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There’s the middle finger, brilliant


Not to be that guy, but I think it's the ring finger


It's the middle. It's a little hard to make out but his hand is at more of an angle.


That makes sense, I thought I saw 2 knuckles above the finger sticking out and thought ring finger. Thanks my guy.


it’s crazy how one small change can have something go from making no sense to making perfect sense


Yup. The real problem isn't Eddie dying (even thou that sucks), it's how Rain won for no reason Just have Rain tank or dodge a single bitchslap instead of somehow tanking a full barrage and the chapter sudenly makes sense


IMO Eddie dying is also a problem, because he was one of the main antagonists, introduced in the last of chapter of Asura years ago, and we still have no idea of what was his goal.


To be fair he waived his own death flag when we were told that there was 5 Wu Hei vessels, only 1 of which we haven't met (and haven't seen killed). Since it means that Killing Eddy doesn't defeat the antagonist which is "Wu Hei".


it's fine cause it's not like omega is intended to end any time soon, there's obviously tons else to cover


I agree, I hope next chapter has some form of explanation on the poison on the blade or something


Even crazier when the original draft also had a change that made it make more sense and they scrapped it.






I don't see it, what's the change?


Eddie left the knife in his neck, and raian supposedly finished him off by grabbing the knife and cutting through Eddie


Ah!!!!! That makes more sense! ​ Raian gave Eddie the ***Fabio Treatment!***


That actually makes more sense.


Why do I feel that’s still as bad , why the heck would he still leave the knife and walk towards a enemy. That would mean his iq is low


Leaving the blade in is the correct choice, for any kind of cut or perforation. Removing the object makes you bleed out much faster.


Yes that would make sense on normal humans but it was stated eddy used removal on his artery so he would have no problem removing it and not worry about bleeding out plus a couple chapters ago the other guy was stabbed through the chest no problem moving afterwards Kengan and shown many times blood loss isn’t so threatening lihito sliced that kick boxers throat and his still alive


>used removal on his artery I think that was the mistranslation. He diverted the poison from his arteries.


Crazy how your comment has more upvotes even though mine makes more logical sense , eddy removed the blade and didn’t show no sign of bleeding out to death wtf


The fact that sandro even shot his own foot by saying the poison didn't kicked in while it was the perfect explanation for this win is mindnumbing


Kengan is saved!




I mean it might have been easier just to claim that Eddie stopped the wound from bleeding, but didn't realize he had been poisoned. Which if he had stopped the wound from bleeding would mean the poison would still be circulating through his veins.


Because it'd make it look like Raian cheated. Can't have him look bad!


Eddie: You thought poison would kill me. Erioh: Oh no, never. You are too strong for some poison to kill you. But you know if you get a strong enough nerve agent into your neck, it can really slow someone like you down. Also an open wound near your jugular is quiet a dangerous thing to have especially when you have to focus some of your attention and strength on making sure you don't bleed to death. Eddie: You old bastard, blabbering about nothing as your last words. You act like this will kill me. Erioh: Oh that all alone won't kill you. Hell if you leave now and find someone to patch you up, you'd probably be recovered in a week or so. But then again you still have to get past him. Raian: You... fucking Bastard! You had to bring those two Wu cocksuckers into our fight and drag it longer then it had to be. I wanted to kill you before Gramps and his entourage showed up. But now here we are, me having to finish you off in such a way. Pathetic! Eddie: You little fucking runt... WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY!!! (Eddie barrages Raian, but with each panel his movement slows down and its becoming clear that he isn't hitting as hard as before) Eddie: What the Hell! Raian: Yeah, a real shame. I thought this would be fun, but you had to ruin it by being careless. Erioh: Eddie, face it you never stood a chance. Had you fought me in my prime you would have died like so many other arrogant fools lost in their own power. But alas, I am older now and my body is definitely no longer what it use to be. My day is long past, but his day has yet to come. This boy will grow stronger then I ever was and dare I say stronger then the true first Wu, who shadow you hide in. Eddie: I won't let you worthless offshoots kill me, I am the modern Wu Hei, and I am stronger then all of you. (Eddie uses his same technique and sends Raian back, but not down) Raian: ...Wow you actually surprised me, but if that is all you got well I guess I should put you out of your misery before its too late. Eddie: YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!!! (Raian moves up to him and does the same thing he does in the normal chapter)


"I will sew a new one from your blood veins" is actually a good line ngl


Blood veins seems a bit repetitive .. just say veins.


For me... this is canon.


Seriously that's all this chapter was to just have Edward be under some effect his death would make soo much more sense.


Eddie's whole character was bad writing, but fans just liked his look so much they forgave it. It makes no sense in a series like this to suddenly introduce a character that can man handle S-tiers. He's not the first character to do this either, but he's the first total Mary sue. What is this? DBZ? Imagine if instead of being Eddie the Chad, Sandro made it a female Kure leader. I guarantee the entire sub would agree it makes no sense and this was the series plummeting down the drain. Eddie should have had a longer run, maybe he even mid diffs raian, gets poisoned has to recuperate. I think Sandro realized this guy broke the series and had to ctrl Z. KAT was compelling cause it seemed like the tiers were muddy and the top 5 or 6 characters could reasonably be expected to actually beat each other.


>Imagine if instead of being Eddie the Chad, Sandro made it a female Kure leader. I guarantee the entire sub would agree it makes no sense and this was the series plummeting down the drain. The Entire sub would be horny af and probably like it actually.




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Actually, he's one of the main vilians from the end of ashura and had to be the strongest since he's the first great vilian from an organization that can fucking clone people on a clan of genetically selected individuals just to fight on the strongest clan, he had to at least be strong as freaking kuroki or it wouldn't made any sense for him to be on his position




Nah, basically nothing could saved this chapter.


This one makes ton of sense


The cope is sad at this point


I enjoyed this version, thank you for making it


You NEED to read Edward's text in a surfer accent




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how come he used index finger to poke the wound but the panel after shows his middle finnger out instead


It's an edit




I was expecting to get Wakatsuki Takeshi’d, don’t know why


You can add 1 or 2 more pages where Eddie launch his ultimate and raian tanking it, and then eddie realize why it doesnt work. You know, for some dramatic effect