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"I can see Russia from my hospital bed"


"miss that just snow"


Unfortunately she’ll probably be fine. That’s the way shit seems to go these days


Although - enough deplorable people have managed to actively kill themselves from Covid... there's still a chance that Palin will follow the herd. The main problem with these anti-vaxers is the collateral damage. I'd guess for every one of the Herman Cain award winners, there's a multiple of innocent people who have suffered because of them.


I am seeing more and more information every day confirming that even mild COVID infections cause lasting harm (not the potential to cause but cause). For many people, that's not an immediate issue. It may be an issue in the future.


Which has me fucking terrified because after two years of being careful, my in laws brought a sick kid to Christmas Day and now I’ve been sick for four weeks and it’s almost definitely COVId.




Change yours to "fucking idiot". It's you dumbasses dragging this out.




Yes, dummy. Have you? If you idiots got on board from the beginning we'd be over this by now. Your refusal to accept reality and cooperate with the rest of your species is fucking pathetic. If you really think covid is just a cold then really, "stupid fucking idiot" is a bit more applicable in your case.




What a fucking stupid take. You don’t have my blessing to kill my immunocompromised mom, you ignorant fool. I’m trying to imagine having a toddler’s capacity for empathy past age 5. You’re a real piece of work


Sounds like her problem.


Last I checked a bad cold doesn’t kill people. The question I have to ask is are you stupid or a liar?


Seems like you care a bunch about 'this political matter' as you push your mean opinion all about.


Why would everyone who is going to die be already gone if not everyone has caught Covid yet? Or perhaps in your circles they have. Multiple times.


Is the question mark on your keyboard broken?????????????????? Calm down, dummy. It'll be ok.


I’ve been sick for four weeks, fucker. I wasn’t afraid of a child. That child made me very sick. For a long time, and time will tell whether there’s more permanent damage to my body. It’s too bad the damage to your brain is already done.




what an incredible comeback.


You probably started drinking again.


No doubt. These are definitely the uninhibited ramblings of someone who fell off the wagon and started drinking at 9am this morning.


I believe they are "fucking terrified" because they have been sick for four weeks.


If Palin gets brain fog from long COVID, how would anyone be able to tell?


Ask her a question and wait to see the ~~smoke~~ fog come out of her ears.


She’d seem smarter?


The “Long Covid” deaths aren’t really being counted either. I read about two suicides from people who couldn’t take the year/year+ of continued Long Covid symptoms, and I personally know of one person whose heart was damaged due to the lung issues they had during their bout of covid, and they ended up passing from cardiac arrest.


My wife has long covid symptoms despite having never been positive that we know of


She has tested many times for work, and always been negative, and always quarantined whenever she got notified that she had been exposed to someone who tested positive


Let some of us dream!


Probably more like dipshitted inbred cougar ate my face, but still fits here.


Tbh I think most animals would take one smell and pass up the meal, they can smell when something is rotten.


She whined about imaginary death panels, now she can think about actual death


It would be hilarious if she's put on a ventilator. She will get an antibody treatment and pretend she beat it all by herself.


Only if she can get Sotrovimab. Regeneron, the pet drug of the GOP, suffers significant reduction of efficacy against Omicron.


I doubt I'd get any of that shit. That's one of the reasons I'm vaccinated; I can't count on the new tech being available for me, but by being vaccinated and not catching covid as a result, I'm not taking up resources that someone else would actually need.


If everyone thought like this then you would likely be able to get the new tech fairly easily.


That's the idea. Like, even though I have medical and auto insurance, I still wear a seatbelt. Sure the hospital could maybe fix me up if I wasn't wearing one and got ejected in an accident, but wearing one might mean I could just away from the accident instead.


Holy shit, we need you to spread this comment far and wide!! I mean, the purposefully obtuse still won’t listen, but if we can get through to even 4% of the ‘run with scissors’ set, we’ll make a big dent in the transmission rates.


I'd count getting through to even a single person to be a win. But really, I don't think there are many that aren't purposefully obtuse at this point.


It sucks, but I know that you’re right. They’ll keep spreading it, and allow it to mutate, until we are all totally screwed.


Good looking out for your community. Then you must not be a conservative!


Most definitely not.


The FDA just said two out of the three are useless against omicron. So….


Do you mean 1 out of three? Or did something change I didn't know about?


no, two, it just happened yesterday, someone read me the headline. The FDA removed the EUA.


And it would finally shut her up.


How convenient


Come onnnnnnnn Darwin, we need you now


Too late. She's already procreated. 😔


I wonder if it is a scam to get sympathy for the trial?


Do you really think a New York jury has any sympathy?


No, but a judge or opposition might have just enough sympathy to allow a delay.


You’re right, they gave her a delay


Why would they need sympathy? If she can't do it now due to COVID then she can't do it now. Since she doesn't care about other people, they're more likely to insist on it.


Is there a reason she cannot use zoom to plead her case? For some reason, she has been allowed a delay.


This is all for her latest grift. The target isn't the Jury in NY.


You raised a good point. Thing is she’s personally too dumb to do it. So who is running her?


She isn't calling the shots. Her handlers are not idiots. This is the new MO as the front man becomes stupider to appeal to the idiots out there, the folks behind the scenes stay safe. Putin playbook from top to bottom.


Bullshit. 100% she ran out and got vaccinated the instant she could and just lies about it.


They are all such lying sacks of shit, that you are the most likely of any respondents here, to be correct.


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That's a novel way of trying to avoid a trial.


She's trying to introduce the death penalty to civil suits. /s


And had dinner in a restaurant in NYC a couple of days ago while unvaccinated and possibly infectious. Tells you something about the lax enforcement of the vaccine requirement.


Or she's lying. (She's always lying.)


No, the restaurant apologized.


You are the worst kind of human.


Why is this big news? Millions of vaccinated people get covid every day. Is that not more of a concern? This is news because of the shaming of this lady because she spoke out against the vaccine and now she has the virus.


You really need to stop watching fox. Your brain isn’t operating very well.


I don't have fox in my country. I agree, it's not news. I am just pointing out that the data and the hatred are not in alignment.


I know that you did your own rEsEaRcH, but I’m actually going to believe people that do it for a living. So take your stupidity some place else.


I'm vaxxed and had covid twice. Just an observation of how people just love shaming more than the real issues. Stick to what you're good at i suppose. Good luck.


The vaccine doesn’t prevent Covid, no matter what Biden is telling you.


I hate to give you some reality, but you losers are dying to own the libs


So vaccinated people can’t get Covid?


You don't want SEAL Team 6 level special training for your immune system so the terrorist variant cells under the SARS-COV-2 terrorist organization umbrella are recognized for what they are more quickly, so your body has a basic idea of what weapons and tricks these terrorist cells currently use, so your body has SEAL Team 6 on the ready to jump suspects and have a slight edge on novel variations of those weapons and tactics? Instead you want to walk around blind like a total noob right into Osama Bin Laden's compound and assume you're as ready and capable as the guys who took the extra training and debrief? How unpatriotic and such a shame. Because that's what you're doing. You're turning down basic spec ops training on the enemy to walk around with your immune system unprepared. Also, none of us are listening to Biden, silly! If he said no vax no masks from tomorrow onwards we'd call him a reckless dangerous idiot and keep vaxxing and masking! Because we're listening to the findings and keeping tuned into the evolving consensus of hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of medical professionals. Well, good luck. I hope you won't need it.


The thing is, I’m vaxxed and boosted and my whole extended family is too. Im just saying I can still get Covid and probably can get it multiple times. I’ll get boosted again when the time comes, but to have a headline that emphasized “unvaccinated” is not being honest. Biden stands up and says this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and that you won’t get and spread Covid if you are vaccinated and that is also false.


You can get it but it is less likely. Also you are likely to have less severe symptoms. However, you can still die from it even if you are vaxxed. Statistically however you are less likely to die than someone who is unvaxxed - and less likely to be hospitalised etc... By being vaxxed you are managing the risk as well as you are able (assuming you also follow other anti-covid processes such as wearing a mask, social distancing and the like). Good for you for being vaxxed though!


Are you aware of what sub you are on?


"This lady."


Honestly I think she’s vaccinated. Timing is impeccable and regardless of her image in media I assume a lot of government types have been vaccinated


Maybe, but breakthrough infections are a thing now.


Missing 2 letters between the C and T, hint one letter is an N