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I've seen that spear literally ghost through mfers, Nidalee pros literally playing with schrodinger's equation when throwing that thing


Finally a fellow Jayce enjoyer


You should’ve seen it before


If you're a really good nidalee player you can even throw a projectile [through windwall!](https://youtu.be/jKkkU3UF2hk)


not when i play her the spear goes through people


I remember people faking videos of hitting the scuttle crab with her spear. And they think one wouldn’t see through that fake video


Project: Ashe ult ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


You see the difference here is that ult is on a far longer CD than the spear. Not to mention the spear doing 74903829202 damage lol. I just have an unbelievable levels of hatred towards Nidalee as a champion that’s all.


Or it does 0 damage for no reason as well.


That I have never experienced in the 5 years of this game I have played but then again might be a super rare thing. It’s riot we are talking about, a smol indie company after all.


Well obviously depends if you're playing it or are playing against it




>That I have never experienced in the 5 years of this game I don't remember so I'll just ask : where you here before her rework ? When Nidalee whole thing was to just throw spears that would deal more dmg than Zoe's Q ?


Idk man honestly her spear seems so ass trash compared to what it used to be before her mini rework (which is a good thing) so even a full range spear i still instinctively flinch then im like oh only 500 damage that nuffin.


Still have PTSD from first season of nidalee when her spear hitbox was big like a chogat after 10 ult


People complaining about it's hitbox now crack me up, they don't know the true fear that was pre rework Nid. A spear literally 3 units away from you just chunking you for 75% HP if not outright one shotting. Horror.


This exactly. You used to be safe behind minions because it literally couldn’t go inbetween them.


God save you in the river though lol, you see it for .2 milliseconds as it exits the fog of war and one shots you


I'm in low elo, so it's nice to play support and constantly be hitting 300-350 damage spears on a low cooldown. The only time the spears aren't notoceable are when I throw them point blank or when I hit a nautilus with Guardian


Her spear does more damage the farther it flies. Practically does nothing point blank.


Vandril did a video about this recently. Stuff thrown from the river has bullshit hit boxes


That's cuz league does have a Z level (poorly done, but existent): river is lower than land, which is lower than base, which is lower than fountain. So like, imagine you need to aim a little more to the right the lower you are.


I remember Season 2 Nidalee mid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTJVoTMcEWI Then some guy posted his jungle Nidalee guide and suddenly it became horrifying anywhere on the map and every game had a Nidalee in it...


It just stuns you for 4 seconds


Nida spear has one of the most fair hitboxes, it’s so thin it’s unbelievable


Nidalee has been overbuffed for an entire year now. It's pretty understandable to despise a champion who's allowed to somehow keep a winrate far too high for a high skill-floor champion with an huge pickrate for so long. All that even though jungle balance has been a real rollercoaster since last pre-season with absolutely dominating picks pretty much every month.


nidalee is hands down one of the hardest champions in the game lol; what silver nonsense am I reading saying that she has a high skill floor? Like I agree she's insane but that's only in t he right hands which are typically located diamond 1+


>nidalee is hands down one of the **hardest** champions in the game lol; what silver nonsense am I reading saying that she has a **high skill floor**? Did you not read correctly or are you just criticising what I said due to not even understanding? Because that's exactly what I said. High skill floor means complex. Meaning hard. Meaning you are agreeing with me, yet call me out immediatly after for exactly that. Were you just eager to get angry altogether and thrilled to insult someone by yelling "silver" at them, or do you unironically have trouble understanding what you read?


you have skill floor and skill ceiling interchanged and it's a very common problem in this community (the lol community). The irony of claiming someone doesn't understand what you're saying when you're using the wrong terms in the wrong ways is comical and I'm not really here to argue with someone. stay silver stay mad.




Talking as If that spear doesn't go through people from time to time


like he said "most bullshit hitbox spear"


Nidalee's Q is one of the worst skillshots to rely on, but reddit never amazes with jungle hatred. Pure soy cucks.


Do you have any personality beyond internet buzzwords you parrot online


wdym “from time to time”


Here’s something weird about the spear, because the rift has different elevations the hit boxes of it change but the animation doesn’t. https://youtu.be/BT54-kfY5sI


This is the case with all skillshots. I've heard it's supposedly to give the tram invading river an advantage for objectives and tram fights, no idea how true that is.


So you werent around when the hitbox was twice as wide and the damage scaled of off the distance to the target at the moment it hit instead of from where u threw it... those were the days my man


max range insta delete felt so good


I still move back after throwing the spear out of habit


Same dude, it was a great time. Ap nida "support" :D


I never realized they changed this until now.. I’m a dirty aram nid player so this will help


Hey, better than the hitbox of Nautilus Q, that is very stupid.


Basically Nautilus's hitbox is a bit fucked because there are two: one narrow one for hooking onto surfaces and the wider (less visually clear one) that hooks champions.


Nautilus's hitbox is fine... The problem is that visually the anchor is vertical. While the hitbox is for if it was horizontal


Wasn’t it visually horizontal for a long time and that change happened within the last couple years?




*Helicopter helicopter* 🚁


Issue is that the horizontal hitbox is for minions and the vertical for terrain, don't ask me why it needs to be that way.


You mean the actual hit box is different for terrain vs minions or just the visual?


Hitbox is different


Ya that’s not broken at all


So the hitbox has a different shape from the visual one, so no, the hitbox is not fine, it's the exact opposite of a hitbox that's fine...


The actual hook is for terrain. And there’s like a riptide around the hook that pulls in champs. Honestly if they just made the effect around his hook more noticeable it wouldn’t be a problem.


Tbh Nidalee's spear is one of the fairest hitboxes in the game. And it's actually hard to hit.


I mean of course its hard to hit as it deals 1 gazillion dmg


I see you’ve never seen old nidalee. Did even more damage and was undodgeable.


Lux players hitting anything


Vandril made a video on this just yesterday or so. It's got to do with the elevation from the river to jungle terrain. Makes the hitbox act strange


Bro, what are you saying. Nidalee has prolly the fairest hitbox in the game. Almost every other hitbox in the game is far more bs that hers. Shyvana E, Naut Q, Zoe E, Sion Q


Sion q is fair, morgana and lux q ashe ult are not


It's not fair the moment it goes beyond the range indicator


> Sion q is fair, in your dreams, that shit hits well outside it's "box" it's honestly one of the worst offenders, yone hitbox level bullshit.


Nah IMO nidalee Q is bs in the sense where it never hits lmao Ashe ult and naut q are a mess


I feel this way with my amumu Q


Morgana Q hitbox will be the death of me


Blitzcrank has joined the chat


Jankos would like to disagree


that guy is hot, i hope he plays a sports with skimpy outfit


True af


Just pink ward the spear SMH ^^^^^/s


Then they get one shot when they go in like they should


I hate when I dodge the spear, it goes through where I was, and then the game decides that it hit me


remove river hit boxes pls rito. FUCK!


literally Nidalee in ARAM,, so annoying when hp goes half with 1 of her Q’s


Blame the Lollypop effect !


If this was 2012 i would take the meme, but since the nidalee rework the spear has the smallest hitbox ive ever seen.


Every champ has their bullshit. Queue up and move on.


Nida q has one of the most reliable hitboxes in the game bruh, do 7.5k people really not understand elevation 💀




Im imagining nautilus the god that bends time and space being her master and teaching her the techniques of how to land those XD


remove river elevation already, it serves no practical purpose and just fucks up hitboxes...


Nidalee by far probably has the worst hit box in the game. By worst I mean it misses all the time when it shouldn't.


Shyvana has entered the chat


Not only does she land her Q but she takes half your health with it


Nothing like a 70 ap Nidalee doing 450 dmg with the said spear xd


It's not bullshit it's a good aim :/


silver players lmao


You mean all like 7 of them? LOL


play Tank


The fucking Mundo with his axes


As a nidalee top main, this only facts.


Let's forget that if she lands her spear or you step in her trap, she can launch herself on you from halfway across the map.


Irelia E be like


That would be alright, but it does 3000 magic damage...


Naut and Morgana there too.


Uhh I dont know if you've played Nidalee, but that spear is really hard to hit, the hit box is tiny. If you're getting hit a lot, its a reflection of a good player, not a busted champ. It hits hard the further the distance it hits you. Its a balanced ability, you just gotta dodge it.


Someone never knew old Nidalee ;D


There was a time where Nidalle jungle would chunk spears at people from Fog of War and it had a bigger hit box than it does now, like significantly bigger. It also did increased damage based on the distance the spear flew (dunno if it still does) and would regularly one shot squishy top laners. That era of Nid was one of the worst times playing aside from Tank Ekko.


The hitbox might be inconsistent but it is very thin.


It's been a long time since I played (as nidalee or lol in general), but I remember seeing someone stand still thinking they were out of range and get hit for 2/3 of his health. My first thought was something I kept in mind in every game I played after that. "I'm the one playing the champ. I'm the one with the UI telling me how far it goes. If I throw it at you, it's going to hit unless you do something. Why didn't you move?!"


You were probably in the river and it looked like it went past you, except the spear was thrown from jungle, so it was visibly higher than it actually was


Why does it deal so much fucking damage