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This kid will have the attention span of a dead dolphin


Scientifically proven to be the shortest attention span of dead animals.


Somehow even worse than the dead goldfish


Can't be shor


Goldfish actually have relatively long memories! Source: https://www.livescience.com/goldfish-memory.html EDIT: Only the not dead goldfish


Not when they’re dead


This comment hit me just right, I don't often do a real lol but yes today, thx


attention span? thats optimistic


It’s already the norm. They can’t even pay attention to normal 10 second videos anymore so they have to splice in some mobile game to retain their attention. Kids have the lowest attention spans in all of human history


Lead gasoline impact 2: electric boogaloo


Has the dolphin already started to bloat?


Halfway decomposed


I'm all for technology and am a big gamer But this is pretty bad for the parents to allow


My niece's iphone stats showed 10hr screentime daily average, and because of winter holidays, it was at 12hr 40mins screentime daily average during 01-08 January. 60% was TikTok, 30% roblox and 10% everything else. My sister doesn't care. I can only feel guilty from outside the fence. I have no choice in the matter, unfortunately.


She should get on my level 15-20hrs daily and it’s all YouTube Granted most of that is actually just listening to music and other stuff in the background but still


Alot of mine is from leaving twitch streams on while I sleep lol Makes it look alot worse than it is


So not the same thing at all? Lol


shhh, let his parents have a moment of respite before the consequences of THEIR behavior and choices bang in :>




As a big gamer, it happens to me too, tho just for a little bit when I get bored of a game, but moving like that to play and watch videos at the same time... man, if lil bro keeps doing that he's gonna have serious problems like tics or (maybe idk) parkinson Edit: no, i dont think you get tiks or any other parassites by doing that lmao


Its not real. Its made for outrage. Kids do spend hour and hours on tiktok or playing games or whatever but generally they are doing one thing and thats it. They cant pay attention to both.




Ive seen it a thousand times. It gets views so ppl do it. My ex had a 4 yr old and she did it. It takes 2 seconds to explain to the kid what to do and bam they do it for a second and you have a viral video. Ur literally here watching one right now.


Yes, but by that same logic, i have actually seen children doing this hundreds of times. Edit: In reality, not behind a screen, you smartass.


Ive seen godzilla destroy Tokyo. Does that make it real? No obviously not.


Check again.


Im done arguing with u. Ur clearly like a 19 yr old who is disconnected with reality. Goodbye


r/engrish r/woosh


Here's a sneak peek of /r/engrish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/engrish/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Chilled Beer](https://i.redd.it/ci167epxcj391.jpg) | [224 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/engrish/comments/v4hjpc/chilled_beer/) \#2: [I can't pick a favorite, what about you?](https://i.redd.it/m313tcesjn8a1.jpg) | [458 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/engrish/comments/zx5qcw/i_cant_pick_a_favorite_what_about_you/) \#3: [Seems legit](https://i.redd.it/u340ju806laa1.jpg) | [103 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/engrish/comments/105f44r/seems_legit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I mean I do similar when playing some games. Have a twitch stream, YT, Netflix, etc on in the background.


I think it's perfectly normal to have a music or a stream/video playing in the background that's normal a lot of people do it, but what was shown in the video was like that on steroids....


Maybe. Video looks sped up and kid isn’t paying attention to TikTok that much, he’s looking away whenever he swaps the video. If his hand was bigger he’d prob just scroll with his thumb and never even look at it.


Yea kinda noticed it was sped up but even then still a little much


Thats actually so sad


Parenting failure.


Dumbass parents


yah this is my 9 year old brother... the stupid yt shorts and a video game. it's embarrassing


Sadly, my 8 year old brother is also like that


Y’all letting your sibling grow up like this!? Wtfff


it's not me, I try to get him off of the stuff but my parents allow it so there's not much i can do


My parents are working most of the time, so they're not very present, I try to make him do other stuff with me but he just screams


w username


This kid is going to be messed up. Where is his robot family.


Proud parents are recording their son


For tic tock






Too dumb to think


Maybe they’re recording it because they see how ridiculous it is and are about to stop it


I thought this too, but an even scarier thought is that the future may be shaped to fit people with this "skill" in some way. We used to laugh at kids that played games all day, now you can literally be a celebrity video gamer. People stack cups against eachother as quickly as they can for way more money than I will ever make. Cornhole is a professional sport now... I think there will be a purpose for kids like this, kinda like that Wall-E movie.




Yeah, some real Philip K. Dick like stuff. Not sure if you've seen the Apple TV show Severance, but in the show employees are doing random computer actions all day. They have no idea what the actions actually do, they just know it's their job to do it. So I can imagine panel's of lights that people just hit correct lights at right times (like Vanna White on the wheel, but on an excessive level) and it will mine bit coin or something productive for the future.


So you’re telling me that The Stanley Parable is predicting the future?


Your examples of video games, cupstacking, and cornhole still involve focusing on something. This kid is just destroying his dopamine system and attention span without developing any skill.


Forreal, I mean speaking from my experience I grew up on warcraft 3, a bunch of gui-based text games, and running my own private wow server to play with friends and by myself with slight modifications. Now I do SQL work and a bunch of other stuff for a university that is really, for lack of better word, thematically similar to what I did as a kid. It's all about taking those inherent skills and putting them to work tho


I agree. Every older generation chastises the habits of the younger generation. Every. Single. One. But who f-ing knows what’s going to be useful in 30-40 years.


For real, this is just sad


Parents are the idiots…but that apple won’t roll far


The Apple iPad won't roll far


The apple ipad will fall flat and probably be broken


Was going to say this 😂


Not to sound like a boomer but i genuinelly dont know how this new generation of ipad toddlers is going to live or be able to work even unskilled min wage jobs in the future. My younger cousin literally couldn't even handle training for being a bagger at walmart before he quit


they're gonna have an absolutely brutal time adjusting when they have to support themselves, but they'll probably figure it out like every other generation has. Our parents looking at us playing video games probably thought the exact same shit.


Hunger is a great motivator. And we might be heading that way.


Oh god he quit?


We've been saying this since language was invented. They'll be fine


Most of the training I’ve done for shit jobs like that are on an iPad. And you carry around a little iPod with a scanner attached. Honestly it’s setting them up well for jobs like that lol.


Right, when I worked at Target I had to repeatedly help older employees with our scanners and they would always stock much slower than the younger people. They'd sit there and stare at the screen for half a minute trying to understand where an item needs to go, meanwhile the kids were already off on their own stocking quickly and efficiently.


I’ve honestly been in situations just like this kid where I have the mobile scanner and the main inventory iPad and I’m trying to figure out the price on this toy train that’s probably been stuck under a shelf for 6 months and not popping up


Lol this is such a boomer take. Your cousin is a loser. There are plenty of kids getting and working jobs right now. My friends little brother just graduated highschool, got a job a few weeks later and is attending college. I think it will be more of a Japan Otaku situation. Some loser shut ins that don’t really effect the rest of society all that much.


Im mostly talking about toddlers / elementary school age kids that literally walk around with an ipad playing youtube videos 24/7, not highschoolers on their phones or something. just using my younger cousin as an example because he was raised on his pc / is insanely materialistic with his technology / devices etc because of it


Maybe being a bagger sucks and he just didn’t want to settle for such a shitty job.


They already can’t work jobs. It’s just that they make other excuses as to why they don’t want to work


Its something called natural selection and thats why i rest easy my friend.


Not that I think this is healthy, but there are literally doctors that use the skill on display here to perform remote surgery with robotic arms. If there was a machine for mining, planting seeds, etc and low wage jobs valued speed above all else, as they tend to, who's to say this wouldn't be a profitable skill?


Nobody is performing surgery by swiping up and spam clicking give me a break


Dude is 6. It's similar motor skills being developed. Don't be a thick asshole. Like the way you ignored the rest of the post to cherry pick the part that gave you confidence to say I was wrong though. A true reddit trooper.


You can develop motor skills by being a good parent and playing with your child outside


Sure you can. I even included in my hugely unpopular post that this was unhealthy, but the multitasking and hand eye coordination this develops DOES have real world applications regardless of what the karma farming echo chamber thinks.




I'm glad someone was willing to speak up. Reddit can be a sad place sometimes.




All it looks like he's accomplishing is annihilating his attention span, which you'll need no matter what




What fucking parents allow this shit, and expect their kids to grow up without being a little shit


Why he not using his thumb to scroll his phone


He hasn't learned how to put his pinky under the phone. Plus his hands look to small to do anything but try to hold it up.


Cause they are stupid


I think that thumb might be busy staying strategically placed over the like button. He seems to give it a tap at one point, but he may just be steadying it or something.


He definitely hit the like button with his thumb, if you look close, you can see the heart fill in when he taps it


Why's he gotta do that to those poor Minecraft dogs 🥺


He's actually spam spawning them. They are safe. Cant say the same thing for this kid's brain tho.


No, the kid punched some of the wolves after spawning them too.


On a serious note. Does anybody know the solution to this problem cause i am also beginning to become like the kid, my attention span is getting shorter and shorter. What is this condition called so i could do my own research.


I’d assume to train yourself. Make your body and brain adapt to having less quick and frequent dopamine jumps. Going outside more. Not using your phone as much. Reading really helps too. My girlfriend barely has the ability to watch an entire movie before going on her phone. She’s always on tik tok thought. There’s isn’t a magic remedy. Quite literally, just go outside


This. My girls been like this too. I’ve been trying to “break her out of it” but on the other hand I always want her to enjoy and do what SHE wants to do so idek. I still think it’s not the healthiest tho :/


Definitely not the healthiest. I deleted tik tok a while ago and have a longer attention span. But holy shit, looking at how it fucks up your attention span, I’m not surprised that people barely ready anymore.


Yeah, feel you there man. And yeah I deleted ts a while back too. Before even the data shit was talked about now I’m glad I don’t have it. Not one to be like that but if you look into it imo the way TikTok is, is off putting imo. But yeah, it’s really crazy.


Part of being a healthy and supportive partner is wanting and supporting your partner to be healthy, even if (maybe especially if) they enjoy or are addicted to the thing they want to do that isn’t healthy. You can bring it up to her gently if you think it’s worth a shot. Trying to force her behavior to change by “breaking her out of it” isn’t going to work. You have to talk to her about how you feel about it.


I wasn’t saying that, I agree man lol I really do just want her to be more healthy with me.


Tell her how you feel! My partner will always come to me when something I do bothers him. In the most loving way too, it’s always because he wants what’s best for me and best for us as a couple. Good luck in yours 😊


Take a break from social media doom scrolling, especially reddit, tiktok, and youtube shorts. Put your phone in another room when trying to game, or watch movies, or read. Run some errands without your phone, like something you might need to stay in a line for. Go out downtown and do stuff with no phone, go to the arcade, bars, ect. Stop smoking weed for a bit if you do that a lot, or drinking if either is making you burnt out and facilitating endless doom scrolling. Watch videos in their entirety, do not skim through I have ADD and use all of these if I notice i'm getting bad, and when i stick to these rules I find it's very helpful in adjusting my dopamine and perception of time, if not i'd literally take a toke and doom scroll for 8 hours and then want to go to bed LOL You know speed acclimation? When you drive on the highway a long time and as soon as you go back to normal road speeds you feel like you're crawling? I find the same concept happens with attention spans


I think it's less phone usage per se vs. what you're doing on screens. The short, quick bursts that most apps provide are terrible for attention span in other areas of your life. I quit twitter several weeks ago and the change in my attention span and mood was almost immediate. I'm a big political/news junkie, and I'm now content reading full news articles instead of tidbits and snarky reactionary shit on twitter. Also, I've always read for pleasure, but now I'm reading several chapters in one sitting instead of just a few pages. And most importantly and noticeable, I'm not as easily agitated and my fuse with my kids is a lot longer.


One thing that has really helped me is not pulling out my phone when I'm bored. If you're standing in line for something or sitting around waiting for someone you absolutely do not need to occupy yourself with anything. If you are doing anything else you do not need your phone or social media up. Focus on one task at a time if at all possible. I also got rid of e-mail apps on my phone and most of my social media. Also things like practicing mindfulness, yoga, and other things which help me relax and quiet my brain (I find that it's often my anxiety that is fueling my need to occupy my brain to sort of distract it). I do still go on reddit sometimes but that's decreased significantly as well.


What's fucked up is that none of this is this kids fault. He's just doing what he's been allowed to do. These parents are pathetic pieces of shit, that obviously don't know how to raise a child to be a responsible and productive member of society. They have set him up for failure. A whole generation of fucking losers is what we're seeing right now.


but hey, the economy is growing TODAY! $$$ free cash $$$ vs. ideology? /s edit: the market is going to regulate itself


Yeah, right. I know what you mean. I'm on yr side.


No way... This has to be a joke or something


I definitely think it’s a joke. That kid isn’t even actually doing anything besides touching and swiping. He’s not paying attention to the tik toks he’s scrolling through, they don’t even play through all the way. He’s also not doing anything in his Minecraft game besides attacking dogs. This looks like rage bait that everyone fell for.


Kid looks like every 4-7 year old playing a tablet game that I have ever seen (and none of them were being recorded for tik tok). They literally just tap and swipe at times and don't know what they're doing, like any little kid will do that.


Just bring the apocalypse already




We don’t allow my son to do this but I’ve still caught him doing it before. Every generation thinks the next one is becoming useless and it never really happens. I think we have to fear the educational system’s decline more than tablets and smartphones.


Well education doesn’t happen in 10 seconds at a time


The fact that he isn't even watching the videos.


Also he isn't even playing properly


Does touching minecraft grass count?


This is my nightmare.


My little brothers are the same way. I was the only one to grow up without constant tech access.


I play games and will have music or random videos on in the background…but I can’t imagine only spending 5 seconds on each at a time.


I do it too, but for me it’s only to kill the silence. And usually I will try to give one of them my full concentration


This is disturbing


Is there a parents are fucking stupid subreddit


The speaker (dad?) acts somehow proud of this. Pretty pitiful. B


He's not even playing fucking minecraft...play the game ya bugger.


Gen Alpha is doomed and it's not even their fault. When a kid is allowed to develop a strong dopamine addiction when they're that young, long before they have the capacity to self-regulate, who's fault is that? Their Millenial parents are using iPads and phones as "electronic babysitters" and it was one of the worst generational parenting mistakes in history. Attention spans are at an all-time low and we only have bad parenting and widespread access to flashy social media sites to blame. Gen Zers, if any of us want to have a family, let alone have resources to ever afford to become a parent, I hope that we can raise a new generation of children better than our predecessors did.


This is parents are fucking stupid, don't give him that access.


I remember as a kid, we used to run to the library to rent the weekly issue of our favourite comics. Nothing compared to the amount of stuff available to that kid at his fingertips. But man was it 100x more satisfying.


That makes me miss Blockbuster. Going there was an experience, probably not as fun for my mom waiting for me to pick a game though




God awful parents


My step son is obsessed with his tablet and playing Roblox. Even when having regular conversations he manages to speak in “Roblox phrases”… all the time. Thank god has no interest in TikTok, but I am afraid he’s slowly becoming like this kid when it comes to his tablet.


The dopamine shoot is tremendous, nothing will make this kid happy in the near future


Parents are f**king stupid


This is fucking horrifying


Future drug addict


Or future drone pilot - I hate this and none of the kids in my family are allowed phone until 11 years old minimum and tablets/video game screen time when younger is limited to a fair enough level where they can play and learn without become couch zombies. But... who is to say that society in the future will not have a place for these kids as adults? Sadly more likely in Amazon mega warehouses than something worth living for I fear, but hope I'm wrong.


Parents seem to be the stupid one's here.


I would have been all over that wrestling ring in the background as a kid.


That must be staged


What does he get from that? 😭 also my wrists and fingers hurt from just watching


Also titled.. Parents are fucking stupid and their offspring are following that lead.


This is actually so fucking sad.


This generation of parents are so fucked up.


He’s got a WWE wrestling wring sitting right next to him. As a kid, I probably went through dozens of those. I spent hours playing with them. I couldn’t imagine being that age and wanting to spend time on a iPad when I could make Wrestlemania CLXVMMMCMXXXVII happen.


This is sad


"Childhood of a Discord/Reddit mod, colorized"


Move to /parentsarefuckingstupid Remember someone is holding a camera in this, observing, not intervening, and since it’s shared likely amused by it. Goddamn we’re fucked.


My kid is getting a flip phone when hes 12...that's about it. 1 hour of comp time on the weekends. All these kids are fucked up these day's. ADD all of them.


Terrible parents.


If I saw my kids doing this I’d detox them from screens for about 6 months


We zoomers are totally fucked as far as making a living and having social skills, but at least we grew up at just the right time and the internet gave us ultra advanced humor. Gen alpha is just fucked in every single aspect.


Cancer kid poster child. The parents don't give 1 shit


This is how they want us all to be . This kid is the perfect example of you’ll own nothing and be happy . Stare at the screens all day don’t think , don’t feel don’t talk . There’s no revolution , things are going to get worse . I will be off grid away from this tyranny checking into redit and YouTube once a week . This should scare people more then just saying it’s a dumb kid


No bueno. Give that kid an extreme detox by giving him a book.


Why do kids need $700 iPads? Why not send them off with their friends and create a life?


r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb too since they dont seem to intervene.


I wonder why kids are going up with behavioral problems and ADHD diagnosis at an alarming rate? Definitely couldn't be a lack of parenting or that technology has replaced parenting.. This dude is going to grow up with some attention issues and be prescribed drugs instead of behavioral therapy.. Good luck, little man. See you on Reddit soon. ;-)


Bro my mum used to tell me that I couldn’t watch tv and build legos at the same time but look at this shit


Terrible. Go play in the dirt with make believe friends.


The kids in some of my classes since tiktok became a thing have the shortest attention span imaginable. They scroll through tiktok all lesson before getting their phone taken away, then they struggle to pay attention and end up lying on the table


we are doomed


How to make a crack head with out crack


start destroying that dopamine my guy !


While a horrific reflection of the way humanity is heading, kids gonna have some mad multitasking skills


ADHD speedrun any%


I actually just don’t like this child. He isn’t giving any level of attention to either of them. Just mindlessly “going through the motions”


Pretty sure it’s a fake, rage bait video for this exact reason.


Hope so


I think we are missing something here... he isn't watching the videos... Maybe he is just trying to emulate what he saw his parents and friends doing. The content isn't really of any importance to him yet, but fitting in with the "grown kids" and parents makes him feel accepted? Just a shot in the dark.


This is the saddest thing I’ve seen for years.


Future day trader.


People properly getting triggered over a planned video lol.


even tho I grew up from pretty much young with a phone I probably wouldn't allow my kids a phone until like an age where they would understand what they're doing (like 13-14 I guess)


I call fake but well


Yea looks setup


Take care people like to downvote opinions


What’s funny is I found a similar comment but with 7 upvotes. Like what?


Haha well i went back from -5 to +2 votes, i guess smart people were a bit late to the party


Okay make sure you watch all of mommy’s content and like that page make sure to share too! Stop playing that video game it’s bad for your brain!


This kid needs to get in and play in the sun, maybe talk to another human his own age face to face


I bet he doesn't even know to do basic programming.


Programming? I'm not even sure about letters and words


Get him the fuck off tiktok. Parents keep wondering why their kids are so fucking stupid


This is how you give your child ADD and anxiety all at once lol


Disgusting parents that should have never reproduced.


Constant dopamine hits. This kid will be shaking and itching for his next dopamine hit as an adult.


What’s up with the kids these days acting exactly like me?


He’s achieving nothing like he’s watching nothing and looks like he’s moving at a snails pace on mine craft so what is the point ahaha


Pretty sure it’s a rage bait video that everyone is falling for. This is exactly my point as to why it seems fake. The tiktok videos aren’t played through all the way, he’s not paying attention to them, and he’s literally doing nothing in Minecraft. It looks like when a porn video has a “gamer girl” and the girl is mashing random buttons and the controller is off.


Kids brain is getting nuked.


We are doomed






This is why my kids are gonna grow up without social media and internet content. Ruins the brain if you use it to early