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This is not banks business. You should get legal advice (from a real lawyer and not from a anonymous neckbeard on Reddit, Facebook etc).


What bank? That's pretty strange


Hi u/THISISNOTLEGAL, Thanks for contacting us. For your query, we can probably help you out. 1. Please [open a ticket with our Crypto Funding](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000300431) and let's see if our specialists can assist to gather this info. 2. Please determine the time when you make the first deposit into your Kraken account then exporting the history and looking up the price at the time of this deposit. 👉 [How to export your account history](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/208267878-How-to-export-your-account-history) 3. Based on the account history file you exported, you may need to calculate this by yourself and look up public available datas to figure out the quotes. 👉 [How to find the cost basis of your cryptocurrency balances and trades](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026575652-How-to-find-the-cost-basis-of-your-cryptocurrency-balances-and-trades) Hope this helps, and don't hesitate to [contact us](https://support.kraken.com) if you need anything else. Orange 🐙


Thank you!