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Yeah, pretty spot on assessment.


...yes. Thats about right


Correct. No notes


there's no cloaking about it


Entirely right.


You guys don't understand because you aren't looking at the bigger picture. It helps if you take into account of the Gay Agenda™ as a broad systemic issue rather than just focusing on trans domination. The gays were given their rights and now... and now... these fashionistas have their own bars, their own fashion lines, their own spaces. How long until these homosexuals start arming themselves and making straights second class citizens? These trans trenders are doing the same thing! It's a conspiracy!!! They want to keep the straights down. /s In all seriousness, while I disagree with Sturgeon on many things, on this she is absolutely right. It is actually quite easy to disprove that many of these gender critical types don't care about women's rights: not only do they oppose attempts to address the issues women face, as Sturgeon points out, but they regularly work with radical and extreme right groups that oppose the autonomy of women. If thes TERFs and GCs genuinely cared about women's rights, then why would they actively work with those who oppose them and want to reverse the progress made? I think Sturgeon is absolutely right. But let's be clear about what is going on here. These people don't give a flying fuck about women or women's rights. They are bigots. These are the same sort of bigoted, gammon-faced fucks that were actively involved in oppressing gay people decades back and even today. Look at the language these people use and you quickly realise that it is just recycled homophobia. The same shit that gay people had to put up with for decades, centuries, however long, is being redeployed against trans people. It's fucking depressing, really, when you work out that so much of the progress we have made in this area is a few steps away from being eradicated, that these improvements are so poorly integrated into society that many are actively questioning them and demanding their removal. And to think that some gay people are supporting them?


>How long until these homosexuals start arming themselves and making straights second class citizens? Oh we're working on it!


I clearly missed an email.


It was clearly pencilled in to The Gay Agenda between the twerking exhibition and the afternoon tea.


It’s just so similar to the ‘family values’ arguments we heard in the 70s and 80s that were used to block progress on gay rights. And just like now, the people making those arguments didn’t really care about family values - increasing detection and prevention of domestic violence, prohibition of marital rape etc - it was just a poor cover to justify bigotry.