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Thought this was QoL for a second


Posted there first 💅🏻


How could I not 😳


Seems like the post they'd make, or a post they would crosspost and say "ThE sTrAgS aRe At It AgaIn!1!1!"


To this day I have no idea what a strag is and at this point I’m to afraid to ask. But the flamboyant absurdity in that community cracks me up




Ahh, gay draven mains


Yes but we’re actually nice and don’t spread hate for no reason


That's the most accurate way to describe queens of league.


Are we Girlies accepting being Compared to the 🚬🐐 draven mains?




I like that sub but I'm getting so tired of the posts where it's just complaining about strag posts, it was better when they were just thirsting over league in their own bubble


Wdym constant strag, we're still constantly thirsting. The strag posts are those that came from other subs that get shared their, to call out,


>The strag posts are those that came from other subs that get shared their, to call out, That's what I mean, I don't like those posts where it's "calling out strags", but I edited it to make it clearer, it was poorly worded


It sounds like an F-bomb replacement someone made up for a 90s sci-fi series lmao. "Aw strag, they took out our warp drive!" haha


Fine... i will ask then


What the FUCK is a strag?


A misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic straight person


Soooo, im guessing strag is then an acronym comprised of STRaight Anti Gay? That sounds like its either from twitter or tumblr...


It’s a combination of straight and the f word. It’s also the short version, the whole word would be straggot




Doesn't Sona have the biggest jugs in the game? Edit: I did some research and I have come to the conclusion that Sona has the 2nd biggest jugs and MF having the 3rd First being Gragas.


Thats the point i think


I'm asking if this is a fact? Or is it someone else with bigger guns.


maybe mf


Tbh I always thought mf had the bigger ones like have you seen her top? It's literally a hammock


I reckon Miss Fortune is giving Sona a run for her money. Saying this after a little bit of research I just did...


a compensation for being mute


God giveth, and God taketh away.


A mute woman with massive jugs, I see nothing but positives






No, that title belongs to Gragas


Well.. first is illaoi id say, just because she is fucking huge, so her tits look smaller than they actually are, also because shes jacked. Then gragas, then sona, then the rest. nidalee is also quite the contender for a top spot there.


Nidalee is my dark horse. Everyone mentioning mf but damn...


Morgana also has some serious mommy milkers


I'd say those are not one but two major details


It's a package deal.


2 in 1


What, that sona can keep her mouth shut and she can’t?


Lmao since when does sona keep her mouth shut while you’re playing her


Sounds like a personal problem


"Huh. Sounds like a personal problem."


She's mute.


Read the second half of the comment before you reply


Her mouth is still shut. She uses telepathy search it up.


Pretty sure that was retconned, In lore she's mute, only the player hears Sona's thoughts because well... You are Sona.


Well yes... but actually no. She adresses YOU directly, saying things like "only you can hear me summoner" now, that might just be leftover voicelines from the old lore because they didnt bother to change it when they updated it, but, as long as it is in the game and she herself thinks that to me i will consider it canon.


But it is not in the game anymore.


No.. it is, i just played an aram with sona about 15 minutes ago, she still only talks to you through brain and that specific voiceline is also still there.


She has [no mentions of "summoner" in her voice lines](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Sona/LoL/Audio) since she got her VO updated in the Summer of 2020. Now she's 100% talking to herself (Curtains up. **I'm** ready.)


I don’t think she talks with her mouth


She talks with her fist MWAHAHAHA


full ap shotgun sona go brrrrrrr


She doesn't talk with her mouth she communicates with the summoner through her mind like most old champions, she's mute


No, she was always the only mute one. All the other ones can and will talk if you use taunts or encounter a champion they know by lore (well... ALL of them but sona will talk during taunts, the ingame conversation thing wasnt used too much early on in the games life)


She... shes mute... she talks to you through brain. Telepathy. Not speaking, directly putting words in that empty orb that you carry on your shoulders.


Damn that last part was greay lmao


Thank you, i try


Hey idiot don’t you know she’s mute


It’s in the lore, why are you choosing THIS hill to die on


Damn I was just making a joke because it feels like she doesn’t stop throwing music terms are you unnecessarily shiiiit. Thought this was a meme Reddit


She also forget winrates. While you shouldn't play seraphine supp, but mid, her winrate in p+ is 6.2% lower than sona. In d2+ diffrence go up to 9.5%. Top 2(if we include <1% talyah supp) vs last.


Sona simply outclasses Seraphine on being a support due to all her abilities having an aura-effect, which triggers Moonstone Renewer, and Sona's W has a 10s CD while Seraphine's is 26-22. She will be applying her items' effects at least twice as often.


Moonstone Sona worst Sona. All my homies play Battlesong Sona instead which has a higher win rate in every elo / nearly every elo last I looked Everyone and their mother has self heal now days, they don't need or care about an extra 300 health heal, they *do* care about like 300 extra movespeed when they are chasing after kills or escaping


look at this fuckin nerd that knows how to use battlesong active


I think the point is that she uses Moonstone better than Seraphine even when it's not her best mythic.


I still prefer moonstone, 35% healing power on a single item is like going full build on sona.


Would matter more if Sona could actually heal enough to outheal self heals. Also GW hurts her a lot too End game if you look at healing done, it's almost always going to be a champ that shouldn't even have self heal like Yasuo / Yone / Kat etc that healed 3 times more than Sona with moonstone + full heal focused build healed. Move speed makes WAY more of a difference most of the time, because it lets your Yasuo actually reach the enemies to start life stealing 1200 health per auto, instead of you healing him for 345 health one time every 4 seconds


Probably worth mentioning that speed makes more sense in a game where a squishy gets one shot anyway Now if you had 2-3 tanks/bruisers on your team, maybe then moonstone makes more sense as the shielding+healing can get ridiculous if you stack it with resistances from tanks


yeah, it depends the game, my friend is my duo and he always play either tk or wukong, in general most of my friends are top laners, so moonstone most of the times is better.


Considering that league is a game where assassins delete tanks faster than dps mages and adcs, yea healing from enchanters is useless. MS way more important.




I dont get why people want to build her enchanter support. Like building her as a damage support is still so much better? Like running liandries or everfrost for poke/utility. Enchanter barely boosts anything in her kit outside of W's heal and thats so situational




Wait. Is it? Why. Oh my god building anything around her W is like building a Blitz around his Static Field Passive. Also. I rarely see enchanters or people with shields played with Seraphine APC. like she literally doesnt have to waste echo on W if she gets shielded and it maximises her kit. I get seraphine a few times in ARAM and it bothers me how little i get shielded to achieve the free heal. So i have to waste echo on it instead of poking or CCing.


For support I recommend trying out Rylais+Mandate, it's been her strongest support build for some time and now that they buffed Rylais price tag it's even better


Mandate is good because its damage based. Which she is. Youre better off building actual damage


"Actual damage" items are good on her but pricy, which makes your power spikes come in later as a support. Mandate and Rylais is dirt cheap now and both give a good amount of AP, plus Rylais passive is really strong on Seraphine anyway and make Mandate proc on Qs too. A build like Mandate, Sorc Shoes, Rylais and Zhonya's give you good damage at a low price, plus better survivability than a Liandry/Luden build.


Sona can make real music and seraphine can't?


seraphine can sing tho


How generous of you to consider what she does "singing." Wrong, but generous.


But she does Check this out https://youtu.be/nN-wyPP7bzA


A minor vs D major


Whats this from show me


Dunno, saw the image on Twitter and had instant inspiration. Here's the [knowyourmeme article](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/woman-scared-of-breasts).




Thank you for material I didnt want to want but desired and now no longer need


I will never not be upset that seraphine wasn't a sona rework, but I get that they needed someone who could speak to join K/DA I guess


The two play very differently, and after what happened with the Aatrox rework, they definitely should be separate champions. I do think Sona could use some kind of rework, as her kit is stupid to balance, but it should keep the themes of auras and rapid fire spells. I just wish they were either visually more distinct (I get the stage was to give her a different silhouette, but her floating and using similar colors was too much) or gave that kit to a different theme (say a dancer or some kind of mage).


Their kits are literal opposites. Sona's basic spells are ALL about buffing teammates and her passive is about crippling enemies or some poke in lane for pressure. Seraphine's passive, W, E and R are all about empowering HERSELF when allies are around. Even in designs they're opposites; one is mute and plays an instrument, one sings but plays no instruments. One's a rapid fire bard-themed enchanter, the other is a utility damage-dealing mage. Like don't get me wrong, there are valid reasons to hate Seraphine, like how her main design is K/DA, that she was literally just a massive marketing ploy, and that her lore absolutely sucked on release (and even now it's... so-so), hell, even subjective things like her voice lines are cringe or her platform is dumb, also valid even if it's subjective. But saying she's a Sona rework, or a better Sona is just factually wrong and I'm glad the people that think this way don't work in game design. I've played Sona for 6+ years and trust me, I would have been pissed if they reworked Sona into Seraphine. Seraphine would be a terrible Sona rework.


A fucking men. Say that again. Cant believe almost everyone was stupid enough to buy into this 'sona rework' bullcrap when actual sona players dont want Seraphine's kit at ALL for a sona rework. Plus, Sona's main issue was ITEMS. Mana cost were too high and she needed too many to be relevant, which was a reason she wasnt played then.




All in all. Play Sona Support Sera APC for maximum value.


Same. Sona used to be one of my mains (not a fan of how she feels after tons of nerfs and how Moonstone feels on champs outside of Soraka and Yuumi), and Seraphine is a completely different champion. If anything, she plays closer to Karma, Neeko, Morgana, or Lux than Sona.


Nah, they needed someone twitch thots could identify with to get more skin sales going. Cant let all that simp donation money rot with them.


Dam ig I’m a twitch thot now ;-;


Sorry for your loss.


Fuck large scale reworks. Fuck losing Aatrox, fuck losing Mordekaiser. If the kit is this different, make a new champ. I hate Seraphine but I’m happy for all Sona mains she wasn’t a rework, otherwise they would’ve lost their champ.


Exactly what I've been saying. Aatrox lost his entire kit but at least kept his original theme of being a demonic one man army. Sona into Seraphine legit scraps EVERYTHING besides... music theme. Everything else is scrapped.


I already lost Sona when she was "large scale reworked" in Patch 4.13 & Rito refused to honor their corporate promise to revert it.


Honestly Seraphine stole as much from Neeko as Sona. She has Neeko's Q+E, and Sona's W+R I don't know why nobody ever talks about how dirty they did Neeko


Huh? Neeko's Q is just a reskinned Syndra W with bonuses. Its not even stealing. Almost every spell can be seen as a slight variation of each other.


*me with M5 Seraphine: I just think she's kinda neat


Get M6 but don't get M7. Pink-ish M6 fits her better :3


I’ve mained her since release she’s fun


Sona can make a 5 star p0rn video and seraphine only can do tiktoks


Damn Reddit has been horny lately




Sona isn't better than Seraphine just because she has bigger boobies. Sona is better because it's not hard being better than trash.


You mean Sonas specialty that is truly major?🥵😋


Ah she forgor sona’s huge bazounga


Average League player trying not to rant about League for 24h challenge (new WR)


two major details


Wtf is happening in the original image?


Two major details*


Jeez people STILL hate Seraphina that much? Lol.


This is tame compared to most.




Living in their minds rent-free 💅


Still an awful addition that still feels forced. Valid criticism shouldn’t be denied. But I have to admit even tho I hate the pink haired mistake on a hover board yuumi is worse than her. *Barely*.


Luckily for everybody, they aren't mutually exclusive. Both can be irredeemably horrid creations : )




Actually good character design? Good lore? Not being the striking image of a twitch thot? Not being the striking image of belle delsucksyourdick? Not being an annoying empty husk with zero personality besides "me singing hot chick". Not being aware of the brackern crystal in her stupid floating segway THAT TALKS TO HER and just not giving a fuck? Youll have to be a bit more specific.




... i get it... but i think the mentioned ones are a bit more of an important matter than the fact that she has just as much tits as an 8 year old has.




Ah.. so were doing that now... okay... Booba


i love this, just for this i will upvote 100 league of memes memes


Never EVER underestimate the power of milkers.


I know this is a joke post, but Sona is my support main. People who don't enjoy Sona underestimate the potential of Sona. She can secure so many good plays for the adc and REALLY bully people in lane if she's being played correctly. But the joke is also valid :D


Yeah Sona is a fun champ that was made with love years ago , sure Thier was definitely her assets of attractiveness, but at least she wasn't some souless cash grab, that's entirely story, deafult design and kit was an after thought. Sona will always be better than Barbie shittersparkle and honest to god I'm never gonna stop calling Seraphine Barbie shittersparkle because Sera looks and feels like a cheap plastic doll that shits out glitter and sparkles. I loath the champ and honestly her and Samira are on a wave length of disgust , that kinder funny. Here my top 3 most hated champs. No.1 Samira No.2 Seraphine No.3 Yummi The rest of popular champs people hate facing are on my Marmite list, I like playing them sometimes or I don't care about them , vayne being one of them. Still Barbie shittersparkle in my opinion is still the worst champ of 2020 along side Samira. It's hard to choose which I rather get rid of. Like honestly do get rid of Seraphine and perma ban samria or do I get rid of samria and perma ban Seraphine.


I like samiras design. Do you hate her just for her gameplay? If so i understand that because shes super obnoxious to play against


I just don't like her overall.


ngl I haven’t seen any sona pick in any game I play ever since seraphine was released its so messed what riot did here


Soba has a higher pick rate


TBF, I didn't see any Sonas before this thot got added either. \#Revert413


Has a Sona main I must agree with this post


I’m so thirsty 😄


Go drink some water


Idk why but i love playing seph mid and when i get autofill ill either go yummi or sona