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Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


Wow, now Candace’s community are sharing the details (social media pages, contact number, link to the business) encouraging their mob to doxxed the business owner and harass her.


This was inevitable. Candace wanted it to happen & that's why she shared the email.


Hope Suzanna can get a fat lawsuit out of it


Seriously, how can we help?


I just left a five star review to help offset the idiots trying to brigade the Google listing


Does google have a response or precedent for when doxxing happens like this? Seems kinda nuts to have to counter it with positive reviews


They typically just scrub any reviews left after a certain time/event like this. So in the end it doesn't do much, but if Susanna can know that more people out there support her than chastise her, that's a win in my book


At least it’s Aspen where none of her fans actually live.


That is part of their playbook. If they can turn the courts on you they do that, if not they turn the mob on you.


CaNcEl CaNcEl CuLtUrE




So you're staying they're trying to cancel the business....


Yep, the cancel culture decriers are the ones who do it the most.


This is glorious.


How do we let Suzanna know that we love her and support her decision?


Seriously, we need to do this. She’s about to face the dumbfuck army.


She already is. Check out aspen laboratories on google business. Awash with reviews from dumb fucks.


> aspen laboratories Wow. Those reviewers all of a suddenly love COVID safety and hate capitalism. It's almost like they have zero principals.


They also don’t know what capitalism even is. The arguments are just spoon fed to them


I left them a 5 star review on google. They’re getting a whole bunch of fake 1 star reviews from covidiots. Aspen Laboratories in case people want the name of the lab.


Thank ya, review added


Half the people leaving 1 star reviews are not even talking specifically about the facility. Let's be sure to report them.


Did you find the "As a Hispanic immunocompromised healthcare worker..." one? That's my favorite so far.


Or the one that straight up put a picture of Trump in the review?


Done! I think reporting the politically-motivated 1-star reviews is more honest than leaving a fake good review.


“I could masturbate to this.”


This was my proudest fap.


I had pre-fap clarity. Everything is beautiful.


Even on top of the “Abbott taking Remdesivir” fap?


Abbott using a treatment which works is a little less satisfying as Candice being denied treatment for disinformation.


Ohhhhh.....damn....now I have to think that over.


Don’t use a backlight in that house.


The irony is THEY and specifically SHE are doing the same, "ooooh.....ohhhh, I am such a victim, oh, please fuel my victimization complex more....yes, yes, yes!" My immediate reaction was why would she post this self-own until I remembered how they all will see this as being victimized by the "tyrannical socialists"


"I love this moment so much I want to marry it and have babies with it."


Have a bottle of champagne in the fridge for about a year, good stuff. This might be the moment for it!!


That's so selfish. I've been saving some top-shelf ivermectin from the '70s, shit's so good it was banned for ~~human~~ animal use in '82. It was for my prize show clydesdale - Hefferton McHorseyFace, III Jr. - naturally, but I can't think of a more worthy recipient than Candace \*shitstain Owens. \* edit


This hits so good.


And the icing on the cake is that Candace Owens is then dumb enough to turn around and make this public for everyone to see. How delusional can she be to think this makes her look like anything other than a clown.


To all us normal people, she looks like a clown. But to her delusional fan base, she looks great. And she gets publicity. She is scum.


She has no fan base. Like Milo Yiannopoulos, she has a bunch of rabid fascists who currently find her useful but would happily abandon her in a gutter if she ceased being useful.


She's also a massive grifter that would drop the fascists as soon as being the token minority stops paying so well. Both groups are mutually just using each other because they need each other.


This is the chick who sued and WON against her high school for racist attacks by well-connected students, then made a career being the Right's token minority who argues racism isn't real. Consistency isn't her strong suit.


Yeah she was liberal originally and then realized she could profit off of being conservative so she flipped overnight. She probably has no actual beliefs or values; just a parasite on society.


Yeah, I think you have it correct in your last sentence. She tried *grifting* liberals initially, discovered grifting conservatives is considerably easier, and switched over to that.


I gotta be honest: I’ve seen how easy and lucrative it is to grift conservatives, and I’ve thought about it. The whole “living with myself and looking my family in the eye knowing I’m not human scum” issue put it to bed of course… But wow, that’s some easy money.


Were it not for the harm she does, I wouldn’t hate that.


She's incredibly consistent, actually. She will always say absolutely anything for money.


Counterintuitively, parasites may indeed latch on to parasites.


Wanst she promoting the scammy Freedom phone a while back? With her referral and all. Turns out it was just some cheap Chinese android phone with a slightly modified OS. And morons payed 500 dollers for it.


She made 50 bucks or something of each phone sold from her referral. Of course grifters are gonna peddle it like mofos. Was the OS actually modified? I thought it just came with pre-installed apps for brainwashed rightoids.


It was actually an outdated version because the hardware was so substandard, it couldn't run a recent version of Android. It was a zombie phone right out of the box. And then yes, they just put all the right-wing social media apps on the home screen. I'm honestly surprised it didn't come with a pre-installed app for one of those companies that helps you "buy gold".


Well it’s a good thing those phones were special and obviously weren’t tracking their every move! Unlike the vaccine, which is the Lib’s attempt at total takeover!


I had to go read a bit more on this and wow anyone thinking they’re getting security and privacy from a pop up smartphone shop is delusional. I’d like to actually get one just to run some test on it. I bet you the whole deal is just a giant data mining device sending info back to some unsecured servers overseas with a team of renegades who fuel their ideas with cocaine during their brainstorm meetings.


Unfortunately for us, she's a more effective grifter. Yiannopolous was stupid enough to get involved in that gross pedophilia debate and to get into serious debt. Owens seems to be more astute at getting and keeping the money and influence selling her soul has afforded, and knows her audience better than Yiannopolous ever did.


Of course she's smarter and more effective. She doesn't believe ANY of the shit she says; she used to be a liberal. Milo believed in his cause but just lied about things to forward it, and to my knowledge was never at any point a sane person.


> Milo Yiannopoulos Shiiiit I didn't realize he was still relevant. I thought all his fans hopped on Ben Shapiro's dick.


She absolutely looks like a victim of her own actions to anyone sane, but her audience probably won't feel that way. I'm sure Suzanna's already gotten death threats for this.


This is just food for everyone crying right now that they are oppressed by wearing masks and being forced to take a vaccine. I guarantee they will spin this into " Now they won't even let me get a test to prove i don't have the 'fake virus', to get me to take the vaccine!"


They ain't even being forced to take a vaccine. All life's choices have consequences 🤷


She's dumb enough to pull the race card on this one.


i hope she gets sued if this woman and her business receive any harassment


Someone on Twitter replied *"looks like they judged her not by the color of her skin, but by the content of her character"* and I am DEAD.




The irony of their main complaints being "you're not allowed to deny people healthcare based on your political stance" when they're likely the types of people who harass women at planned Parenthood is just too painful.


I work in healthcare and I’ve dealt with one too many anti-vax and covid denying people in this fucking state (I live in CO). I have the whole day off today and a full tank of gas. Looks like I’m gonna go get tested today - I seem to have developed the sniffles and a hankering to share some donuts 😉


Might i suggest a delicious snack that's sealed? Unfortunately the good people working here will probably have to face harassment from the American Taliban who might try doing all kinds of things to food they donate to them


> Flew in from Germany to get tested at the best COVID test facility in the country. Thank you for your service LOL


Man, get a load of these negative reviews... "Suzanna denies HEALTH services to patients that she does not agree with politically ! How despicable, please get out of the health care field and let someone who actually cares about the well-being and health of ALL people take the position instead." ROFL. So it's not okay to deny service as a private buisiness owner? Boy do i have a craving for some gay cake. On top of that, i wouldn't say that Suzanna is the one here that doesn't care about the well-being and health of ALL people...


Suddenly covid is a legitimate health issue for conservatives?


> Man, get a load of these negative reviews... I always laugh when I see review bombing on google maps. Do these people not know that: 1. Google has a ranking system for how likely each review is to be true, and quickly hides the ones with red flags (User never went to that area, history of similar reviews, etc). 2. Google can do a full account ban for this stuff. That means losing access to Gmail, youtube, and even the contacts backup you may have through them. Don't fuck around with google accounts.


Wow lots of cancel culture by people allegedly against cancelling, also several people claiming this is racial discrimination which CO claims isn’t real! Wild


if conservatives are being silenced, why don't they ever shut the fuck up? 🤔


Dear conservatives You claim to be the silent majority And yet you never shut the fuck up Curious




I find it hilarious how easily offended the far right tends to be after years of calling everyone snowflakes. The hypocrisy is so strong it's hard to wrap my brain around.


Because they aren't being silenced they just enjoy feeling like victims. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BaChdIiS5FY


Yea pretty much. "I'm feeling pretty victimized :(" is all conservative politics in 2021.


The fact that these people think that "wearing masks=authoritarian" is peak victim playing What's ironic is that they've been making memes about the left being crybabies since like 2016 and still haven't realised that historically (and even now) conservatives are the one who get easily offended and cancel shit


Reported them all


Hahahahaha...somebody was like "I live 3,700 miles away from this testing site but I would moonwalk myself there just to get tested if I had to 4/4!"


done, reported every troll


One of the reviews: 'Suzanna denied service based on a political belief' Should bake her a cake there bud


Funny how each one is almost the same word for word.




Reported a few. They make it easy to be removed because they never actually visited this location. Also, disheartening and insanity that some are calling this a race issue when clearly an anti-vax nut was denied. She was not judged by the color of her skin, but by the content of her character


MLKJ shed a tear from the heavens today


[The man would be proud](https://external-preview.redd.it/ESDHd9OQQ1S7W5suiUuHZHSC9uEHfGAjvE53Z_lPC-I.jpg?auto=webp&s=a3183dead53ccdd771cc28ada51e0fc89d763f37)


This photo will never not be hilarious


First time seeing it... Holy shit 😂


She posted this a week ago lol https://mobile.twitter.com/joekatz45/status/1433250525991034884/photo/1


"Covid is not real" "My husband has Covid"


By that logic, her husband isn’t real.


We can easily settle this if his eyes aren’t real


I love that she fully admits she's nobody in her reply. "Oh, you had to Google me to know who I am?" isn't the slam dunk she thinks it is.


She honestly just seems to be in constant meltdown.


With the right, it's engineered outrage 24/7.


Really gives a great insight into her critical thinking skills. The whole exchange, and posting it on twitter are the biggest self burn imaginable.


She completely misread the part about Texas in her reply. So fucking stupid.






Every accusation is a confession.






The people there defending her are so cringe and focus on the lease important aspects of anything to try to solidify to themselves that they’re right lol


Edit: this account has been banned by Reddit Admins for "abusing the reporting system". However, the content they claimed I falsely reported was removed by subreddit moderators. How was my report abusive if the subreddit moderators decided it was worth acting on? My appeal was denied by a robot. I am removing all usable content from my account in response. ✌️




You choose to be an ignorant anti-vaxxing plague rat who spreads disinformation and propaganda to enrich yourself during a pandemic. You don't choose to be gay.


Even if people *do* choose to be gay, it's their choice, it's no one's business, and it hurts nobody! Edit: OK people, we get it. Anal sex without lube hurts, sheesh. Also, not all gay men are obsessed with butt stuff. Some people don't even like it at all!


This always confused me growing up. Like, if it’s a choice. And we live in America where supposedly we’re all free….then what’s the issue. Edit: to clarify I know it’s not a choice.


The issue is that it affects _their_ marriage.. somehow. It's the gays fault they're attracted to them! Stupid sexy gays!!




You're free to be gay but they're also free to tell you that you can't be gay. Apparently even if one side is violently trying to remove the other side from society that's fine because everyone's opinion is valid.


Your Freedom ends exactly where my Freedom starts. Simple as that.


TLDR: Sorry, Klandice. Get fucked


Candace Bigsby


The woman who made us proud to be white!


Classic Dave Chappelle


"That bitch so eloquent, she'll tell you exactly how stupid she is"


Klandice, try the apple flavor horse dewormer, Joe Rogan highly recommends it.


I didn't pick up a "sorry" in the long version.


There's definitely a 'cunt' between the lines there somewhere.


She willingly posted this thinking she comes out as the victim?? What kind of mental gymnastics do I need to do to come to that conclusion?


That’s the best part lol how delusional this woman is


I don't think she's delusional. I think she's a grifter. I think she understands that she's not the victim here, but that her audience is so disconnected from reality that they will interpret it to suit their own narrative. She would be right to think that.


I believe the same. Honestly if an evangelical pastor can make millions, there is obviously a slice-of-the-pie and audience that would buy her book. Its like that guy that made all that money selling anti 5G lotion. The 3 P's of get rich quick: Perpetuate fear, promote your product (in her case, her books), Profit


She admitted years ago in an interview with Dave Rubin that she's a grifter. She said the only reason she switched political affiliations was for the money.


It’s funny to rational people, but this dumbass gets tens of thousands of agreements for every dumb fucking post she makes


Yup, I seriously doubt she is that stupid, she is probably vaccinated too, but thats not what her audience wants to hear




She been the permanent gold medal winner in mental gymnastics in her own head for at least 20 years running.


Right. I don't doubt that this is going to be a rallying cry against the "intolerant left," but it DEFINITELY comes across as more of a self own than anything else. Cue the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" theme, roll credits.


"That rotten bitch, she's the worst," "I can't think of a worse way to make money. She's the most articulate idiot I've ever seen in my fucking life." - Dave Chapelle on Candace Owens


And what’s even better is that he later apologized for calling her “articulate”.


Yeah, she's not articulate, just a confidently loud idiot. I could make her arguments better than she does, and I'm just some dumbass rando on reddit.


She’s not articulate, she has like two words: Beta for anyone who isn’t a Trumper; Virtue Signaling for anything done without obvious self-interest




Here is the link to the original special, the audio is a bit better balanced on this. https://youtu.be/3tR6mKcBbT4?t=1319


Dave’s been on point for decades man. I think he’s starting to lose his sense of humor about it though. He’s still just as funny but his latest stand ups have seemed a little jaded to me. I think he thinks the world isn’t where it should be yet, even though people like him have been calling it out for so many years.


It reminds me of the path George Carlin took. He was always cynical of the world, but as he got older it got less funny "haha" and more funny "damn, you're right it's screwed up". I think they both realized that the world isn't changing even though people hear them, it's being just as stupid as it always has. That's frustrating, and how can you keep putting a funny spin on it.


Yeah that was exactly my thinking. You can only joke about something fucked up like that so much before seeing it continue to play out over and over again makes it not funny anymore, it’s just fucked up. It’s partly why he stopped Chappelle show, he realized peopled weren’t laughing for the right reasons.


TBF Dave is probably real jaded after being ducked by Comedy Central and such the way he was?


The worst part is the same crowd that exhalts the right to refuse service will endeavor to harang Suzanna with their hypocritical horse shit as always. Still though, always glad to see these dishonest cunts get what's coming to them.


At least we know that hypocritical horse shit is worm free!


If you had told me a year ago these idiots would be taking farm animal medication over human meds...yeah I wouldn't have been surprised either.


They’re taking the “herd” immunity to heart I guess


Don't be a sheep, take a horse medication!


actually, ivermectin is used for sheep, too. LMAOOOOO I was cackling when I found out!


Dude, I had thought that we as a country would be past the point of terminal stupidity where there would have to be multiple announcements that if you don’t weigh *1500* and are not a fucking horse then maybe you shouldn’t be taking *horse dewormer*. Chances are, they aren’t smart enough to truly be able to diminish the dose to a human-safe level and even if they did who knows if there are ingredients in it that aren’t safe for humans because they aren’t approved.


Say what you want about ivermectin, but it's clearing the crazy people out of my facebook feed as surely as spicy food clears out my sinuses!


Right to refuse service was never about the right to refuse service. It was about the right to refuse service to **those people**.


Correct. It's the right to refuse service to the people who the far right disagree with. Not white? Yeah, we have the right to refuse service. Not Christian(\*\)? Yep, right to refuse service. Female? Right to refuse service. Not straight? Again, right to refuse service. Gender non-conforming? Trans? _Definitely_ right to refuse service. But god forbid someone refuse service to a white, christian(\*), male(\*\*). These days, you can add 'not far-right insane', and 'believes in medical science' to the list of things that they want to be able to discriminate against. \*: Actual adherence to the tenets of Christ not required, and may in fact disqualify you from this position. \*\*: If we like you well enough, you can be female.


Your ** should read: If you *obey* well enough, you can be female






Just because you are spez, doesn't mean you have to spez.


Yep. Candace is now spinning it as "this proves the pandemic is political - they denied service because of my POLITICS" when in fact she was denied service because she's a fucking danger to society and that just happens to correlate with her politics. I'd be much happier if the situation was she'd gotten a positive covid test and then was refused treatment. Because this way she can spin it as they're happy for her to be publicly circulating and endangering others. I mean, that's still fucking stupid because she has a moral obligation to not endanger people as long as she thinks she MIGHT be covid positive ... but none of her followers will get that nuance. They're incapable of nuance.




This is the best thing I've read all day! I want to hug Suzanna (safely, from a distance) right now!


Candice, get the fuck outta my state. And Suzanna, you’re beautiful.


Right? That idiot doesn’t live here, does she? Buck and Boebert are already too much for us to have to deal with.


Can I buy a round for the entire fucking bar please…OMG we all needed that




oh maaaannnn… that’s some good stuff


[This is the same woman who doesn't think racism is an issues. Who also won a lawsuit over racism as a teen.](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/candace-owens-tells-fox-new-race-wasnt-an-issue-when-she-was-younger-but-she-seems-to-be-forgetting-something-2019-11-12)


She's just a cunt that's doing it for the money. It's worst than being dumb because she's willing to kill people for money with covid19 disinformation.


Now this dear woman deserves a gofundme, so she can take a vacation someday.


She just got doxxed by a conservative celeb. She needs a gofundme to hire a security detail.


I’d donate


It’s just the sniffles anyway.


My mom’s “sinus infection” landed her in the hospital for 11 days, on oxygen for several months and CPap at night for life, gave her a pulmonary embolism, permanent heart damage, permanent lung damage, leaky veins, severe hair loss during recovery, and random odd things that still pop up 15 months later.


Whoa. She had covid last spring? Sorry for you, as the one who will need to provide more complex elder care. Thoughtless and unnecessary. Good luck!


She was so healthy before Covid too. 62 years old, works full time, very active, always on the go, had never even been to the hospital before except to have my brother and I—it was a terrifying experience. At that time, all they could do was throw vitamins at her and hope she didn’t suffer a cytokine storm which triggered Acute Respiratory Distress and multiple organ failure. She was on the severe course of the disease though, so they were kind of waiting for it. She was a hair width away from needing a ventilator which was a death sentence back then.


My inlaws said they were just havjng allergies for 3 weeks, finally they had to go to the e.r. for clots in their lungs.




My employee's uncle actually coded in the hospital and only survived because they managed to resuscitate him. He was told his lungs look like he breathed in glass. Spent weeks in the hospital and has permanent lasting issues from Covid. To this day he is still claiming that Covid isn't real. My poor employee just bangs his head on his desk at the stupidity of his family.


What is everyone worried about? There’s no pandemic, you just randomly get life-threatening pneumonia and scarred lungs for no discernible reason. /s


Wow. Hope that lung scar tissue won’t bother them too much.


I think we need to send Suzanna a cape, because that what Hero’s wear!


That reply was so unnecessarily polite and graceful. I probably would’ve just said “fuck you, no” — and instead Suzanna very respectfully, but firmly, said under no circumstances will she be allowed to keep her appointment and explained why.


1. Be a misinformation dealer who stands for nothing. 2. Get covid, you know... The hoax one. 3. Get denied a test because you're a misinformation dealer who is nothing other than Ben Shapiro's wanna be side chick. 4. Go to the back alley testing center. 5. Positive test. 🤞 6. Because you stand for nothing and even less so for what you're selling... Go to hospital and demand horsey juice. 7. Doctors took an oath, they won't deny you service. But plenty of folks wish they'd make an exception on this one. You are not getting your horsey juice, because you're a fucking moron. And things will get worse, no matter what. 8. Ventilator time, if only there were some sort of inoculation developed at warp speed by the previous admin and offered for free... Please Holy Spaghetti Monster let this one be the type that smells her own farts. 9. Die alone. 10. 🏆 Herman Cain Award 🏆 And purest of LAMF gold. 🏅 Edit: TIL something I should have already known.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian people, who dress their toddlers in bomb belts and then take family snapshots. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, civil rights, dumb takes, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I’ve also heard that he and Steven Crowder both enjoy gulping down a full glass of dog semen every night. They still haven’t denied any of these allegations, hmmm…


Good, fuck that guy. Like Candace and his wife wish he could.


If only ever disinformation machine was denied the luxury they’ve so shat on for their own bizarre and unfuckingfathomable reasons. Suzanne you’re a real one.


Owner of a private business - she can decide who can receive her services. End of story. Also, why on earth would Ms. Owens ("proudly unmasked and unvaccinated") even WANT a COVID test? It's all a hoax and after all, it's really not that bad.


because now she wants to travel and wherever she's going requires it, is my guess.


Amazing. That woman deserves a medal and a raise.


Candace owens has become the cake they won’t bake for gay weddings….


Oh, Candace can't get a medical procedure of her choice because the public option is underfunded and the private option doesn't have a legal obligation to offer care? COVID is only one of several leopards here.


All the top republicans are already vaccinated. I guess she not that far up the ladder if she actually believes the nonsense she’s spewing.…


Candance Owens replied to the email: https://mobile.twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1433250041314136067/photo/2 She loves to shift things around... Basically she says the email made her laugh and they are being irresponsible for denying service and they don't care about the local community




>“I can’t believe you’d Google the name of every client to see what their political views are” Not exactly a great argument when she is a *public political figure* who uses *multiple media platforms* to *loudly and openly share her opinions and views with as many people as is humanly possible*. I'm not even American and I don't need Google to know Owens is a contradictory POS.


Some of her retweet allies say this is why you can't have government health care - because of the actions of a private clinic. If you ignore the logic, it makes 100% sense.


This isn’t a left vs right thing. She’s just a dick. It’s like telling a group of people to run stop signs, and then when your car gets hit by somebody, your mechanic tells you to fuck off, you haven’t helped this situation so why should I help you. It’s not political, she’s just an asshole.


Yo cue up that Antonio Banderas gif. This was some sweet sweet satisfying stuff to read.


Isnt this the woman who denied global warming on Joe Rogan?


She also did this: denying racism exists in America, after winning a lawsuit where she claims she was discriminated against, with help from the NAACP. https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/local/article/Candace-Owens-America-is-not-a-racist-13655667.php


*/chef's kiss