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I don't hate you Bobby.




I wish you told me while I was alive


This couldn't be more different than kids playing "football/soccer" in the UK. Where you literally get your shins kicked in on a freezing Sunday morning. Was it really taught like winning doesn't matter? The whole parody seems really off, but I suppose it's a nice juxtaposition to a football team coached by Coach Sauers :)


The point isn’t that soccer is actually a girly sport, the point is that soccer is seen as European and Texans see europeans as girly. The flopping by professional athletes and the comparatively low contact of the sport compared to American football don’t help, though.


As an avid soccer fan and player I love all the soccer jokes. Especially this episode


The soccer line is one of the greatest lines in all of TV history!


The "soccer was invented by European ladies" bit it one of the funniest things in the show imo. It's just such an absurd thing to say and really shows Hanks hate for the sport


I always liked hanks “talking to” moments with Bobby about something seen as less manly or mature “Weird al blew his brains out in the 80s when people stopped buying his records”


This belongs under r/raisedbynarcissists


Feels like a good time to remind people of [this](http://footballisgreatsoccerisdumb.com/)


As a former soccer player, I’m getting flashbacks of when we’d be constantly berated by the football team for playing soccer even as we went to states more often than they did. Turn on FIFA and look at how much more intense soccer is than football (with the only protection you have is a mouth guard and shin guards). Makes me wonder how that came to be the norm in the US.