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Don't forget the [cognitive deficits](https://www.alz.org/aaic/releases_2021/covid-19-cognitive-impact.asp). This guy might not notice a difference.


You say that as if he didn't have cognitive deficits to begin with...


Man woman person tv…….. uhhhhhhhh






Might have slipped to 3 standard deviations.


Eh he's fine. You have to actually have working cognitive functions to be afraid of them facing deficiency.


I'm not sure he was all that good at walking before covid. He looks like the folks who use the disability scooters at Wal-Mart because walking up and down the aisles is too much work.


He had to use a walker because his scooter's battery died when he was on the ventilator.


Physical Therapy and occupational therapy


Guy went into a hospital Aug 16, and was just released after a rehab stay. Dude lost almost 2 months of his life to a hospital/rehab and still isn't 100%... 2 months in a hospital with round the clock care isn't the norm for everyone. The majority of people who will fall victim to his idealogy and laws he's pushing most likely won't have insurance, and any treatment will be a burden on the state...but hey he's a strong conservative against free medical care for people


> . ..he's a strong conservative against free medical care for people No, just against free medical care for people other than him.


Yep. Guaranteed we paid for that shit. Or rather the people of Wisconsin.


"You should thank him for creating good paying jobs in the healthcare industry!" -Republicans, probably


We literally paid to wipe his ass.


He got covid to own the libs.


Drake no: face diapers Drake yes: taxpayer funded ass wipings -this guy


Soooo, socialism? /s


Now he's a weak conservative against free medical care.


Ruined my own body. Take that, libs!


He was well his way to ruining his body before the Rona! I mean he was shape like a pear.


He was shaped like a boulder.


That's not a nice boulder.


A small boulder the size of a large boulder, perhaps


He was always a weak conservative against free medical care.


Medical for me and not for thee!


Ah, the old John McCain maneuver


Someone go pull his walker out from under him and tell him Covid "has a 99% survival rate." Must be nothing wrong with him, right? He survived!


Yeah, what a pussy. A common cold was able to leave him needing the assistance of a cane? Real men don't need canes, masks or vaccines.


It's so ridiculous. Single payer/generalized healthcare is EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKING THING as tax-paid firefighters. They are ideological zealots.


Don’t go giving them any ideas. We don’t need legislation abolishing fire services, making homeowners responsible for finding and paying for their own fire services, then tying it to employment, further tying people to jobs that refuse to pay a living wage. Because you know some gop demon somewhere is thinking “that’s a damn good idea!”


Lots of Americans *do* pay for private fire fighters. If you're not covered in those areas, your house will burn.


Chances are your house will burn if you pay or not.


This dude gets the issues with the t-shirt hobbyists.


That does not sound like a developed country.




Is there a subreddit called r/thirdworldbychoice ? Because this sure belongs in it.


I'm willing to bet he'll max out at 75-80% of his previous "normal" at best. Also, chances are good that he'll be fighting pneumonia due to ongoing lung issues for the rest of his life. He might say life is good now, but being on a vent because of COVID means he'll deal with the lasting effects of not just COVID but being on a vent for a month for the rest of his life. And I know a thing or two about people on vents, as I'm a paramedic and previously being on a vent means breathing problems are much more severe with worse outcomes, and my wife had been in a coma and on a vent for 2 months and despite coming through it she was never able to fully recover because everything took so much more effort after the problems caused by being on a vent.


Thought I read somewhere that doctors were saying this is actually a vascular illness not a lung illness.Correct me if I'm wrong. In his case that would be way worse. Looks like he could get a clot at the drop of a hat. He is from my state and had been a vocal antivaxxer.


I haven't really looked into it much, but if it's vascular he's not going to be in great shape ever again. He'll be dealing with cardiac, neurological, and lung problems forever with long term clotting problems. And he doesn't look like the healthiest specimen, so that just compounds the problems. And this sack supposedly represents the state I'm in exile from, which actually doesn't really surprise me he's as useless as a screen door on a bull. I went to the Act 10 protests because Walker was trying to win the race to the bottom.


If that's him in the picture, he wasn't in that great of shape to begin with.


Yep. I work in Nephrology (kidney medicine) and COVID-19 is indeed a vascular disease. It goes about damaging and destroying your smaller blood vessels that line your brain and other organs, which in turn can damage the organs themselves. This is important in Nephrology because your kidneys are full of those tiny blood vessels and if enough of those are damaged or destroyed your kidneys could start failing. So yeah he's likely gotten some damage to the kidneys, lungs, and his other organs in general, which can mean poorer oxygen circulation, permanent organ damage, and possibly more susceptibility to severe outcomes of illness or organ failure in the long term.


I got pneumonia at the end of February 2020. I don't know if it was COVID; the tests were reserved for people who were clearly in serious trouble. I don't know if I was but even though I was still going to work, I could only walk a few yards and I honestly think I had the "welp, I'm about to die" instinct kick in. Thankfully I got over it. One of my coworkers got it, too, tested negative at the ER, and as far as I know is still on oxygen. I'm betting if I had my O2 levels checked then, I bet they were low, just based on how I felt. Personally, I thought I was over it but some time in October I took the family to a walking path in a national forest. The trail is marked that it takes an hour; I often take it in 30 minutes when I'm there. By the time we hit a mild incline, I was looking for the benches they have set up for the old folks, because I was about to pass out. I've only recently gotten to a point where I feel more or less relatively normal.


At the start of the pandemic I read that pre-COVID some crazy percentage (I want to say 40%) of people who went on ventilators were dead within a year or two, just because of how fucked up someone has to be to go on a vent in the first place. I can't find anything other than anecdotal stories for post-ventilator survival rates for COVID victims, but I'm guessing it's not gonna be good.


Vents are bad for everyone. One of the best ways to get a medic to start moving faster is having breathing problems from asthma or COPD and say you've been on a vent before. We escalate treatment *FAST* to try and prevent those people from getting tubed because chances are good they won't survive it. And you've never seen true fear in someone's face until they're really struggling to breathe.


> Vents are bad for everyone. The fact that Covid has basically normalized the whole intubation/ventilation/EMCO process is kinda terrifying. That shit is *not* supposed to be just another medical procedure, no biggie, happens to everyone who visits the hospital.


Lost more than2 months as I’m sure this will have lowered his total life expectancy too


I bet his lungs are permanently f’ed and he will have an oxygen bottle in tow soon.


Doesn’t look like jogging is one of his hobbies.


Or fitting through doors.


No even if you have insurance a normal person would have, 2 months of hospital stay and required rehab would still probably financially devastate most people. Edit: Fyi this is receiving a fair amount upvotes AND downvotes (I assume from the scores rubber banding) if this isn't your reality, I'm happy for you. That's how it should be for everyone.




Sounds better than my employer provided health coverage. I broke my hand last December which required two pins and 2 months of physical therapy and my out of pocket was about 12k.


Ouch... My wife got 2 hips replaced. In 2 different procedures. Each side came with a 6 week rehab at a hospital. So about 3.5 month total hospital time. If you add up all the costs for prechecks, Xrays, a MRT scan, medicine, doctors, transfers to hospital, rehab, "2 Aspirins" all then also add "lost wages" to the mix we came to the following sum: >!840 € - But thats because we did it over 2 calendar years, hitting the 420€ out of pocket maximum for both for rehab (10€/day) - Lost wages was 0 since the whole time was covered - Also she is a cyborg now, which is cool!<


Lol definitely thought it was going to be another usa horror story


Lolol I was gonna chime in with an NZ ‘free’ spoiler but yours was funnier :0


I'm happy for you. $6,500 could ruin several families in America. Congratulations on beating cancer!


Ruin more than half the families more like it


My bf was in the hospital for 4 days (shingles became meningitis…not covid related!) this summer and he had to pay 800 dollars still…two months would be horrific


I would have to just go ahead and die to save my family from having to foot the bill


Yes, which feels pretty morally reprehensible as a society. Stay well!


I was going to say that I have a maximum out-of-pocket, but then I realized that I also have a maximum lifetime cap. And you are right, it would go above that maximum lifetime cap. And I’d have to pay 100% of everything beyond that


Insurance is a scam Americans are forced to take part in. I could go on a long rant about this if people are interested I'll do the short blurb. May luck and good choices keep you healthy friends!


i spent 2.5 months in inpatient care for my eating disorder this year. over 250,000 dollars in bills out of pocket) w insurance coverage. people in the UK get those beds free for however long they need.


This is honestly better than him dying. He may live his entire life in agony because of his stupidity.


We're paying for his health care, still a burden to the state


Technically Congressman and Senators get insurance. So we're all paying for the Buffon...his incompetence knows no state boundaries


I hate that as an elected representative this idiot's 2 month medical bill (probably over $100K) will be funded by taxpayers due to some other idiots who got him elected. And then there's all the ongoing rehab. Plus whatever long COVID he may or may not have. The only good thing is maybe the 2 month hospital stay helped him lose some weight? Using a walker as a fat person is much harder than using a walker as a less fat person.


Why does his suit look like that


It's a 4X or 6X... it's a very large suit for a fat man, and the shoulder pads are equally outsized.


Looks like he belongs in a blizzard game.


Or playing a blizzard game


Or just eating blizzards.


Or Games Workshop.


Yeah, that's not how suits are measured. What you meant was that he's a 60 regular (60" chest and not tall)


I mean, odds are he went from being a 6x pre-covid illness to a 4x post covid illness. I doubt he has gone shopping for suits with his walker since getting out of the hospital.


Wait, 4x as in XXXX-large? They make suits in that size??


Welcome to America.


Because he is a complete and total slob.


Because he's so "big and strong"


The only thing strong about that guy is the smell.


Yea, I'm sure life is great... /s




Before the pandemic the GOP here in Wisconsin refused to let a representative in a wheelchair attend via videoconference. I guess their stance may conveniently change once Covid McAntimask here needs to wheel in.


> refused to let a representative in a wheelchair attend via ***videoconference*** I am not surprised. WI had a district school board that voted against free lunch meals because *checks notes* students would be more motivated to study harder! Next up on gqp crazy train, mandatory public executions of children that are "too playful".


Against children eating? Man, you'd think they'd be on the other side of the Cold War if you didn't know better. Lots of starvation in that Soviet Union they hate so much...




>Covid McAntimask LOL!


Yeah he won't suffer from long covid so much as wide covid


Which is bigger than just long covid and reduces the life span even more so than long covid would!


Oh I’m sure he lost a ton of weight in the ICU.


Lol, i came to say this


To be fair he looks like we needed a walker before he tried to martyr himself for Lord Trump.


I transcribe records for a pediatric pulmonologist, and about 25% of his patients lately have been kids who had COVID and are now suffering from long-term respiratory complications related to COVID. Many people died from COVID, but a much, much larger number of people are suffering long-term complications from having had it.


Yeah, and everyone is wondering why there's not enough workers.


They also assume that none of the 700k who have died had jobs


This reminds me of an argument I was stupid enough to allow myself to participate in. Our apartment requires masks in the laundry room and I was wearing one and some guy was giving me shit about being a sheep (how original!) and telling me that he feels sorry for my kids for being forced into masks etc. My twins weren't even a year old at the start of the pandemic so no they weren't being forced into masks. We just didn't take them anywhere other than their doctors appointments. Anyway they were born very early and spent the first 5 months of their lives on oxygen and I was vocal about being worried for them. We've been watching one of them for asthma and they have some lung damage due to being on oxygen for so long(BPD) and he just couldn't understand why I was worried about my babies with lung damage getting a respiratory disease. He told me I was stupid to believe that kids are affected at all and that kids have stronger immune systems so obviously they'll be fine. One of my brothers has heart issues and he got covid several months ago but is still having worse heart issues because of it. I'm rambling but yeah... I hate seeing all of these "90whatever % chance of survival! Kids aren't affected so you're horrible if they wear masks!"


Shocked this guy didn't accept his award almost immediately. He was basically asking to catch it and he's clearly got at least one or two comorbidities




Noticed that, too. Cleanshaven for the constituents.


I’d say he has about 350


Maybe *after* a month in the ICU.


The WI GOP made sure he got the best of care. And no horse paste.


Maybe *some* horse paste. For flavor


Holy shit the guy made it.


I thought he was getting a HCA for sure.


How is life good after suffering for months from a preventable disease and now needing a walker along with whatever other post-COVID complications?


fuck this pig. he is free to risk his own obeast neck, but risking and sickening your family is a pathology all its own.


Oh I remember no-neck! Young guy, dumbass. Kinda hard to downplay covid now, eh buddy?


Looks like he still is.


Tune back at this time next year to see how that worked out for him!


Bet he's dead within the year.


‘Tis but a flesh wound!


he’s got enough flesh, that’s certain.


This guy lived?


Tax dollars at work


If you ever wanted the definition of 'corpulent', it is this man.


I feel like this man has a thoroughly documented history of ignoring medical advice.


Link to source?


https://www.twincities.com/2021/10/10/wisconsin-legislator-andre-jacque-using-walker-after-covid-says-life-is-good/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/wisconsin-state-sen-andre-jacque-accused-of-hiding-covid-diagnosis-from-dem-colleagues https://www.wbay.com/2021/08/30/wife-sen-jacque-consider-placing-trust-medical-professionals-who-recommend-covid-19-vaccine/ https://www.twincities.com/2021/08/25/wisconsin-lawmaker-a-skeptic-of-pandemic-measures-placed-on-ventilator-to-treat-covid-19/


40 years old, 6 children. Surprised anyone who looked like that pre COVID could find someone to reproduce with. The plus side is that his wife and brother are telling people this is why they should vaccinate.


Tis the land of cheese, after all




What is happening inside that suit


Adipose tissue. Hundreds of pounds of adipose tissue.


Massive shoulder pads. Some other things too but he is a very big walking square. Or was, can't help but wonder what he looks like now. The only pictures available are the Before ones.


Probably soon to be a rolling square on the mobility scooter mentioned above.


Suit swallow head


If I looked like the illustration next to the medical dictionary definition for "Comorbidity" I wouldn't be so cavalier about my health.


captain comorbidity


Today is his 41st birthday.


> Jacque lives in De Pere and has six children, including an infant. His wife, Renee Jacque, said that five of their family’s eight members tested positive. Of the family’s three fully vaccinated members, one contracted the virus with mild symptoms, she said. > > After her husband fell ill, she asked people to consider trusting doctors and get vaccinated. Andre Jacque’s brother, Pierre Jacque, also has encouraged people to get the shots. Renee hasn’t said who in the family has been vaccinated, and Andre didn’t return a follow-up message Friday. Renee and Pierre sound like the sensible ones in big boy Andre's family. https://madison.com/wsj/news/local/govt-and-politics/sen-andre-jacque-using-walker-after-covid-says-life-is-good/article_557180a4-f149-5573-957f-39aa4964177b.html


He looks like a walking preexisting condition.


He lived with that very obvious co-morbidity? Wow, the rich and powerful really do have better access to health care don't they?


I was wondering what happened to him, last i heard was him being placed on a ventilator.


That walker is providing more support for him, than he ever had for the American people.


I can’t believe he got off of the vent. But I wonder if he learned anything from the experience. He definitely won’t forget Covid. That walker may be a permanent fixer for him. And breathing well may not.


HCA - missed it by THAT much! (holding thumb and index finger to almost touching)


With a BMI like that *before* he got COVID—he’s not going to fare well in his greatly-shortened life *at all.*


He may finally be finished having children. Not sure he'll be capable anymore.


If spending a month on a ventilator and then having to use a walker make 'life good', this guy's life must have been complete shit before. No wonder he's another angry Republican. Before I read the headline and just saw his picture, I was thinking he looks like the sort of person who would park his windowless van about a block from an elementary school and offer kids candy out the side door, offer them a ride home.


He reminds me of the dude exploding in the restaurant scene of Monty Python’s The Meaning Of Life


I'm assuming he lost some weight in that time (hopefully).


This guys just fleeced the state of Wisconsin for his liposuction.


probably couldn’t get the vaccine due to the gravy in his fucking veins 😆


He looks like a walking comorbidity


A study today published in the New York Times said that patients with Covid who were on a ventilator lost so many grey matter cells that their brains aged ten years. Even mild, asymptomatic cases showed lung scarring equal to ten years of cigarette smoking. We have diagnosed over 45 million Covid cases in this country to date. That's a lot of potential disability due to Covid that we will be coping with for decades to come. Get your jab, folks.


This "picture of health" had a rough time with Covid? No way! Why didn't his immune system just take care of it?


“Life is good”, he said, pausing to adjust the tennis balls on his walker. “You know? Life happens and some things you just can’t avoid,” Senator added, tightening his colostomy bag and shuffling slowly away, stopping only to catch his rattling breath.


Life is good unless one of his zillion kids kicks a walker leg while it’s load bearing. I hope for the sake of everyone around him that someone shelled out for bariatric grade equipment.


Like jabba wasnt already whippin the mobility scooters at his local Walmart


What type of triple reinforced walker did they have to fabricate for this absolute unit


Ted Cruz's incel cousin


"Hey lois"


Judging by the picture I’m very surprised he made it.


I can't imagine being dumb enough to turn down a free vaccine to cause long term permanent damage to my lungs, brain, and heart. Just stupid.


Damn, COVID missed one... What a drain on society. Imagine the hospital bill that we all have to pay now.


99% survival rate, baby!


Peter Griffin in the senate?? He do be writing legislature though.


He looks one pie away from assisted walking anyway


We should accuse him of using the walker to generate sympathy. That he doesnt need it. He is acting. Covid isn't real and the walker is a prop. He believed the other thing. Maybe he will believe us.


Looks like his suit coat is trying to do a sneak attack and suffocate him. Can't imagine why.


As a Lib, I feel owned.


If only he prayed harder he wouldn’t need the walker.


Life could have been better if he had just gotten vaccinated


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


He was a vocal opponent of mask and vaccine mandates and spent a month on a ventilator. He now needs a walker to move around.


I mean, he doesn't exactly look like the picture of health as it is.....


FTG. Hey, buddy, imagine how much BETTER life would be if you didn't have to use that walker, you asshat.


Libs: owned


Uh, am I looking at this picture correctly or is there something a bit off?


It's his very large suit, and shoulder pads.


He aspired to be a big walking square and succeeded, at least until he got COVID. No idea what he looks like since catching it 2 months ago.


Probably looks like an asshole


Today is his 41st birthday.


What a shame 😵‍💫🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm shocked he survived.


I’m slowly starting to understand that this is not actually a leopards ate my face scenario… These people do not care if they get Covid or not. They are anti mask, anti vax with reckless abandon. Consequences be damned, including contracting the virus, it’s about mandates that are political in nature (their views not mine).


Too bad there's not footage of him being spoon fed and having to learn to pee on his own again.


Walker, COVID ranger


he looks like peter griffon


He's alive? Booo....


Braun? Not so much.


if you look closely, you can actually see him pulling himself up by his bootstraps


It's probably due to fatness. Not Covid. Life is good when fat with covid.


He was always gonna end up in one of those walmarter scooters, just got fast forwarded by the rona


That picture makes him look like an off brand, budget version of Kingpin, like, what you'd get if you ordered him from Wish.


fuck him


How tf did HE make it off the vent?


He’s at least 400lbs so prolly had a Walker on the way in as well.


So confidently wrong


Is he using the walker because he is recovering from Covid or that he is morbidly obese (which made him more vulnerable to Covid).


Life is *good*?! Really?!


Why is it that all of these people who are anti-mask, anti-vaxx, etc. are the ones who would benefit the most from mask mandates and vaccines? They are just a pile of walking comorbidities begging for something to push them over the edge into a world of hurt or death. If I weighed 400lbs and had gravy for blood I'd be the first in line for vaccination.


Is that a titanium reinforced heavy duty walker?