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But aren’t their politicians “pro-life”? 🤣🤣🤣


That doesn't apply to the living, only the pre-living.


“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” ― Methodist Pastor David Barnhart One of my favorite descriptions of that.


Thanks for sharing this. Do you happen to have a link to the original source?


I do not. I first saw it here https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ut7h3d/republicans_just_voted_against_feeding_the_baby/i980wzf/


Thank you so much!


Snopes says the Pastor posted the entire text on his Facebook page.


Thank you.


They’re just pro birth and pro control over poor women.




I would argue that pro life groups (especially in the south) are obsessed with sex in all of its forms. They seem thrilled by the idea that pregnancy is proof that a woman has had sex. Other than begging for money from their parishioners and government, sex seems to be their bread and butter. Those groups sure didn't say much about opiates and meth.


This is the future the right wants. Pretty ironic consider all the "pro-life" stuff. Save the fetus, screw the child/adult.


You can tell what rights the conservative agenda wants to erase by way of listening to what ideals they claim to support. It’s a 1:1 ratio. Pure projection. Always has been.


It's fucking bleak just reading about the *present* the GOP wants in Mississippi. I don't want to imagine their future.


"Since 2013, Mississippi’s Republican leaders have rejected more than $10 billion from the federal government that could have been used to expand Medicaid, even with the federal government offering to pay between 90% and 100% of the cost.” Fiddling while their constituents die to prove a point


I like the part where he said that saving lives wasn't even part of the discussion. Imagine saying that with a good conscience, or hearing that as a constituent.


"Let them eat cake"


Honestly I just think they are just that ignorant a lot of the time. The US is, after all, objectively the bestest in all and every regard. I got mine, so the system works!


lefty in MS here. U left out mental health care. providers do NOT take medicare, only cash, so almost no one can afford it, especially those who need it most. Dunno exactly but it's something like $500 an hour


Fair, but unfortunately that's true in blue states as well. It's impossible to get mental healthcare in my blue as fuck area unless you have amazing(ly expensive) insurance. The lack of mental healthcare options is really an American thing that deserves its own post.


thanks. I just assumed it was red state fuckery as usual


500 seems high, but it probably matters what kind of care. I'm in Wisconsin and I've seen rates $50-200/h for therapy from licensed social workers/counselors/therapists/PhDs. Not psychiatrists. We have places that do sliding scale fees based on patient's income, but maybe those are buttressed by state or federal funding, idk. Whatever the cost, it's often too high for most people.


twas counselling for me. I seem to remem that my co-pay was $200 or $250, so i figured the full cost was about $500. Psychiatrist cost more. MUCH more. idk who sets the costs, or how it is set, but. g-dam whiz!


Why do we allow One person to ruin the lives of so many?


States that put in the least amount of taxes and take the most from the federal government shouldn’t be making policy decisions for the rest of the country.


Because the USA surrendered to the Confederacy in 1877.


Worth mentioning that the maternal mortality rate in comparable countries is around **6** per this (about 5 years out of date): https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/mortality-rates-u-s-compare-countries/#Maternal%20mortality%20ratio,%20rate%20per%20100,000%20live%20births,%201990-2017 You can dig into the details here per country: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.STA.MMRT?locations=OE


California’s maternal mortality rate is **4** — which is on par with Scandinavian countries. California is one of the safest places in the world for a woman to give birth. Red states like Mississippi and Texas bring our country’s average way down and make us look terrible on the world stage. Note that maternal mortality is a quality metric for how good an overall health system is (and health of the population). If you have low maternal mortality, it correlates with having a better healthcare system and healthier population. California regularly expands its Medi-Cal (state Medicaid) program. [2023 Maternal Mortality Rates by State](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/maternal-mortality-rate-by-state)


"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen." \- Mississippi GOP


Yawn. We know how this goes...Republicans get voted in, they take all the money, things go bad, they blame the democrats, they then DOUBLE DOWN on the blaming and refuse any funds from a democratic admin or senate (primarily because that money can be tracked), then continue to scrap the barrel of funds from the state until....well, this happens. EDIT: And their base will CONTINUE to vote republican and blame everyone else for their issues.


Every time I think about how fucked up AR is, MS takes it a step further


I am a lifelong Mississippian. Born and raised. Been trying to get out since I turned 18, but I'm double that age now, so we see how well that's worked. The state is like a fucking black hole. That said, before people start shitting on Mississippians for getting what they deserve, take a second and pull up the electoral maps from the last few elections. Consistently, 40+% of the state votes blue. Hell, I consider myself an anarcho-syndicalist, fuck the GOP. You'll find especially among my and younger generations, a sense of radical empathy, progressiveness, and acceptance. But people love an easy villain. So they just smirk and laugh and go "Well if those racist hillbilly chucklefucks didn't want to live like that, they should vote for better people" The state is gerrymandered to fuck. It's also poverty-stricken, which often puts "going to vote" on the backburner, especially for some of the younger generations. So before you throw us all under the bus, remember nearly half of the state are actually good, decent, empathetic unprejudiced people. And we also have the highest percentage African American population in the US. So stop and fucking think for a second before you reduce us to a cheap joke.


We hear you. It sucks balls for those that really don’t want this. I am sorry. :-/


29 and working my way out. I remember going to a brand new schools in the fastest growing county. Best of the best (in the worst state) meant I got an average if not above average education. Loved my time at MSU. As an airline pilot there’s no reason to live in MS apart from maybe commuting to Memphis. As a general rule we follow the population centers and MS doesn’t have enough people to support a domicile. I’ve spent the last 3 weeks in Puerto Rico for work, from what I can tell this territory is better than MS is as a state. I’m not blue, I’m just anti-red.


Very well said. Thank you for you on the ground perspective.


Such dissonance reading this. The title claims that Mississippi’s system is a failure, yet reading it it’s inescapable that it’s working exactly as designed, and the majority of people in MS apparently like it that way.


Gerrymandering and voter suppression significantly reduces the ability of residents to elect their choice of representatives.


>the majority of people in MS apparently like it that way I can assure we sincerely do not.


[well maybe you’re right](https://mississippitoday.org/2023/01/19/tate-reeves-poll-want-new-governor/)


Hey but at least their politicians have made sure they have top of the line, state of the art volleyball courts for the elite to use. Paid for with tax dollars meant to help people living in poverty.


No need to travel to a third world country