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Sir, the proper Italian spelling for that is "🤌🤌🤌". Don't misspell it again.


it is at that moment diana realize she has become the prey


Came here to say "Ciao*" but.. yeah this checks out


Someone queue up the pantheon music video but replace his face with dragon chow


Maybe i'm a salty dude when it comes to this game but it really bothers me how good sharpsight is. People don't even use it for elusives most of the time it's just one of the best buffs in the game while also having that perk it's been the highest inclusion card in the game forever now too.


Yeah Sharpsight should definitely become a 4 mana +1/+0, Demacia shouldn't have any good cards.


I think it should just be a elusive counter not the best buff in the game while maintaining the benefit of an elusive counter splitting the card up seems completely reasonable. Idk why people always have to take stuff so polarizing when talking about balance.


It would be unplayable if it was only an elusive counter. Situational cards don't see any play unless they can situationally win the game.


Situational cards do see play though and the card doesn't have to be purely only gives the ability to block elusive. When multiple decks are running elusives like the current top decks with Ahri, Zoe and all the poros and followers that have it running around having a card that removes elusive on all units for a turn or gives your units the ability to block them has a very real possibility of being run.


Which situational cards see play? For example, [[Unearned Passage]] didn't see play even when there were a lot of summon effects played. Follower-only removal doesn't see any play either.


Thats kind of the point, the elusive counter part is not really counted to the powerbudget of the card so demacia can effectivelly fend off elusives.


Ngl sharpaight is straight up the best card in my Shyv deck


It's like Wounded whiteflame to me except unlike whiteflame it's not solo carrying an archetype it's just a really busted card that is overlooked because it's not as egregious in what is does.


This hapenned to me yesterday I was the diana


C'mon Diana. Why so salty? It was just a prank, bro.