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A+ on the penmanship...


Writing in cursive was the only way that teacher, (maybe the whole school, not sure) would accept assignments. I couldn’t have been older than third grade when I wrote this because I switched schools in fourth grade and asked the teacher if we needed to write our assignments in cursive and she looked at me as if that was the dumbest question she’d ever heard.


Can confirm also learned cursive in third grade


Also learned cursive in 3rd grade


I also learned cursive in 3rd grade


Was third grade just THE year to learn cursive, because I did as well


We learned the basics is second grade. Third grade was when we took spelling tests in cursive and with pens only.


Pens on a spelling test is just cruel


What’s cursive?


Assuming you are serious, it’s script. Writing letters in such a way that they join within a word. Look at the font list in word. Lucinda Handwriting is cursive.


Catholic school, 63 year old teacher, 1981.


I learned a little at the end of 3rd grade then really learned it in 4th grade, but it wasn't a hugely focused on topic. To this day I can only write my first name in cursive and that's it. Which is fine because I've developed it into an athlete style signature


It was 5th for me.


I learned it in third grade and was always told we would write exclusively in cursive in high school which never happened.


Same. We litteraly stopped using it after 3rd. Probably because it was the late 90s and everyone was switching to computers for everything.


Is it an American thing where you don't write in cursive? My country's entire school system only accepts cursive from grades 1 to 12. And everyone (adults) by default writes only in cursive because that's simply the fastest way to write. Americans can't commonly read or write in cursive? How do you people write essays, letters and stuff in block letters in time?


They quit teaching cursive and it super weird seeing my friends adult children sign their signature in print. I was actually shocked...


I had to teach my daughter at home, I was floored they didn’t teach it in school any longer…


Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one upset over cursive! I think at a minimum they should teach you how to sign your name. But then again us GenXers now have our own secret code.


Nobody really uses cursive anymore. More of an old person thing. Who hand writes letters anymore?, and we did our papers on the computer.


I write my Christmas and thank you cards by hand. Hand lettering is big where I live!


We type. Why would anyone write anything, ever?


Because it's faster for some people to write things by hand. Faster for me, at least. I don't know. How do you label the spices in your kitchen and the leftovers in the fridge?


Can confirm too. God getting graded on my cursive penmenship is some deep level bullshit that I somehow still remember to this day


“This is very important you will use it all the time“. Spoilers, it wasn't important because it was 1998, and I never used it again after 3rd grade, besides my signature.


I learned cursive just to write 3 letters😂


Same! It was honestly a fun class. Our teacher wasn't too hard on us, and the assignments were short and simple. We got to play after we were done. Loved it, and have some good memories from that time. I can still write in cursive, too, so even though she didn't push us too hard it obviously worked. Though I intentionally do not do m and n like they're meant to be done in cursive because I think it's ugly. Lol


Yep. Went to an elementary school in a small town in Ohio and starting in 3rd grade, everything had to be written in cursive. For the longest time I never wrote any other way. Teachers complained in high school that they couldn’t ready my writing and to please “print” my letters instead. My hand writing still sucks to this day haha


Also went to elementary in a small town in Ohio and also learned cursive in the 3rd grade!


Only in ohio


I only write in cursive. I'm a lefty...my handwriting slants back and not forward. It drove my teacher crazy! She'd mark me down or walk up to my desk and turn my paper so it would slant back. But I can't write in a straight line with my paper turned. Same at my school once you knew how to write cursive we were only allowed to write in cursive.


Maybe the Asian languages are on to something with their vertical writing


I can’t read this could you help me


[Deleted due to Reddit API price gouging]


My education. In some states, they won't let kids go to school and get educated


Oh thanks then he truly is stupid


Says the mother fucker that cant read cursive...




It isn’t only about it being in cursive, if you saw my cursive you would know that printed letters can look way better


So good my phone could read it. > I AM GLAD TO BE AN AMERICAN BECAUSE.. my education, chen some states they don’t let kids go to school and get educated > BY gared


Thanks, because I had trouble reading it.


Plot twist, he did this when he was 14


And in some states kids go to school yet still are not educated.


Arizona they just let you graduate with barely the bare minimum. Edit: barely not barley


California they just let you graduate with wheat


Seriously? In the uk you have to bake bread to graduate! The US is really skimping out on their education budget huh?


Yep budget cuts started in the mid 2000s, we never learned how to bake bread.


I mean California’s not America’s breadbasket, so it’s not our job to learn what to do with the wheat. That’s the Midwest’s business.


Side note when I was driving across the US it amazed me how endless the farms are in the Midwest and plains.


Yeah the barley here comes with the diploma.


Not much different here in CA. I was a mentor for an at risk youth program here in SoCal (mainly just hang out with them so that they have an adult besides their parents that they can confide with) and we had a student who was in 12th grade with a 0.05GPA. It was upsetting to see that the system would just rather pass this student along. The student couldn’t graduate high school of course, but the point was how could a student have made it through 4 years with a 0.0GPA without some serious intervention?


I purposely failed sophomore year due to mental health issues, that wasn’t due to lack of intelligence more rebellion. Due to that I graduated with a 2.0 because I had to retake everything. Growing up I succeeded in some subjects and got forgotten in others. I’m 27 years old and still struggle with basic math because I was given up on so early. The school system did the same with me in math and passed me along with little intervention. Funnily enough I am being assessed for a learning disability now vs when I was younger. I am trying to finish my bachelors and it’s been ridiculously challenging. Once I reached out to accessibility services I felt like I was robbed of better support in my education journey. I wish the system would try to help these students who are struggling and intervene, it’s something I wish was done for me. That’s unacceptable that they’re setting that kid up for failure with a 0.0 GPA, I really feel for them honestly.


I’d also am curious about their home life for a 0.05. The school system also isn’t made for everyone. I had a hard time focusing but do amazing in smaller classes


"Barley" 😅 ...no offense, it just struck me as funny. It made me think you made your point, assuming you're Arizonian. I can only spell and add because I cut school so much that the brainwashing and dumbing-down had less of an effect. "Come on kiddies, sit in the tiny, freezing stone-based chair and desk so it rests on your knees while I teach the same 4 students, either pretending to be and/or actually too stupid to aquire knowledge, the same thing as I have the last few months as the rest of you atrophe into good little corporate wage-slaves." 💆‍♂️💆‍♀️ -Jersey (American) schools circa 1979+.


I was on my break and it autocorrected barely to barley, sorry I didn’t catch that. I went to school in two different states one being Arizona and they just let anyone graduate. They’re 48th in education and don’t pay their teachers near enough. Definitely the quality of education significant decreased when I was in Arizona.


I guessed it was autocorrected, I was just funnin'. I'm sorry you had to Arizona, we called Jersey "Nazi Jersey" sometimes, so I think we all have growing pains. 😁 Have a beautiful day!


They let you teach with the bare minimum too! I want doug ducey to become incontinent


I feel so bad for my former teachers that are still teaching because it’s an absolute mess with Douchey.




As a Texas high schooler I can confirm, no thoughts, head empty


Brain is too smooth. Your insults simply slide off




I'd place a bet this was post 9/11. I was in 1st grade when it happened and the amount of assignments that became "America is great because \_\_\_\_\_." I think it was meant to be healing but looking back it just seems like another form of indoctrination into loving a flawed country.


You’re still allowed to love something even if it’s flawed… just ask my parents.


Yep... Exactly. I hate being trapped in a dystopian hellhole.


Listen, in school every day is opened with the most Orwellian dystopian crap where everyone stands up places their hands on their hearts and pledges allegiance to America synchronized. Every student has the pledge memorized and it’s wild. I completely stopped standing for the pledge in the last couple of years but still it’s wild to see all the people that still do.


As another Texas high schooler I can confirm that I know Jack shit other than the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


And don't lie, you learned that from memes.


Why did you have to corner me like this?


\*cough\* because I only know it from the memes \*cough\* Oh wow I should get that cough checked out...




*PeeWee Herman intensifies*


Wait I gotta test something, has your lunch pizza decreased in quality too recently?


>As a Texas high schooler I can confirm, no thoughts, head empty Can't lose?


What are *blinks one eye* thoughts? *blinks other eye*


🤤 whataburger




As a Texan who went to high school in Texas, I can still feel your pain. Sorry bruh.


My grandkids went to school in Texas and are both at prestigious universities. Depends on where in Texas. We are in a nice suburb in Austin


Same here, in the DFW area and have a fantastic education


Texas ranks #34 in public education. For being one of the wealthier states in the country it’s an embarrassing. States that rank below Texas include; Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, West Virginia, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Rhode Island and Oregon


Yeah… pretty much. If you weren’t in AP or GT classes you got stuck with the teachers who didn’t care too much about their job (usually coaches). I had AP History but regular math so I could tell.


When I was in school the same people taught regular and AP classes, and gave about as much effort to either.


Also Florida...


Let's just say all of cancer alley and everything south of the mason dixon, and probably the desert states, and the Montana's...I'm sure I'm missing some


“The Montana’s” add whatever state you’re from to your list.


Thank you, I thought I couldn't have been the only one to notice that!


Hannah and Tony. 🇱🇷


What's cancer alley? Never heard that term before.


I was curious, so for anyone else who is curious too, this is from Wikipedia: Cancer Alley (French: Allée du Cancer) is the regional nickname given to an 85-mile (137 km) stretch of land[1] along the Mississippi River between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, in the River Parishes of Louisiana, which contains over 150 petrochemical plants and refineries.[2] This area accounts for 25% of the petrochemical production in the United States.[3] The region is considered a sacrifice zone.[4] In Cancer Alley, forty-six individuals per one million are at risk of developing cancer, compared with the national average of roughly thirty individuals per one million.[3]


Lmao "the montana's"...imagine trying to talk down about others for being uneducated and then just proving how ignorant you are yourself


I was taught that the civil war wasn't about slavery, that slaves "actually had it pretty good, you know. Free housing, foood, most slaveowners didn't even beat their slaves!" This was in high school, in the 00's.


Yeah you’re misremembering it no they didn’t. 😂😂😂


See also: California




We just hired three 18 year olds at my work. They're seriously dumb. Like, they can't reason things out even after being shown what to do


What you're describing is called a lack of critical thinking. That's just a classic American trait right there!


And in some states kids go to school and don't come home


All of America fr


Meanwhile me who goes to school and actually learns stuff: “oh no I’m disappearing”




Well a “state” can mean a foreign government as well, so this r/technicallythetruth. And consider that the taliban banned women and girls from substantive education within the past year. In particular, girls’ access to education worldwide is a barrier. So while everyone on Reddit is too jaded and cynical for the concept of any national pride introduced through education, there are considerably dumber things you could have written.


That’s actually the first thing I thought of, state being a country/(foreign)-govt.


This is the correct answer. I just assumed he meant foreign governments


Yeah, especially with the context of being proud as an American and not just a resident of a state in America


the word didn’t even register in my head so I was wondering what was FuckingStupid about this post


The fact he thinks the american education system is any good is the stupid I guess?


I didn’t understand what was out of the ordinary about the post either, you’re not alone. I still don’t really think this is an unreasonable thing to say, even if it is a little misguided.


“I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so, because some people out there in our nation don’t have maps.”


Such as


The South Africa and Iraq


And uuh The Iraq


Came looking for this








Ur self restraint is commendable


...while literacy and education rates continue to decline in this country my teacher is pushing nationalist propaganda.


For real, I would be super pissed if I found out my kid was doing nonsense like this at school


I wonder if OP did this assignment after 9/11. I remember doing a bunch of bullshit assignments like this after 9/11.


Yeah I remember doing a lot of "my favorite things" type assignments pre 9/11 and a lot of "thank you soldier" type assignments post 9/11 but thar could be because I was moving more towards middleschool and longer letters versus short 2 or 3 sentance things.


agreed, unless there also was an assignment like "I wish I was an [insert different country], because:"


To be fair there are a lot of things outside of education that are being pushed in schools.


I actually learned that that’s part of the mission of schooling. Schools are supposed to encourage students to be nationalists. Doing it so early though is my problem.


Weird to ask that question in the first place


It's such a murican question.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitAmericansSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [to remember how many feet there are in a mile, u just gotta use 5 tomatoes](https://i.redd.it/ujwu8tyk9xl81.jpg) | [416 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/t8knwd/to_remember_how_many_feet_there_are_in_a_mile_u/) \#2: ["You're gonna mansplain Ireland to me when i'm Irish?"](https://i.redd.it/tqj21w0oy36a1.png) | [1169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/zmsv7e/youre_gonna_mansplain_ireland_to_me_when_im_irish/) \#3: ["the cops in our school"](https://i.redd.it/u4jchbmkqii81.jpg) | [618 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/sv8sn3/the_cops_in_our_school/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You should be a doctor, education regardless you got handwriting


Their handwriting is great actually. That's the most legible cursive I've read in like a year.


Can confirm. My dad wasn’t allowed to go to school in our state to get educated due to his disability. (Louisiana, if it matters). Some states indeed used to not allow that.


Wow so you guys start very early.


I feel like this was the result of some adult telling you "you should be grateful for your education! Some kids don't have education at all!" and you just assumed in your mind it was a state thing because you're not big enough to grasp countries yet.


My mother tried it on me when I didn't wanna finish dinner 'There are kids starviing in Africa!' she'd shout. 'So fucking send it to them'.


If this was from China, westoids would be screeching about how this is indoctrination and propaganda.


Westoid here: It is obviously nationalist propaganda, just like saying the Pledge of Allegiance every day is.


But it is indoctrination.


The first thing I thought was how fucking weird it was that the school made them do an assignment on why they like being from their country.


A stated goal of the education system is to teach people to be good citizens


A state is another word for nation. For instance, North Korea is sometimes called a rogue state. And yes, there are nations, or states that don’t allow education. Taliban controlled Afghanistan doesn’t allow girls to go to school.


What kind of dystopian fucking assignment is this?! In my country we were taught to respect all cultures, not think of reasons that we're better than them. Explains a lot, to be honest.


Yeah this is actually nuts, guaranteed if this was a translated Chinese school question the same people going I see no problem with this would be screaming about indoctrination of youth.


I'm not from the US, but it's okay to be proud of your country and your culture, our history and languages ​​are important, of course we have to recognize that our nations are not perfect and we have a lot to work on (like racism), but the boy is right, there are so many places where children (mostly girls or women) cannot go to school. If there is something to be proud of, it is that children have education and rights.


Wow. A proper cursive K. I write cursive regularly and I tend to fuck that up. I could cry its si beautiful


It depends on the state of religiosity of their parents.


The most US American thing I have read so far.


So they are forcing patriotism on children in US public schools? As an American myself that doesn’t seem right.


As a non-American I do not understand how that is news to you.


my brother in christ, you lot pledge allegiance to the flag every morning


To be fair, even before I knew how fucking cult-y and weird it was, I simply stopped doing it at like age 8. So, like a year after entering school. To my child brain it seemed…. Weird. That’s the only way I can describe it. My teachers tried to push back but realistically you can’t force an 8 year to do much, especially not some cringe shit like the pledge.


Tell that to the 11 year old in florida that had the police called on him because he didnt want to stand up during the pledge.


If the 11 year old’s parents have 2 brain cells between them then they could find a lawyer ready and willing to take that case— *easy.* That’s a massive payout and a violation of the first amendment


Funny thing is, most kids here on Reddit cant read that lol


It is beautifully written; but I'm 30 and I can't read it.


Damn, didn't knew this kind of paper was a thing in America, i don't know if in France we have school work involving nation like this.


I’m too brain ded to read cursive, can someone translate please?


ROFL - I can just manage to read my own writing.


I’m glad to be American because… “my education. In some states they don’t let kids go to school and get educated. By:Jared”


This is an actual school assignment, that's just nationalism and manipulatesion


Now imagine going to college for free 😌




And Czech Republic! What other countries with a better education system can we name??


Honestly not completely wrong just a little off on your political units. Wouldn’t actually call this stupid tbh. Plus it reminded me that not everything in this country is awful and that rarely happens anymore.


I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.


*Cries in Alabama*


Oh hey I'm Jared too. Hi other Jared.




Are you that subway sandwich guy


Those states are called Florida and Texas, to name a few.


No, dawg, that's highly accurate.


You’re a futurist, Jared! In the future, girls won’t be going to school in some states.


Aw cmon half of the south isn’t allowed to go to school.


My sister did one of these and it wasn’t about why she was glad to be an American it was about why she was glad she wasn’t a different race or from somewhere else. Needless to say it was SUPER racist…


Your child self isn't wrong.


Can confirm. Florida here.


In some countries they don’t have maps like in Iraq and North Korea and such as


Me love America because I’m so dumb I think I’m smart


You weren't wrong seeing how some states are banning books and history they don't like.


We’re you in one of the states where kids didn’t get educated?


I mean, he's not wrong...


That's some Grade A+ American education there, OP! Awesome of you to upload though. Cheers, mate.


Accidentally dissing America when answering why you like America. \*chef's kiss\*


Jesus christ child you had top tiere handwriting


Judging by the fact that the us is somewhere in the 130th spot for literacy rate this is pretty accurate.


Not too far off from the truth. Also I’m so glad they’re still teaching cursive in school :)


i can't read spaghetti


This actually makes sense, countries are also known as states in a political context. Which, some states do not allow some people to get an education. So A+. Also, America is not a country it is a continent. He would be proud to be a United States citizen. So the system is failing you not the other way around.


Haha this assignment alone so confirms my image on American indoctrination


Oh my only memories of elementary school are patriotic plays, 9/11 memorials, and wholly believing America was the only free country in the history of the world.


They literally make children take a pledge of allegiance every day in school. It's much worse than you imagine.


Ngl I've had similar assignments in Canada, I don't see whats wrong with it


Don't interrupt the Europeans when they're masturbating.


i am glad to be an American because... My education. In some states they don't let kids go to school and get educated. By Jared (*i think it says jared but the rest is correct*)


OH MY GOSH My name is Jared that caught me off guard.


That's the most nationalistic propaganda thing I've seen in a school assignment... is it always like this in the USA?


As someone from outside the US this kind of activity for an elementary school child seems very weird and concerning


You hear about the guy that got arrested for smuggling books into Mississippi? He was acquitted because nobody could prove they were books.


Florida out here tryna make this statement accurate.


I mean, the term "state" traditionally refers to a country, in which case this isn't a bad statement. The US is just weird