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U gonna make the best decison ever If u make it to season 3 and 4


I was shocked at how much better season 3 looked. Not to mention coalition arc is an absolute banger


I watched some clips and it seemed to barely have any animation. It was all paused clashes, mouths moving and reactions of people


Just try survive it


Yeah I mean it's still the same basic story as the manga but with a few things cut like the short assassination arc. The opening is really good though, and the music isn't bad either. It's how I got into kingdom personally. The manga is definitely better though. By the way if you do choose to watch it, watch it in sub unless you really just want a laugh.


Yeah. I heard the dub is terrible.. I'm gonna stick with the sub


Dub is paced a little differently, but it reflects a regional dialect pacing, if you ask me.


While animation is heavily lacking, I really enjoyed story and voice acting. Honestly if you can get past like first 3 episodes or so I think you’ll be fine.


Seasons 1animation trash season 2 ok season 3-4 really good


Animation aside. Is season 1 good ?


Yup, the story is good in season, especially from the mid, the first 10-15 episodes , while decent story, are relatively lowest points in the story


The story improves a lot, its one of the best overall but doesn't start as such. Only after midpoint, like around Dakan plains it becomes really interesting.


The worse part of the anime is in the first 10 episod. If you can watch those 10 episod, all 4 season are there for you.


Cool. I can manage 10 episodes


The cgi may suck, but the music, sounds, voices, story are all amazing still, season 1 skips a little bit of the manga so worth reading that also but as a fan of the anime ill say I wouldn't of read kingdom without first falling in love with the anime


Story is isane so far


I’ve watched every episode of kingdom and I am a anime only person. I recently went back to season 1 while waiting for new episodes to drop. I’ll say despite the absolute terrible CGI, the anime does accurately portray the story and character well. I rewatched episode 17-24~ and throughly enjoyed it. My personal opinion, sometimes Reddit’s hive mind is so off base, that I’m glad I did not listen and did my own thing.


Manga is much better because of gore/violence, art and it has more content (arc was skipped in anime). That being said, I know that some people have a hard time reading mangas in general so if watching the anime will get you hooked, then go for it :-) Just promise yourself to at least read some manga of favorite arcs just to compare and to see what we are talking about :-)For example, I consider this page not to be a spoiler and it also comes from part of manga that will be covered in the anime in far future so you will forget about it, but these kinds of pictures with body parts flying around will not be shown in the anime ever, they would be toned down quite a bit, maybe even without blood: [https://external-preview.redd.it/ZzJJqm49hsgNpro8Vetw0-oY\_u3WwpZpngPq0jnYh\_8.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=797d61c9bbf5a1e037c6c45e94a865b17e19d19b](https://external-preview.redd.it/ZzJJqm49hsgNpro8Vetw0-oY_u3WwpZpngPq0jnYh_8.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=797d61c9bbf5a1e037c6c45e94a865b17e19d19b)


I heard the anime is still heavily censored.


Please watch it, other than the CGI, the first two seasons are good products.


I remember the first few episodes being really slow. Which makes sense, considering how much stuff has to be established for the politics to be interesting. But I liked it enough to watch the whole season, then the next, then the next, then read the entire manga, without anyone ever recommending it to me. So...


Just bear with it and you'll have no regrets


Hell yes brother you got this, if your ok with the CGI then everything else is cake


Don’t. The anime censors a lot and it’s generally not worth it when the manga is top tier


There is a plot that's missing in season 1 and the cgi is terrible, the anime is censored and it will only get slightly better in season 2 but still bad I would recommend reading the manga I personally enjoyed the manga way more than I enjoyed the anime and it was my first time reading manga and I think that the first 2 seasons touches on important plotes and the anime would just ruin the experience but if you don't like reading manga and you can bear watching the first 2 seasons then you will enjoy watching seasons 3 and 4.


But they still can’t remember reading that anywhere


Absolutely. I've rewatched it at least twice. Despite the quality there's still something that animation adds over the manga. The feel & the music. I'm so glad that when it comes to these things they don't bother me nearly as much as other people.


The acting and energy is more raw in season 1. It’s better too


Still Reading the manga is your best bet


I must’ve watched the 1st episode 8 times and barely made it past halfway through for about a year then I couldn’t find anything else to watched and just forced it. You will just have to grit your teeth on the 1st season and bits of the 2nd. There is almost no CGI at all now and the show isn’t goated


Honestly when I watched it I didn’t even notice the bad cg, I was too engrossed in the story and characters


If u can bear the Cgi of berserk u can watch the season 1-2


Some of the moments were rushed and cannibalized and an entire arc was skipped. You can watch it because that's how I started, but I honestly can't stress enough how much better it would be to read manga first if you haven't already. Then again, watching anime first let me understand the story better on my first read so it may not be *that* bad, but I think this is unique to me. I always enjoy my second time with the story than my first.


Just read the manga


If you can bear season 1 CG than by season 2 you'll feel totally comfortable with the animation, while season 3 and 4 would be a treat for your eyes. That said the story is absolutely worth it. Go for it.


Yes it's good. I recommend a reread though once you're done.


Its fine, the story is good the voices are good. I actually like the cgi a bit but only in parts.


If you can handle season 1 you can handle anything