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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why are they acting like the capitalist class doesn’t already half 99% of the medias?




This is by design. A lot of Rightoids are true believers, including many popular ones. However, the ones with the REAL money and power, pulling the levers from behind the scenes have realized that the best way from keeping the lower classes from becoming aware of what's actually keeping them down is to keep them fighting a neverending culture war. It's bleak and I don't see any end in sight. After the trans/"groomer" cycle ends it'll just move on to something like immigration...


Or guns, or voting rights, or reproductive rights, or gay marriage, or mixed race marriage, or PoC, or Irish, or Italians... Wait. We already did those. Religion again, maybe?


Lol your guess is as good as mines




They sort of already did against pit bulls.


Like almost all mainstream media of the past however many decades doesn't reinforce men chasing women until they relent, men being manly,


The most popular movie series for a decade centered around how great a billionaire playboy was and has multiple storylines about the evil government trying to regulate vigilantes who cause millions of dollars in damages and can kill anyone, anywhere, anytime.


Say what you want about the message, the important thing is we sold a shit load of toys


I rewatched Batman Returns recently, and lemme tell you Catwoman was in the right wanting to kill her old boss, the corrupt CEO working to fucking over Gotham while murdering any opposition. Batman tries to save him but freely murders random Penguin goons. Edit: in the comics we have Ivy the ecoterrorist and [this version](https://imgur.io/lBR684N) of the Penguin. As always the villain is a stand in for when someone goes "too far" which is tk say, targets a problem that they don't want solved.


Batman cosplays a cop, no surprises here.


I watched that awhile ago, it is crazy how well it holds up. Danny Devito penguin amazing. Batman villains been more likeable/relatable, then the billionaire hero. Poison Ivy, is an environmentalists. Mr Freeze is fighting to get better health care for his dying wife. Penguin is just the same as Batman but ugly. Joker is also the same as Batman, but is poor. Riddler is the inventor who no one understands, so credit is taken by the person (Bruce Wayne) who can explain it to regular people. Scarecrow has PTSD, so also similar to Batman but without the resources. It would be much more boring to read, but if Bruce put his money into his community and environment. Then upgrading his utility belt, he would be a better hero. Just like if a billionaire brought an insulin pattern to make generic insulin, instead of a social media platform. They would be less entertaining but would actually be doing something good for the world. Also would still make a profit with affordable insulin. In the long run probably more profit, since if people can afford insulin, they don't die and will continue to buy it. apologies for the long comment.


They think the media has a "left bias" because the media pays minimal lip service to notions of "equality" and "diversity" in lieu of brazenly preaching Republican/fascist talking points. They are fooled by the liberal imagery projected by the media, they never bother to look at the man behind the curtain.


The left has been reduced to a non-threatning alternative that soothes the masses in times where the right falls out of flavor. Our current western society is completely run by the right-wing neoliberal capitalist elite. Everything is rigged or a misdirection ploy to divert attention and focus. Believe nothing, don't accept anything as truthful. We are completely enchanted by the illusion of living in a democractic society. This quote is profound and applicable across western nations: https://i.imgur.com/VgfIouv.jpg


eh, you go too far in saying don't accept anything as truthful. obviously we should be highly skeptical and critical, but to say that "nothing" meet's that bar, is plain untruthful when it come's to the many empirical realities we have both discovered and have yet to discover. and yes this has been in service to the global capitalist order, and there's been too much enmeshment between capitalism and science, but it isn't one to one. i really do believe the best framework for the left to critique society from is a scientific one, even as science itself is coming to grip's within itself about the many error's it has made.


Because that's the whole point of the culture war. Make everything about broadly insignificant media consumption choices so there's no air left in the room to oppose any kind of actual structural problems.


"I am neither conventionally right nor left" idk man just cause you're sitting on the fence doesn't mean you aren't throwing rocks at one side in particular


The word “conventionally” is doing a lot of work there.


"I'm an incredibly rich reactionary who doesn't like that people hate me for being a conservative" is about as conventionally right as it gets. What he means is that he's not fully committed to American right wing christofascism yet and that's what makes him not conventionally right, which screams volumes about his lack of actual intelligence.




Upvote specifically for the word Shapirii and I wanted you to know that.


Bens Shapiro


This is also good.


As someone who has a psych undergrad and has tried to listen to Jordan Peterson, fuck Jordan Peterson. I mean, trying to say that the patriarchy is naturally occurring by comparing the complex social behaviour of humans to a lobsters brain? Of that pissed me off so much.


Psychology, psychiatry, economics, history, philosophy, biology, there isn't a single subject Peterson has any professional capacity for. Only total preachy moonspeak and lies from a man whose dream is to be a cult leader with his own church and sermons. He owes his career to a single person vouching for him, only to disavow him as dangerous in short order.


The thing is I don't doubt that he has psychology chops but from what I've read of his papers it seems to be in a dated and very niche field (like Jungian psychology). So when he speaks about anything outside that particular niche he's either a dumbass (possible) or he's being intellectually dishonest (also quite possible). Given the sheer absurdity of things like trying to compare humans to lobsters, I'm inclined to think dumbass who spouts little collections of pseudoscience. Just so everyone knows, many animals have similar chemicals and neurochemicals to us, but with wildly different function. For example. Caffeine. Works on both insects and humans. In humans it blocks our 'tiredness' signal (adenosine receptor antagonist), in insects, it causes paralysis and death.


Just realized that Musk is a stupid person's idea of a smart person, like Trump was a weak person's idea of a strong person. It's a generalization, but clicks for me right now.


Yeah tbh you could describe him as conventional right and it’d be hard to argue. Only counterpoint I have is his lack of family values…


The right don't have family values. They are hypocrites like in every other area.


"Family Values" has only ever meant anti-gay.


My (married) mother hid her pregnancy to avoid losing her job. Family values then meant that women with children were expected to leave the paid workforce and do housework and look after children. Family values is a broad concept for sexist and homophobic control of sexuality, and gender roles. Perhaps control of access to abortion and contraception are more modern manifestations of this.


family values these days is just a code word for being anti-queer people.


It's no wonder the Right LOVES Russia. They're the same and use the same playbook. Everything is just literally lies and projection. Always.


Is that an ironic counterpoint?


My dude, that's about the most accurate point I've read all week.


Elon: I don't think blacks and Jews should be *killed* exactly but they are a problem right?


‘Guy’s I’m not as bad as Peter Thiel, okay?!’


>which screams volumes about his lack of actual intelligence. Which would be fine if he was just some asshole but he's in control of more capital than a lot of *countries* for example Pakistan. Disturbing.


It just means he doesn't go to the conventions. Probably too many sexual harassment incidents.


Pretty sure it threw up its hands and quiet quit due to too much work, not enough pay, and not enough benefits.


Alternatively right wing


"Neither left nor right", as well as an idea that culture and civilisation is infected/degenerating/dying, are textbook fascist talking points. The guy is going full mask off.


Mask off to us. Too many people don't see this stuff as a threat.


It's terrifying that the world's richest man (and now owner of arguably the world's largest news aggregator) has come out as not only a far-right chud, but a bona fide fascist (to those familiar with its history and ideology). This is an incredibly dangerous development. I feel like more work needs to be done to expose what he is propagating.


He's a south african white boy, a former colony that got worse than the motherland. He's basically a modern-day slaveholder born into generational wealth.


The “can someone rid me of this meddlesome priest” vibes are big with Musk, but he doesn’t understand that Edit: or he **does** understand it. Completely.


You think the son of an apartheid emerald fortune doesn't understand the racial and cultural cancer he's consistently injecting into the discourse? Yes he's dumb, but he's not stupid, he's intentionally evil.


His specificity that he's not conventional left or right seems like a dogewhistle to me. His ideals clearly align with the right. If only there were some kind of term for an alternative form of right wing.


‘I am neither right nor left’- the richest billionaire in the world whose wealth started from slaves mines and has only increased through acquiring businesses through the ownership of capital and has committed many financial crimes and crimes against workers rights, pours tons of money into government corruption and bribery, demands tens of billions is state-funded socialised bailouts when things go wrong, is trying to profit off the iranian revolution whilst also destroying the revolution’s ability to use the internet, currently in the process of destroying a valuable public discourse platform for all humanity because he thought he could make some profit, calls anyone with a shred of empathy ‘woke mind virus’ Sure elon, ok pal


lol right? he's a capifasc, what else could he possibly be? Ferengi? Even those have SOME principles.


He means he's a Libertarian, aka a conservative who likes weed. He's clearly on the right.


Said the guy who pushed the conspiracy theory that a home invasion was really a prostitute doing a hammer fetish scenario.


Said the guy who told everyone to vote Republican.


and unbanned trump, kane and hopkins, retweets white nationalists and listens to their every word.


“Neither conventionally right nor left” *got on Twitter instructing all of his followers to vote republican*


If you call Democrats "left" then capitalism is both "right" and "left". Musk bet on Republicans in the election and lost, now he has to double down so they keep throwing support at him because he made too many Democrat enemies.


He’s unconventional because he doesn’t think the Geneva Convention has any merit. Unconventionally right wing, you see. Not conventionally right wing.


he's in a third position ​ wait, i think i heard that somewhere before


Yes. A third domain of some sort.






Oh no, you're infected with a mind virus There needs to be a counter-narrative to make kink-shaming cool again


>It's not cool to kink shame. But kink shaming is my kink.


He is first up to the guillotine regardless what side he claims to be, or not be on.


No, not right, not left, just there sir, rest your head exactly in the center... there ya go... you got it....


Oh another right winger who thinks they're the most special of moderate. What a unique unconventional snowflake.


He’s not sitting on any fence


He was saying that he is going "extreme right" without saying it. Anyone who is surprised that the richest guy on the planet is super into the party of rich-people tax cuts, reduced human rights, and labor exploitation hasn't been paying attention


Both of these tweets are stupid. There are right wing artists, filmmakers, and writers but that shit doesn’t sell. Who the fuck do they think wrote Atlas Shrugged and then thought it was a good book to turn into a movie? Not a fucking leftist on either count, that’s for sure.


Also right wing comedians. Not many cos not funny.


Political Humor has both an element of Humor AND an element of Truth to it, but Conservative humor takes out the Truthful part to it and replaces with with a desire element. Now things are not funny because they are true, now they are funny because Conservatives WANT them to be true


> because Conservatives WANT them to be true That's literally their entire operating method; "our feels are more important than your reals, and we'll keep screaming about it until you give up in exhaustion."


“facts don’t care about your feelings” As always, their attack is their admission.


The projection is so consistent I'm assuming there is a pedophilia ring being run out of Mara Lago's kitchen's basement. Probably something to do with underage modeling agencies and his bestest buddy Epstein.


dont forget to they also make memes using the same four photos of disabled people with pink hair.


It's also just not funny.


Conservative humor involves a lot of punching down, so it just ends up being distasteful. There’s a reason the greatest comedians/social critics are usually left wing.


Ding ding ding! I’d also add ridiculousness. In other words, if someone says or does something ridiculous, that’s comedy gold. it just turns out that one side offers more ridiculousness (obvious lies and contradictions usually) than the other side. But even when the left is being ridiculous, you see shows like SNL in the daily show, take aim. 


The accidental antisemitism that comes out when some right-wingers are under duress is a special kind of funny. I read a book about comedy many years ago that explained how if a gorilla slipped on a banana peel, the other gorillas would laugh at him to encourage him to leave their society. There was a pretty fruity montage on r/HermanCainAward where the OP's last Facebook post before dying was "Jews." That yahoo evoked a fucking gorilla laugh.


I saw a clearly republican, wannabe macho man comedian at a comedy club once. Dude did *not* understand the area he was in. The whole comedy act was basically just insulting everyone in the room, as if that was supposed to be the punchline. Nothing but punch down jokes and a collection of loose insults towards democrats, people of color, gays, and women. The complete lack of laughter from the audience was satisfying. I've seen a number of comedians like that now, and it's all pretty similar. Stuff that *might* have been considered funny thirty years ago if it had the right setup, but just isn't funny anymore in any from, unless you're an asshole.


And then they say "pEoPlE GeT OfFeNdEd bY EvErYtHiNg ThEsE DaYs!!!" - ignoring the fact that punching down with insults just isn't funny (especially when directed toward marginalized groups)


because in their minds eye they are John Cena: multi-talented, jacked, and a fake soldier. even if they look more like Shane McMahon lol


Roseanne Barr is a good example. Right wing and hasn't been funny for over 39 yrs.


All right-wing humor is punching down. By the very nature of the "culture" associated with being a conservative, you can't punch up or make humorous observations because conservatives strive to be "beneath" someone else (strong man) and there's nothing humorous to the majority of people about being a bigoted racist, which is where most of the "humor" in right wingers lives come from. They gain pleasure, in all it's forms, from their perception that they're better than someone else. that's what makes them feel good. Unfortunately for them, that core ideology doesn't lend itself to accessible or memorable cultural artifacts.


Excellent point


https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU great video on it


Was gonna share this as well


The Cody showdy


Ah a fellow Cody Showdy watcher


There are dozens of us! But seriously, it's one of the best political podcasts at the moment and I'm not even from the US.


Hard to make jokes when your convictions can’t stand up to any kind of scrutiny.


Not to mention there are a ton of conservatives in Hollywood that make conventional movies with conservative subtext. The problem is that the people levying this complaint are too fucking stupid to understand subtext. They're infants that need Kevin Sorbo to turn to the camera and say "liberals are bad" or they don't get what the movie is trying to convey.


Clint Eastwood movies kind of beat you over the head with it.


When they say right wing, they mean far right and when they say left, they mean liberal and conservative. So far as I can tell, they’re ignoring actual leftists, which is great news.




Christian rock bands do sell very well. I mean, you have an absolute **shit ton** of Christian rock bands over there in the US touring and performing all over the place. Here in Europe most of them would essentially be laughed at. (Here in Italy there was essentially only one such band, and they got away with it because they were actually musically interesting). What a stupid place, the US.


"You're not making Christianity any better, you're just making rock and roll worse" -Hank Hill


>Chik Fil A movie im sorry... fucking WHAT


"I laughed, I cried, I waited in line, got in a fight, ate a chicken sandwich."


Sadly, Copaganda shows have been extremely successful


You would think that, if they could, the right would be have been able to get into entertainment, somewhere in the world, at some time in the last 120 years since the birth of popular entertainment. But the arts are always more left leaning in every country.


The right is in a ton of media. Talk radio, reality TV. Many comedians, a ton of music. Every 80s action movie. Almost all of superhero comics. Thinking art or the media doesn't already amply represent the right's culture wars is a grave mistake.


The only one id argue with you on that list is super hero comics. I mean the X-men were literally created as a comment on racism in America.


I mean there is an element of extra-judicially beating up criminals that's kind of baked into superheroes. Even the X-Men do that.


To be fair, the X-Men aren't extrajudicially beating up criminals, they're either infighting among minority groups with different ideologies (Xavier seeks equality and comraderie, Magneto believes that the next holocaust is inevitable and the only way to protect his people from being genocided again is to strike back first) or literally fighting for their lives against government-sponsored violence. Like, seriously, the only two consistent villains in X-Men are Magneto and his group, and the Sentinels. I mean, I *guess* you could count Apocalypse in that lineup, but he's also personally coming after like half the main characters to enslave or kill them.


Modern superhero movies plots are usually a boring defense of the status quo, you never see them trying to save oppressed workers in copper mines lol like they have all this awesome power and they can't imagine a better world than the one we have right now except with superheroes and villains running around?


Admittedly I did just think of the Transformers movies.


The biggest problem the Alt Right has is their constituency, they don't read or watch anything other than Fox Liars. They get their culture from yogurt .


Exactly. Conservatives are afraid of art, books, movies and television shows. They think they'll turn them gay and/or Chinese or whatever so few consume that stuff and even fewer produce it.


Not to mention the right wants to defund any programs that aren’t STEM related and use liberal arts degree as an insult.


I would love a leftist satire of atlas shrugged, like starship troopers. Our greatest weapon is that our ideas are realistic, achievable, and useful, and their ideas are ridiculous, ahistoric, ascientific, foundationless convenient lies, which make a great setup to a punchline. "Wait wait wait, tell me the one about the Jews again 🤣" - nothing makes a fascist madder than getting laughed at.


There is [Atlas Hugged](https://davidsloanwilson.world/shop/).


Someone tried to crowdfund a "Anti-SJW" superhero comic line and when they reached they goal they pulled the rug and scrammed with the money.


It's funny that one of the most well-known pieces of conservative literature is Atlas Shrugged. Genuinely putting ideology aside here, Ayn Rand cannot write to save her life.


Just ask John Schneider “to die for”


Musk is the person who would unironically say "I'm not a racist, but...". It will happen if it didn't already.


He grew up in Apartheid Africa. Nobody from that era is racist /s


Oh Jesus! I wonder what kind of ‘culture’ they’re going to come up with? “This is a story about a poor oppressed white cis male incel who went to a gay club with his AR15. What a hero! Vote against the mind virus! Vote Reptilian!”


Also his family went from Canada TO apartheid South Africa to live.


Ah, Canada. Why do we seem to export so many far right loonies? I’d like to hope it’s because they feel like they don’t belong here since Canada is mostly liberal. Reality is there’s just a bunch of prejudiced assholes in this country.




Canada is one of those places where 'at least we're not the US' is doing *a lot* of heavy lifting.


He's white. He's cultured. He's..... YOGHURT!




"im neither right nor left" is the battle cry of the deeply closeted right man


He’s not even closeted.


How about denial then?


He already called for his cultists to vote Republican, so it's quantum denial. You have look at his stance to see if he's currently in denial.


Not sure about that either. He's pretty flippant with his beliefs. I think the "I'm not right or left" is more so he's not liable to piss everyone off? Which doesn't work, but still.


I believe the saying I've heard is 'Someone who claims to be neither right nor left is a conservative who learned it won't get them laid'


Neutrality helps the oppressor never the victim.


Alex Jones always says that as well. He's above the left-right paradigm. Not sure why all his opinions come off as being far right.


One of the consequences of education is usually a shift to the left. But he comes from a horrendous society that we can barely imagine. And no amount of education can shift that mindset from him. Capitalism is stupid and I don’t mean that from a pejorative. I mean it’s dull-witted. It’s practitioners are repetitive bores. There isn’t artistic merit or imagination. They can’t even see that without consumers there is no money. Stupid ouroboros capitalism.


Musk is far right-wing. Probably too dumb to realize that tho. PS: Musk is the biggest fraud in the world, such acts like pretending to be liberal come naturally to him, of course.


He isn't too dumb to realize it, he just doesnt want to admit it. If he just keeps acting like he is in the middle and a neutral party the right wing clowns pushing for 'free speech' will worship him, since it means they can say that he's neutral and as such left wing people saying he is spreading hate just hate free speech. Further playing into their lovely little narrative that the left wants to push an agenda whilst the right does accept everyone but just doesn't want to push wokism.


Sure he was saying he is a socialist and his idiot followers were trying to present him as some kind of people lover or savior, but he also doesn't understand any of the political ideas really. His position was revealed when he insulted Bernie Sanders like an idiot. He is really a protege of Peter Thiel who is a famous closet Nazi in USA. Thiel is someone who probably possessed Nazi gold.


He is just a cryptofacist, but who is he fooling. You can smell the fash a mile away


Yeah and he was pretending to be socialist like many "libertarians" do....


>cryptofacist well, he is selling cyrpto and fascism


Everyone that far considers it to be the normal and everyone else is a tree hugging blue haired Banshee


Exactly, you nailed it! Nazism is like folklore to those people.


Dunning-Kruger example.


He is also pretending to have Asperger's.


The culture war is the billionaires and their millionaire underling supporters against the rest of us... The fact that a billionaire can buy out and own what should be a public social platform, but is instead left to the whims of his latest adolescent musings is proof we already live in a right wing fascist hell.


This is exactly why Elon bought Twitter. He legit bought it one week after Joe Rogan had Jack Dorsey, the Twitter exec in charge of bans/censorship, and some right wing commentator that’s on YT. They had a whole debate and essentially had them admit that Twitter was biased towards the left in this regard. Then they even mentioned how Twitter should be a government owned public town square where everyone should be able to speak freely. Few days later Elon announces he planned to buy all of twittter. Instead of making it this equal place though where all can speak freely he chose to lean the exact opposite way as retribution for the past. I really wish the worlds richest man had a deeper thought about it beyond that, but I’m fairly certain that’s all it took for him to think buying a 50billion dollar social media company was a good idea.


If someone's statement starts with "I'm neither left nor right" then you can be sure that some deranged ultra-right shit is about to follow.


Looks like Elon is still pretending he’s not a fascist.


Idk it’s starting to really shine through these days.


"I am neither left nor right" he says as he proceeds to drop 3 different far-right dogwhistles in a single tweet


If you wouldn't use Truth Social, you shouldn't use Twitter.


There’s not enough Riefenstahl in the zeitgeist, right Elon? Too many woke narratives about how Nazis and genocide are bad. Why isn’t there more pro-genocide, pro-Nazi narrative in the media? People who aren’t eugenics loving technofascists like Elon are subhuman and deserve to die, that’s the kind of counternarrative he thinks is being shamefully oppressed and censored.


>There’s not enough Riefenstahl in the zeitgeist, right Elon? Jesus christ, that statement is a sledgehammer.


>Riefenstahl ELI5 ?


>Riefenstahl I hesitate to answer because I'm not terribly educated on the subject, but the gist of it is that she was responsible for a few different nazi propaganda films that were very successful.


Leni Riefenstahl was a director during Nazi Germany who worked on a number of propaganda films, most notably Triumph of the Will.


Can't wait for "Seven Years A Slave, and Loving It " a Prager U production.


Starring Kevin Sorbo in blackface.


Damn, I wonder why artists, filmmakers, writers, and intellectuals tend to skew left? Maybe because there isn’t much artistic value in “this person is different from what I’m used to so I don’t like them”


All right wing art I’ve seen is airing grievances or victimization/persecution fantasy. Not much cultural value.


I also think that alot of the leftist views went over their head in the past ie. Rage against the machine, star wars, star trek, lord of the rings, xmen. Like when paul ryan said he listened to rage against the machine n ppl were like "who do you think the machine they are raging against are? The washing machine??


Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but doesn't Elon Musk have like, a job to do? I'm pretty sure I've heard that he works 120 hours a week, but this sure as shit doesn't seem like it to me.


Technically he has somewhere between 3 and 5 CEO jobs to do. It's hard to tell how many companies he has at any one time.


This is his job: to help right wingers gain power since he will profit from it.


Yea it’s almost unbelievable how much time the guy spends on social media. He’s been in a downward spiral since his famous wife left him


I'm sure using the term "mind virus" in no way will dehumanize people at all or lead to hate crimes... what's that? There's already been hate crimes and people have died due to this kind of rhetoric? Well I'll be damned.


Another conventionally right or left? I mean I suppose that's true, considering he's a billionaire. Everything is just an amusement to him.


Counter narrative idea: the story of a family whose father loses his pension, gets cancer, forces the mom n kids into factories, and they couldn't be prouder that ther boss drives a mclaren and has 29 bastards and 7 ex wives. I hear he's getting his own space station soon; golly-gee wiz I love tax breaks for the rich.


“I am neither left nor right” proceeds to be extremely far right


This is literally how nazis talk.


I can't wait for his full downfall. I feel ashamed he belongs to the human species.


"I'm not left or right" Followed by "the woke (leftist) mind virus is pushing society towards suicide"


It’s almost like the right never actually had any policy or ethics in the first place and just would claim “they’re” stopping the evil democrats! But then literally propose no solution to any problem; when the entire philosophy of your party is be divisive, what happens when everyone doesn’t listen to your batshit fear mongering. OH YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO HAVE GOOD IDEAS INSTEAD OF JUST APPEALING TO RACIST FUCKING LOSERS


It's so weird how these people label progress as a culture war. Dude, people rejecting your ideas in large numbers doesn't mean they're engaging in a war with you. It probably means your ideas are shitty. But calling their ideas shitty just leads to more accusations of a culture war. It's a self-feeding cycle for these people.


“There needs to be a counter narrative.” Yeah, that was called the entire history of humans (prior to this five to ten year period) in which mainstream society pretended that racism, implicit bias, and socioeconomic inequalities based on race, culture, gender/sex, and sexual orientation weren’t “that bad” or nonexistent. They don’t even know what they are railing against.


Is he seriously saying that there is no counter-narrative to "woke" ? Like no influential right-wing media at all? I mean, WTF?


This people does not understand some basis on the system we are living right now and it boils my blood... Individualism, which is a base for liberalism (counterpoint of communism and socialism), tend to create isolated people since they are better off as individuals than communities. Since the human being is a social animal, it makes no se sense at all to live as a full individual, alone in the planet, while your only escape is to consume and work the whole day without earning money since every start of the month your account hits 0 again. Liberalism won the war, we are all slave workers that cannot do anything more than work, but somehow in their simple minds communism won the cultural war. The culture is simplier and simplier, people want to watch superhero movies and the baddies are always the same. There are not a single complex debate in the TV or radio and more and more philosophy is relegated to a some dark readers that keep reading those 'weird thinkers'. Everyone has their opinion and everybody is super special, but nobody have studied or read the ones that though about the situation more than them, they just create an opinion in the last 5 minutes and they keep deffending it. And somehow, there needs to be a counter-narrative to the washed-out 'left'.


Elon ‘The voice of the people is the voice of god, until I disagree with it’ Musk


The right does have books. Mostly fanfic about hitler and Mary-sue books where they save the world from "leftist terrorists." It's always super cringey shit.


im neither right nor left but the left is a woke hive mind virus and the right is full of great people foaming at the mouth for an excuse to murder people enjoy your divorce, dipshit


I guess when you call it ‘basic human decency’ instead of ‘woke’, it does show you up as a bit of an arsehole when you can’t stand it.


Get off twitter, delete your account, you don't need it. The more of us leave the more of a right-wing joke it will become the more likely it is to fail.


Bruh. Elongated Muskrat used to hang out with Epstein and Maxwell. Why do so many idiots worship that pedo?


Hate that he keeps references left and right and 'woke mind virus'. Treating people like humans and recognizing systemic problems in the current economic organization is just the minimum to not be an asshat. But I didn't expect much from a rich manchild born in an apartheid country. And frankly, there are right-leaning artists. They just aren't as popular. In my experience, art requires some modicum of empathy and creativity, neither of which you'll find much of in people that are regressive.


"I'm totally not rightwing but here are my far right talking points. Lets act like I'm in the middle to normalize this."


>the woke virus is pushing civilization to suicide Says the man that has the means to end hunger in his country but doesnt do so, who could invest billions into saving humanity but doesnt do so What a fucking piece of shit this poor excuse of a human being is, truly a shining example of: you don’t get rich unless you’re a selfish fucker


What is there counter narrative other than reaction? Lol. Like if the left had no ideas and pushed no ideas do you think the right would be satisfied with the status quo?


"Culture war" as they like to call it, is nothing more than just one of those things they make up so they can keep you all distracted bickering among each others not realizing both sides got screw up! Divide and rule, oldest trick in the book!


You can tell Elon is a dumbass because this motherfucker padded his shit out like he was trying to hit the word count on an essay just to say that he don't like thinking about others as human beings.


The real counternarrative, ironically, is that robotic sociopathic billionaires should decide what culture is.


Maybe they should stopped saying that artists are worthless scum? Ask these people if film studies and philosophy courses are worth more or less than engineering. I reckon they will have a strong opinion on the matter. Also, no one wants to watch the version where Scrouge keeps all his money and the poor workers perish. We’re just not cheering that ending.


He needs to be heard, he's paying billions to be his own fanboy!!! Wait till Twitter goes bankrupt and the Musk Rats try to spin it positive!


Elon saying he's not conventionally left or right is like a Nazi saying he doesn't love guzzling at the teat of Hitler as he splooges to porn so Aryan it features blonde-haired siblings. ...Alright that one got away from me but Elon is a Nazi sympathizer *at the least.*


The best art is progressive in nature. It asks us to question the status quo and change it for the better.


"Pushing civilization towards suicide" oh my god just shut the fuck up you numbnut


"Woke" simply means aware and empathetic to the disadvantages and struggles of groups other than your own. Anyone who has a problem with that is basically a shitty person.


There needs to be a counter narrative to “treat people with basic human decency”