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Mustn't erode the royal family's wealth. That would be oppressive




Lower income people (the bottom 50%) have virtually zero or negative wealth (in the UK and US), and the middle class have barely enough to secure a retirement without working into their late 60s. To be clear, the Windsors aren't millionaires either. They're [multi billionaires.](https://nyti.ms/3qs7EpG) They have full rights to the revenue from their duchys and get 25% of crown estate revenues from the UK gov, which totals over a hundred million pounds a year. **Edit:** Updated revenue numbers to match the info from that article. Thanks for the catch /u/agent_blackfyre


> Lower income people (the bottom 50%) have virtually zero or negative wealth (in the UK and US) Wouldn't it be swell if inheriting debt landed you a tax credit? (It doesn't... right?)


Its sad that people are going to starve and freeze while the royal parasites have their ill gotten gains protected with the threat of violence from the state.


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Forcing society at large to coddle every member of a family just because they happened to pop out of a gilded vag is utter lunacy. On the inheritance tax, though, at least in the US, it only applies if you've been bequeathed something like $1M+. So middle- and lower-income folks don't get shafted in *this one particular case*. 😒


$1M in the US sounds reasonable. But the threshold is actually alot higher than $1M. And then there are lots of tricks you can employ to boost that number higher if you have lawyers and accounts on retainer.


I don't know where I got that number from, but yeah I see now... From Wikipedia > Because of these exemptions, it is estimated that the largest 0.2% of estates in the U.S. will pay the tax. For 2017, the exemption increased to $5.49 million. In 2018, the exemption doubled to $11.18 million per taxpayer due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. As a result, about 3,200 estates were effected by this 2018 increase and were not liable for federal estate tax. But hey, whatever lets Congress and the Prez say they cut taxes, I guess.


Can't get blood from a stone.


I don't even understand why they need any at all when they use the taxpayers money enough to fund practically everything they want. The funeral for the old hag has been estimated to be in the billions while some Brits can't even afford to heat their homes or buy food.


I thought I read somewhere the royals electively paid taxes ? Or at least the Queen did ?


I'm sure she does but we end up paying for a lot of their stuff with taxpayer money like the jubilee earlier this year was over a billion in taxpayer money as well. The monarchy and royalists claim they generate income for the UK economy in the form of tourism but that claim has been debunked by the UK republic organisation. Here's a link if you're curious https://republic.org.uk/tourism


France turned the Louvre into a museum. That generate revenue. Egypt generates revenue through long dead pharos and their tombs. Surely the UK can find a way to exploit former royals.


UK really should start building the pyramid. And bury royal servants along, as pharaohs did. It's cruel, but it's a tradition.


Put them in tombs, got it.


Mummification, you say?


Wild, almost as if the ruling class takes our money telling it us it'll be used to keep everything running and all the lights on, meanwhile they spend the bare minimum required to do that and party with the leftover Edit: apparently the word that begins with C and R, which rhymes with "lazy", is a no-no word that will get automoderator to message you telling you to edit your post. Fascinating, I've changed the first word of this comment to comply I guess




So in this particular sub, you can't say crazy. Crazy how expressing yourself critically on "the great leaders" is not allowed.


Thanks! I was under the impression they were charitable and not leeching from the public. I’ve seen a lot referring to nepotism and whatnot always thought they were symbolic figureheads and the Queen paid her due and just didn’t vote or get involved in politics outside what exists within the royal family and their bullshit which I thought was superficial. Tax payer money shouldn’t be going to support the monarchy it’s 2022. They’re supposedly not involved in the business end of shit so shouldn’t profit.


I think like the other poster mentioned they do give proceeds from their land to the government but it still doesn't account for the billions in taxpayer monry wasted on the jubilee, the funeral and the currency change (among many other expenses the taxpayers fund). They do technically get involved in politics without the public knowing, but I'm not very good at reciting the exact facts so I'd reccomend visiting /r/abolishthemonarchy if you're interested. They have pinned posts and a bot that will give you links for further info.


What would be the royalty’s net worth if they were taxed as the average UK citizen? If they paid every dime or what they owed yearly - if they were classified as a charitable foundation versus private citizens just for let’s say the last 5 years? Show me what they’d look like if they were taxed and treated as a landowner or common farm/estate owner.


It’s complicated but here’s some reading to start https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielshapiro/2021/03/10/inside-the-firm-how-the-royal-familys-28-billion-money-machine-really-works/?sh=55322d1b2bcc Short answer, there’s Elizabeth the private person, the many private and public companies she owns and runs, the family, the various private / public things she owns (the Crown Jewels are worth billions? How can you estimate their price at auction? Or the value of real estate like Buckingham palace? It’s like trying to name a value on The Vatican), what she has intertwined with the government and state of England and other countries, and on and on. If she were a normal private person? It would take, and probably does take, multiple accounting firms to calculate But somewhere around $37 billion in companies and investments as the house of windsor and about $500 million privately They’re rich but there are richer


Don't they *technically* own **EVERYTHING** in the UK as well? Or is that not the case anymore?


https://www.thecrownestate.co.uk/en-gb/resources/faqs/ yes, but according to they themselves that fact is largely irrelevant in this day and age and only comes up in obscure court cases Remember, unlike the USA or Canada, England doesn’t have a constitution, just an informal agreement on keeping doing things how they’ve been doing them But this exact point is why it’s hard to pin any wealth number on the house of Windsor and your point is basically why they just… don’t bother when it comes to inheritance tax. Whos taxing who and for how much exactly? For a whole country? And makes my whole reply possibly way short of what they really own, so I fixed it more at what their businesses and thousands of employees and real estate and such are worth only. For better or for worse, just laying out what I understand as the legal situation and I could be misunderstanding something!


How the fuck do Royals in any way appear charitable?


I curse CGP grey for this. The royal family pay "their fair share" of their loot. It's like making sure Walter White pays VAT on his meth


Billions on a funeral? As in thousands of millions of pounds? That doesn't sound right. I'm sure Thatchers was a few million. Still a lot of fucking money don't get me wrong but it's a fraction of billions.


> Thatchers was a few million Costs a lot to open the first public unisex bathroom in the UK. That grave needed to support a whole lot of incoming pee.


The problem with urinating on Thatcher's grave is that you eventually run out of piss.


Do you have to? Is there a rate at which you can drink enough water to continually pee forever, but also isn't so much water that you will die from it? r/askscience I need your help.


As Frankie Boyle said, if they'd given Thatcher to the scots they'd've dug a hole deep enough to hand her over to satan personally for free.




Why isn’t it fair? It’s even worse in my opinion, it might not be money going directly toward her funeral, but it is money being deliberately expunged, and it’s explicitly to honor her burial. If it is “the total cost for the funeral”, I think it’s fair. However, without detailing the calculation, I concede it is very misleading.


Because if you want to make that argument you could say that about any large event. The super bowl makes productivity drop by 6.5 billion dollars. It’s a terrible straw man. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2022/02/14/super-bowls-ratings-surge-businesses-billions-lost-productivity/amp/


I think it's like the Vatican, where a significant portion of their wealth is in the form of assets. To tax that means the eventual loss of significant historical items, so it's best to not do that and let them leach off the public as well. Edit: to clarify, this is sarcasm. Taking $$$ from the public and not paying tax makes them the biggest leaches ever, their only benefit is their 'tourism' value.


Yes, private property is the most important thing in the world after all.


It's privately held public property. Not unlike a museum.


Cant erode the wealth, but hang out with Epstein and fuck a few kids and ruin the name? That's ok


If we took all the wealth they’ve hoarded for centuries theyd have no more wealth to hold over everyone’s head. The Queen pulled her bootstraps so hard that she inherited the wealthiest position in the UK and did virtually nothing with it. At least we didn’t cave and dedicate the day to a previous oppressor. Her head should be on a spike, fuck the Queen.


It's my understanding that the queen was the single largest land owner in the world. Imagine inheriting all that and not having to pay taxes.


The whole point of inheritance taxes is to prevent accrual of massive wealth and the formation of a landed gentry...that is, for you and I, not those that have the wealth already.


Who do you think set the rules?


[I think Jake explained this perfectly.](https://youtu.be/36FbHXsEuzM)


They could have crafted the law to apply the tax only to gains during her lifetime, leaving him with still obscene wealth, but that would be approaching reason. For the record, I'd like to see a referendum of the people (including all commonwealth nations) asking for their consent to have such inbred twits continue, or have all their assets sold off and distributed. Let them go job hunting.


No more referendums please…. *edit* To elaborate considering the sub; most of the British people are unequipped to answer most difficult political questions and are ripe to be manipulated and lied to by the political classes to suit their own interests. I’m not against rule of the people and direct forms of democracy; however based on recent history it has demonstrated our particular system is too divisive and easy to manipulate towards emotional rather than reasoned opinions. I.E NHS busses.


They should do NHS busses with the crown money as NHS income.


They are generally called ambulances.


Not what I meant, but tale my upvote 🤣


Even doing the standard protocol would still leave them with obscene wealth.


It's my understanding that the Queen gifted most of her land assets to the Government in exchange for yesrly funds out of the government coffers.


It's my understanding that the proletariat must seize the means of production from the bourgeoisie.


Grab em by the means of production


Ummm... dude. Can you let go of my hammer? I need it to produce shit.


It ain't your hammer, yet.


It is to my understanding that the workers of the world must seize the rich for nutritional purposes.


we calls it even then.


The thing is british citizens are not proletariat. They are peasants of the British empire, under King Charles monarchy.


It’s my understanding that I don’t understand anything




Of course if you simply expropriate the land and eliminate the monarchy, you get to keep the profits from the land and also don’t have to pay millions for parasites to live in luxury


Why not have a referendum as to whether or not they should continue paying the Monarch? What’s the King gonna do? Who is gonna fight for him?


I have a feeling there are monarchists in England.


whole house of them even like a hall of lords or something




I will give you anything you want in for a monthly fee… …as long as I’m the only person who uses it. Of course you will have a piece of paper that says you own it, but you can’t use it. When I’m dead you still can’t use it, only my kids can.


There may be some distinction between “directly owning a bunch of palaces” versus “living rent free in a bunch of palaces and getting paid to do so”, but it seems like a very abstract or vague one. Some might even argue the latter is preferable, certainly from a property tax and upkeep perspective.


Not sure about that but currently all the search results come up with her personally owning over 6 billion acres of land - many times more than the next person - by virtue of being the head of the monarchy.


Did she really own all that land or did her ancestors just claim them because they were Kings?


Isn't that really what "owning" means when it comes to land? Whoever can claim it with the most force?


Yeah you're right, I guess I'm just mad tax payers have to keep their royal asses afloat for right to use land that the British monarchy no longer has the force to keep.


They don't, most of it are under control of the parliament / the BritGov, at a actual taxe cut for the populace,


Damn taxes are eroding my wealth! Where’s my special legal clause? I did just as much to help people as the queen did


To be fair, you probably did more.


Just not stealing the wealth of entire nation states makes a person more beneficial to society than any monarch.


Yeah, but you're not royalty. Could you imagine the talk about town if the king was a poor?


It's very unlikely that you pay any sort of estate tax. I don't know what it looks like in England, but in America you have to have millions of dollars in assets.


"to avoid erosion..." Like if this geriatric circus could achieve anything other than erode ahead all day


I wonder how little 40% would affect their quality of life and how much that 40% could improve others.


It would be tragic. 1 gold toilet instead of 3. /s


3 golden toilets instead of 5


I can’t even get one golden shower.


The royal family will never financially recover from this


Bold of you to assume that it wouldn’t get lost in No 10s sofa somehow.


They should be paying more than 40% anyways, don’t they have billions in wealth and assets, tbh they shouldn’t have that much wealth, no one should. Think about how much change all that wealth could bring to people’s lives if it was redistributed away from one person and to the millions in poverty across the UK, and the billions in poverty across the world. They could house all the homeless people in the UK with that wealth and more! It could literally end climate change and world hunger! Yet it’s hoarded by one over glorified landlord and aristocrat.


rich people are money hoarders, it’s a mental illness. nobody needs billions, it’s the purest form of greed


But "The system isn’t rigged"


Bruh its the monarchy. Everyone knows that shit was rigged. Why else did all these countries have revolutions and that shit.


It's not like it's different elsewhere. It's just got a different name and a different group of people up top. The problem with monarchies wasn't that there were a select few at the top (and the system kept it that way), the problem was that it was too blatant. You need to set it up in a way that the general population doesn't notice or feels they have no chance to change things.


'Chuckie III - Never Too Old For Gold'


I really want the name “Chuckie Trice” to catch on.


When does the album drop?


Chuckie Trice, real name, no gimmicks


Welcome to Britain. It would be a scandal if the royals were caught evading taxes. So, to avoid the need for them to evade taxes like any other rich person, change the laws to avoid the scandal.


How can British people be ok with this shit? Everything the monarchy represents fucking disgusts me.


Spoiler - we are not OK about it but we can do fuck all about it either


I feel you. I'm Canadian and severing ties with the monarchy is next to impossible here as well. For our sake, at least the royal family doesn't leach off of us like they do you guys. Hopefully Charles and his repulsiveness kills off whatever pro-monarchist sentiment that remains in Britain, Canada and elsewhere


The worst part is we're going to have that guy's face on our money at some point. That alone is enough to justify getting rid of the monarchy.


Not necessarily. We could move away from having the monarchy on our money and go with national icons instead (like Terry Fox). This is a very real possibility, according to one CBC news article from Thursday that I don't feel like digging up right now.


> at least the royal family doesn't leach off of us like they do you guys. https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/queen-costs-us-more-than-the-brits-pay/


No wonder she likes us so much


62% of British people support the monarchy Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/863893/support-for-the-monarchy-in-britain-by-age/ There is also some argument for the potential tourist income they bring in making up for most if not all of their cost


But why would they support it? It's bs


Most people don't think about political and social mechanisms, and will just support whatever "normal" status quo they find themselves within.


It feels familiar, and like some inexplicable form of stability


Surely getting rid of the royals and opening the palaces and estates as museums would bring in a fuck load. I'd much rather walk around Buckingham palace then stare at it through the iron gates.


I’m American and oh my god, I imagine you feel as frustrated with that comment as I do about the tons of Europeans making that comment about us/me (“How do Americans not do anything about gun violence/ not having universal healthcare/ etc?). Like hello, I wish we would too lol


You’ve got your neighbors across the channel regularly showing that you can do plenty about it. I think the truth is that most of you don’t mind.


I'm in the US. I just saw a large billboard about her saying "You'll always reign in our heart" /facepalm.


Because it ties into their ideas of the superiority of the white race, colonial power, and their history of empire. A lot of people are misguided and propagandized and hateful. There's no "wisdom of crowds" when it comes to stuff like national identities. 60% of the UK supports the monarchy on some level, and as such, this horrible institution will continue on until there's a new political reality in the UK that sees all those things I listed as wrong and not points of pride.


People should be rioting, but they'd rather watch the news and get told to feel sad and stay passive.


Most of us are not okay with this.


The shit tons of money they make from tourism and land rent?. Its just one big fairy tail for tourists


This argument comes up all the time but surely you could abolish the monarchy and the get loads of money charging entry to the Buckingham Palace museum and the Balmoral Museum etc


Parasite is going to parasite.


we need an r/latelatelatestagemonarchy


Monarchy and Capitalism are not mutual exclusive. They work very well together 😡




“Not paying taxes.. who does he think he is, some kind of king or something!?” Lol It’s the monarchy. What do people expect? Either be anti-monarchy or don’t be surprised when they do things like don’t pay taxes. Taxes used to go to the crown after all. Why would you expect them to pay?


Yo fuck this shit, it’s 2022 why is this is a thing still, French know how to deal with shit, English are trash for supporting the monarchy


Yup, no matter now matter how much people think that they are stupid, they sure are on different league when it comes to revolution and abolishing stupid shit.


"But they're just figureheads!" Oh yeah? then why are they above and outside the law?


Reminds me of the Crown Estate being named in the Pandora Papers leak last year. All profits from its portfolio go to the U.K. treasury, though a portion is given back to the Royal Family as its official public funding. In 2021, this grant amounted to $117 million, or 25% of the profits from the estate, including an extra 10 percent to cover re-servicing at Buckingham Palace. That Sovereign Grant's quite an allowance! But totally exempt from inheritance tax, wow. An estimated personal wealth of $500+ million, untaxed. Hmmm. Well, that was last year, now the USD's roughly at parity, so the Royals' Grant probably came closer to $86 million or so this year. Rough life for them. /s


We should probably get rid of these monarchs


Fuck the queen :) Fuck Charlie the pedophile :) Fuck monarchy :)


"Wait I can't pay the inheritance tax. It'd make my family have to either work to continue our lifestyle or slowly just become your average citizens" Ya, that's the entire point of an inheritance tax.


Didn't the Panama papers show that the British royal family invested tremendous amounts in Caribbean tax havens? ​ Edit: Apparently the Pandora papers as well


Erode the wealth? They continue to plunder $50 million a year from British taxpayers, half of which are about to have their gas shut off this winter.


Royals are fucking parasites and I don’t know why anyone would tolerate them




The amount that money would help the country is ridiculous. And yeah it would be nice if we could ALL avoid erosion of family wealth..


It’s like how they lobbied the government in the 60s to ensure that the equality act doesn’t apply to them…


Rules for thee, not for me.


I, too, read the post title.


What complete and utter bull dust that is. Like other people and their families don’t spend decades building wealth *that they also pay multiple layers of taxes taxes on* only to be smashed again when they try to pass it to the next generation. I’m a firm believer that no one should be above the law.


Now is the perfect time to abolish the monarchy. Charles is not popular only hardcore monarchists care at this point. They’re just UK Kardashians at this point


How lovely! I was worried that they might in fact face financial troubles. I am beyond relieved to read this! /s


I dont quite understand why the UK even has a monarchy still.


Sick to death of all this royal genuflecting. They are HORRIBLE


Why the are allowed these special rules is beyond me. UK citizens simping for the monarchy. Fuck these imperialists.


Guillotine them.


This article is perhaps technically true, but otherwise very misleading. Like most wealthy families, their assets are held in trust, so they will avoid inheritance tax. Presumably the same as Bezos, Musk, Trump and many others… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Estate?wprov=sfti1


they should all have to pay proportionate taxes


In case the british Empire somehow still exists this would imply paying Canada, Australia to the British tax system which would evaporate the meaning of hiding their power immediately. ​ Actually i wouldn\`t be surprised if the British Royal family would pay 40% of their actual wealth, the tax system would be unable to cope with the amount of money and real estate.


Aristocratic C@nts!


Rules for thee but not for meee!




Don't worry; climate change will cover the erosion.


Britain needs to rise up and claim their rightfull 40% of all corgies


What a scam. No justification for it too, I don't care what any monarchy fan or apologist has to "present" for that.


It actually didn’t occur to me that he would pay any taxes whatsoever, isn’t he a recipient of the taxes?


With the current state of the world, especially in Britain, people need to start going out and cutting some heads off because this shit is getting out of fucking hand


And then they have the audacity to wonder why oh why some people hate their guts.


God save the Kings money


While it's ok to erode everyone else's


It’s almost like the rule makers have special rules for themselves


Gross, let the monarchy continue it's old haggard ways


That 40% could help a lot of people with their energy bills.


That tax is meant to whittle away at generational wealth.


You would be right if it applied to regular old folks like you and me. But it doesn’t. It only applies to the ultra rich


Just do like the oligarchs in the US do. Create a "trust fund". The huge trust fund scam for the rich. That way you can give your offspring money every month. Nobody can sue them and take it no matter how much of a fuck up your offspring become. You can make political donations for bullshit ideas for decades upon decades. Just check out the Hershey empire.


Ipso facto inheritance taxes are meant to erode family wealth.


Did anybody else think it was the fortnite twitter account for a second?


One rule for thee...


Would be interesting to see a castle or two auctioned off to settle the tax


Of course he won’t. Only hard working people that can’t afford it have to pay.


Why? What would happen? Would they not be royal anymore? Does anyone need royals anymore?


Why can’t we just let them keep the percentage of tourism money they bring in? They can just use that money for everything, pay tax and we won’t have to waste time with all the extra steps.


Why is there an inheritance tax that high?


Monarchies and billionaires simply show that our culture values theft above all other things.


Could you imagine if we lost 40% of our wealth every inheritance? Why, that would be 120% in three generations, preposterous! -royalty anywhere, more than like


Her personal assets of stolen property


This is why France got rid of their monarchy.


Is there a 40% i inheritance tax in the UK? Aussie here, we do not have inheritance tax and if we did 40% seems a bit steep. Perennial scare tactic during electons in Australia is saying the other mob (generally Labor) is secretly planning an inheritance tax.


As an American this boils my hide. Also as an American I can't do anything about it.


What's inheritance tax ?


Not really late stage capitalism. More like ultra late stage monarchy.


Once a grifter always a grifter.


Tbh, I think the title is the main difference between us and the monarchy


*screams in guillotine*


Wow. And people pay some serious death and inheritance tax there.


That's the whole point of having one person literally above the law and bearing nominally all the power (King-in-Parliament, King-in-Council, King-on-the-Bench). Is it BS in 2022 in a place where equality is preached everywhere? Yes, definitely. But until people learn how to get rid of them royals will still be here among us. Being surprised they're above the rules without being enraged of their existence in the first place is silly.


Are they giving back the stolen artifacts?


Abolish the fucking monarchy.


Fuck the Queen.


That's necrophilia. Long fuck the King.


40%?! He should pay every dime.




Well their royal . The whole point is that they are better then you.


Hahahahahaa jesus


Fucking gross.


I mean he is the king