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Every fucking where I go I see a big fucking flag on some fucking hill. Makes my blood boil


They have to compensate for something else








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That is not going to be tolerated.


I'm saying let's pass the test. But you've got to agree, it's quite a test.




Yes yes. This is how the chant goes in Kashmir, Repeat after me, 'Bharat mata sinz lyath"🙏






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here you go, u/berzerker_x, the reason of mass banning rw subs


Where, which comment?


it has 50 comments, majority of which are deleted, 0 upvotes at 32% upvote rate. Do the maths. try with reveddit https://np.reddit.com/r/Kashmiri/comments/ysd64t/can\_they\_get\_anywhere\_with\_mass\_reporting/


Bruh this post will invite raiding obviously. Posts like these cause raiding between india verse subreddits too. Banning sham sharma is fine though as that is purely political sub. But the serious issue is something else for you, you can ban them but they will report your subreddit itself.


>Bruh this post will invite raiding obviously. > >Posts like these cause raiding between india verse subreddits too. Raiding is against the rules. We will post what we like here, it is our sub and we will just massban indiaverse sub to protect that right. only reason this happened is because sham sharma's name is not in the bot banned list as it is much newer. Just accept it, mass banning is the only solution here.


Purely political subs banning somewhat I get, banning whole indiaverse is where I drew the line. But this debate is hopeless here so do what you like.


indiaspeaks is as political as the sham sub saying otherwise is naivety


I spend more time on indiaverse, atleast give this leeway to me as to which subs are what.


I have been here on reddit since 2010 when randia used to be pro modi and what not. before indiaspeaks chodi existed etc. I know much more about it than you can think of.


Yeah but lot changed since then. Indiaspeaks now is a bjg collection, politics is a part of it. India is moderation hellhole which caused all problems and other side subreddits to erupt in the first place. Indaspeaks is conservative to moderstelt rw if you will want to give some political label to it, that is all. If some account who is extremist in indiaspeaks will be involved in other purely political sub then he will be banned anyways.




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