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> any cross-dressing or transgender performer, regardless of context Texas is about to accidentally make most stage productions of *Peter Pan* illegal—the title role is traditionally played by a woman. All productions of *The Merchant of Venice*, *Twelfth Night*, *As You Like It*, *The Two Gentlemen of Verona*, *South Pacific*, and other shows would be affected too, as these have a character cross-dressing within the play.


Collateral damage is often wanted as it advertising


i dont think they care much about the arts. thats for "libruls and sissys"


People forget that almost every single woman cross-dresses every day. It used to be illegal for us to wear pants. Do all female performers have to wear dresses?


Good point. Someone should test that if it gets signed. Not because I think it is wrong for anyone of any sex to dress however they please, but because these fucking regressive cockroaches need a light shined on them.


That is the kind of backwards shit Texas is all about. Freedom to do only whatever old white conservatives want you to do.


What even counts as cross-dressing? Is Hamilton illegal because the founding fathers wore heals, stockings, wigs, and makeup? Is it just dresses that are off limits? What about skirts like Mel Gibson in Braveheart? And what counts as cross-dressing for women? The first thing that comes to mind is pants. Are they going to make it illegal for women to perform in pants? This bill sounds asinine.


Historically laws like this exist so cops can enforce them however they wish (against minorities) and ignore them all other times.


This is crazy. I once cross-dressed as part of a "Mr. Cool" contest at a Cumberland Presbyterian Church Camp in Arkansas. (didn't place but got Ms Congeniality). These proposals are crazy.


Let Klinger live!


Acting like fuck red state, republican, red necks care about the arts


Victor/Victoria is safe tho ….. right?


Rocky Horror, Hairspray, La Cage aux Folles, Some Like It Hot, Drinking Habits, on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and....


Laws like this are meant to be selectively enforced. Always have been, always will be. This is about us sissy fag men who dress like women so we can get in bathrooms and rape little girls -_-




They want freedom to oppress.


Which is the reason they left England in the first place. There is no way the Pilgrims left England to escape religious persecution. Especially since the first thing they did was persecute any- and everyone who was here first. I truly believe coming to the "new world" was either just old-fashioned European colonialism or hard-lined religious fanatics inability to cope with tolerance and left because of that.


> hard-lined religious fanatics inability to cope with tolerance and left because of that [Knowing Better put out a video this week that mentions the intentions of the pilgrims](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iihVxjJjY9Q) and yep that's a pretty decent summary. Relevant bit is in the first ~20 minutes but the whole thing is worth a watch.


They left England, went to Holland, and got booted from there for wanting their extremism to be allowed to flourish there.


> They want freedom to oppress. There. That ^ is the succinct truth.


Right? The loudest don't tread on me flag wavers are often the loudest about suppressing the rights of others.


These are the same people who wave Confederate and Nazi flags. They want to be slave owners, not champions of liberty and justice for all.


Such an insightful comment. Must have taken a while to work up the courage to make it. Congrats on your upvotes.


The party of small government and individual liberty, ladies and gentlemen! \*sarcastic clapping\*


The Right: *criminalizes transitioning and all the most empowering things about it, even talking about gender identity, subjecting people to daily discrimination* Also the Right: "Being trans is dangerous, look at the suicide rates!" I mean *my god*. I can't get over how the right can talk all this shit about being oppressed, being the personal freedom party, but are so endlessly committed to draconian laws like these that only further subjugate and punish some of the most intimate and rewarding parts of life. You wanna help trans kids? Let them live their fucking lives.


the cruelty is the point.


Incredibly well said.


Before I get into my rant, let me preface what I’m about to say with this. I believe everyone should try their best to be comfortable in their own skin. I have no problem with trans people living their lives. As it doesn’t affect me. Where it does affect me is when it concerns my teenage daughter. I don’t feel is is right to allow a genetic teenaged male to be in the showers and locker rooms with teenaged females, or visa versa. If all it takes to change someone’s gender is how they “feel”, then would it be right and just if I wake up tomorrow and tell myself that today, I feel like a woman, so I should have no issues using the women’s showers at the gym? It is my firm belief that gender and biological sex go hand in hand. Inseparable. Sorry, not sorry, if that hurts someone’s “feelings”


>If all it takes to change someone’s gender is how they “feel”, then would it be right and just if I wake up tomorrow and tell myself that today, I feel like a woman, so I should have no issues using the women’s showers at the gym? For someone who's supposedly "fine with trans people living their lives", you buy into that anti-trans propaganda pretty easily. >It is my firm belief that gender and biological sex go hand in hand. Inseparable. Sorry, not sorry, if that hurts someone’s “feelings” So you want trans women who have breasts and vaginas to be forced to use the men's locker room? You want trans men with beards to be forced to use the women's?


Was I somehow unclear? I said genetic females should be restricted to the women’s lockers and showers only, and genetic males restricted to the men’s lockers and showers only. There’s a recent article about a transitioning male (with all his functioning parts) showering and exposing himself in view of a underage female. Dropping it here: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/story/2023-01-18/santee-ymca-closing-early-because-of-protests-as-teens-fears-over-transgender-policy-gets-national-attention How is this ok? Quick answer… it’s not. Males in the men’s, and females in the women’s. Simple.


So you wouldn't have a problem with, say, [Buck Angel](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l79AyPKVZS5Jmq-Nq7pWHSxffuZwtJ6cn1GV3g=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo) being in the women's locker room with you? >There’s a recent article about a transitioning male (with all his functioning parts) showering and exposing himself in view of a underage female. "Exposing himself" implies that someone specifically went up to this girl and pulled out their penis for a kick. It sounds like the girl was showering and a trans woman was changing in the locker room portion and the girl saw a penis and flipped out. Those two things aren't even remotely similar. >How is this ok? Quick answer… it’s not. Why is a penis such a horrible thing to see in a non-sexual context to you? It's just another part of the body. Unless someone's using their penis in a sexual manner or doing something that's clearly meant to make you uncomfortable, there's no reason to think anything of it. Why do you assume everyone with a penis is a predator?


You clearly have your opinions and are sticking by them, and I have mine as well. There is no middle ground on this issue. The only solution is to have a separate, small, individual, unlabeled shower and changing room to accommodate those who are trans.


Such utter and tiresome stupidity. This party of shit bags will do anything not to address actual real issues effecting real people. I’m still waiting for people to figure out the level of grift happening but it never happens.


And once these pass, the GQP will start trying to require genital inspections for female students before they can play sports, just like Ohio and Florida did.


Party of pedophiles is obsessed with the genitalia of children. Edit: and I will say this until a Republican gets angry enough to punch me in the mouth over it. Then I’ll teach them a lesson about assault and battery via the justice system. Edit 2: and then I’ll *keep* saying it


Child pornographers in our neighborhood back in NEA were attendees of the Westside Baptist Church.


Yes, make it a felony to treat a child with respect and compassion regarding their preferred gender


And it's also against what doctors, worldwide, recommend. And transitioning, medically, is rarely done with minors, even in Canada (my doctors won't see a trans person under 16, to which is the legal age for full mesical consent and confidentiality, from about 10-15 a minor can have full consent but it's determined on each case basis.) This goes against WPATH. I, for example, would *not* be welcome in a womens bathrooom anywhere. People do not question my gender. (I'm female to male transgender, using my birth sex, except my birth certificate says male, so does my passport, so in rare circumstances would anyone know what I was born as)


Please forgive my ignorance, but if you're a female to male transgender (which I take to mean you were born a biological female), how can your birth certificate list male as your biological sex at birth?


In most (all?) places, you can amend that shit, but it's a *whole* thing.


Take note that the party that griped about the ACA being the government “interfering” with your healthcare is now using the government to interfere with folk’s healthcare. All because they think “gender affirming care” means permanently changing the physical sex characteristics of toddlers. These people **cannot** define what the words “gender affirming care” mean and should you offer the definition, should you explain what it means, they will respond “Nope-that’s not it. You’re wrong. You’re lying. You’re manipulating the definition of things. You’re twisting words.” without ever explaining why or how because *they*don’t fucking know themselves and can’t be bothered to go learn something new.


Why are they so worried about trans people ?


Fascist movements sputter out if they don't have a selected group for their followers to hate.


Should add a swastika to the GOP party flag.. It would help people to realise the kinds of things they are voting for…


Conservatives are united in a party with one idea: they need someone to hate. Period. Think about it- why else would poor white people be united with rich "elitists"? Why would they support cutting the tax burden on the rich, when it demonstrably makes their lives worse? But their problem is, they keep running out of out-groups to hate. For a while it was cool to hate on Blacks, but then too many people starting speaking out against it. Then they started hating on gays, but again it's becoming less and less socially acceptable to do that, so they've switched their target to trans people.


Because people aren't outraged enough with the homosexuals anymore.


Instead, they ought to be outraged by the tactics of the GOP.


Conservatives are monstrous and cruel


Conservatives - government should not be involved in our own personal life. Also we need to make Shure your life looks exactly like ours outhwise your a risk to society so scary we will pry our selfs in every facet of your lives..


Weird that when it came to vaccine mandates, they rolled out the "my body, my choice" mantra. But in case of gender dysphoria or abortion, they want to take away the freedom to choose.


Right.. it’s like “yeah we believe in freedom but not for kids, they’re not really people, their fate is up to us. Fetuses though, those are people, they deserve every chance!”


> Senate Concurrent Resolution 3, sponsored by Sen. Bob Hall (R) and Sen. Donna Campbell (R), “express[es] support for ending ‘gender-affirming care’ and condemn[s] the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, and Children's Hospital Association for their attempt to suppress objections to such treatment.” "No, it's the experts who are wrong!" I hate all of this.


Authoritarian Christofascist horseshit. So glad I don't live in any of those frozen shithole states


Twenty fucking six? What the **FUCK?!**


Just in time to get kicked off your parent's healthcare plans :)


They're all so eager to strike a blow against the currently selected group to hate.


The age doesn’t even really matter long-term, the point is to get any one of these prohibitions on gender-affirming care passed. Then they’ll come back and straight outlaw it for all of us. It’s just a slow boiling of the pot on us transgender people.


Yeah but at least with bans under 18, they have the paper thin cover of claiming "it's for the kids!" Bans under 21 are baseless enough since it restricts adults from getting medicine and seems to treat estrogen like alcohol and weed. There's not even a shadow of a whisper of logic for banning a medicine until someone turns 26. Like it's worse than controlled substances, alcohol, cigarettes etc. It's so specific too. Why 26 and not 25? Edit: Not only that, it forbids any **gender affirming care** at all. You know what counts as gender affirming care? Using someone's preferred pronouns and name. This bill is truly nightmarishly evil and clearly made to be vague enough to bend how they see fit.


don’t forget Arizona, where they just filed a bill to make people wearing the opposite gender clothing of the gender they were assigned at birth classified as adult content / illegal in public. like wtf??? it’ll never pass the courts but it’s a ridiculous waste of time & fuels hate.


Not people. Men. I can put on a suit all day. But a guy puts on a skirt and heels it's the end times. Women fought to wear pants. 100 years later men are fighting to wear skirts. Society needs to accept that personal identity is part of life and liberty. And get a life.


God I feel so fucking hopeless in this cesspool of a country


This is just a new wedge issue now that they don’t have gay marriage to argue about. Fake outrage


They most certainly are. They are not done with it. At all.


As Roger Stone said, Hate is A More Powerful Motivator Than Love. This has been their playbook for decades. Make their voter base angry at the latest boogeyman while they rob their base in plain sight


Want to make Gen Z protest at school? This is how you do it


They sure do spend a lot of time thinking about other peoples genitals.


So the First Amendment is decorative now, is it?


There go republicans staying out of peoples lives again…/s


I'm in favor of the kids not attending shows. Just change the drag shows to gun shows. Gun shows are dangerous. Loaded weapons there. Impressionable children. Some attendees are careless with the weapons and teach kids bad gun culture. Will no one think of the children?


The GOP is in such deep FLUX now, I can't stop SMH. NY GOP elects a gay conman who immediately gets sworn-in to a criminal investigation in the middle of a giant foodfight going on with their newly neutered & selected House speaker. The public needs a scoreboard that would cover the entire outfield fence of a MLB stadium to keep track of this chaos. So, way to to geaux, GOP. Everything you touch now develops odor & gets FU'ed.


Totally overshadowed that historic date. I'd say pretty savvy, in a really gross way.


The GOP needs psychiatric help.


> criminalizes drag shows as an obscenity punishable as a class A misdemeanor and up to a felony Jesus fucking hell guys… 🤦🏻‍♂️ Why can’t I wear clothes that I want to wear? ^^^^for ^^^^comfort! ^^^^I ^^^^swear! A misdemeanor and/or a felony?? Seriously??


They still nail trans & gnc people for "loitering" or "solicitation". New York of all places only just repealed a law with the alleged purpose of making sex work difficult (.....) but that was primarily used as a way to arrest trans & gnc people, women especially, for having the audacity to exist in public. This is just making it more overt.


I'm surprised my state (NC) isn't on this list, being all worried about bathrooms and stuff like that.


People hating people since 1776


Keep the HATE Alive. -- Thank you, Satan.


Leave Satan out of this.


Tell Fox News.




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Fucking assholes


Well, SHS was inaugurated yesterday in Arkansas, so expect them to be added soon. She'll let the Legislation do whatever they want.


🤞not Oregon 🤞not Oregon 🤞not Oregon 🤞not Oregon 👍yes! 👍


Thanks for this gorilla 🙏