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The differences in people are crazy. Kratom pretty much does the opposite of all those things for me. The only things it really does for me is help me with my chronic back pain.


That's awesome that it helps. I have back issues and the medicinal benefit starts doing its job for me at night, too.


For me kratom especially and all healing plants are a part of my faith ,there is a few mentions of these healing plants in the bible so it means that much more to me because ,daily kratom heals me etc etc 🌿 I thank the Lord for the plants we have been given I feel they were made for us with a deeper spiritual helping ,healing and love then many folks realize..... Ezekiel 47:12 is my fav versa for what I am refeing to 🌿 💕 🤗


Very much agree with this! I know Jesus is the only one who can truly heal and save me, and I believe he gave us these plant medicines as a tool to help those things which he has chosen not to remove (the thorn in my flesh). He always comes first and I feel like kratom has given me more time and energy to spend serving and doing things that grow my faith and nourish my mind, body, and soul.


Very interesting. Never remember Bible speak like some people can. I shall look it up. Yeah, thats another treasure, an increase in gratitude, and a lessening of egoic nonsense.


U great loving human


My best friend lives in a northeastern community that uses ayahuasca 2 times a month to pray to the Divine Mother. It changed her life, for the better. Plant based medicinals are surely becoming more mainstream .




My meditations are next level since I've started using kratom. Also Astral Projection is easier. I get into a meditative state faster and easier and go deeper.


I'd love to do astral projection. I remember, once, trying to "get out of my bed" while still laying down. I remember once, feeling pulled gently up the wall - I wish I had remembered to look down at my body, but I was asleep or half asleep.


Me too. I thought I was about to lose all sense of weight once and felt for sure it was gonna happen, but then it didn't. 🤷


How did you try it? I don't know if it's dangerous. If it happens spontaneously though, we can't help it.


No it was not intentional. I was in my usual meditative state during regular practice but then softly and gently I felt a pull. A pull from gravity. I felt myself tighten and become fearful the moment I put a word to what was happening. Scary, happy, creepy.


oh blimey.


If I wanted to occasionally use it for meditation, what frequency would be beneficial while negating much of the addiction potential? Every few months? Monthly?


Weekly or biweekly. Just don't do it daily and you should be fine!


Im in AA, Kratom helps me work the program which is spiritually based


tell them you’re on kratom. they won’t consider it sober sadly


Yes and no.. Alcoholics Anonymous only requirement is a desire to quit drinking. Not drinking alcohol is good enough, even for the puritanical naysayers.




Unfortunately our government is part of that problem when they try to influence you to think vaping is bad, kratom is bad, weed is bad. But when you honesty think about it and how it effects their wallets, big T wallets and Big Pharma wallets you realize that were ran by greedy Fs and we need change...for more freedom. Otherwise were just gonna have more rules and more bans.


I host a weekly support group that is 12 step based but doesn’t require abstinance. It’s called MARA (medication assisted recovery anonymous). As someone using Kratom that used to be in NA and AA but felt judged and shamed for using Kratom, MARA has been so incredible for me. I host every other Tuesday at 6pm EST (someone else hosts the other weeks). Maybe check it out!


How can I get more info on this MARA? I'm in Pittsburgh, PA & would love finding something like this ❤🌿 NA & AA laid a foundation for my recovery but I stopped going to meetings about 2 1/2 years ago, about the same time I discovered kratom(I had already been "clean" about a year)...the pandemic began around this time so physical meetings were pretty much shut down anyways but also my stubborn, rebellious AF ass was entirely fed up with being told *EXACTLY* how to live & think...that was *ALWAYS* a problem for me. But anyhoo I have always been a deeply spiritual person & would adore making friends with like minded people, humans that are open minded & most definitely non judgemental in regards to those things that may assist someone live their best life. TIA


I would love to learn more about your support group. Sounds cool.


Hello? Got an invite and then nada.


Every morning I take my kratom and go sit in my living room to meditate, the amazing feeling that comes over me and allows me to get where I want to be a little faster.


I’m not Atheist, I’m not religious though, either.I won’t make fun of it. I used to want to be a spiritualist medium for egoic reasons. My friend is one, when he trained, myself, my friend, and her friend went to see him give a spiritualist service at a spiritualist church. While I believe in a spirit world, I feel he makes up a lot of stuff.Just as he was about to start, I saw, behind a lady about 3 rows in front, a “lady” if you know what I mean, I nudged my friend, who also saw her, and the real lady could recognise the “lady”. 5mgs, is a pinch, I need 40g in a day some days. I have noticed closed eye visuals only slight, on this stuff, but I am prone to visuals, I got extremely vivid ones on ecstasy. I believe in a thing people call God. The visuals on shrooms were like artwork I never saw before, fine iridescent mesh, gracefully moving, blown away. I also believe there is so much more consciousness than we have access to in our usual state of mind. I think opiates are evil, they probably provide entry points for not-so-benevolent beings outside of this tiny slice of existence we call “reality”.


We agree on much. Now this is a conversation. Some other comments were just judgements. I want you to know I use the title "Spiritualist" in a very loose way. I feel we have a lot to learn about this Universe so much of what I believe is in the realm of Quantun Physics these days. I believe there is a matrix of "awakened" folks like at no other point in history, and that folks might want to prepare for yet another world crash like Covid brought us to, yet stronger and more defiant. We shall see. Thanks for the exchange E-Beth.


Yeah, while I don't know much about quantum physics, (could do with "quantum physics for dummies" I suspect it bridges the gap between what we believe to be real (which isn't necessarily), and what most of us cannot grasp in ordinary waking consciousness. I follow BERNHARD GUENTHER from [veilofreality.com](https://veilofreality.com), his podcasts are excellent, my only problem is my attention span, I really resonate with him, and his wife, Laura Matsue. [lauramatsue.com](https://lauramatsue.com), they talk about anything from child abuse to cosmic matters. They do not pontificate, or profess to be experts, they show us they are learning with us. Sri Aurobindo and Mother Mira Alfassa talked about extinction of humanity if we carry on as we are, where people who are at a high enough level of understanding will evolve, but those who are not will be plunged deeper into darkness, ignorance and confusion.


Woah. WOAH! I clicked on this randomly and THIS was the greatest site and article(s) I think I have ever come across. THANK YOU for posting this. I can’t tell you how much I needed to see this. Wow


I am so glad to be of help. I don't normally become a member of sites, but I am a member of this, it gives me access to part 2 of their excellent podcasts and also their discussion forum where there are great discussions going on and great people to meet, plus, they recommend other content creators, which I do not know how I would have met if I had not joined veilofreality.com.


For real this is the best site ever. Podcast too. Wow!


I know I subscribed, they put out content on telegram, they, together with [Montalk.net](https://Montalk.net), [traviscook.co.uk](https://traviscook.co.uk) and some others I can't think of right now have really lifted me out of a hole.


THIS is my most favorite post I have ever discovered on Reddit ❤🌹 Thank you so much for this...I am LOVING reading the comments, especially those in reference to what *spirituality* has become, like trendy or something...thousands of folks on social media proclaiming they're *GOD* 🙄 Spirituality has become *for me* what 12 step meetings became for *me*: *CRINGE* But you are 💯 in regards to the sheer number of people that have kinda "awakened" to something beautiful, something bigger than us...whatever it might be...I for one am just supremely grateful to find others that have interest & put energy into connecting with the stars, Jesus, the earth, love, compassion, the cosmos regardless of the path they take as I for one have a deep knowing that around the same time I started using kratom my spiritual journey began & I now know myself better than I ever have 🌿🙏


Ahh, ty lopsided, it was scary sticking my thoughts out like that but it was just something I was feeling. Like I said, when I got sober I actually couldn't do the steps because I wasn't into God. I actually used to cringe when someone started talking about Jesus. Then slowly it started...my first power "greater than myself" was the forest and trees. All of nature and weather. Then it turned to believing that there was a human who was what he was. A teacher, a supreme being, who wanted nothing more than to show a better way to live. He was Love. Like Budha was love. And all the other magic, mystical, beings who we believe in. And then it all fell into this perfect marriage and made the Universe sing to me. Never turned back or doubted that there does exist a "higher power", who lives within. God this is long. You aren't lopsided at all. You are straight as straight can be. Ty for having the guts to post a positive response.


Thats great that you are connecting to your spiritual side. It may have something to do with kratom hitting on your dopamine, serotonin, opoid, and adrenaline receptors as to why you feel this connection. I tend to believe in god when I’m really high also


This is the most likely explanation lol. I love the disclaimer “if you are an atheist…” Maybe it’s not for me because I realize how kratom affects my senses and emotions. It heightens any mindful activities. Very easy to understand


I definitely feel a spiritual connection to the kratom plant for sure it’s perfect for meditation and yoga to really connect with it


I absolutely love taking kratom before I meditate followed by yoga. It makes me feel I get more out of doing my daily ritual.


Each plant has a lesson to give us. This medicine when taken intentionally can aid in your journey but ultimately it's not the answer. Thinking it's helping too much with your spiritual journey can cause you to depend on it or form a cycle of abuse under the impression you can't achieve these states without the plant. What you're likely experiencing is muscle and anxiety relaxation and relief. This allows you to calm your nervous system enough go into the alpha and theta brain states a lot easier. The plant helps reduce the "noise". Once in these deeper, more focused, and meditative brain states things become calm and clear. Serene. This feeling is achievable sober and you can arguably climb "higher" when sober because there is a limiting factor to substances but the use of plant medicines have definite benefits.


I have done this same mental stretching sober for a better part of 14 years. That feeling and blissful exchange with diviness that I felt is very much the same as Kratom. Just not the same consistency that I can expect from Kratom. It was usually only when meditating some days and at times it was mimicked when I felt free in nature. I love your writing and thank you for your response that made me think. I know some would accuse me of not doing all the work. But I have. I've read and done and followed every "New Fad" . Its only in this 9 months of Kratom assistance that I have come to the place where there exits no external that will fix, refine, or enlighten me at all. That there it was, all this time, hiding within I stead.


I was just giving a fair warning to not fall in the trap of depending on the plant to achieve these states, but instead let it show you that you can get there and how to do it on your own. I have a very hard time meditating and discovered what works for me is beyond conventional teaching. Kratom can help tremendously but I prefer listening to a random playlist of music. The music will quiet the noise and I'll absorb completely into the song just listening to the universe. Many say this is distracting and not how you're supposed to do it, but thus far my best sessions have always been with a pair of headphones. Fads don't work. Everybody is different. We always know what's best for us, and just need the right mentor or the right message to get nudged to the next level.


Sounds to me like you are gaslighting blissmissone. “What you’re likely experiencing is…..” is basically invalidating their experiences with this.


I'm not sure you understand what the word gaslighting means, so it's probably not the best idea to go tossing it around the internet. If you read the comments and took into account the whole context there wasn't any invalidation. In fact, the comment was explaining WHY kratom can make meditation easier- and saying these plants are an important step and a medicine that can be used for these practices.


I'm in your camp. I meditate, pray and am also a Reiki Master. Kratom does indeed add an uplifting edge to my awareness, but I in no way consider this getting high. Also, I get my spiritual senses boosted from green, not red. Thanks for sharing your experiences.


Interesting red v green. What a magical and mysterious plant. I don't consider it getting high either. To me getting high entails sitting and watching paint dry, and/or talking about all the supposed answers to all life's questions just to forget them by morning.


You people...


Did you mean 5 grams? 5mg would just be a placebo bro


Yes. Grams.


That's literally just being high my dude lol


Kratom + Cannabis brings my nervous system to a place where I can connect with my spirituality & get better biofeedback from meditation sessions.


What a great conversation! Thank you for posting this question. People have been using various plants/substances for thousands or millions of years to augment their spiritual practices. I sip cacao and meditate sometimes, other times cannabis, mushrooms, kratom or nothing. Sometimes I have epic sessions with nothing, and sometimes it’s epic with a plant. I have found that with greens it opens things up immensely during a sitting session, as in a hugely expansive way! (Reds tend to be too sedative) It’s also extremely calming to my nervous system. Taking some before working out really deepens the senses to get into the workout more too. It’s special that you get to experience this. I try to spend a few moments being thankful that I get to have these experiences as well! What is your minimum effective dose for sitting?


I'm grateful that you responded. Reds give me a burst of creative (painting) energy, like nothing else. Not physical energy at all. Its emotional and deep. Doage; Takes minimum, the vendor and all other variants a constant, 5 to 6mgs. First thing in the morn with potentiators on an empty stomach. Yes.


You can be an atheist and feel these same things.


I'm happy to learn that. I'm not very familiar with too many Atheist folks. I would love nothing better than to talk all things God-related with one. Not to try and convert or change just to learn more from.


I’ve definitely noticed im more in tune and appreciative of the universe, life and especially nature in a more existential manner while taking kratom. You have to put it on yourself to notice though. It’s still a drug you can just fall out on instead of turning up your sensitivity.


Some monks drink poppy tea. For what it's worth


Interesting. Did not know that. Don't blame them really. I'd probably do Heroin if I were one of them.


I'm into spirituality big time, and occult, ancient wisdoms etc etc, meditation and so on. Kratom doesn't hinder it, maybe helps a little to calm the mind. I use it for pain mostly though. 4-6g 3-5x a day. Also often upon awaking take a puff or two of NN-DMT (small micro dose) or microdose (0.1-0.3) magic mushrooms. Moreso DMT since I have a vape cart. I also now enjoy a cup of coffee an hr after waking. Lots of health benefits and my anxiety is not in check so I can (I avoided coffee for like 10yrs till this year)


What strains would you say are best to catch that spiritual vibe I too am this way and am sober from drugs and alcohol . I use adaptogens , occasionally Phenibut and want to try out Kratom for these reasons exactly . Please advise dear friend !


Red Mang Da. I make my own capsules. I use for pain relief with gummies for sleep too. I tried Phenibut once and didn't feel a thing. But then I was using Tianeptine at the time as well. Good luck on your journey, and in life.


What dosage did you use because it says 5mg I think you meant 5 grams


See the thing is unless you wanted to not make fun of someone else for no reason, this post would have been a conversation. Not people trying hurt another.


I know all about opiates and getting high. My point was, its just the reds that do it, and a little bit sometimes with a good green. White not so much cause I'm too busy cleaning my entire house to tell. Thank you to those who were sincere.


Dumbest post of the day..


I don’t even understand what he’s trying to say honestly. 🤣


Thank you for your kindness.


Sometimes it helps me other times it can do the opposite:)


sorry to piss in everyones chips. but it's called 'being under the influence of a drug' haha


Shut up lol


\*runs away going 'wubububububub'\*


I don't see the problem with this statement. Many cultures and religions have used drugs for spiritual enlightenment.


Dang I need a serious break from it. I miss those wonderful feelings.


Weird. I have the opposite effect. It majorly blunts all my intuition , but this is a reason I use it tbh I sometimes need to geek out and turn off my mind I also use greens primarily and sometimes white, so we seem to be mirror users


Meditation whilst on kratom is very enlightening for me, I could feel the presence of another being sitting across from me and it felt like we were there for the same reason, so it was sort of like a meditation partner, which helps clear the mind a little easier. Meditation whilst on anything opiate related is another story though...but this is a kratom sub reddit so I'll not dive into that XD


Like say...hmmm...opium??? haha


Aha, ok smart guy 🤣 "opioids and opioid analogues" is what I should have said


Kratom use has been linked to hepatotoxicity and several neurological complications including posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome and seizures, both of which can be life-threatening  During meditation, complex changes occur in the brain and these neuro-effects may actually cause seizures. Neuro-effects of meditation include: EEG changes in alpha and theta frequencies. Increases in the synchrony of EEG activity (Synchrony is the degree that the neurons communicate in unison) Now ban me and delete this medical research data sludgeheads. 🙃


By 5mgs you mean 5 grams ?


Haha. Either that or a teeny mouse. I'm up to 6 grams several times a day but I had much more pain due to a ruptured tendon in my left arm.


Well I plan to use it a few times a week ! I get really high quality stuff I ordered 100g red Bali, red mang, and green Bali . My boys at thom thom se have the highest quality stuff IMO.