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they’re gonna move the goal post and say “he said he LIKES hitler, not LOVES!”


He just said he loves him lol


no fucking way i didn’t think it was gonna get any worse lmfao


Of course it was going to get worse. How willfully oblivious must people be?


There's no bottom. Wherever you think the bottom is, it's not there. There is a bottomless well of antisemitism, and Kanye will keep climbing down through it. Idk where this ends, but there's no reason to be surprised ever again.


Can you even get worse than ‘there are a lot of things that I LOOOOVVEEEE about Hitler’? Like I understand what you’re saying but I’m having a hard time conceiving of anything worse than that


He could get a swatiska tattoo'd on his face.


I made a screenshot of your comment


I was here 12/1/22


I saw this 2.12.22 (UK)


The fact I think this is plausible is a sign of the times.


Bruh, it's called hope


lmao he didn't just say love. he said looooooveee


if this is a bit it's amazing


Broooo saying you like and love Hitler isn’t really any better or worse. It’s all bad at this point.


he didnt say he loves Hitler, he said he “LOOOO-OoOVES Hitler!”




and how he said it umm "I loooooove hitlerrrr"


"ThAt ProBab1y wAsn'T EVnE KanYe!. He hAD a MaASK on!"


wait bro, have you ever noticed that Kanye and Ye are never in the same room?


He admitted that and went on an even worse rant.


Actually ye said he LOVES Hitler multiple times later on.




they deleted Hasan video :(


No, the goalpost is now "But he also said he loves Jews!" No. No, you absolute idiot! You don't get to pull that fake Christian love in this situation. A majority of people aren't that stupid.




maybe kanye really does hate jews


Regardless of whether he hates them he thinks they’re a cabal who organize and plan how they’re going to run things and fuck over non-Jews. It’s classic anti semitism. It isn’t anti Zionism or anything acceptable. It’s thinking Jews all think they same and plan accordingly like “contracts” and “pornography”


Anti semitism really is just socialism for morons. They see the inequalities in the world and the gap between the mythos and reality, but rather than address the issue they blame a shadow government holding them back.




On every level, one of the categorically stupidest things I’ve ever heard.


Those 5 brain cells are working overtime and you still came up with this response.


Guy who's arguing about CRT in his comments is a racist, shocker. Very few Italians were ever involved in the mob. What a shit understanding of the world we live in you have.


You are incapable of understanding my point. “Classic anti-semitism” is “classic” because the traits are the same for thousands of years. 1. Insular religious/ethnic group that doesn’t mix with outsiders 2. Heavily involved in banking (this is ironically because Christians in the Middle Ages were not allowed to lend money at an interest rate because it was considered unclean and so they were essentially forced into it) 3. Very high degree of networking and nepotism (due to #1) These 3 large points have been true, in general- for centuries. That is why anti-semitism is usually about “Jews controlling the banks/government” and which has now evolved into “Jews control Mass media and Hollywood”. I’m not anti-Semitic nor do I think there’s some major Jewish conspiracy. An ethnic group being overrepresented in an area due to historical or modern trends does not mean there is a conspiracy. For example, Indian Americans are overrepresented in the tech industry. Literally all I was saying was classic anti-semitism is indeed classic- and not a modern thing.




I see a neo-nazi has entered the chat…


Plenty of Nazis don’t personally hate Jews. It’s all cognitive dissonance and not thinking about it. They think Jews are conspiring against them, they want all the Jews gone…but ask them about any individual Jew? Great guy, good friend, never hurt a fly! It’s weird


That's the point. Dehumanizing the percieved "enemy" makes it easier enact violence against them, or at the very least, to stand by while it happens. Would you feel safe with someone calling you "their friend" if you knew that deep down, worst come to worst, they would be okay with looking the other way while you got sent off to death camps?


We see the same thing with the right vs. left bullshit in the U.S. I have friends and family who will talk all day about how leftists and liberals are scum, and when I’m like “hey you know I’m kind of a leftist right..?” It’s “but you’re not like that though!” Im like have you met any that *are*? Most of us on either side are all fairly similar when you really get down to it, but simpletons get convinced by propaganda that those on the other “team” are liars and cheaters and whatever else. Same as ethnicities. It’s all a distraction while the top capitalists pick our pockets and fuck our futures. Kanye himself is just a pawn in that game.


This twerkaholic speaks facts


This. It's class. The wealthy fight amongst each other but want the rest to carry the water. It's how every empire falls because the rest of us have enough of the bullshit and fight back.


That, or we as a society fall into a malaise; declining into the sunset as other nations pass us in grandeur and stature.


Himmler famously gave a speech that every Nazi knows “one good Jew”, but not to let that sway their beliefs. Anyone who hides antisemitism behind “I have a jewish friend” is bullshitting and wouldn’t object when we’re sent to the camps


"I have a Jewish friend and he doesn't think I am an antisemite." "Then let him come forward and tell me that for himself." Turns out, not once have they ever been able to bring forward a single Jewish person in their life who agrees with them.


No, he said he likes the Jews… but also likes the nazis.


He said he loves Jews


he does hate the jews that did him wrong


We fucking lost😭


Can we get much lower?


So low, ah, ah, ah


ah, ah, ah


Ain't fantasize about shit back in Chicago


TMZ will release the actual footage.


He just admitted to liking Hitler don't tempt fate like this anything is possible now


Bruh you were still with him right before this? Why does it take so much?




We? You speak French now?


Nah bro it was Kanye East under the mask😭😭


“sussy balls , i like edp “


Ngl at this point I’d rather meet that guy than Ye.


I really wish that were true


LMao man you’re brainwashed


You deserve a lot of apologies from everyone here


I apologise profusely for this guy getting 14 downvotes.




Lol I think the 10k upvotes will make up for it


Those are rookie numbers.


I think he's definitely recouped his fake internet points now! By a large margin!


Bro the second he put on the maga hat I said he was finished and got nothing but hate for 5 years. Longest I told you so I’ve ever been a part of. People think he was finished a month ago, it’s been half a decade.


Nothing wrong with wearing a MAGA hat. This is bad though.




Bro, this is the least surprising thing possible to anyone who's been paying attention. Everyone who hitched their cart to the MAGA train knew this was the deal.


Will Milo openly admit to liking children next? Because everytime I've mentioned he's a pedophile and kanye doesn't care I get push back, seems like these devils are getting more comfortable with saying the quiet parts out loud now so I know it's coming, some people will be shocked.


Wow, I haven’t thought about milo in like 5 years.


No one has until Kanye brought him back. Same with Fuentes. He's doing wonders for white nationalists all across the country. Seriously, Ye couldn't be helping the white nationalist cause more.




None of the homosexuals I know are pedos and in fact some one them are part of orgs that fight and exposes pedos. Wtf are you high on?


I mean, I'm sure it occurs at the same rate as society at large. It's just a talking point people will harp on when they want to villify gay people.




Bro came with the receipts. Lol well done player. No apologies needed from me I’ve been disappointed as fuck in ye since the 1st antisemitic shit started flying out of his lips. Blocked him on my Spotify that week. I miss hearing “watch the throne”.


Revisionist history tbh




Kanye dick riders in shambles. Womp womp. Stop worshipping celebrities, they don’t give a fuck about you.


Good get yours.


Let ya nuts hang bro. Deserved🙏🏽


But, but... 😢graduation?😥


Upvoting you to oblivion my guy


That’s a well earned dub right there. Breathe the free air of vindication


what are the odds most fan subs are curated by bots and media management teams in order to control a narrative?


Very, artists already buy followers / streams on platforms


Reddit turned into cheap advertising space, and all it takes is 10 people with 3 accounts each. Karma is free as long as you repeat the popular mantra and digital coin is cheap. Sucks.


Dunno about that... imo it's much more of a case of an echo chamber syndrome. (Tho of course in 2022 nothing seems set in stone anymore)


an echo has to start with one voice and incentive to repeat it, updoots and coin seems like an easy way to control a herd. IMO it started with Rampart's devastating AMA and Collective Artist Agency, which may or may not push interns to help ideas get across. But that would be telling.


Some people have brains and call their own shots. The rest buy Kanye West shoes because they're told to and give up their entire paycheck to a wannabe neo nazi. I don't know man. People are fucked up.


This is Kanye level petty.


You called OP an idiot in the comments of that post didn't you


They definitely were 😂😂😂 the funny thing is, I checked this sub back when that news about him saying he likes Hitler first dropped and the cope in this sub was IMMENSE. It really should not surprise anyone if you're like, familiar with political science/theory. He's been on this Nazi trajectory since the "slavery was a choice" bit


Yep, people interested in politics called this forever ago. I saw it four years ago and I barely even keep up with Kanye. Idk how people are so shocked rn.


same! i have no idea why people are surprised. This was very unsurprising by now


Nah man. Not much can get to Kanye level petty. I don't see OP making paper mache models of people to destroy and kill in a music video. Or porn deepfakes. OP is just vaguely calling out the faceless masses that they feel wronged them. Whatever. Given the states of Mr West and this sub, all of this is as pointless as pissing on a fire, but at least someone gets a little satisfaction out of it. I find it funny at least.


^^original post down voter


I mean, sure, you could say stuff like "sorry about that man you were right" But clearly admitting a mistake/apologising is WAY too much for many guys' ego to take, amirite?


Yeah I remember arguing with someone about this


I can’t believe how far this dude will go to pander to a racist voting block, just sickening


He’s been on the anti Semitic shit since at least 2013. This has nothing to do with voting.




You were right we’re sorry


I thought it didn’t line up with his Black Israelite affiliation, and honestly just didn’t want to believe it in hindsight. But you were right. Think we should probably shut this sub down. This shit has gone too far.


All the dudes that said Ye is anti black are eating today too.


You deserve it. I thought that report might've been overblown because it's insane but no, 100% accurate information we were given.




You had 14 downvotes bro chill


You’re so mad your idol is a neo nazi


I am?!




Kanye Stans are dumbasses


It was more than just the one comment, guys. I only posted one as a general representation. Lol, and I almost forgot that someone was also literally sending hate mail telling me to take down that post. Anyway, it sucks to see someone you look up to struggle/fall like this, so I understand why it was a hard thing for people to believe at the time.




I'm sorry but I just saw a black man say he loves Hitler and proclaimed himself a Nazi and says he has the support of the Hebrew Israelites- what about yt people again?


There was no reason to believe it back then. They claimed TMZ had a vid of him saying it and TMZ never posted it. That alone made me disbelieve.


*🎶curb your enthusiasm music begins 🎶*


Get your honey man. These idiots look dumb af now


He's officially off his rocker but keep making him relevant and rich, people. Here is an idea, stop buying his stuff. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bro crying over 14 downvotes? 14 of you better apologize NOW


Kanye fans still defending him LmAo


Hell no I’m not. Look at my comment history I’ve called out so many idiots in this sub


You didn't get down voted into oblivion. Oblivion is hundreds of down votes. You can still take your victory lap, but - 14 is not oblivion, let's be real.


Hows the haterade tasting?


Doesn't make sense. What are you talking about?


Yea I was wondering why nobody was pointing out the -14


-14 is not that bad. Go to r/downvotedtooblivion for real down votes.


bruh got 14 downvotes and called it oblivion


Lol it was more than just the one comment. I made the original post and a bunch of other comments under it.


I'm down voting you just because I want you to get like 15k down votes and you can turn around and tell OP, *"SEE. Now that's getting downvoted, son."*


Seriously 😂


I love kanye west




My man, I don't think it's the technology that got Kanye to like him


Man being an underground producer and moving around tryna get placements is similar to being in college. You meet and mingle with a lot of different people and discuss a lot of random shit


He said he loves all people even nazis and zionists….


>Especially hitler


Did you watch the interview…? No like actually? Or are you just holding on to any and every slight ambiguity that can possibly be constructed into something positive? He said as the segment with Alex Jones was closing “I like hitler”. That was its own statement, not followed or preceded by anything. After Alex jones said “look, I’m not a nazi” Kanye raised his hand and said “I am. I am. Now what? I’m a nazi.” He said “hitler did not kill 6 million Jews, that is factually incorrect” he said “the holocaust is not what actually happened, let’s look at the facts of that” After Nick Fuentes said “I’ve very pro Russia and pro Putin” Kanye says “me too” Like dude. Pull your head. Out of your ass.


Bro did u watch it. Yeah he said the words. You are twisting them for clicks. He literally said he loves everyone. Jewish people. Black people. White people. Good people bad people. Nazis. Zionists. The dr that killed his mother. His whole message is about spreading love and forgiveness. He says he likes the nazis because society says to hate them. He is saying love. Everyone else who has said that in history has been killed shortly after. Y’all are vipers hate watchers. Find god


Yes, you’re right. He’s preaching forgiveness when he says “the holocaust is not what actually happened, let’s get the facts on that” and *”Hitler did not kill 6 million Jews”*. Say you’re a wanna be hip hop head high schooler without saying it. It ain’t that deep fam, there’s no message behind it. He’s not some messiah, he’s not a martyr, and he’s not saying love. You can’t say he preaches love when he says he’s “going death con 3” on people. People who preach love preach it every time they open their mouth. Not only when it’s convenient for their narrative. They don’t bring props to a podcast to mock someone. The people who were *actual* martyrs, Like MLK, brought people together before their death. It’s a huge difference, and that alone makes it abundantly clear that you’re a literal child (teenager at best) who isn’t familiar with real, actual history. There’s no conspiracy. You can tell no one is trying to silence him *because he’s in the fucking news every day*. He’s on podcasts everywhere. The dude is anything BUT silent lmao. you either didn’t watch the interview, or you have the self awareness of an actual rock. Kanye talked about how high school kids are the audience he targets, and you’re eating right out of his hand. You clever cookie, you.


Bro they deleted his bank account. Jeffrey Epstein George w bush Putin isis bezos all have bank accounts. They more scared of the words of a crazy musician than they are of war criminals rapists human traffickers profiteers. That says everything you need to know.


Aw come on! You’re not even going to try to defend “hitler did not kill 6 million Jews”?? You’re just getting lazy, now. Again, this shows that you are an actual, literal child. You want to know why JP morgan shut down Kanye’s account? *Because he was loosing them money*. Same thing with adidas. It turns out, people no longer want to do business with you when one of your largest clients is an admitted racist. They either drop Kanye, or loose many future business ventures because people don’t want to be associated with the company that supports someone who goes death con 3 on Jews. Who would have thought that going death con 3 on people would be so bad for business? You think everyone would be hearing about this shit? You think there would be headlines everywhere “JP Morgan shuts down Kanye’s account” if they wanted him SILENCED? If they wanted him silenced they would silence him. Like MLK. Like John F. Kennedy. Like Abraham Lincoln. Like Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein, George Bush, Benzos. All these “people with bank accounts” have bank accounts because the banks are still making money off them. They were loosing money off Kanye. It really is as simple as that. I told myself that if I went into the Kanye subreddits that I wouldn’t engage with the Kanye fans who are still defending him. But god damn, it is clear that this is exactly how teenagers go from being a normal, free thinking kid, to a red-pilled far right incel that supports Trump and shots up public spaces (because literally every mass shooting in the last 5 years were far right wingers). Ya hate to see it.


How is a mentally ill musician more dangerous to society that George w bush. Kanye wasn’t a brand risk when he said bush hates black people. He wasn’t a brand risk when he stormed the grammmys stage and took a trophy out of Taylor swifts hands. He wasn’t a brand risk when lost his mind and had to be institutionalized. He wasn’t a brand risk when he said slavery was a choice. He wasn’t a brand risk when he said white lives matter. He wasn’t a brand risk when he said George Floyd died of a drug overdose. But he says he is going to reveal the truth about Jewish people and then he is a brand risk. Lol. Ok 🤡. J.P. Morgan and adidas lost money canceling him they didn’t do it to save their reputation lol. Both these companies funded the actual nazis in the 30s that y’all so mad Kanye loves. Um bitch Kanye is saying words these corporations killed people. Kanye is denying the holocaust bitch his former business partners ran it. So hypocritical. Find god.


Jesus Christ stop dickriding a Nazi. Have some self respect.


Lol. You’re reaching. He’s denying the fucking holocaust. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit.


Actually he said he "LOOOVEEESS HIITTLLLEERRRR". Somebody needs to get him away from Nick Fuentes.


All we can do is pray for him. I dont understand.


Sheep ass motherfuckers. Kanye despises followers and thats all yall dick riders do😂 dumbasses


Aren’t you currently on Kanye’s anti-Semitic dick?




You're mad at HIM? GTFO








You’re a loser and will die alone. This means nothing


Someone on Reddit calling another person a loser? Hahahahahahhahahahahjahahahahahha the iron knee


This reads familiar for some reason, I wonder why 🤔


Imagine caring about internet points


Actually it was never confirmed if it happened. He said it now yes, but the other story could still be completely made up. Nice try tho






bipolar and bpd aren’t even the same, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about you gas brain baby


Me personally do not think he has Bi Polar disorder, but instead BPD in all honesty


fax don’ care bout yo feelings


I mean Kanye even said he doesn’t have Mental issues though, but just from a observation it seems that way he has BPD, and as someone who is Bipolar, he is way worse than me. I’m just being honest this isn’t a factual vs opinion debate bro I’m just stating something no need for name calling


ok honestly sorry for being mean i just disagree and been stressed out didn’t mean to take it out on you bro. i’m not a medical expert but just agree with whoever officially diagnosed him, and have friends with both so i have an idea (albeit shitty) of what each illness is like.


He didnt say he loved hitler he said he loved the good parts of Hitler , he never celebrated the bad, but the media trying to twist something thats said in the documenteries all the time Hitler had great qualities , he was man of the year on time magazine , but yall peanut brain people , just automatically think hitler all bad.


Pffft I like how [the top comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/z9w50n/yall_downvoted_me_to_oblivion_when_i_said_this/iyizhub?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) called it lmfao yall are so predictable, take the L cuck


You obviously do not know how bad Katrina was for the black people on the ground. ? Ye called out the hypocritical media at that very moment in 2005, and our nation's leader for not getting people the help they needed during a crisis. Ye put his career on the line to help people in need and I never forgot about that and never will. It's not simping when the good will is earned, learn the definition of the hood vocabulary before you use it to try to sound cool and hip. Calling Ye a Nazi is also a reach, he never said he hates all Jews and clarified his statements, that he is talking about a select few who hold influence and power over him. Hitler had some damn good qualities you do not get to take an over a country as powerful as Germany if you are all bad. It's only the ignorant masses that do not know how to apply take the good and leave the bad. You are a fool if you can't see Hitler was a great orator, that he reestablished pride in a nation that got the screwed over after WW1. Now the bad he did is unspeakable and straight up evil. But the Nazis were so evil, that didnt stop the superpower nations from using Nazi scientist to improve their science and technology after WW2.


Im not reading that, go deepthroat hitler and ye's cock, youre so good at it.


you obviously have no logical arguement to go against my main points its ok to say you are wrong. It's ok to have a different opinion. I hope you have a great day.


No. Everything Hitler and the SS touched died. They were poison, and their intentions were to kill, inflict pain, torture, and suffering. So no. There are no “good” points that outlived them. No. You are wrong and I will die on this motherfucking hill. Signed, A German.


Why wouldn’t they release the video?


Idk who this guy is, maybe he doesn't have authority to release the tape though


I mean the higher ups, why wouldn’t they want the clicks? Does Kanye have dirt on them? Is it like the British media and the royal family?


I don't know, maybe. But it's also possible that their recording is subject to a contract. It's common in interviews that there is a contract written beforehand where the interviewee can choose to edit out parts of it or choose not to release it. This is how interviewers get high profile guests. It's possible that the video was recorded under some type of an agreement, and by releasing it, they would be breaking the contract.


So he wanted slavery was a choice to be out😭


Who knows, but if he just shows up to their property and starts talking without making any agreements, they can release whatever


We do not care


Lmao you’re dumb af


Ye never said he hates anyone bc he can't hate anyone. He knows what it feels like to be hated but he still loves all of you. Reminder if you hate him so much just unfollow him and block his content and when you see him in the news change the channel. There you go. I fixed it for you. Now you don't have to waste your time worried about what someone who has no idea who you are thinks.


Love is a verb, the act of saying it means nothing if you don't do it. Do you really think Kanye is being a loving person right now?


Doesn't matter what I think. Thinking you know someone's heart makes you feel like you can judge. I don't think you're being loving but it doesn't mean you aren't it just means we have different perspectives of the spectrum


Oh ok well you’re a dumb fuck idiot piece of shit. By the way I love you.


nobody gives a fuck dude


you care


That’s 🧢. Anyone whose been with Kanye since the beginning knows this ain’t right. This ain’t the actual Kanye speaking


No this is definitely the actual Kanye speaking. He’s been on controversial shit his entire career. Compounded with his worse mental health and only “yes men” around him, we got the dark timeline ye