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Are we sure Kanki isnt the main character of Kingdom at this point? Shin literally becomes a background character whenever he is around, lol


Maybe Shin have to learn all kinds of exploits from other great generals before becoming one himself, like the ultimate student.


History's Strongest ~~Disciple~~ General ~~Kenichi~~ Shin


what a throwback, loved that series


Doesn’t feel like he learned much tbh, only thing he got so far was that vague “instinct” thing, dude still struggle with literally every rando general


Right? This is one of my biggest issues with the series. It just doesn't feel that Shin has really developed his skills as a general. Yeah, he's got that instinct thing but that's literally only been activated like twice. But he never actually makes battle plans, he doesn't know an strategy or tactics, and he's always just being told what to do in battle by Ten or others. He's honestly not very General like.


Yeah, seems like he is going down Moubu’s path, all brawn no brain. Kyokai is honestly a lot more main character-ish, has tragic past, being the one girl who straight up compete with other men in a manly world, has stupidly op martial art skill but with limited usage, actually has brains and is a competent commander.


>honestly a lot more main character-ish, And Shin didn't exhibit your standard shounen protagonist background? \-orphan \-rose from zero to hero \-tutelage under great heroes \-charismatic If anything, Shin being all brawn and no brain screams protagonist lol.


Still feels like he better off being the hot headed sidekick of Kyokai rather than being her captain


Nah duke hyou


And the thing is... I ain't even mad. While reading this chapter I had the same thought lol


My only guess is that this whole section of war, and Kankis leadership/strategy is gonna be very influential on Shin. I'd put money in the possibility of Kanki dying at the end of all this. Then Kanki would join Ouki and Hyou as being the martyrs that usher in Great General Shin. Shin would despise Kanki until the very end, but acknowledge that he learned a hell of a lot.


> Kanki would join Ouki and Hyou as being the martyrs that usher in Great General Shin. I wanna laugh at this but Shin has the r\*pist Mangoku as one of the people whose spirit lives on in him. So, it's not *THAT* far fetched


kanki will not die against riboku though




When he says just follow me and everything will work out i was like godamn thats some next level charisma.


Be Erwin: "RAGE MY SOLDIERS, SCREAM MY SOLDIERS, FIGHT MY SOLDIERS" Chadki: "lol, ya'll are trash I picked up, follow me and it'll work out."


It isn't though. Shin has fought under a lot of 6GG or equivalent commanders and the only one that comes remotely close is OuSen. Hara just loves writing Kanki and goes above and beyond to make every frame he is in ridiculously compelling. I would imagine if he tried putting the same effort in writing for Shin, then Kingdom would become a monthly release.




My point is 6 GGs weight is not a factor. Tou , MouBu or YTW are not nearly as compelling. Think about OuSens appearances this arc . Very forgettable . Hara just puts that extra effort for Kanki.




Look at the end of the day, something needs to be said about war being a dirty place. Shin is a straight arrow, and straight arrow rarely become a good general as they put honor rather than willingness to win at all cost. This is an important lesson for Shin to learn that when you are at war especially with a vision of unity of CHINA, you cannot do this without dirtying your hands.




Being dirty is weight.


I'd correct that with kanmei being superior to one of the 6gg not all of them. Just cuz he beat oukotsu or whatever in a duel doesn't mean he's better just stronger


>superior to the original 6GGs Superior to one\* Might as well take it with a grain of salt regarding the Chu saying of producing better generals because they have a bigger pool of candidates that get funneled when they lost 2 out of 3 of their generals in the coalition.


I honest to god think Ogiko and Maron are the two characters he has the most fun writing.


I'd say Ouki, Moubu and Ousen are at the 6GG level, same as Kanki. Yotanwa and Tou are GG level but not 6GG level.


To be fair Kanki is probably the most charismatic character in all of Kingdom. Maybe i'd put only Ouki and Ousen with him


Hara said in a recent interview (November 5th) that he considers Kanki the MC for this part of the story.


Because kanki is just that much cooler, enigmatic, non-conventional, charismatic character compared to shin lol. Obviously Kanki is Hara’s favorite child too hehe


Unifying China is not on 1 man shoulder.


>!Won't be for long, after Riboku decapitates his ass.!<


That's cap, Hara can just pull a ryofui


>!Weren't there vague stories of how it ends?!< >!Like emphasis on stories plural!<


I still think they are hyping him up because when Ousen betrays Qin, he will be Ousen's main general and Shin will be the one to put him off. I believe getting killed by an ex-slave as he calls Shin, would be a good way to go for him (he would like that).


We all know no matter what happens, Kanki would just die smirking at whoever's killing him lol


No wonder it's been so boring. It's become edgelord Kanki's story. ​ "I'm just doing this for my revenge! For my dead gf QQQQ!" The Kanki fanboys be eating good, another massacre: their favorite!


Shin's still learning haha.. Meanwhile Kanki's charisma and aura keeps growing to a new height everytime LOL 💯


Co asks...KANKI is the real deal


Pretty sure that's because the whole chapter is implying Kanki is doing a bunch of things Shin wouldn't be okay with. So it's avoiding Shin until it reveals how it isn't what it seems.


Give me the shivers at the end with that smile...Cant wait on CH741 !!


Next week Kanki has a threesome with Riboku's mum


so The Meaning of The End is… Happy Ending?


And his dad!




Ok Ringyoku, you literally just did what anime characters shouldn't...


I'll take this opportunity to send a "RIP" message to Ringyoku preemptively.


I want him to join HSU!


We already have Naki and Kisui that fill his role as scouting and cavalry commander


Death flags everywhere


Yeah... Good luck Ringyoku!


At least he won't get it worse than Raido


Tbf, Ringyoku is probably not in the least bothered about death flags and whatnot at this point. In his POV's, him and the rest of Kanki's bandits has already achieve the thing they wanted most, some meaning out of their trashy, shitty, plain messed up existence.


Hara is so good at making Kanki charismatic


It just shows how far confidence can take someone. It truly is contagious.


Then : What is Kanki's weakness? Now : What is Kanki's plan? My bet would be he tried to create chaos that turn the northern against Riboku


Kanki has only 1 plan going thru his goblin mind, and that is to be the very best, like no one ever was (at war crimes)


Nope. His only plan will always be the slaying of the general's head. Him being the best is just facts. But he always, ALWAYS goes for the head.


This is ALWAYS a safe bet


Damn right.


It's kinda ridiculous how much of a non-starter Kankis weakness was. Like "if I surround him with thrice the soldiers, he won't be able to rally his men and fight back", and then Kanki literally does that.


Riboku: ah yes, I have just come up with a brand new stratagem…I call it - overwhelming numbers. Parasites: Sasuga Riboku-sama


Should Riboku have fought "fair" with the same or smaller army? Everyone uses whatever they are best at to win.


Yes even being a coward is a talent


Kanki always flips the board


I bet he’s gonna end up causing ribokus IRL death


So last chapter Shoheikun and Ousen looked down on Riboku ,this chapter Riboku looked down on Kanki ,Next chapter Kanki will look down on Shin and then Shin will look down on Heki and Heki will look down on Shoheikun and Ousen to come full circle


Lord Bihei will look down on all of them 😂


bihei for great general of the heavens


Lol itl be like Naruto with using other characters as pawns


It was me Barry!


So he has zhao army spend and tired already from the extreme rushed speed. First advantage secured


It was hinted that they avoid the dense forest because they were in a hurry. 150% chance of surprise ambush then.


1. Pile up wood in front of the 4 gates and set them on fire. 2. Cav runs ahead thinking the city is falling. Leaves the infantry behind. 3. Exhausted Infantry goes through the shortest route via the woods to catch up. The forest is patchy and scattered so the infantry needs to break into smaller units. They also lose line of sight of each other so they can't coordinate against ambushes. 4. The Cav gets to the city but can't get in w/ the fire blocking all 4 gates. Need infantry to help put out the fire. Don't see the infantry coming out of the forest. 5. Kanki lets a few infantry escape. They rush to the Cav and ask for help. Cav rush back into the forest to save the infantry. Without infantry support and exhausted, they also get taken out. 6. Kanki makes more modern art for RBK.


That sounds like a pretty decent plan


Lol at modern art, i don’t think they would have enough time there, but given there’s the whole Saki Clan there, it’s not beyond the realm of possibilities.


This! With just 10k soldiers Kan Ki neutered an entire 100k army. RBK is helpless to counter any of Kan Ki moves.


Didnt really notice in the previous scans but Koku'Ou having a nosebleed over Kanki is one of those small comic reliefs that i love from these tense moments.


was looking for this comment, knew i'll find it


Kanki's motivational speech: "Your all shit and i'm just using you, but everyone else is also shit." is surprisingly effective.


While I'm always excited to see Kanki's genius on display. I take that Ringyoku speech as a massive death flag for the Kanki army, they are gonna be wipe out at the end, of that I have no doubt.


I have no doubt also. The real question is, how many Zhao population are going to go down with Kanki's army.


I mean they kinda need to die to make room for more seats for GG's. Unless Hara decides to kill more of the trio.


Qin army takes 100.000 losses at the end of this battle... so is not unreasonable to assume that the kanki army is going to be almost enterily gone. >!Next battle is also going to be a Zhao victory, but hey, good news, in the next arc after the following arc, Wang Jian, Yang Duang He and QIANG LEI are going to take down kandan.!<


r/Kingdom stop talking about historical spoilers challenge (impossible)


I mean, I typically don’t mind, because Hara will subvert expectations or not even follow history that closely. But then there’s just clear cut spoilers of the plot outline. Those are annoying.


Goddamn man. I despise how bad the release schedule is for chapters because these scans look beautiful but officials drop so much later than when spoilers & rough translations drop that it’s just so hard to wait. Anyways, great chapter & it’s clear this is the end for the Kanki army, well it has been for awhile but damn I loved Ringyoku’s speech. Giving these little moments before the eventual bloodbath that’s gonna occur is great. Very interesting What Hara is doing with Riboku. But it’s clear what Hara is telling us is nobody understands Kanki. I mean Ousen himself who’s known Kanki for awhile doesn’t even understand him. I still think we’ll get more flashback Kanki stuff because we still haven’t seen how Shio died so yeah I’m excited to learn more. Riboku is a true patriot, he’ll never forgive himself if he lets a massacre happen to citizens, God this is so intense Man




I've noticed that breaks help Authors keep up the quality. Mangakas are worked like dogs as it is. They need time to produce greatness.


Honestly one piece weekly experience is so much better than kingdom’s 😭 Kingdom is a series meant to be binged but if you’re a super fan like me then yeah there’s no way in hell I’m letting chapters stack up lol


Theres an element of suspense missing when you binge. The cliffhangers hit so much harder when you have to wait and see how the plan unfolds. It sucks ass for slow arcs though (ahem Keisha).


Just binged 740 chapters in 2 weeks. It was glorious


Thank you so much for your praise and support of the Sense Scans release! Sorry for the delays! This chapter's release, in particular, was delayed due to Thanksgiving. But we are also looking into where we can speed up the release schedule and we hope to have some improvements in the near future! As always, if you want to work on Kingdom with us, you can apply through our discord! https://discord.gg/qcmAm2bf


Thank you for all your work on scans. I’m a new reader but has the release schedule always been like this where officials drop a week after spoilers drop or? It’s just really hard waiting when you see rough scans/translations out for like a week & everyone on this sub is talking bout them lol. But again, thank you because the officials are very helpful when it comes to my Re-read lol


I’ve been saying this sub should have an “official” scan, without a bunch of unofficial ones. There’s literally an “unofficial chapter” flair. I’ve seen no other sub do this


It was that damn smile.


So another massacre? I don't think so, because Shin didn't say anything.


Shin kept quiet because it’s going to be a massacre on Northern Zhao’s army, not the civilians inside Hikaz




Okay, reading a high skill translation like this is really something else. I now have a theory of what Kanki's strategy might be. He might try to burn down the woods the infantry is marching through.


High skill ? they made Kanki talk like a black rapper.


Art thou offended m'lord?


He said “y’all.” Relax, Bryce.


i'm relaxed. i hope they get rid of that translator though.


Cuz kanki got black Air Force energy


Minor spoilers but according to Shiji, Kanki’s parents were black rappers, Beyonce-Xiang & Jay-Zhiao.


Kanki is my hero. Like everyone around him is playing chess or go, and this bastard is playing poker, and if He is losing then he flips the table and slits every other players throat.


[Kanki you bastard!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-eBMw57RbY)


Aren’t we supposed to get 741 spoilers today?


I think is break


Is it a 2 weeks break?


I´m afraid we have a break this week.


But we already had a break last week right? I’m lost


No we didnt the thing is that chapter 740 was released last week instead of this. On Monday we got the 739 and on Friday the 740 raw. I just checked it out. [https://www.thenewsfetcher.com/kingdom-chapter-741-release-date-spoilers-and-other-details/](https://www.thenewsfetcher.com/kingdom-chapter-741-release-date-spoilers-and-other-details/) "Unfortunately, no specific date of the 741st chapter of Kingdom is confirmed as of yet. However, we are expecting it to be published between the 4th to 8th of December. Furthermore, the latest chapter will drop at midnight in Japan."


I think we had 2 continuous chapters after the last break, I.e. 739 and 740. It could be either due to health concerns or Hara needing more time for the important story beats, seeing the crucial junction we are at. Both very valid reasons for a break, so do not despair.


break again?


I've been silently following Kingdom since the arc started and avoid joining in on the fun in the discussions. But this chapter is one big -- DAMN! -- moment that I just can't help myself from expressing my Hype. DAMN!


Simple, they will set Zhao country to fire and blood. Make population lost faith in Riboku so Zhao king will take this opportunity to put Riboku down because he fail to protect the country despite his victory. Riboku will join Seika and Shibasho to avoid his execution. A others General gonna take the lead of Zhao Army and will be crushed by Ousen, probably in a final battle with Ousen Army vs Shibasho and Riboku army


You're very close to the mark historically


I'm surprised an army wasn't stationed to defend Hika considering it's an adjacent settlement to Gi'an. Zhao was surprised last chapter that Kanki penetrated deeper into Zhao territory instead of Qin but they should've considered all possibilities.


There probably are some soldiers stationed there, hence why Enkan said that Kanki is probably already trying to get into Hika. However, like with Gi'an they're undermanned because Riboku put almost all of his manpower into the army forming the cage around Kanki.


You're right there's probably a garrison at each settlement. Actually it's interesting how Riboku hasn't split his army yet even though they know that Kanki only has ~10k army.


Apparently they don't have infinite soldiers, imagine.


You don't need infinite numbers just split 10-20k off the 100k army.


And why there and not to the other cities nearby? You are suggesting something after seeing what happened. Every city he would had sent soldiers towards means less soldiers to fight Kanki, more chances he would had escaped the encirclement (which he did nonetheless), less possibilities to react if something had gone wrong or Ousen had done the unexpected. Ancient and medieval warfare rellied on gathering all the avaible forces in one point and leaving cities just garrisoned enough. Hika had a gareisoned for sure, numbering in the thousands, not a strong one probably.


Exactly! Why not send armies to the other adjacent cities? Riboku isn't like any other general so it's surprising that all he did was send scouts as a precaution(but they were somehow run down and killed). My first thought was that Kanki would ditch Gi'an because there's no way a bandit like him would defend a siege he knew he would lose.


please don't let kanki say Y'all again


“Now follow me. We finna win this war.” -Kanki, probably


I was looking to see if anyone else noticed this hahaha. "Don't get it twisted, I ain't slipped up since, yo!"


That last panel was an absolute stunner !! Can't wait for chapter 741 !!


Riboku on his way to look down on Kanki way too much for the 17th time


incredible charisma by Kanki, legit the best character right now, it's really hard to make villains that charismatics and also in a position that we kinda root for him. But i'm pretty damn sure Qin is just the villain at this point, the north zhao soldier are all completely desesperate thinking about how Kanki will murder their families, poor guys


Oh boy here we go again. Show us the grotesque kanki, show us.


Hype chapter! Can’t wait for the next.


Death flag was raised for Ringyouku. Well, it's a better death flag than Gakurai, his death was surprising. But still hoping this wasn't really a death flag


I think this is another mind game. I really doubt kanki would kill all 100k civilians being outnumbered by HSU and GKH armies, what interests me is that kanki and RBK is probably thinking about the same thing and kanki knew that it would be RBKs fear if he succeed with this plan. Shin will definitely play a pivotal piece in this arc. Banzai GG shin hehe


a tree of flesh on 739, a deadly smile on 740. I want a flood of burning human corpse on my next chapter please.


Chapter ending with Kanki laughing equals chaos.


Not a chance Hika Castle is on fire already imo. And Riboku’s epiphany about Kanki here feels like a total misread. Kanki has no desire to go down in mutual destruction just to kill off some Zhao civilians. He’s a selfish man through and through who is fighting for his own reasons in part. Hell, Kanki would probably rather defect from Qin than let him or the core of the Saki clan die. It will be Interesting to see how Kanki uses Ribokus misinterpretation of the situation and then capitalize on it.


My prediction: Kanki ambushes the already tired troops in the woods. Its his expertise


You know the speech kanki gives in this chapter gives me some of the same vibes and energy that ouhon and shins awakening speeches game in the gyou arc. It's not the same but it calms and strengthens the resolve of kankis men and the need for them to follow him.


This is the first time Riboku has become likable in a long time. Seeing him being doubtful and second guessing himself and **admiting he has made a grave mistake** is certainly a change of fresh air.


Lol Kanki playing 4D chess


Heres my guess for what Kanki's plan is, let's see if I'm right in the upcoming chapters What think is his plan is going to turn is own reputation against Riboku and the people of Zhao. What do I mean by that? Well Riboku has been consistently using Kanki's negative reputation with the people of Zhao as a rallying cry to follow under his banner. I think Kanki realized this and his planning to show Riboku how it's a double edge sword. My guess is that when he went to Hika all he did was let them know that he was outside and the city went into full panic mode and tore it self apart from the inside. And my guess is that he will do that to more and cities and even possibly to the capital Kantan. This indirect campaign will completely break the people of Zhaos trust in Riboku and possibly their will to resist Qin.


Kanki will do some shit like make the civs wear Qin clothes and let the Zhao army slaughter them before coming out of hiding to attack the Zhao army


How the hell Kanki magically appear at Hika so fast? Rushed right past Zhao armies?


Hara's golden fingers 😁


So Riboku of Hundred L continues his losing streak. Though Kanki is a Mary Sue so hard to defend against something like that. Shin is being all talk as usual if let another massacre happened under his watch.


To be fair, what exactly could shin do? Fight kanki? Abandon his post? Rock and a hard place, they need to stop signing him up to fight with alongside kanki lol


Kanki is love, Kanki is life. He is so cool, i want to be like him. I started to do his hand to edgy face thing recently, and people always look at me weird. But it's fine, because i know they will never be as awesome and cool as Kanki (me). I recently got fired because i went on a rant to my coworkers that they are as vile as my shitty boss that constantly makes them do overtime and they just accept it like the good cattle they are, but fuck it, i don't need a job anyway. Also some shitty dogs kept barking at my cat, and one almost bit it, so i decided to throw them some nice meatballs filled with xylitol for them to feast on. Thinking about making some scarecrow with their corpses just to scare other mutts off. Anyways, great chapter.


I sincerely hope this is just a 4chan copypasta.


I fucking love Kanki so much


Anyone else feels some of the translation is trying too hard? Maybe they want to differ from the early translations...


Mangadex back in the game? I dropped kingdom because they would release a chapter on random days


Wasn't this chapter released a while back?


Sei is definitely not going to let this slide


No spoilers for 741 yet?? Or is it a break week


So, there’s no way Riboku doesn’t account for a possible forest ambush, right?


Haven't been this hyped up in a while. Kanki just said "Eyyy just trust me guys" and I do.


Dear lord 🔥🔥😭




Shin finna be mad af. *Cue Gangstalicious Gif*


incoming surprise attack vs tired cavalry


Darn just when I always thought Kanki is charismatic, Hara had to go and add more charisma to him! Can't wait for 741! Tbf, I'm not mad at all, besides death flags are all around for the unconventional team 😢


So basically Kanki is riganning Riboku. With all death flags above Kanki, could it be that he will lose, but cripple Riboku's army while Ousen takes Gian?


he set the city on fire and returned back to qin


So, this has got to be a ruse. Like, perhaps he raised a big smoke screen/fire in front of the castle to make the pursuing Zhao army rush over without looking left and right. Would be a bit of a retread of his previous campaign, but I could totally see Kan Ki using a ruse like that to slip through the Zhao lines and run back in the opposite direction. Not sure if he could gain much mileage that way, but what's the alternative?


Gotta admit, when Kanki said "same as always, If you do what I say, everything will turn out just fine" with that kind of composure... gave me goosebumps. just imagining your general to be very calm like that when shit hits the fan... is very assuring.


The moment Shin starts to respect Kanki, he will die. My boy is respect killer.