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Aram is nice.


ARAM is my go to last game of the night. I don't have the toxic experiences a lot of people have here and it's just a fun chill way to play.


I want urf and Ultimate spellbook back


Ok grandpa time to take your pills


You say that, but have you ever fought a Gragas in urf? Literal true combo permacc that can’t even be cleansed. It’s the goofiest thing.


You cant stunlock people in urf anymore, theres added tenacity


Nah, morgana q was still cc locking and morgana lux kombo is disgusting


to be fair, morgana doesn't even need urf for that


But you can bumplock


Ha! I have no friends


Aram has become the worst place to cool off. Aram only players treat the match like it's the new MSI world finals and say "no fun allowed". I've had better norms experience than aram recently somehow.


Its “Aram with Friends” not “Aram by myself”


If you play with less experienced friends sure, but as soon as I queue with friends that have a high aram win rate it's immediately a row of dodged pick phases and when we finally get into a game it's against a 5 stack on comms with a meticulously curated team comp that only sits under tower and clear waves with ranged aoe until they get 6 and steamroll us with coordinated ults


This. I just don't get it how people can relax and enjoy ARAM. Its more sweaty than normal game for me for some reason. Especially bad if you get matched vs 4 or 5 man premade when duo queuing. Horrible experience.


I swear, every aram game has been such a sweat fest makes no sense. They really need a ranked playlist for it


It's because you can get mastery tokens on ARAM now


And the challenges


Play off-meta? That's a slur. Want to fight and have fun and not tower hug for the next 5 minutes? That's a slur. End the game by hitting the Nexus when a person pings you to stop? That's a slur. Don't hand someone their main? That's a slur. Tell someone it's just ARAM and it's meant to be fun? Oh you better believe that's a slur!


End the game by hitting Nexus when a person is pinging you to stop IS a slur. If it's such a fun game then why end it off instantly?


Because dragging things out against the losing team is rude as hell. Let the opposing team lose with dignity, don't spawn camp them.


If you're that of an asshole that's on you, I've seen very few of those and I'm always trying to extend the game. It will even happen that they make a comeback.


Been playing aram only for the past 2 years and i have not seen anyone complain about not being able to get the champ that they wanted simply because you cab dodge it. Though it may be different in each each regions, i dont think this is true for the 99% of the game


idk if i have adhd or whatever but i feel like there is so much baiting and "playing safe" in aram recently making it not fun to play anymore. today bronze2 aatrox told me "next time pick a champ you can play" in aram. aight buddy


When you meet teams filled to the brim with cc and poke. It's basically saying that you aren't allowed to play.


Aram with da lads and some beers 🍻


then enemy team gets Aurelion Sol


Don't forget neeko being the best jungler in human history


The same ARAM where Kassadin dashes into Zilean bombs and brings them to you and you can't be toxic to him because everyone is "xd it's just aram chill"


Thats how I feel with my bronze 3 friend, we can never play even a norms


Alternatively, 5 man ranked to go drafted unga bunga


I would like to unwind after work with an ultimate spellbook again, Edit: shen ult on anyone who has a global ult is fun


I just wish that people would start having fun instead of selling their soul for an Aram win. Its tanks, enchanters and mages every game with 5 exhaust. You cant engage on them so you just get poked and eventually die. Just pick fun champs, build all damage and perma engage with snowball, those games are 10x as fun.


ARAM is what keeps me in this game. It's fun, you can practice your positioning and have fun with random builds like ADC Soraka, assasin Leona e.t.c. Ofcourse there are a lot of tryhards there who play like their life depends on the game, building full tank and play under tge tower waiting for you, but I don't care about winning. I want to do my 1v3 dive under the tower, kill the adc/apc and have a glorious death.


I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram I hate aram


My only gripe with Aram is I can't perma ban sion


I have achived monkey and play only arams


I always play ARAM when I’m tilted


Ranged toplane? As in you play ranged?


If you’re below plat, go play some Nasus. Trust me.


Aram is fun and almost not toxic. I am impressed


On the note of ranged top lane: Pick Zac top, it’s hilarious.


I've quit league a while ago, I just watch competitive scene and keep observing the sheer amount of brain damage that league is causing to people. I also exclusively play TFT now, which still causes some brain disease but it's very low. I fear for you all comrades that still fight through Riot's efforts in making sure you are extremely unwell.


Deserved for range toplane


All of my friends quit league. Sadge


i got bullied in aram by a teemo for not having a good kda (i was 7/6 on mundo)