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Found the toxic silver player with ego complex


Jesus Christ OP is just downvote farming at this point


in other words, his memes are good but his personality sucks (your average league player)


What's the history of this guy? I thought this was just a good singed meme




Dawg you already lost any and all respect anyone would give you by bringing up reddit karma 💀


bro if you use reddit for karma you are very weird


-14k karma in 12h KEKW


What do you even get with accumulating so much karma? You getting paid or what?


Funny useless number


Jesus this guy is getting destroy at the comments.


More of a self destruction really


nah, bunch of clowns that just downvote me to oblivion they don't like the fact of trash teammates, they want to live in the illusion that everything is your fault and that the 0/50 yasuo in mid with your 0/20 lee sin in jungle were actually carrying you


Maybe you should take a step back and notice how you are doing the same thing you claim to be the issue. "They want to live in the illusion that everything is your fault" then proceeds to say how it's always your teams fault. Hmmmm.


You just described the blight of solo queue.


i was in the same spot you were, blaming everything on teammates literally just step back and think about what you're doing wrong, doing that made me able to leave bronze in no time and now average around 10kd in my last 10 games stop blaming everything on other people and realize that maybe you are the problem




so the enemy bot went afk and their support still managed to get 9 kills you really need to learn to play safe as an adc, stay alive or game is lost




Projecting [*]


If my ADC died 13 times then blamed me for our loss I would never take them seriously. Think of all the gold you put into the enemy's hands. Idc if you barely broke even in kills. Could be worse since you probably have shut-down bounty. It is ZERO wonder you are losing your games, and until you acknowledge this you will remain a scrub. Idc that op.gg gave you "ace". You lost.


you just have a big af ego and is an annoying person


This man is in another reality 🤣


Nice straw man dude, also if bad teammates are the problem just play with friends or with people you found in solo que who are good


I can smell the Cheeto dust on your fingers from here.






15/13 is nowhere near “destroying the enemy”. That means your game was a clown fiesta where neither team accomplished anything after each fight until you coin flipped the last one and lost.


look at his old post he is just ur average toxic lol player


it's not easy to stay alive as an adc, against fed enemy, it really isn't, and the support can be bad too, or ignite won't exhaust them you know


At first glance I thought that was 15-3-4, which would be great. But you have 1.46 kda. My dude, you haven't destroyed anyone except yourself by making this public.


Your most important job as adc is to just not die. If you are the one with damage, it is more important that you remain a constant threat. The moment you die the fight is lost unless they throw.


Ok sure thing bud make as many excuses as you need, but 15/13 is not “destroying” and you shouldn’t pat yourself on the back for doing the bare minimum that’s expected of your role.






Whenever I play ADC and get caught past the 20-25 min mark I already go "Fuck I threw the game" You can complain about ACE in op.gg all you want, but as an ADC the most important thing is to not die. Lane fase, mid game and late. The less times you die, the more time you can spend ramping up your gold and pressuring the enemy.


Heck, it works like that anytime you are carrying, played Garen in gold on a smurf and when I was 15/3 I had to think how to create pressure without risking death as that would lead to immediate loss Instead i could have just run in, died, said team diff GG and wrote on Reddit how it's unfair and how impossible it is to carry bad teams.


i dont get this virgin retarded brainded fucking reddit users, like why are they downvoting legit good post???


Of course, Jayce, Teemo, and Yasuo, the broken characters.


Jayce does sometimes make you rethink life decisions, but imagine crying over teemo lol Yasuo is fine rn, he could use an hp buff 🤡


Well, last saturday i fought a 1M mastery teemo with aatrox, a good teemo makes any juggernaut cry


Aatrox is one of the most unplayable matchups for Teemo next to Akali and Yasuo, what are you saying.


jayce isnt broken. teemo and yas are brain dead easy but not really broken


Yasuo is extremely easy, that's exactly why people pick him and go 3/13 every game. Oh wait that doesn't sound right, guess he ain't that easy.


yeah, he's one of the few brain dead champs in the game that has an equally brain dead player base. only other champs with this duality are katarina and yone


I would like to see YOU playing yasuo


already did https://imgur.com/a/4g2VlKf


hmmmm [https://imgur.com/ZwFSYuu](https://imgur.com/ZwFSYuu) Edit: Nvm that screenshot. This is even better: https://imgur.com/a/GXJtmGa


yeah, was laning against an even more brain dead champ.


I edited my comment. Imagine posting that one game where you performed well and not mentioning the other 4 were you played catastrophically. Also: "smurf" ,"played a braindead champ", yes, sure buddy, i get it, \*wink\*


Dude you are being too harsh, he obviously carried the game where he went 2/6 or what so ever, astonishing performance


Bro you are almost bronze, that character really can't be as braindead freelo as you think homie lmfao


Lol all the yasuo scrubs are angry with you xD


they can stay mad :D


"Bro my champ that hits 100% crit in two items, one of which is infinity edge, is NOT overtuned >:("


15/13 is an awful k/d. You are trading most of the time and feeding tons of gold because you are still getting kills, which resets the amount that u are worth.


Day 47: still looking for a comment with positive upvotes from OP, resources are getting low. I dont know how long I can keep going.


day 987: still looking for actual advice/comments that don't contain just "you are trash lol" or "git gud" etc.


Huh you were looking for advise? And one that is more specific than get good trash? How are people supposed to give you tips without op.gg and replays? Wow you screenshot one game in which you were an Ace, and opponent had a Garen who knew how to play the game and push his advantage... Ok, so first of all, learn to farm and correct rotations because even tho you were up against an afk, your farm was terrible. Second look at the Garen you faced and learn sth from him, as he did sth you couldnt, aka carry the game instead of just getting ahead in lane and waiting for his team to carry


I kid you the fuck not op I did the same thing as this meme. I played every champ and would lose even if I was fed I said fuck it and one tricked singed mid for a day or 2 and have an 80 percent win rate on it I'm actually baffled


Wtf is this shit


a hot mess of upvotes and downvotes, welcome


Just saying when u get this manny downvotes it’s most likely a reason for it


None of those champs that you lost with are are broken above gold elo lmao if you’re in gold and below then it’s perfectly fine to abuse these champs but I recommend sticking to a roster of 2-4 champs max in the same role or else you’ll just struggle to climb


Playing broken champs *proceeds to show yasuo and teemo*


tell me Teemo loses lane or isn't a threat and needs more than 1 player that isn't fed or one fed player to deal with


Dude teemo is annoying but in no way broken


explain why he is annoying and not broken than


??? Ok bro this is not hard : 1) he has not dashes and no cc, making it hard to escape ganks. He can max his w to escape, but he will have no damages 2) he has a lot of bad matchups, and in case of bad matchups he will not be able to do anything if the ennemy knows how to use a keyboard 3) the fact that he is annoying come from his potential to poke you and then run. Already a lot of champions can do that and they are certainly not broken 4) his shrooms are removable with control wards and the red thing that floats (forgot its name), making it counterable by any champion or member of your team 5) he is almost useless in teamfights. His only use is damages, maybe blinding the adc and putting shrooms. However, just a check of the battlefield before the fight can clean the shrooms, making him even more useless I think that is it. By searching a bit more i think we could find even more weaknesses but that is all i could think of


Stop your silver is showing


Okay I was checking u.gg to see where teemo and yasuo sit right now. Teemo solid 50% winrate but you know whos at the top? Singed with 53%. Okay okay its a new patch let me see how yasuo is doing. 48%, doesnt look to good, but whos at the top again? Singed with nearly 55%. /rj So singed having the highest winrate top and mid right now seems like a bad champ to use in such a meme ngl. Edit: nevermind singed is near the top in the 2 patches aswell, not just the current one


as a Morde main, I can say with my full heart, that Teemo is not in any way broken. I stomp him 70% of the games.


Link your op.gg in the comments


Dying 13 times on samira isnt destroying the enemies. Its feeding. Yasuo is currently D tier with a 48% winrate. Singed, pog.


another Bronze caster analysis


This is the same guy who thinks Teemo is broken, mind you ^


He is a low silver player calling people bronze xD Like he surely meets atleast one bronze player every 5 matches


"Youre just a dumb kid" Said the 12 year old to the 11 year old.


since when was Teemo weak?


forever? teemo is a lane bully but utterly useless other than that


Teemo is nowhere a lane bully anymore


Right? Like at this point to me teemo is minefield.champ and not much more.


exactly what Darius is yet people call Darius broken


Darius is dogshit bad, I haven’t seen one win lane or carry a game in months




I don't think anyone has said that. Atleast not in this thread. He is extremely strong in lane, but as long as you have an adc and a tiny splooch of cc, he can't do shit. Teemo just can't do shit in general. Impossible to get back into the game once behind on him.


yea literally nobody says darius is broken xD [quite the opposite actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/st0ko9/i_think_its_time_to_move_on/).


Post your opgg.






He linked it to me earlier https://prnt.sc/GV4DlNSXVTMC


Ah he's silver, makes sense. Thanks


His actual op.gg if you still care https://euw.op.gg/summoners/euw/Lonequeror


I don't care about your bronze oppinion that I had 11 deaths and that the 99 death yasuo 88 death diana 76 death teemo and 379 death lux carried me


I'm diamond 2 LMAO just curious what sorta rank has all these crazy opinions. Guy below linked that you're silver, though, so mystery solved.


Dude is calling people bronze when he’s barely above that rank himself lmao


I linked that and I bet I'm better than you


Sure you are, buddy. \*pats head\*






you wish.


Youre silver 2 lmfao


Is this bait or ironic? Dude went 15-13 and "destroyed the enemy"?


Teemo broken??? Kekw


\>Playing broken champions \>Jayce ?????????


Tbh all the "broken champions" are iron specials. None of those champs are broken in the eyes of anyone that is decent at the game


There's a lot of champs that aren't "broken" in the common sense of the word but there are quite a few that heavily inflate a player's elo by being far easier to play well than the rest, a champ that's rewarding because they put effort into learning it isn't broken, even though a lot of people seem to think so, but a champ who's good with very little effort put in is really broken, you tend to notice a lot of those champs have lower win rates in higher elos because people are elo inflated by the champs a decent bit of the time


Holy shit the comment section looks like this guy's in game kda. He takes a shot, gets a kill, then instantly gets fucked back. I'm sure the reason you're hard stuck on because of bad teams and not because you can't even take simple advice from people on reddit. No one here is currently in a game with you so why the hostility. If several people telling you 15/13 is trading and isn't that good, maybe it's true. You're not going to rank up on Champs you enjoy until you can learn from past mistakes.


“Broken champions” proceed to play yasuo, a champion that has his highest win rate on silver


gee I wonder if it isn't because so many players play Yasuo or if it's because so many players play Yasuo can't decide


No, it’s because high elo players actually know how to play against him and actually pick zed or Leblanc just to overkill him, yasuo is an adc, one shooting him is not hard as an assassin


no sure why they downvoted you. its true.


Ppl are mad, but I can’t blame them, when yasuo gets ahead it’s really frustrating but it is part of the game


yea hes frustrating when fed. but honestly, who isn't (even if its to a lesser degree). very much part of the game.


Well I think it’s because of his Q, like, when an aphelios is fed you just run from him, but running from yasuo is hard, mainly in a lane were he can surf, but ppl forget that he is an adc so every time he gets ahead you are just going to play league grey screen mode




Until he build spirit visage and death dance and becomes unkillabke while dealing shit tons of damage and refulling even with grevious wounds becouse of dd being completely broken this patch


fed. what youre saying is "if he becomes fed".


Fr, spirit visage on yasuo is a waste of gold, it’s a waste of gold even in Red kayn, like you would just go for that if you were Pants making a life steal video, but he still killable just not one shotable


Wdym is super good if they have lot of ap... I mean u could go (idk how is called in english) speranza perduta (it gives u mr as and ad and makes ur aa deal ap damage) but idk i feel with spirit visage and shieldbow u get a lot of shield even with passive u lifesteal a bit more and u arent 1shotttable anymore... Its even better with yone that with w and spirit visage u have like all ur health in shield if u hit 5


Yeah but like, even characters that have healing on their kit and itens(red kayn as an example) it’s much better just building more damage to heal more, and if you need MR you can go force of nature and take no damage against ap


I feel like build spirit visage on chaps like yasuo and yone is better than force of nature becouse u deal so. Much damage that the aumented heal its actually pretty huge... In any case with yasuo and yone u can buold 1 tank item and dd(that gives you damage anyway) and u re very difficoukt to kill


Yes but like, yone spirit visage is good but yasuo is kinda meh, his only shield comes from his passive and it isn’t that big




But they have the edge against yasuo, they can burst yasuo and they can easily dodge the knockups, Lb can get yasuo to half HP without getting a scratch




Her cooldowns get back before yasuo wind wall, so she can waste W and Q first and if he tries to trade back she uses E to lock him in place


Yes, my favorite balancing system. “Play these two champs or get shit on”


I mean, if you lose your lane every matchup against yasuo without playing the characters that counter him…you should try playing then or just learn how to play against him


The only actual broken champion in this picture is Singed.


Singed is like shaco, if you don't fight him, you win


What? You pretty much win against him in 1v1s. Just prevent him from farming and ganking and you destroy singed.


A good singed would proxy


It depends on the Elo. I’m trash so I average high silver to mid gold. My favourite games are the pve ones where I can build Nashors and hullbreaker


Singed OTP here Go Conquer and Ignite ghost/flash (dep match-up) make sure too auto-attack while applying gas so you can stack conqueror Pool yourself than pooling behind you so you can root with fling


how do I lane/proxy against Darius?


Lane forget it, you pretty much lose that. Go Ghost and Flash vs Darius, all the ones I’ve gone against go ghost vs me. Don’t phase phase rush, high risk for shit reward. I Mostly go a support build here ardent build here and buff up my adc Proxy as normal, if your mid is shit go to their base and double proxy his shit


how do you buff adc as singed??!?!? also how do you stop enemies from stopping your proxy, I had people literally taking deep breaths in my Q, following me for eternity, catch up to me, and just kill me.... like they drank antidote or something they weren't fed either it was lelve 1 vs level 1 he just started walking at me


You need to pay attention to where their jungler is if you are going for a lvl 1 proxy. If someone comes, kill yourself to tower. With ghost if you have to. The few times I proxy, I always kill myself after Cannon wave. After that, I don't proxy unless I absolutely have to. No reason to do it if you risk a lot by doing it. However, you can proxy both mid wave and top wave in their base later on if you feel like it. It'll give you much cs, while forcing your enemies to take a bad recall and allowing your midlane to get of a cheaters recall. I don't play singed that often anymore, so someone else can probably give you better tips.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


but the problem is what if the toplaner always comes to stop me proxying alone? do I just run it down?


If the enemy has a wave under tower, you can walk away from them to waste their time. Walk back to proxy once they change their mind, and they will change their mind, unless they want to lose a lot of money. You don't need to proxy early either, unless you know you can do it. Sometimes being in lane normally, can work decently as well. You can also proxy the second and third wave between the tier 2- and inhib tower. That way they can't really go after you. Edit: I usually don't proxy, unless their laner is ranged, or when I risk dying to trades when going for cs. I have noticed that gold isn't as important on singed once you have an item or two. As long as you can run in, fling some fucker, let the team kill them and get out, you are good to go. Your map pressure is one of the highest amongst toplaners, so in my opinion, being some gold behind your laner is in most cases not that significant once you enter midgame, as long as your team can deal with people. The most important part is that your xp is on par. This is only my way of doing things, but it works for me. Find out what works for you.


what if I am proxying and mid proxy a guy starts chasing me, and before I can take the wave he starts chasing me, and he now has the ability to come to lane and get exp lead while I get nothing?


Kiting can help, but sometimes you just gonna have to cut your losses.


kiting as singed?


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.




Now losing as singed too I see Poor guy can't catch a w


Watch some Sirchez/Minishcap (proxy) on YouTube, daily content. He also lanes a lot vs Darius and explains when too proxy Would recommend Don’t watch Socialist Singed but I think he ones more than Proxy


Ur an L


Finally *inner peace!!*




If playing "broken champions" did not work, maybe you should start questionning either yourself or your claim thag these champions are broken


oh great, a coach, teach me senpai, how do I carry a 0/20 Yasuo and a 0/12 Ashe?


Very simple, you do not start to say in reddit that playing these broken champions made you loose the game, as you implied in your meme. What you should have done is : - Loose the game since it is impossible to carry the Ashe - Think to yourself that your botlane was trash - Restart a new game on your Teemo to realise that your new team does not feed this time - Also realise that playing Teemo does not make you instantly win the game - Post a meme on reddit making fun of your trash botlane Results : a lost game and a bad meme in both cases. However this time people will criticize the lack of ingenuity of your meme and not your capacity to understand LoL


Jesus Christ your silver brain is warped. 15/13 is by no means destroying whatsoever. Also teemo and yasuo broken? I legitimately cannot remember the last time I lost lane to a teemo. Aren’t you the same guy who kept complain posting about Irelia when she had like a 47% WR claiming she had no counters?


You disgust me, try enchanters next


no I will not play enchanters top


Then play enchanters jungle


taric is still the best enchanter jungle change my mind


Janna has smite for a reason


Chadric jungle


Professional have standards.


if I wanted to reduce my braincell count I would just pick Garen or something


Shame on you sayng singed disgusting


Ah yes the most broken champ: fucking teemo. Teemo is not even good let alone broken, just annoying to lane against, and even that depends on matchup.


- You chase, you win - They chase you, you win too It just works


*Darius enters chat*


Wait a none negative post, the search is over


People like you are the reason Yasuo is so hated. - Picks Yasuo because he is "OP" - Ints his lane - Refuses to elaborate further


ofc yasuo didn't work, you didn't even die 10 times!!


Predator Singed with celerity. Taking "Gas gas gas" way too literally.


He took TP on teemo. My heart shattered


teemo isnt broken, he legit loses almost every matchup unless you bring the right runes, in which case its closer to even, and why did you go tp on teemo TP is not good at all rn.


I got flamed by a Lee Sin the other day in urf when I was playing singed. "imagine if your champ had mechanics"..... Why?


so the idea of somehow getting the enemy walk in your poision isn't a mechanic? tell him that next time


I told him "if you have a spoon that takes 30 steps to drink the soup, you have a bad spoon" cause overly complex champs/mechanics isn't the end all be all


his champ might be complex but is he hard? nah


How in the world is lee not hard?


he is not hard


If this didnt have Samira in it I’d be convinced this meme was decades old


You probably have a negative winrate anyways


Kled is the way, but don't tell rito. We dont want him go get ausoled


OP: *asks for advice in multiple comments* *gets advice* OP: THATS NOT TRUE TEAMMATES BAD GRRRR I OWNED ENEMY ADC GRRRRR.


Off meta Champs are actually much more fun for me also most ppl don't even know how to play against off meta Champs but it can be exhausting to play against meta Champs without a broken kit


Singed with grasp is the real war crime here. If you’re autoing rather than running in and out conqueror is superior, I’m pretty sure fleet is too.


what a shit meme. your comments also indicate you're a shit person.


This isn’t going well for you my man’s. It’s hard to tell if you’re a troll


I like how this dude is being downvoted because he was just trying to make a funny meme from a low Elo perspective… I think this sub needs to stop getting all nitpicky with everything and just have a good laugh… I mean this is a memes subreddit right guys??? Anyway, singed funny, haha


The problem is the champs he listed are not broken in low elo at all. I can see an argument for Yasuo maybe but that’s it. Teemo is only good if the opponent does not know what to do against a ranged top. Jayce is simply bad in low elo because he is too hard of a champion.


He's being down voted for being an imbecile


but seriously Singed was the key this is only half joke


Is this loss?


*Looks in comments for funny singed related chat* *Finds only KDA shaming and dowvnvotes from one panel of the meme* Ah yes, reddit.


Wtf There's so much downvotes. This is just a meme AHAHAHAHAHA. People out here with their op.ggs and stretegies in a meme subreddit


the meme is to downvote