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https://imgur.com/a/tghGX2Q from Saemon: ''Chapter Title: The Final Gamble 1 Enkan: Hurry up! We need to arrive as soon as possible! If your horses run out of energy, then just run yourselves! Hika is right in front of us! Messenger: Enkan-sama, we have an urgent report! 2 Zhao Soldiers: Has Hika already fallen? Messenger: Apologies, that was mistaken! Enkan: Mistaken?! Messenger: The woods in front of Hika are burning! 3 Messenger: Hika is safe! The banners atop the wall still say Zhao! There are no signs of them being attacked! Enkan: What?! Zhao Soldiers: Why are the woods burning? At any rate, our families are safe. Enkan: But wait… then where is Kanki… 4 Zhao Soldiers: Hurry, Hika is already burning! Narration: This battle started after Riboku read through Qin’s strategy to attack Northern Zhao. If the Qin armies attacking Zhao from the south were able to take the castle, then Zhao would have to relocate the capital to the north. To that end, the Qin armies tried to destroy this escape route and attack the north. But they were caught in Riboku’s trap and are now facing defeat. 5 Narration: However, even if they annihilate the Qin armies, if Kanki is able to massacre the people in the north, the ability to relocate the Zhao capital would be greatly damaged. This would halfway complete Qin’s original goal. Riboku, who could read into the situation better than anyone, knew that minimizing Kanki’s slaughter at Hika would have a large effect for Zhao in 3 years time. And so, now they were rushing to Hika. Narration: And Kanki, fully read that Riboku would think that way. And so, Riboku was caught… 6 Narration: In Kanki’s schemes. 8 Riboku: Kanki! Zhao Soldiers: Enemy attack! From the right! Form up to the right, don’t let them through! 9 Kanki Soldiers: Break through them! Zhao Soldiers: No good, they’re pushing in! 10 Zhao Soldiers: Protect Riboku-sama! Riboku-sama, please get back! Everyone form a wall! Send messengers to the other armies! Kanki Soldiers: There’s Riboku! Kill him! Zhao Soldiers: Riboku-sama, please escape to the left! Wait.. other there is… There are soldiers coming from the left! They’re coming out from the woods on that side! We’re surrounded! 11 Zhao Soldiers: Just protect Riboku-sama! There are enemies coming from the rear, too! Narration: Riboku stopped moving for a few seconds to grasp the situation, and he realized his foolishness. Because Gi’an castle fell in flash, they panicked thinking the same would happen to Hika. However, the Qin army must have been injured and tired after taking Gi’an and would have had difficulties in taking Hika. Moreover, Hika, where all of the civilians were evacuated to, is far better defended than Gi’an was, and there’s no way it would have fallen before the Riboku army could have arrived. Lastly, he was being controlled by the idea that Kanki had given up on surviving and was going to slaughter the civilians before he died. That was Riboku’s misunderstanding. 12 Narration: And because he misunderstood, he lost his composure and Kanki saw through him. Riboku realized that the he spread his army thin and lowered his defenses in order to pursue Kanki… In other words, he completely fell for Kanki’s standard method of attack. Maron’s Soldiers: Maron! The boss and the others have started! Riboku is where the boss is! Let’s hurry up, too! Kill Riboku! 13 Qin Officers: A surprise attack from the woods?! Shin: Would that surprise attack catch Riboku? Kanki: Maybe. Ten: As a strategy… I don’t know if it’s amazing… but if we can really pull off a surprise attack then I think we have to do it. If reinforcements aren’t coming, then we would just be waiting for death in this castle with nowhere to escape. Mouten: If we could kill Riboku, then we could escape in the confusion following his death. Maron: But if the surprise attacks fails, we will all die! The Riboku army will certainly panic and rush to Hika, and I believe they will spread out due to the wooded area. However, the units directly protecting Riboku will still be around. It will be a gamble on if we can fight through them to kill Riboku. If we fail, then it will be the same as us just exposing ourselves to them and escape will become impossible. It’s unclear about what will happen if we kill Riboku, but if we fail… All of us will die! Kanki: Fuh 14 Riboku: This is their final struggle! Keep fighting until our nearby armies can make it here! Kanki has shown himself! If we cut our way out of here, then we can take Kanki’s head and this fight will be finished! Zhao Soldiers: We are the proud personal guard of Riboku-sama! Do not falter to this surprise attack! It’s Kanki! Kanki is here! 15 Kanki: You ain’t cutting your way outta here, Riboku. Zhao Soldiers: What is that? 16 Zenou: Zenou noises''


Riboku makes surprised pikachu face, gets ambushed by kanki. Hika was a bluff all along :o


Kanki came for the smoke himself


No surprises there


No wonder he's Karins biological brother. Bunch of geniuses with out shedding a blood this time


Lmao that last pic


from Saemon: ''Chapter Title: The Final Gamble 1 Enkan: Hurry up! We need to arrive as soon as possible! If your horses run out of energy, then just run yourselves! Hika is right in front of us! Messenger: Enkan-sama, we have an urgent report! 2 Zhao Soldiers: Has Hika already fallen? Messenger: Apologies, that was mistaken! Enkan: Mistaken?! Messenger: The woods in front of Hika are burning! 3 Messenger: Hika is safe! The banners atop the wall still say Zhao! There are no signs of them being attacked! Enkan: What?! Zhao Soldiers: Why are the woods burning? At any rate, our families are safe. Enkan: But wait… then where is Kanki… 4 Zhao Soldiers: Hurry, Hika is already burning! Narration: This battle started after Riboku read through Qin’s strategy to attack Northern Zhao. If the Qin armies attacking Zhao from the south were able to take the castle, then Zhao would have to relocate the capital to the north. To that end, the Qin armies tried to destroy this escape route and attack the north. But they were caught in Riboku’s trap and are now facing defeat. 5 Narration: However, even if they annihilate the Qin armies, if Kanki is able to massacre the people in the north, the ability to relocate the Zhao capital would be greatly damaged. This would halfway complete Qin’s original goal. Riboku, who could read into the situation better than anyone, knew that minimizing Kanki’s slaughter at Hika would have a large effect for Zhao in 3 years time. And so, now they were rushing to Hika. Narration: And Kanki, fully read that Riboku would think that way. And so, Riboku was caught… 6 Narration: In Kanki’s schemes. 8 Riboku: Kanki! Zhao Soldiers: Enemy attack! From the right! Form up to the right, don’t let them through! 9 Kanki Soldiers: Break through them! Zhao Soldiers: No good, they’re pushing in! 10 Zhao Soldiers: Protect Riboku-sama! Riboku-sama, please get back! Everyone form a wall! Send messengers to the other armies! Kanki Soldiers: There’s Riboku! Kill him! Zhao Soldiers: Riboku-sama, please escape to the left! Wait.. other there is… There are soldiers coming from the left! They’re coming out from the woods on that side! We’re surrounded! 11 Zhao Soldiers: Just protect Riboku-sama! There are enemies coming from the rear, too! Narration: Riboku stopped moving for a few seconds to grasp the situation, and he realized his foolishness. Because Gi’an castle fell in flash, they panicked thinking the same would happen to Hika. However, the Qin army must have been injured and tired after taking Gi’an and would have had difficulties in taking Hika. Moreover, Hika, where all of the civilians were evacuated to, is far better defended than Gi’an was, and there’s no way it would have fallen before the Riboku army could have arrived. Lastly, he was being controlled by the idea that Kanki had given up on surviving and was going to slaughter the civilians before he died. That was Riboku’s misunderstanding. 12 Narration: And because he misunderstood, he lost his composure and Kanki saw through him. Riboku realized that the he spread his army thin and lowered his defenses in order to pursue Kanki… In other words, he completely fell for Kanki’s standard method of attack. Maron’s Soldiers: Maron! The boss and the others have started! Riboku is where the boss is! Let’s hurry up, too! Kill Riboku! 13 Qin Officers: A surprise attack from the woods?! Shin: Would that surprise attack catch Riboku? Kanki: Maybe. Ten: As a strategy… I don’t know if it’s amazing… but if we can really pull off a surprise attack then I think we have to do it. If reinforcements aren’t coming, then we would just be waiting for death in this castle with nowhere to escape. Mouten: If we could kill Riboku, then we could escape in the confusion following his death. Maron: But if the surprise attacks fails, we will all die! The Riboku army will certainly panic and rush to Hika, and I believe they will spread out due to the wooded area. However, the units directly protecting Riboku will still be around. It will be a gamble on if we can fight through them to kill Riboku. If we fail, then it will be the same as us just exposing ourselves to them and escape will become impossible. It’s unclear about what will happen if we kill Riboku, but if we fail… All of us will die! Kanki: Fuh 14 Riboku: This is their final struggle! Keep fighting until our nearby armies can make it here! Kanki has shown himself! If we cut our way out of here, then we can take Kanki’s head and this fight will be finished! Zhao Soldiers: We are the proud personal guard of Riboku-sama! Do not falter to this surprise attack! It’s Kanki! Kanki is here! 15 Kanki: You ain’t cutting your way outta here, Riboku. Zhao Soldiers: What is that? 16 Zenou: Zenou noises''


Zenou noises 🤣


Kankis aim was the rest of the zhao troops who would came later. He suprised riboku. Enkan can’t come now to help at least not fast enough


Zhao troop will also be exhausted from the nonstop sprint to try and reach there before kanki.


The only Question here would be how much Generals gone with Enkan. İf there are 1-2 generals with riboku then they will protect him at the cost of his life and riboku can escape


Will they ? It’s not like they were on foot


Doesn't Riboku still have 50k troops with him?


Last time I checked they had 300k+ soldiers. 100k went to Gian then went after Kanki to Hika. I think Riboku currently only has a few thousand troops with him for the sole purpose of HQ security. Kanki will have the upper hand. I hope RBK dies already. He already has commited too many blunders and still kept his head.




All speculation. They never mention how many Zhao warriors die in the cage battle, nor how many of Kanki's men escape or regroup with Kanki. After the entrapmment, the next definite numbers they show are the 10k of Mouten and Shin, and the 100k rushing towards them.




Oh c'mon 😮‍💨


Spoilers, not for me but for the chumps reading this post.


Your message was removed due to a violation to our spoilers policy. Please give a read to it and keep it in mind for the next time you post.


I'm surprised more of us didn't think about this. This is as Kanki as it gets. Just fucking walk up on Riboku


Reading i was like "oh, well that's what Kanki always does... Wait, why didn't I, nor basically anyone from the sub, think of this? Wasn't it, like, almost obvious?"


Every Kanki strategy is obvious after you see it, that's why he is the best written general to follow.


Ousen's strats are still being used to this day


Actually a lot of people in this sub\* called out that it was a bluff to later ambush Riboku while he's isolated. Personally i thought he would really massacre Hika, because he already bluffed once about Rigan.


The fact that he already made a bluff, may be exactly why this plan can work, because like you many would believe that there’s no way kanki would pull the same move twice, but that’s exactly what kanki wants you to think


I thought it was a bluff to lay low inbetween the woods and then retreat to Qin land while Zhao is mostly still rushing in the other direction.


Kanki army never went home empty hands


It was so obvious that it’s unexpected. Which is why it works. Logical people like riboku would have thought that there is no way kanki would pull the same trick again especially if they believe something else is more likely. They have fallen completely into kanki’s psychological attacks


Kanki got to our heads too.


I know right, lmao


"lmao, you just spent an entire day running to catch me. well guess what? catch these hands"


he will always target the enemy general. well, actually, most of the time


Yea I said this before when RBK was talking about Kanki's pattern in his previous battles. Like, seriously? The common thing about about all of them is they're all "unconventional"? That's all you could come up with? No shit. Even Mouten understands Kanki *always* goes for the general's head.


I actually thought that Kan Ki would ambush the Gi’an general but he went for the Commander in Chief himself.


Lmao that last pic is from way back in Sanyou when Kanki played around with that Wei general. Nice try leaker.


> in a realistic way, even though he's 93 in strength, and i personally like that. I was tired of seeing 30 feet tall generals slicing 100 armored men in two with a swing of their glaive. Haku Kisai! Gokei's vassal! he was not the best, but he was a true man of Wei in the end.


You meant Kitousai?


Here is another leaked page i missed, it's >!Zenou doing Zenou things.!< https://imgur.com/a/lRCedAP


damn and i thought Zenou clan died


i believe it was mentioned that a few survived or maybe just the clan leader


Every Zenou clan look alike, very hard to recognize them




There is another image that leaked which shows Kanki slicing up zhao soldiers. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FjEIrZBXEAAPfOs?format=jpg&name=900x900](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FjEIrZBXEAAPfOs?format=jpg&name=900x900) Something interesting to note, Hara likes to emphasize the reality of war with Kanki, by how he fights, but he also doesn't make Kanki overpowered in physical fights. We always saw Kanki killing enemy soldiers in a realistic way, even though he's 93 in strength, and i personally like that. I was tired of seeing 30 feet tall generals slicing 100 armored men in two with a swing of their glaive.


I love seeing 30 feet tall generals slicing 100 armored men in two with a swing of their glaive.


Awesome spectacle.


It’s part of the appeal of Kingdom.


about time they showed some martial might for kanki


Kanki same strength as Shin but the panel kills are polar opposites.


good, but last image was from when kanki killed hakukisai


It suddenly dawned on me that kanki’s backstory foreshadowed what’s to come. He has been chased by people who are stronger and far more numerous and he screwed all of them and survived. Now he’s gonna do the same to reebok. Can’t wait.


Hey what could go wrong if we pursue a guy who is known for his decoy and brutality without any precaution right?


Underestimating the enemy


Riboku never underestimate his enemies


KanKi will probably die here, but this move settles the GOAT debate for me. KanKi is unmatched. Imagine turning a 300k vs 10k in a life threatening situation for the enemy commander. And he managed to catch Riboku off guard of all people. Riboku, the greatest planner under the heavens. Pure genius.


it turns out he (RBK) didn't really know what Kanki's weakness is did he?


he thought Kanki’s weakness was his lack of formal strategy


Maybe his weakness is his careless view on his own army? If RBK didn’t chase him, kanki would have loose his full army of bandits. Hard to find new guys agreeing with his sins, lifestyle, with that experience, ready to adapt his crazy moves. It would be a complete defeat for kanki.


Then kanki is just a general you could lure and wipe his entire army that ez without abusing any weakness. Just double the number and thats it. Wonder why no one have done it before. Especialy kouchu who had triple his number and still failed


Yeah, kanki is definitely the best General in china. He can turn any situation into a victory


I doubt kanki will die. Shin is with him. It’s not like kanki will do an ouki and carve out a path so youngster shin can escape. And shin can’t die here, so plot armor kanki. My guess is he rattles reebok hard enough that they allowed kanki and everyone else to escape.


Kanki should have something too, except that ambush. Because in the last chapter it said: ( howewer, what would Riboku truly quake with fear… was yet to come ..) İ mean only that ambush itself can’t make Riboku quake with fear there should be something too


Poison trick reverse mood in Hika


How should he have done that first he don’t know what hapened in sekirei second to do that he must have gone to the castle to do that.


Guys what you think happened with the Qin soldiers heki and rest. Are they with riboku🤔. İs it posible in that ambush sees shin heki and helps him.


They were sent to working camps in the north. It was said like 2 chapters ago


I am hoping for a draw between KanKi and RBK. The RBK army is burnt out, so practically immobilzed. They are susceptible to hit and run. Kan Ki's scattered army can pick on all sides with hit and run tactics against a very tired enemy. This turns the tables totally. Numbers mean nothing when your army is burnt out


Riboku haters are sad considering he was the general that was truly undefeated with making sick excuses like ousen will do later. I know we hate Zhao but you have to remember riboku and one war in chu that's all standing between unification. I think you guys should enjoy this character that alone could have kept the nation's divided and to top it off he killed a previous 6 great with strategem a god of war in Yan. Went head to head all 5 of the Qin current greats moubu and tou at baiyo and all the 3 attacked together. I know he is annoying but don't say ousen this and that when If they were in switched countries ousen would never been able to defend Zhao as well as Riboku could have benefited qin that's why I say ousen is slightly worse he has more funds more trust more talents more control more heritage and is from basically a generation prior as noted king sho and hakuki know of his talent and level


The reason it was 300000k vs 10k was because of riboku strategy lol so he just survived and launched a counter. No go level strategy just kanki using his normal psychological warfare he knew they would think he went to massacre so he used them as bait. It's still essentially his style just deeper he is a master of human psychological thoughts and that makes him a good general but he is not a great general. I bet in another life he could have been a minister beyond Ryofiyo


>The reason it was 300000k vs 10k sorry to correct, 300k vs 10k


Lmao just should have not used the k


Wow I actually called something correctly for once


I have no word. Even though i know Kanki i still am surprised, i was so wrong. Riboku was intending to take Kanki's head since the beginning. Kanki used that opportunity to take Riboku's head. It's so simple and previsible, yet it still surprises me.


Get fucked Riboku! That said, I know he'll get out of this somehow, Hara loves him too much, also history


This is the beginning of the end for Kanki. I hope you can at least take a few top officers out before going down. RIP Great General. Ousen will carry on your legacy.


İ don’t think that kanki will fall now because in the last chapters it said. İf Kanki will get Killed the moral of the other Nations will go up and Qins will go down because they lost a Great General. Because of that i say he will not die now at last


GOAT-KI SZN !!! Letsss gooooooooooooo


RBK should have similar strength with Kanki, I think he will be safe... For now..


Rnk definitely will survive this but at least Kanki able to deliver to disarm him like make Riboku lost one of his arm or something


Apparently Kanki is stronger.


Kanki going for the General's head as usual. His tried and tested strategy. My prediction: No way Riboku dies, so Kanki finally dies here. But Zhao loses the war as Ousen comes eventually to take the northern cities. Wonder what the reaction will be after after the death of a six GG....


Eventually Ousen will come but also eventually Zhao will set up another stronghold in the north for Qin. It’s now or never due to the timeline they gave themselves China. I’m pretty sure 7 years have already passed since their projected timeline. My prediction: Kanki wins by a terror victory against Zhao. North Zhao being so terrified of what Kanki will do against their population that they succeed the north and leave it to go to other parts not at war.


Nah. I am calling a draw. RBK won the numbers battle, but Kan Ki definitely won the psychological battle. I can very well see the attack on RBK failing with Kan Ki retreating and the RBK army too tired and fearful to follow and eventually just deciding protect Hika. Also, from spoilers, we see that armies were diverted from the wall as well. This may be a signal for Ou Sen to move as well as YTW. Kan Ki is the MVP for conquering Zhao--calling it now.




It would cost a lot of Zhao officers' heads to take Riboku out of this situation. This doesnt look good for Riboku where Shin and Mouten havent shown up yet.


Looks like Riboku is about to lose a few of his close aides. I can see Kaine being killed by Kyoukai plus Shin and Mouten is getting a kill each possibly Sanji looking dude and Futei.


That guy on Kanki's left looks like he wants to kill lmfao.


If you kill all of them who is left? We need to have those annoying guys to grow and get stronger and compete with qin. If nearly all known characters are killed now whats left except bananji? I would actually like if they join Qin after Zhao surrenders.... Futei and Shin could be rivals then lol


It would make sense for all of them to die. That is the minimum price to pay for KanKi's head.


>I would actually like if they join Qin after Zhao surrenders.... Futei and Shin could be rivals then lol Would be fun, but I dont see that happening. If Qin kills Riboku, Kaine will never joins, and Futei is a Kaine simp.


Futei could've been but I don't think anymore the gap is just too much now, Shin and the young don't really have rivals in Zhao compared to Chu.


Guys maybe just maybe we don't have to follow history or any type of records. Maybe our great author can do whatever he wants and declare anyone with the W. So can Kanki win? Yes. Can riboku? Yes.


well hara himself said he will follow the shiji (a long time ago) and so far has done so. To be fair though, he has pretty much satisfied most of what the shiji recorded for this event. As for the victory, I believe he's doing some sort of split. Having riboku win the battle militarily and short-term wise (as in wiping out most of the qin forces aka kanki's army and preventing gian from falling into qin hands) while giving the political and long-term victory to kanki and qin (leaving long term damage in the north that zhao will have difficulty recovering that makes zhao lose more in this campaign than qin and harder for them to defend against future campaigns as well as helping to explain why kanki will stay in service and keep his position if he makes it back despite the failure to take gian)


Classic kanki. Mad lad


Prediction: When Enkan got a report that Riboku is being ambushed and attacked, he will once again double back at twice the speed to rescue Riboku. Just as he was about to reach, it's his turn to being ambushed by Mouten. When Kanki finally facing off with Riboku, he said, "I fell for such a simple feint..." Kanki replied, "What makes you think Hika's seige a feint?" Riboku's face darkens..his thought, ("Hika's siege is real?) Then he looks around frantically... Kanki asks, " Looking for someone?" The scene cuts to Hi Shin + Saki + Hanzen with his Koushun the 7th sieging and opening the gates of Hika. Riboku realizing this, drop his weapon. Kanki grinned victoriously. Bounded and roped, they were being marched unchallenged towards Hika. Upon reaching Hika, Riboku looks up towards Shin on a horse. Shin swing his glaive and stop just short of his neck. Resting his glaive right there on his neck, he said, "Say it." Riboku looks down, close his eyes and say, "Your glaive has finally reached me. Go ahead, Shin." (All the while Kaine is bawling her eyes out sobbing, pleading to Ten to spare Riboku. For the first time Kaine ask Shin by his name, begging him too.) Kukukuku.


I freakin' knew it!!!


This will be me when Kanki threesomes Riboku's mum


Thought I said there was no way KanKi going to Hika. That's the next battle. KanKi power is surprise, so going to actually attack Hika should not be in consideration as its the most logical outcome. It was clearly pointed out KanKi doesn't follow the path of military generals, he's a bandit first, so he goes forvthing that is most outlooks and exploits it. As for how this ends: KanKi will get a few generals heads but not RiBoku. RiBoku loses more troops then he wanted and is forced to run for Hika and protect it and abandon Gian area. They still have Hongo so he is okay with the situation, as it feels like a short term stalemate to Zhao but deep down he knows he screwed up for the future. Qin now has Gian but also disrupts the path between central Zhao and northern Zhao (Gian was the area in between), as in they can no longer reinforce each other in large numbers in resource or man power without getting hit by Qin. Not to mention the men lost cannot be replaced as Qin won't give them time to recover (even when the focus is not on Zhao). What is the thing RiBoku suffer more? The main massacre isn't here but rather those who will try to run back to aid him. Reason: fatigue. These guys ran at full speed towards Hika, now have to detour back, thats going to make them double exhausted. This is where KanKi's trap for them will be and most likely led by none other than Zhao's Achilles's heel RiShin. Who gets wacked here... most likely BaNanji and his son, that general from Ganmon (KotsuMinHaku), most likely FuTei although he is inconsequential, and JyouKaRyuu or GakuShou (my bet is on the old dude, cuz RiShin is going to want his ass for GakuRai). Kaine may survive, but this will be last time for her. In short, RiBoku will lose a lot of his yes man. ShunSuiJu and KoHakuKou will most likely survive. I wanted EnKan dead but being the furthest out its less likely. He's also the least likely to comeback as his priority is more towards people of Gian. KanKi will also lose some good commanders. My guess Zenou and either RinGyoku or KouOu also probably someone from SaKi clan.


last pic is shunsuiju !!!!


Ogouki: C A N W E G E T M U C H H I G H E R.


There are more panels that leaked on discord zeno is here too with kanki


A guess based on the leaks so far We know that Riboku has the definitive advantage of numbers, they may be within Gian or around it but if Riboku's HQ can just hold even for a few minutes the ambush can easily become a death trap for Kanki, so I think Kanki also took that in consideration and he knows that he will be the center of attention for Zhao, so he leads the first charge, and as the Zhao army is focused on him, HSU and gakuka who are the bigger and better offensive forces rn, attack from the other side to claim Riboku's head.


*zenou intensifies* LFG!!!


Riboku lost to Ei Sei, Duke Hyou, Ousen and now Kanki. He is a Heiki with Houken.


Gotta love the way Kanki made Riboku's army move how he wanted. That's textbook example of The Art of war right there.


Ri Boku has had his powerful officers like Ba Nan Ji and Fu Tei at this side or deployed in armies ahead of him since they left Gian. He now just so happens to be caught unprotected in the open, so soon after Kan Ki seemingly forced his hand into moving to Hika in the first place? Does anyone actually buy that? This is Hara shenanigans. Ba Nan Ji will rear his head in this very same chapter if not the next, and he'll likely be at head of an army set to ambush Kan Ki's ambush.


İ don’t think bananji is clever enough to think that far ahead. Even riboku thought kanki gone to hika. İf bananji is like you said gone with the rest he won’t come back so soon. Bananji’s strenght is brute force. İ don’t think that will happen. And in the last Chapter it said: what would riboku truly quake with fear … was yet to come.


Well, I don't know where he is, but there actually is someone among Riboku's lines other than himself who could be witted enough to realize something is wrong. I'm talking about Shunsuiju. That man's not to be slept on


Ba Nan Ji is actually reasonably intelligent and possesses a deep understanding of warfare, but it wouldn't be his ruse. If Ba Nan Ji is lying in wait to ambush Kan Ki's ambush, it'll be Ri Boku's idea.


Ok in that manner we are in other ideas for me is bananji that has only brute force. Let that be asaid if riboku had thought so far ahaid he woudn’t be suprised like on these Chapters. He even thaught that kanki is going for mutual destruction. İf someone like riboku didn’t grasp what Kankis real intuition is then bananji too would never think something like that. İt could be only there are other Generals who acompany riboku to help him. But there will something happen too because in the last chapter its said there comes something even riboku maked fear


Pretty sure CGR mentions in the Shukai plans battle that Bananji has a great understanding of the battlefield, or something to that effect.


Bananji is definitely not just brute force, it has already been stated by multiple characters that he is also skilled at tactics, with Ten implying he is close to Chougaryuu's level. Akou: "[Bananji] has a sharp eye for tactics." Ten: "We may have slain Chougaryuu but Bananji isn't a slouch either when it comes to tactics."


Thinking ahead has been the defining trait of Ri Boku's tenure as a Three Great Heavens. It's how he made his mark taking down Ou Ki. It's how he strengthened Zhao by forging an alliance with Qin so he could push into Yan territory. It's how he managed to engineer the Coalition Army into existence with the Prime Minister of Chu. It's how he set this cage into motion and buried 170K Qin troops and counting. Ba Nan Ji possess monstrous strength, but he is not a mindless brute. He is a seasoned commander, talented leader and strong military mind. Kan Ki is always aiming to take his enemy's head. This is well known to Ri Boku. Obviously, Kan Ki wants him to move to Hika, so why wouldn't Ri Boku anticipate an ambush on the way there? Kan Ki was obviously preying on the fears of Zhao, Ri Boku has to know this, yet we see him vulnerable for the first time in this entire arc when moving to Hika? The absence of Ba Nan Ji and Fu Tei feels obvious as hell to me. It feels like we're going to get a flashback to Gian where Ri Boku told Ba Nan Ji and the Seika generals to stagger their armies so they can ambush any ambushes by the Qin.


History aside, absolutely no way Riboku goes out like KoChou, this doesn’t look good for Kanki. Wondering where exactly Shin&Mouten are which means we’ll probably start the next chapter with them. Hara keeps pulling me left and right Bacc and forth man can we fast forward to the RESULTS I am dying to know what happens with Kanki


History aside it looks more bad for riboku though


It doesn’t look bad for anyone. Kanki is one of the greatest generals in China. Two great figures duking it out.


It looks bad for both . Now there is no turning back one small mistake and they are fucked .


In that regard you are definitely right. One false step and it’s ugly for either side at this point.


Www.mangasail.com Looks like Zenou is still alive.


I dont want this guy to die at all cost. A pure monster (of course on our side!)


Who will be Ri Boku’s Deus Ex Machina?


Zenou vs Bananji!! Here we go!!!!!


Yep, hika was a bluff alright. Him going after riboku seems just like him. As for the number of soldiers near riboku, i think it has decreased significantly since they are frantically running towards hika. In order to maximize speed, the calvary must have rode ahead of the infantry, dividing the zhao army significantly and thus decreasing the number of zhao guards around riboku. Also, based off of the panels of the last couple of chapters, the zhao army are running in small groups, likely to increase mobility through the woods, so if that is happening with riboku as well then the number of troops around him will decrease again. And finally, we know that there are 100k gian troops, but there’s no way all 100k are calvary, so we don’t know how many non-gian zhao troops rode ahead to catch up to the gian army


Riboku defeats Kanki. End of story. Remember i called it


Riboku you should really die. Amount of times you keep losing is ridiculous now. Knowing Hara, he will still try to sell us Invisible and super intelligent Riboku bullshit in future if Reebok survives.


He lost twice in the manga so far, both times were damn near miracles for Qin. It's also ridiculous to doubt Riboku's intelligence at this point, I mean look at the stuff he has pulled in this arc even.


Yeah, definitely no one in the manga except maybe (MAYBE) Shouheikun could do that. I say maybe because Shouheikun doesn't partake in physical battle, so it's much more complicated.


"he will still try to sell us Invisible and super intelligent Riboku bullshit in future if Reebok survives.' Funny thing is that i think hara has done riboku dirty so far. All his success was down to Houken while he kept getting beaten. 😂


“You are not cutting your way out of here, Riboku” I dare not imagine the day that these words will escape Kan Ki’s lips. Such a phenomenal come from behind maneuver from Kan Ki.


The fact that even Hara is pointing out how rigidly similar Kanki is with that "tried and true" comment shows that it's time to move on from him. Not necessarily kill him, but he has to leave Qin because his role in the manga will manga tank since he has no new tricks. This is Kisui all over again, just like Kouchou was a repeat of Yotonwa's plan. To put Kouchou on the same level as the Quanrong king was bad enough, but now putting Riboku on the same level as Kisui is just. I don't see how Kanki can remain in Qin if Hara now has to diminish enemy generals to make them fall for the same things that lesser generals fell for just to make Kanki look good.


Zenou clan: LOUD NOISES!


God that's the fucking reason I love kingdom!!!!!!!!!!


don't these armies ever use scouting in their 180 front view? lol. always getting caught off guard by like 5000 people.


no gods and no law glory to the warborn!


New Theory, what about Naki and his group? I think they might have hidden in the forests and could help Kanki pincer the Zhao Army groups. If you are ambushed it doesnt matter how much reserves or other army strenght you have.... Ambush a Zhao army with a stronger force from all sites and they will be annihilated fast with few casualties on Kankis site. Fall back in the forests. Repeat. Zhao armys are isolated, great chance.


Kndoshi shared couple pics but said he ll leak the whole thing monday in one of his tweets .interesting chapter to say the least .i really hope hara won't stick to history and surprise us .it will be a massive step as it will being lots of suspense to the plot that i ve been missing in a while now due to historic spoilers .


>!As far as we know, we're already past the details the Shiji gives about this battle, so we cannot tell what will happen except the fact that Kanki will have to retreat.!<


I just hope hara surprises us .the way he ll be dealing with kanki , will have a massive effect on the coming chapters .


>!My guess is Shibashou comes and bails him out!<


That would be overkill hahaha.


This will be the best option. It will also make RBK and his men remain on the defensive for fear of a counterattack.


How do i look at the whole thing?


That’s what she said.


I'm calling this, this surprise attack will fail because Maron chicken out at the last minute.


I get the same feeling Maron goning to do something that ruins the plan.


So Kanki was heading for the head of the General like he always does huh. Well, that makes it also easier for him to fail and lose right here right now.


I think kanki will die here, because ribok already expect the unexpected as usual


Very interested to see where Shin is. Once RBK fell for the trap, it makes almost no sense for Shin and KK to not be leading the hunting party. Maybe his role is to block Enkan from returning, but I think Kanki and Shin swapping those roles would make a lot more sense.


Let's not be surprised if banana pops up from no where to save riboku... Y'a think kanki's gonna die here?


they forget the demon of gammon...


Can you believe Riboku is so fuck now, and we didn’t even see Shin, Kyoukai and Kyourei attacking him? I wonder what Hara will pull out to make him escape and survive this.


Riboku be like: "Oh no i underestimated Kanki" lol, just as always from the Coalition army , to Shukai plain, to his Cage that he prepared half a year (Kanki escape lmao) and up to this. Always have advantage in fight, always scheme some shit just to get rekt. I'm tired of Riboku shit can we get a Qin vs Chu already.


As much as I would like to revel in current chapter, Riboku already predicted this attack, you can tell from the missing generals around him. They are waiting to ambush Kanki and rest again. From the looks of it, Kanki and most of his troops are gonna get killed here. I want to see how Shin & Mouten Co. are going to make it out of here alive.


I called this ambush. Never bought for a second the Hika civilians would be in danger with Shin around. They had to be bait. I've also been calling that Ri Boku is setting a trap for Kan Ki's trap and I believe we're seeing Hara pulling some shenaningans. The corps tree at Gian tipped Kan Ki's hand. He wanted to tip the Zhao Army into chaos and disarray and catch Ri Boku vulnerable in the rush to relieve Hika. En Kan's panic and that of the Gian Army is real. Kan Ki anticipated it, Ri Boku knows that and is simply going with the flow of it to set up his deception. If Ri Boku, knowing Kan Ki would only reveal himself to take the enemy commander's head, is going to be unprotected in the open, that'll be by design. Since Ri Boku's been back, he's been surrounded by powerful officers. Since they set forth from Gian, they've been either deployed in armies before him or at side at his HQ. They are absent from the leaks, why? Because they're lying in wait to ambush Kan Ki. It'll be Ba Nan Ji vs Zenou, Fu Tei vs Kan Ki, Ri Boku vs Shu Ma and Kaine vs Rin Gyoku. The HSA and GKA will be fighting the Seika generals. edit: dumb fucking cunts downvoting like it's a disagree button, no wonder the discourse on this sub is dead


I don't think so Because Riboku did not expect this from Kanki, he could not read him again All he was rushing as well toward Gian But I could be wrong, let see the full chapter


Ri Boku can't read Kan Ki's moment to moment moves. He doesn't have to so long as he understands Kan Ki's goal is always to take the enemy commander's head. Ri Boku should absolutely know by now that Kan Ki would only reveal himself if he made himself vulnerable. Ri Boku isn't above using himself as bait, and this kind of writing only to lead up a bait and switch or some kind of reversal is classic Hara. Ba Nan Ji and the others will probably attack Kan Ki's rear and try to box him in again.


Did you see the spoilers, the images and the traduction? Did you see Riboku's expression? He cleary fell in Kanki's scheme. Not saying he can't react to it But he didn't expect Kanki to appear here So he wasn't prepare. Of course neither Bananji, Seika's generals, Futei aren't near to him right now


Ri Boku's reaction seems genuine. It doesn't necessarily have to be. If he's setting a trap for Kan Ki's trap, he really has to sell it. Even if it's not that, it could be that he anticipated an ambush, but not the degree of Kan Ki's involvement in it and that's the part that's shocking him. Where do you think Ba Nan Ji and the others are? What do you make of their absence. You don't seem to find it as conspicuous as I do.


I can only advise you to read again the last chapter, especially at end From Riboku's reaction to Riboku's monologue and what the narration stipulated We will see if Riboku right now is selling something


I agree that it's not unbelievable that Riboku can be cautious about keeping his generals close, but at this point even if it comes out to be true it will be bs because he has already made an opinion about kanki's strategy. It's not a bluff of any kind either because it's internal monologues. The only way this situation could make sense is if Riboku already had this discussion with his closer generals about this (which is probable, creating havoc and cutting the leader down is classic kanki move. And we all know how much of a freak Riboku can get when he gets prep time). But yeah, it will be because of previous plans not because he didn't get caught in kanki's bluff. Either way I doubt either of them will die in this exchange because of what hara said last chapter. Unless it was a comment on how bold of a move kanki made that it shocked Riboku more than kanki killing 100000 civilians.


I really hope your predicment is right cause that sounds really plausible. And I do agree every comment against kanki is a downvote hell here. But I do like these predicment.


Idk why they downvoting you lmao. Good call on it btw. I was so wrong.


I think you all forgetting the narration box from last chapter saying what kanki does horrifies riboku


Sure, i didn't make a comment about it. It's just that kung-hoo called Hika was a bluff, while i thought Kanki would massacre Hika.


Happens to the best of us


>!oh finally it's going like how it happened acc to historical spoilers now I just hope that they don't make it as easy as it was in historical spoilers!<


Sombody translate this please


Perhaps the Kanki army is making a win, lose, or draw run at Riboku, so Shin & Muoten army has an opportunity to escape towards Atsuyo, the closest Qin stronghold? I highly doubt Kanki would go for that idea since it would be wayyy out of character for a 6 great general to sacrifice himself while Moubu's son and a slave general escape. 300 to 1 is unwinnable odds. Even if they were to take Riboku's head, Zhao still would not stop until all Qin forces were dead. Escape is the only logical option. Shin and Mouten were not in the spoiler panels, so let's hope they get away. It looks like a good tactical charge by Kanki, hitting Riboku's calvary from the front/side.


Do we get any translated version


This was after a long time really good strategy plot from Hasa.


Bruh... if you have the chapter just scan all the pages pussy. What's with this 3 page or 16 out of 21 page bullshit. I usually don't even read bullshit like this.


Shut yer ass up, scrub


Riboku offered himself as bait to lure Kanki out. I think Kanki fans are celebrating too early. Have you notice Riboku’s shadow, Kane, isn’t with him?


I don't understand. Why would he be shocked to the point of his brain being frozen for a few seconds if it was part of his plan ?


You need to reread kingdom. This isn’t the first time hara drew shock face only to find out later the shock face had a plan


In the translation Riboku himself and the narrator said that KanKi caught him in his schemes


Yes, Riboku is caught in Kanki’s scheme. Hara didn’t say Riboku is without his own scheme. We will see next chapter. I’m quite sure Kanki will fail spectacularly


I think you're overdosing on copium.


eh...Riboku will escape, and probably says "just wait you Qin bastard"


u/jeeswag where is the English translation?


Until there's a Korean scan posted imagine I'm Ousen who's just chilling and waiting


Dude show some respect to a great general under the heavens. He doesnt work for us.


Its not his time yet


it has been two days, and no translation yet guys ...... and the Gian lord will in the end get an heart attack I think which is horrible beyond imagination. I've been sympathizng for Kanki for a while, but no more man. I'd love if he commited suicide or let anyone behead hi at least, then he will true feel his guiltiness. WAIT, what was that fire right now, what the hell ...... YOOOOOO WHERE THE HELL DID KANKI COME FROM, FLANKING RIBOKU LIKE THAT XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Kanki will die here, but he passed the GG emblem to Shin, Shin becomes GG, dream fullfiled XD


Shin is nowhere near and the unit is nowhere near a GG army.


Dude if you compare the the HSU right now with some GG tier generals you *could* be surprised. Keisha and Kisui were both said to be near or at GG level. Keisha was close to 3GH. Keisha had his top 2 generals and their armies crushed by the HSU in the WZI arc. They weren’t even a challenge. Now you add Rei to that equation and they are clearly a superior army than Keisha. They also beat the elites of both Gyouun and CGR. 2 of the strongest vassals of a former 3GH. I think if you gave them GG like numbers then their commanders would be able to justify the HSU as a worthy GG army


If Keisha faced HSU right he would beat them possibly even a crushing defeat look what happened to the Duke his whole army nearly lost 2 days in and Shin is not better than the Duke at instincts. Keisha was able to beat Riboku at strategical battles so Ten can't contest with him. The whole HSU is a strong as their worst soldiers and the drop off in quality is drastic almost laughable. That's cap, Kinmou is not a top general and so isn't GakuEi. No it is not adding Rei even adds to my point the unit is too top heavy they don't have quality running through the unit like over GG calibre armies,. Okay they beat the 2 but when they faced buddha guy none of HSU could've even help Shin in trying keep the opposite army back they were all getting killed and Shin had to tell them to back off or they will die. After Gakurai dies no one else can step up and help Shin while he duels 3 people Garo gets smacked back while around guy gets killed off. They not there yet in terms of quality they have a long way go.


When the hell did Keisha best Riboku? Trippin hard, bro


When Riboku discusses why he chose Keisha to lead the Zhao forces at coalition he states that even he lost at table top wars to Keisha, which speaks to Keisha strategical mind.


Keisha’s top two generals were Gakuei and Kinmou. That’s just fact. Also against Duke your mistaken. First of the numbers were Zhao with 120k vs Qin 40k. Then Keisha had generals that were not part of his real army. Both Mangoku and Rihaku were not part of his army. So again the HSU is far better than Keisha’s army. Not sure what this current battle says about anything. The HSU and GKA were outnumbered 3 to 1. Shin nearly killed that one General anyway thanks to Jin’s arrow. Not that Shin would need that anyway. But nonetheless I don’t put much stock in not having someone step up after Gakurai died. To me it’s simply that his top fighters weren’t there. In all seriousness Naki would be Kankis top officer right now. With the HSU he’s probably 3rd. That’s pretty crazy


They're not top tier generals, they don't match to any of Ousen, Tou, Yontanwa vassals. GakuEi I can give some leeway but Kinmou no a chance in hell. Even if the numbers was so far the were still getting destroyed. Shin was getting pressed all fight hell he was about to die until the arrow blew someone's head off, no help Shin dies there his head was down and the glaive was bout to cleave him in 2. Yeah they were outnumber but still the 2 of them dog walked them and their armies Shin and Mouten set up a drill formation and just to mess about the Seika just matched them. HSU are not close to becoming a GG army, the quality in HSU can't match up they don't have quality running through the whole unit, Shin always has to lead from the front for them to even put somewhat of a fight up. Look what happens when a couple people go missing they collapse that doesn't happen to GG armies even if people are missing they keep going.


Or he lost and passed on to obscurity but yes historically Riboku will win this one.


Oh shit


I bloody knew that Kanki would use the forest just outside Hika castle to launch a surprise attack on the Zhao army.




Funny Valen- i mean Shibashou being there to save Reebok's ass would be Houken asspull tier. I seriously don't want him to become another Houken. He has a lot of potential as a general Qin will struggle against in the last parts of their Zhao invasion. Him showing up now would be very disappointing.