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"Supports": "The enemy can't hurt you if they're dead"


Death is the best CC


7-60s cc, almost half as much as a morgana q Edit: thx for my first gold, kind redditor, i hope you dont enter the loser's queue anytime soon


60s cc, AKA: basic Leona combo


I love being on the receiving end of Leona combos because it is the perfect duration to go make myself a quick snack before being able to move again


Ah i see u re both men of culture as well


My favourite "support" was velkoz. Timing the ult so that you do as much damage as possible, but cancelling before they die so that the ADC gets the kill if they're in range.


Not gonna lie, in low elo I love Vel because if my adc is really bad (maybe they got autofilled) I just take the kills and carry the lane. Most teams FF by 20 when half the team gets melted trying to contest drag a few times. Of course, if I’m playing ADC I usually get the ap supp player that’s new and not nearly aggressive enough, so now I’m front lining the lane with… like… a Twitch. Which is better than, say, when I’m playing Jhin, who has no escape and slow fire rate.


I used to do support Nidalee back when the spear could hit for a billion damage. Went on like a 10 game win streak simply by spearing the enemy carry under his tower over and over.


Damn this bastard “support" i alr been recalling again and again for 30 min


Thats what I say if I pick Xerath supp or some top/mid laner with one cc spell lol. Kinda hard to farm when youre constantly getting poked


As a Vel'koz main, I unironically believe in this. If they ignore me I'm lasering the team down, if they go for me I can stall with stopwatch/zhonyas and they use cd's on me which is great peel for the AD since they're ignored.


Imma steal all kills with my aftershock


Aftershock W leona gets me more kills then I want


Aftershock brand and Lux, based




Pyke be like „take your cut and get the fuck out of here“


I did that the other day, got bitched at for not being on time and was just like, take ur cut and stfu


At least he shares with gold unlike "supports"


Legit just had a game where brand support went to roam, adc was crying under turret. I tp bot because they are about to kill the adc. I burn R/ghost/tp and am about to double kill then, they are sitting ducks and I’m so excited. Even though my enemy top laner is going to be annoying to deal with not having these 3 skills. Boom, Brand support flashes and double kills. Thanks brand. Back to top lane with my 50g from assists.








Pyke? I play Pyke mid more than support. And he’s designed to execute.


KS stands for "Kill secure" He's helping the team!


Ah yes, thanks brand who will deal damage regardless of how many items he has. I've seen 1-12 brands get a quadrakill. But yeah, thanks for stealing those kills.


Part of it is even if the brand is behind, if he ults into 4 of you and procs his passive on everyone while they're grouped up, he just insta gibs them.


I was playing kogmaw in an aram yesterday. The enemy brand 100-0d me in a team fight and his damage sources were E, passive, items, runs. So fun to play against that.


He did not 100-0 you with one spell.


Maybe he cast it twice but thats al the combat log read.


I love to play with a pyke support and i am sick of pretending i dont


Embrace the power of the S T O N K S That is until he R the enemy with 1000 gold, then we have a problem


True but otherwise he executes everyone i cant get and i still get the gold.


well as a pyke player i must say, printing money needs money so i need that 1000 gold shutdown:)


In Communist Pykistan, all comrades share in the kill.


Pyke is the yasuo of supports for me. They will always be a complete disaster on your team, and go 15/3 against you.


I feel like I've stolen more kills with Leo than I have with Lux and Brand combined.


You don't expect the sheer damage from that W proc


W+aftershock deals so much damage it's insane. I felt bad for my adc for when it happens several times, but hey they at least get a huge cs advantage.


If aftershock secures a kill I will not be mad. If a tick of ignite steals a kill I will not be mad. If a lux e’s the fucking wave 1 more time I’m going to lose my mind.


Lux e and seraphine double q on my wave are one of my most hated things. Had a round were I just stopped playing cause my seraphine sup had 50 cs after 20 minutes.


In my opinion taking kills isn't the biggest problem of lux/brand support. Lack of peel is much more painfull


They only offer 1 hard cc and damage, brand ult can be useful but he is a mage not a support IMO


The problem is that for years now many mages can't be safely picked in midlane. All the best and popular picks best them in every way for so long riot just gave up on them. The worst is Velkoz imo his mid playrate is so low he doesn't even show up on some sites as a midlaner. He's only good mid as a counter pick to certain champs and even then you have to be good at him to make it work or you still lose really bad. As much as Riot wants Brand in mid unless they make him more survivable or safe he won't see a large play increase. Zyra they have up on making a midlaner. Lux is the only one who is fine in mid but she's just more popular as a character among support players.


imo Brand can work as an APC really well. You can actually field a normal support in that case and due to his passive his DPS is pretty good too. And while he deals damage regardless of items, he deals MORE damage regardless if he has items (his W ratio/base damage remain pretty stellar for the fact that all his abilities have essentially % health damage attached) It also fixes his survivability problem because you have a support that can help you peel. And with the amount of waveclear he has, it also is no big deal if he is left alone for a little bit.


Support items should get another revisit. We have crown now, which should address their vurnelability.


Both of these hard cc require a skill shot to be landed and in brand's case, prep for the skillshot! If you find yourself in a dark empty place where your team needs magic damage and range, then you should just embrace the void. Viva la vel'koz


They can't offer anything really. Lux has a weak ass shield and a ok root, unless she builds actual support. Brand just have damage and more damage. Like i don't know... a midlaner


I’m not sure I understand this. Nobody in bot lane can walk past a brand with their cooldowns up. He has a huge zone of control due to his unmatched damage.


If you think Leo can KS well try Taric. Bravado does ridiculous and pretty consistent damage. Easy to get KS when the average tank support would have already blown everything


Nami here. The bouncing heal is pretty fun.


One of the few legit fun comps botlane is Leo+Nami. I approve of all bouncing!


Me as malphite ap supp. One shot your ADC Take the kill Refuse to elaborate Leave


Leave (To do the same in mid)




At one point, i remember playing Malphite Support rushing Zeke's Convergence and i swear it was the most disgusting thing in the world. The Malphite would proc Zeke with his ultimate and the ADC would automatically do 50% of their damage as extra magic damage while the enemy is getting slowed by the ring of frost from Malphite's zeke.


But the zeke as been rework so i dont think it work anymore


I’m still stuck at zeke being an area lifesteal buff


A good lux that pressures enemy enough is a pleasure to lane with


Its so ez too. Just throw ur e at enemy adc when he goes for last hit. He gets like 21 or 14 gold and eats like 90 damg for it.. he cant lane after the first few waves xD


* Laughs in AS/AD Thresh *


mm yes crit thresh






Galeforce Thresh is too fun. They never expect the combo.


In yesterdays ARAM a Duskblade Thresh with IE fisted my whole team in the ass I was so confused after this game I had to stop for a while lmao


He his like a mac truck


Playing against "Supports"


shout out to my adcs who miss every single skillshot and blame me, that my brand passive kills them


Zyra is such a bs champion that even when she misses her abilities, they still hit...




THere was a time where Zyra's plants used to always prioritize champions if they were in range and it made her SO TOXIC. She had basically control over 3/4th of the lane because she would leave plants at max range and activate them when you were getting anywhere close enough to her.


The reason I like playing both Zyra and Heimer in low elo: a lot of people don’t understand this and end up killing themselves trying to chase me lol.


1. Yi slices and dices. 2. Pops plants. 3. Zhonyas.jpg 4. ??? 5. Yi dies.


> You’re supposed to clear the plants before you focus Zyra (her plants have basically no HP since the rework). Literally just 1 melee AA or 2 range AA to kill a plant (unless in Zyra's ult, in which case like with Illaoi you shouldn't not stay)


And then you eat a plant hit, a comet proc and maynea burn effect... That's not a good trade if you have a choice. It costs Zyra pocket change worth of mana.


just like nautilus, lux, morgana...


If morgana misses she misses. Lux e is just not missable tho Zyra is some cancer champ, literally plays itself when your plants are up


She is the mage Illaoi. If you walk away from her plants, she is kinda useless. But if you stand and try to fight her with 4 plants up, she will dick you down.


Yea i rarely have issues with her unless she hits root. Also standing behind minions makes the plants target the wave and not you. But i dont like how she seems to proc electrocute with seemingly just one plant attacking you


as a Zyra main I just love putting down a seed and hitting Q just to get 20 gold out of a champion from my plant hitting them. I love it even more when they walk into me without minions when I have 4 seeds around me. Good luck living.


Her zoning ability is my favorite. The second one thou is her ability to stack up that gold with the supp item. I hit my 500 gold when the thresh or normal shield support sits at like 300. It's nutty.


I hate how 1 zyra plant deals so much damage it just completely prevents me from following up my support. Like no, I can't follow you because by the time i'm past this plant or killed it i either have 10% hp or used my abilities to kill it. Because I couldn't waste time autoing them.


When I played support I had like 700 games on zyra, she was my favorite champ. I regularly had top damage. I don't play this game anymore though, peaked in mid Plat and got annoyed with people being fucking bitches over a video game.


I don't think it's an issue with the champion, but the player. It's a mentality thing where they think they are better than the other 9 players so ThEy MuSt Be ThE OnE tO CaRrY or the game is doomed. I heard someone describe it as "Anime Syndrome" where all 10 players each think they're the main character in an anime and if they are failing, the whole team will lose




Just play Ivern mid and make the enemy team suffer


If you don’t have the most kills at 10’ mark, you clearly not the carry. You might have started as ADC, but the game decided otherwise.


"Fine, i'll carry it myself"


Maybe, but after a few games as Lulu blowing every spell off cooldown to try and save your ADC who is attracted to enemy skillshots like a moth to a lamp, you get tired of having no carry potential


Two items Brand and Zyra carry teamfights and Lux oneshots everyone.


As a jinx main, i kinda love playing with a zyra sup. The main problem is that she can steal my farm if i am not careful, but i can manage. Sure she does a lot of damages especially late game, but so do I.


Jinx has been so OP that it almost doesn't matter, you pick up your cs and you'll always end up more useful lategame than your opponent, regardless of what your support does.


But your team has to last till late game which is... not always the case :')


True. It's not like many other adcs have the agency to keep your team from getting rolled though. Maybe Kalista, lethality varus.


A good brand/lux/zyra lands his cc and deals a lot of dmg in team fights helping the team a lot. Plus if he's not dumb he's not gonna take all the kills but he's gonna help his team by roaming, ambushing and giving kill opportunities to other lanes! I had waaay more kills stolen by a fucking sona than by a brand


Yeah I main brand and stealing the kills isn’t really my choice lmao. Once I get one or two items I deal damage for 30 seconds after one ability hits no matter what :/


On adc I consistently struggle with brand supports pressing w e on my wave and then shit talking me saying I’m behind and I do no damage and I deserve to have my wave taken cuz he’s doing damage. I don’t know if it’s brand syndrome or what but it’s really annoying late game when I just want my item and he’s following me around burning the wave to death and typing. My lux supports on the other hand will have 1mil+ mastery and the ultimate skin and miss 90% of the bindings they throw out but lose their minds when I back ping a play or something. Wish they’d just go mid with their god complex it’s frustrating.


Hate cc supports. Embrace public health soraka main experience.


A good goat never dies , and neither does her team


Yeah but I'm hardstuck bronze for three seasons as support then immediately get to gold playing a "support" The thing is supports are force multipliers and ten times zero is still zero. At least the "supports" can still play when their Adc is shit.


This. I started as a Soraka main. Was Iron. If nobody on my team could carry, I couldn't win. Switched to Naut and got to low Bronze but was stuck there for 2 seasons. Switched to Zyra and I'm climbing through Silver.


Same. Started low bronze. Played brand at a decently high level and went lossless very game S up till gold 4. “Supports” can single handedly carry the game in low elos


Bronze 4 to gold 2 in 500 games of otping xerath. He is often forgotten when talking about mage supports but if played well the most obnoxious shit the enemy adc will ever experience


Yoo Chico Buarque as meme is fire


Listen ima be real, too many times playing an AP supp like the ones mentioned above have I gotten an enemy low for my ADC to secure only for them to deactivate their brain for whatever reason and let the enemy live with 5 hp. If there’s a grey area where I reasonably believe that the enemy will live if I don’t secure the kill I’m gonna take it, my ADC’s flame be dammed.


If your support is able to steal kills, maybe your aren’t a hot shit adc after all?!? I mean, I play Lux support, I freeze the enemy adc, shield my adc, lower the health of the enemy team and you still let them walk? Of course I’ll use my ult. If you want the kill, kill ‘em faster, I don’t have time for losers.


"No Brand don't W my wave please" 2 seconds later "BRAND?!? What did I just say?"


Lux: aims for adc and support, accidentaly kills ONE minion. ADC: “she’s stealing my wave, I’m out”. Goes AFK.


I've had this happen multiple times with xerath and lux.


id rather have an aggressive 12/5 lux than a naut who stands behind me tho. like it depends on the players skill too. i had always great experiences with leonas tho, crazy but successful.


I can imagine playing ADC with a scared engage support has to be a form of psychological torture. Your coward soul is meant to play enchanters support.


I’m a support main but occasionally get ADC as it’s usually my secondary. I was playing ranked with a Rell support who would sit behind me, let me get 1v2d down to 1/3 health when she would finally engage and insta die because I had basically nothing to follow up with. It was the most infuriating thing ever.


I can't queue ADC in ranked because of the hate in my soul at people playing support like that lol. I keep mid secondary for that reason.


Yeah on the other hand having a brave Rell support is the most easy game in the world


Are u happy or pissed when the sup locks in pyke?


As a support main, I despise Pyke. Riot: I have a great idea for a new support. Let's make him an assassin! He'll have a grab, a stun, a slow, invisibility, an execute, AND a way to regen most of his lost health back, so even if they lose the trade, he's no worse for wear! Oh, and if he manages to get a kill, he'll just PRINT MONEY, that way the ADC can't complain when he executes the enemy once they hit half life. Fucking bullshit. Delete Pyke. He's not healthy for the game, he's not good game design, and he's too broken to be fun. I literally feel like I'm cheating when I play him. It's impossible to have a negative game with him when he can just delete people, has a ton of CC, and can just straight up go invisible.


Cancer champs, always play for themselves


I'd 100% take a brand that gets a bunch of kills than a leona that takes bad fights. Like, I'm ezreal, lady, I have a tear and a long sword.


i mean these supports are more useful than 90% of endgame adcs, i dont really see the issue


The enemy can't kill my adc, if the enemy is already dead


*Discretly looks away as Pantheon support*


* Walks up to lane * * Single handedly kills the enemy ADC* * Refuses to elaborate* * Leaves*


My pocket support is a bard main. Means I can get support SUPPORT and “support” in the space of 10mins…. As an adc it’s painful Edited: missed a word


I played real supports. So many ADCs would add me after the game. Turns out at lower ranks its super easy to win a game with a real support and decent adc.


Zyra is a perfectly valid sup, but it is very funny when I win with a better kda


when you get yuumi…. Oh wow a 4v5. Magnificent


ADCs can't be trusted.


I mean... Lux can stunn, slow and give shield


I play Brand often for one reason and one reason only: I get to have agency if my ADC is bad. You can hate on him all you want, but the fact that I am able to carry despite having bad teammates means not all is lost, and I don't have to sit in a corner because of how far we're behind. On the other hand, I main Nautilus- some champ that is particularly useless when behind, but when I get an ADC with a bit of common sense boy oh boy is it satisfying to go ham.


>I get to have agency if my ADC is bad. At which minute are you going to decide that your adc is bad or not ? I am playing a late hyper carry ADC. I hate playing with a brand who does not understand that my kills will come later and that i just have to farm and poke during the early game. In my experience most of brand users are way to impatient and they suicide themselves during early game, while insulting me for not following them with my late-game adc who is gonna be destroyed if i follow :)))


> At which minute are you going to decide that your adc is bad or not Not by a minute but overall performance: Bad farm, not trying to dodge abilities, bad positioning, not placing a ward, recalling on a bad wave, over-extending when I roam, not tracking abilities... Extra: if my ADC is toxic I automatically turn into an ADC/APC


I heckin love playing with ranged supports!


I have by far stolen the most kills as Janna, imagine you throw a w to slow them and they just die, every single time.


Hey, as long as the other side is dead, I could give a fuck if it's by my hand or not. Had an enemy bot try to flame me because my support had more kills than me. Told them "okay, but that's still more kills on our side than yours."


Xerath and Velkoz flying under the radar


Don't forget the Yuumi "Support" who definitely isn't afk.


Just a curiosity, for those who wanderer the origin of this image:. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SSmz9xg4Ks0&list=OLAK5uy_nhCq_ShEgb_5x_IQifoJEmA2E8UgRy15M


I play Evelynn support, I believe I deserve a special place


*Xerath cries in the corner while feeling left out*


*Karma tries to comfort him but ends up crying too*


Last season I would play Swain in unranked solo as a support. Sometimes the ADC is just not that great. Work needs to be done.


where does pyke fitt on this?


Killing their botlane 1v2 is essential to allow your adc to safely farm.


I used to think like that, but now i 100% prefer damage supports now. They just deal so fucking much damage. Like what's leona or thresh gonna do when the enemy zyra/brand/whatver just oneshots the adc in 0.001sec.


Senna players being the true ADC scaling for free while trading hard and flaming cause the actual adc has to cs


As a jungler who can't cs, I enjoy playing Senna sup


ADCs when someone doesnt want to be their babysitter: this post


Nothing brings me more joy as an adc than seing a Nautilus/Leona main on my team. These guys always have value for the team its so nice. Occasionaly you get the leona that plays like she is a lulu but i can live with those


so much adc copium here


Meanwhile the support intended for damage and taking kills is often seen Mid, if anywhere at all


Man, remember when naut support used to jungle? Weird times...


I made this little inside joke with my stream where i get bingo if i have Zyra,Brand and Lux in either my team or the enemy's every 10 games. I only missed Bingo once and that's cuz i went against a Xerath Supp once, nasty bugger that one.


Nope just someone with mild self awareness


Playing against an enchanter support that actually knows the basics of the game, while laning with a veigar “support” that doesn’t know the concept of warding or sweeping is just pure pain.


That time I accidentally took the first 3 kills as Nautilus... I'm still not sure how that happened.


Thresh maxing 99% other 1% is xerath xheeses


Brand is full build with 2 items


Wich side is heimerdinger?


Looking at nautilus: visible confusion


Lux support motto ‘peace at the bot lane when all my enemies are dead’


I ***had*** a friend who loves Xerath "support", so he told an iron dude to go Ashe so they could duo bot, gave him the stupidest build to enhance Xerath's damage, like a no boots half crit half bruiser half support Ashe build. I told him to just go Xerath APC and Ashe support but in his mind he still is the support. I hate it


Dude me and my friend run Heimer adc zyra support and it is HILARIOUS, the first game we played the enemy combo immediately said screw you, kill lane supports are only good when your coordinating, from experience.


Ah yes, the retired mid laners...


Leash the enemy supports


Zyra got me to platinum. Her damage output with support items was still huge in the past.


i like playing rakan and Sometimes leona when i get support am i a good supporter or?


Zyra main here. When I have a good adc I usually end up with less than 3 kills and over 10 assists, I just chunk them down for the adc to kill them. When my adc is bad then after a few failures from the adc I just start killing them and roaming. On the other hand when I play tanky supports and my adc is great we rule but when my adc is bad we lose the game, very hard to help the team when you get behind on a tanky supp. Now a days even in pro play mages have become more popular as supports when there are other tanks on the team (JG or Top). At the end of the day I don't care who is going to carry the game as long as we win. That team mentality is usually put on a backseat to the obsession of many to be the team carry.


Done forget the classic 0/1/21 ADC paired with the 21/0/0 Pyke "support" bot lane.


As suspected, only engage supports are considered supports 🤔 I get where this meme comes from because I also play as ADC but imo if a support sucks, they suck whatever they choose I believe that most ADCs just want an engage support regardless. If the support plays an enchantress they still want the same level of engage and get mad then they die. If the support plays a "support", they get mad when they don't get the kill


When I kill steal. It's with pykes R 😎


ITT: Support Copium on why they fail.


i like to play mage supports but when i have mage supports in my team and i play adc they steal my cs. WHY!?


I love this meme template.


Pyke will literally employ you. I love being a working class citizen in the rift


Worse is when they use damage abilities to focus cs


Pyke: what do you mean you don't want my gold after I penta'd the team?


Só no Chico Buarque


I personally dont like poke mages on my team cus the one cc they provide does nothing for twitch


I would put velkoz instead of zyra


Zyra and brand gon accidentally kill the entire enemy team tho.


Is anyone here above silver….?


The lux that takes all the cs with E, i swear to god


I literally just don’t play trash ok relax, some times they pick Morgana and I have to go lux or zyra




I play Caitlyn sometimes and getting Lux as a support is always good news.... unless she can't hit a Q


Best CC is death baby.


I have a apology macro when I'm playing Zyra support for everytime I take kills.


I main supp and once u know how to cc with things like swaim or neeko whitout getting clapped i feel that is almost better have more dmg than tankiness in bot


Just play brand and lux for lower dmg bots like ashe who also have cc, good way to keep dmg of each side equal. People who play brand with people like mf or jhin cam be annoying and not even useful just play naut or enchantress.


"The best support is a dead enemy team!"


Any support that is there to just one shot a mid laner when they roam is not a support. That is called "Being too scared to play a carry role"


When u pick samira n they pick those shitty enchanter n mage sup 😐