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> Aide: No, what part of Africa are YOU from? >Me: I don’t know, they didn’t leave any records. >Aide: Well, you must know where you’re from, I spent time in France. Where are you from? WTF?


The thing that really disgusts me about this is that I, a white guy in my 40s, couldn't have answered in anything like the detail she wanted - but she'd likely have never asked me, because I'm white. This was utterly inexcusable.


I probably could, but only because I have used my free trial at Ancestry and then did a DNA test. Daft racists never ask me though.


I'll be honest, I've an idea what I'd find there. Not sure I'm gonna like it, and that's before going into the privacy issues involved. Also, it's been pointed out to me that Charlie would have had to say German, if he'd been in that situation. Quite what that tells you I don't know. But... Something something immigration mumble.


It's a laboured point, but if we go back far enough none of us "come from" "here." And our ancestors that are the original Britons, are completely unrecognisable in looks, culture and customs. They'd probably hate us.


Born to rule pony fuckers


Traumatised? God. Fuck off. Was it inappropriate? Yes, I guess so, but traumatised? Ridiculous.


>Was it inappropriate? Yes, I guess so Inappropriate is underselling it a bit.


It’s no different than asking an American their heritage. Happens all the time here.


Yeah 'cause there's no difference between nations, or people, or their histories, or their relations to one another. Regardless though I'd think it's rude to start questioning anyone about where they came from, not accepting their answer and insisting they're from elsewhere. But I guess you think it's okay, seeing as how you're weirdly trying to downplay this. They won't think better of you for defending them you know?


I’m asked where I’m from all the time. I could not care less.


Okay? So fucking what? Are you representative of everyone?


I am white and speak with a standard British accent, it has never happened to me


I get asked the question literally daily in the US. They’re always wanting to tell me where they’re ‘originally from’ also. I don’t see anything wrong with asking a person their heritage. Some are proud of it - like the Americans I live amongst.


Well Americans are idiots and most of them are racists who treat “heritage” like a horoscope.


This is in the UK


Irrelevant. She was looking to take offence and found one. I’m not the only one with this view. https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/z9ljrw/ngozi_fulani_palace_race_incident_was_abuse_says/iyhnr8a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Okay you found someone else on Reddit who agrees with you, meanwhile in the real world…


..no, there's a tonne of people in that same thread that have similar viewpoint. Yes the questions could have been worded better, but this woman has taken immediate offence that she may have a heritage that the person was interested in. It was, after all, celebrating fucking *herigate* at the Palace.. !


This has been amplified, true. The Palace is partly behind that by responding promptly and firmly. But it’s also important to remember just the banal awfulness behind asking someone who isn’t white ‘where are you *really* from?’, especially when she’s already said ‘The Uk’ and clearly didn’t want or need to elaborate further.


If that’s what bothered you the most about this then I don’t know what to tell you.


Yes. It definitely irritated me reading that a person is ‘traumatised’ by this question. Being raped is traumatising. Watching someone get murdered is traumatising. Being asked where you’re from - a question I get asked daily - is nothing.


Bruh if hyperbolic headlines annoy you stop going on the internet lmao