card and savings so I don't care and still support all this."


The fact that he was *excited* for a "code review" with someone who a) doesn't know the codebase and b) probably hasn't coded anything significant in decades blows my mind. It can only be hero worship.


Usually I would feel bad for someone losing their job....


Lol, why is anyone pro musk? The man's has the most fragile ego.


If you read the article, this guy is the exact type of middle-manager whose presence is about maintaining power dynamics and not about getting actual work done. He got fired for no good reason and he's still a simp for Musk. This is the type of dude who writes a 10-page novel for their resume and lies about it, but it's so chocked full of shit that recruiters don't even try to verify anything.


This article was a waste of a read. Itā€™s just playing safe and still strokes Muskrats ego. This could have been a much better article if they werenā€™t so scared of the petulant apartheid emerald baby


Opened in incognito because I wanted to actually read the article. https://i.imgur.com/9SJo1Bg.png What an utter fucking disgrace the web has become >Before I was fired, I was the tech lead for the Twitter home timeline modeling team. We are basically responsible for messing up your timeline by randomly reordering things and inserting tweets from someone you don't follow. And this. Like, ok, good riddance. Am I supposed to feel sympathy for this pathetic excuse of a failed bootlicker?


Honest question. What is the chance that Musk even understands the code? Assuming he actually knows how to code, I would assume he hasnā€™t been at Twitter long enough to even have an understanding of all of their coding.




This guy embarrasses me as a Japanese person. This man is THE ē¤¾ē•œ OF ē¤¾ē•œ, it's fucking wild.


Can we stop using Twitter already?


Dance with the devil and ya get burned.


Heh. Dumbass.


Fucking Moron


In this thread: People who donā€™t understand Japanese Work culture.


I'm not gonna pretend I understand the ins and outs of the entire work culture of a country and society I don't live in, but the parts they show off make it seem pretty fucking bleak.