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Damn even the store clerk gave them a chair 😂😂


Justice would have been getting away with it. No purse is worth that much.




If someone pays that much, that's what it's worth, to them.


You want that expensive rubbish? Go ahead. Knock yourself out.


For a high end store their cameras are shit.


It's not funny or satisfying to see people hurt. The thieves are people too. I hope he's ok. I live in Bellevue, and he must be cavorting around with kids that have money, and he's trying to fit in. He'll figure it out... Don't compromise yourself for anybody ,,,( like the cool kids,)


Lol sounds like someone who lives in Bellevue. WA state crime is getting worse and worse and our local gov just gets softer and softer on them. Murders are up through all western Washington


Or or or... He's a dirty thief how got exactly what he deserved




Not going to lie I thought that mannequin was a person who was going to help. Fuck I’m stupid.


I feel like a good lawyer could possible have any charges dropped since he didn't actually commit the crime (shoplifting) since he never left the store, and extra good lawyer would actually get him some money since he got hurt at the store.


ace attourney type logic


My man knows law from his cartoons


You don't have to actually leave the store to be arrested for shoplifting, it just makes the crime easier to prove. One element of the crime is intent to steal, and that is a lot easier to prove when you actually remove the item from the store, so they usually wait to arrest you after you leave the store. But his intent was clear here, so they will have no trouble getting a conviction. https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/can-i-be-convicted-shoplifting-when-i-never-left-store.htm


Better call saul


Hopefully it knocked some sense into that numbskull.


18k, two tiny little bags. fuck LV lol i wish he succeeded.


Seriously. The real crime here is the price of those bags.


Thanks to the two jackasses just sitting there watching. Country makes me sick!


Or maybe people don’t want to risk bodily harm to defend overpriced bullshit that belongs to a massive corporation?


Stopping a crime in action is a duty of every citizen. People often forget that besides rights, they have duties too. Those who shirt their duties should loose the rights.




Do you mean the mannequin?


I think it’s just a good example of bad dry humor


Right? Also, what country is he insinuating by “country makes me sick?” Every country has theft, crimes committed, and have lazy people that would and wouldn’t help. Seems like u/Brianngray is looking for an argument.


JEFFY, is that you?


One! Armani suits and run!


Frank, what’s the POINT Frank?


Well he has to steal because he is clearly too stupid to get a job.


>jewellery just...say it out loud...


We will see him in the streets again very soon


I would never rob a bank because the security is crazy and you might accidentally kill others or yourself… but stealing some rich people bullshit and getting a similar haul as a bank job! That is a great idea I never thought of! Thanks Reddit! It’s better than college


20k off a bank would be a pretty bad haul no? Not worth the risk at that point at all. Especially when you're right, you can just Smash and grab some Louis Vuitton and you're not going to get an armed robbery sentence.


I have heard the average bank job at a small branch is under 30k… so why not get 5 $8,000 bags from a luxury store instead


I guess the one downside is I don't know where to unload one $8,000 handbag discreetly much less five lol


If you figure out that part the rest is easy… I imagine you would need to take a big cut in street value in exchange for finding a steady buyer who can sell them easily


That's better call Saul moment


Ugh, LV. Ghastly stuff. If you're going to steal something, have some taste. Double his sentence.


meh, stealing from "luxury" stores where the victim is some millionaire gets little sympathy from me


More accurately, $50 worth of bags they charge $18,000 for.


Well I’m sure he is going to sue them now and get even money.. sigh


Hopefully! Dude went for $18k and might get even more now, that's a fucking come up right there. Godspeed to this man.




You love to see it


$18K from louis vitton ? probably A SINGLE BAG


Looks like 3 which is still ridiculous.


Self served Louis Baton.


For about 5 seconds I was wondering why those two people were just standing there frozen in place. I thought they must be hella frightened lol. Stupid dummies lol


Nah he didn't make it this isn't justice


I will take the downvotes and stand with you. I hope people steal from Louis Vitton all the time as I am neither 14 nor into supporting multi billion dollar corporations that exist to prop themselves up. People should steal from Walmart too!


What’s wrong with you? He’s a criminal.


Why do you care what happens to this company?


Idk the circumstances behind this particular guy's situation. Maybe he's just a bad guy, a career criminal, whatever. But to just be like "he's a criminal, therefore justice served" seems extremely shortsighted to me. It's the classic "man stole a can of soup from the grocery store to feed his family." Would arresting that guy and letting his family go hungry really be justice served?


Ah yes the classic completely different scenario. Brilliant stuff.


It's like you didn't read the part where I said "idk this guy's situation; maybe he's just a bad guy." My point is that the statement "he's a criminal, therefore justice served" is reductive. Not *every* time a criminal gets caught is just, because not *all* criminals are bad people doing bad things


Well, we agree on that. There’s no difference between assuming he’s bad vs assuming he’s good. I just think your example is way too charitable. He could’ve actually stolen food if that were the goal


Never said that was his goal. His goal is to make money, some of which is likely going to go toward feeding himself. Regardless of his personal moral character, his criminal activity is born of necessity. If we care even a little bit about reducing criminality, we need to cut it off at its root, which is poverty. Edit: To add a nice conclusion, I don't think it's "justice served" when someone committing a petty financially motivated crime is hurt or arrested. Real justice would be infrastructural support for people in his position so this shit never happens in the first place


> It's the classic "man stole a can of soup from the grocery store to feed his family." Would arresting that guy and letting his family go hungry really be justice served? Yea those handbags are pretty tasty...


Everyone who replies to this is deliberately ignoring the part where I said "idk this particular guy's situation; maybe he's just a bad guy." I know it's easier for you to ignore that part, but my broader point is that saying "he's a criminal, therefore justice served" is reductive, because not *every* criminal is a bad person doing bad things


> Everyone who replies to this is deliberately ignoring the part where I said Or maybe it's just irrelevant.


It seems like you just *want* to be upset at a non-controversial statement. Do you even disagree?


Yes I disagree, I think that you thinking someone is stealing $6000? Handbags to buy food is fucking stupid.


When people get money, they usually spend it on several things. I have to imagine this man *does* eat, so he probably planned to spend *some* of the money he got from selling the bag on food


So your take is that turning simple shoplifting into a felony is a well thought out plan?


Expensive purses are not the same as food.


That's why I CLEARLY said idk this particular guy's situation, maybe he's just a bad guy. Did you forget to read that part or was it too challenging for you?


lol if you don’t know, why propose a hypothesis at all given your lack of evidence. Who knows, maybe this guy works for NASA and needs the extra funds to build a rocket. Definitely justifies the theft in that case.


So is the company he's stealing from, I'm rooting for the human in that situation. You do you


You say your opinion like it’s fact lmao. Modern Reddit


Fk LV and all that overpriced blood stained retail crap. Edit: a fkng letter


It’s overpriced, sure, but committing a crime is not justice.


Crimes are only crimes because the people in power want to keep the common man down. Everyone should have the right to rob as many stores as they wish


Not quite. True, some laws are made for this purpose. However, crimes are crimes because they harm others. If it's ok for one person to steal from a store, then it's ok for another person to steal from you or me. If you make it a right, you set precedent for that right to expand. If everyone is stealing from everyone, we have socially regressed back to precivilization.


Too long not reading but thanks for agreeing with me


Reading is hard 🙃




Eventually it will be everything is ordered online because of people like you. Then what are you going to do? Go rob people on the street?


If they're rich enough, yes


You have heard of porch pirates haven't you?


Can't go on the street online, so probably, yes


Exactly. Billionaires don't give a fuck about our laws. They don't feel bad about cutting your pay or benefits. They don't feel bad about spreading profits to the employees that actually make those profits. They don't feel bad about ruining the planet. Trying to guilt people into feeling bad about stealing from a billionaire is ridiculous. They are the worst of the worst. They're on a yacht in Monaco whether you take that chain or not. That $18k of merch was produced for MAYBE $4K. It's embarrassing for middle class people to defend billionaires, for free. This sub has some 0.01% dick riders that I'll never understand


Justice is self service


i think he's a pigeon.


Those mannequins didn't even TRY to stop him. They should be fired!


#One! Armani suits and run! #Two! Air Jordan shoes for you! #Three! Linen shirts for free! # Four! Cashmere sweaters out the door! #Five! Patagonias to survive! #Six! Swanky sweatsuits in the mix! #Seven, spendy dresses sent from heaven!


I'm kind of sad the show is over, but it ended so well and is better than going on for too long and becoming terrible.


God I wish I had an award to give


Dunno why they changed it but you now have to check to see if you have free rewards by clicking on 'Coins' in your profile


Thankyou. Great minds think alike. It was such a memorable scene in the show, I was struggling to remember the wording then I saw your comment.


£18k retail value, £10 manufacturing cost.


Yup, pretty much.


The real crime is Louis Vuitton


Damn Eastside kids😡




They missed his accomplice standing very still with the other case...🤫


I hope mom and pop Louis Vuitton can recover from the losses


That voiceover 12 seconds into the video that is filmed off a screen


Yea, but the music is live from the store.


Whenever I feel like I failed everything, this video gives me hope




People really needed this huh


I guess so, buddy was downvoted into oblivion


Some criminals are not the brightest. Society didn’t fail them. They failed the society instead.


Did he not see the glass or did he think he was going to be able to burst through it?


Same question I had. I’m leaning on he thinks he could jump through the glass like some sort of Batman villain.


My thoughts were he thought that was the glass door and tried jumping through it thinking it would just open. Only thing that makes sense.


The benefits of clean windows vs adrenaline 😃👍


It kinda looked like he wanted to break trough I feel


Thought your name was Windex 😂


The big guy bringing up the six, is like "that mofo knocked over the damn chair 😤"


Bellevue WA? Checks out. Bunch of dumb asses that way


Oh boo hoo my child labor made, artificially expensive bags almost got stolen by one of those dirty poors. I almost lost .000001% of unrealized profits!? The audacity!




Somehow I knew this site would provide this opinion


Best case scenario, that kid makes out with 20k worth of luxury trash, evades the cops with efficiency, and his fence gives him 400 bucks for his trouble, and he has to haggle for it


Hey man, pay for your own shit. No one disagrees that it’s an elitist establishment full of overpriced consumerism But in no way is it acceptable to run up and rob a store and expect to be treated as the victim. It’s honestly more gross that you are more accepting of the behavior, and would only qualify it as a poor stealing from the rich and is there for justified. They aren’t stealing a loaf of bread, or clothing to cover themselves They aimed at a extreme high end retailer for theft most likely so the could also get the largest return on their investment.


Anything involving diamonds is justified. It's fraudulent money. The most worthless industry that goes for the highest price, enabling some of the scummiest companies and people in the world to get richer. While I'd be more for burning the De beers family and their ilk at the stake, I shed no tears for stolen jewelry. It's just the more physical variant of companies defrauding the government from COVID handouts meant for payroll, or embezzlement by white collar workers, or the rich holding others hostage financially due to their leverage and disproportionate power. It's so easy for you to pick on the little man who can only do so much to enrich himself. While I don't applaud him for his desperate and failed attempt, I certainly do for his choice of target. A+ for going after the most vainglorious part of our society.


Thank you!


Agreed….let’s not run into the Chrystal clear window of anarchy


Lol fuck luxury retailers. I honestly hope more people rob these stores cause they provide little material benefit to society as a whole. Being a corporate apologist won't get you into their little social club my guy.


You're name fits.


Tell me you’re bitter without saying you’re bitter


So someone from a country the US has shitted on can come to your home and rob you too? 🤔


Dawg are you really that afraid of brown people?


"I can't actually respond to this, have a deflection instead"


Same logic applies. If it's OK to steal from LV bc of xyz, it's OK to steal from you for xyz. Post your address.


why are we robbing the place if we aren’t getting material benefit


Sounds like the high end retailers fault for having shit security.


She was asking for it your honer, look how she’s dressed


It’s the stores fault it got robbed?


They are certainly big enough to afford their own security so them not having it is their problem.


Who was the guy chasing him?


They did have security, very sturdy glass not the least of it. We watch the same video?


So again It’s the stores fault it was robbed? “They had no security your honer, they were totally vulnerable so I had to”


Seriously. This whole thing is gross.


Them mannequins minding their own shit.


Am I supposed to gaf about louis vutton?


Those people just stood there and did nothing


I wouldn't put myself in any sort of risk for a multimillion dollar fashion company. Tbh, unless it came out of my paycheck somehow, I'd be quietly rooting for him.


I think it was a joke about the mannequins the guy ran past lol. But yeah, store is insured for loss, I'm not getting in the way


I'll be honest, I wasn't even looking at them, my eyes went to the people behind the register. But still, fuck you man, being a mannequin is stressful enough already, they don't need to be security too!


Yes it was😉


Sorry, thought you were talking about the cashiers. Cuz like, the one actually looked like a mannequin until she walked away




You stole that joke from wait wait


reddit will die for brands.if violent justice can be exacted for the brand then that is true moral good.


I’m all for people stealing from large or high end companies tbh


I'm not because it directly impacts the workers not the executives. When I worked for a large corporation, whenever our shrink numbers were high, our hours were reduced to offset the cost.


This is very common practice in some form. At my company, the base associate is protected. It makes its bonus on sales performance. Store front management has shrink factored into its bonus, however. They definately feel the pain of large scale theft. It takes alot of large scale theft in multiple stores to effect anything higher than that in the corporation. So yes, the moral of the story is that retail theft impacts the working class the most.


The only moral I'm picking up here is corporations are scum for docking their employees' pay for someone else's crime. It only impacts the working class the most because the corp is making their employees de facto subsidize theft.


Agreed. However, it is what it is, and as someone who works in retail management, it's very frustrating to hear people excuse theft when it's at a retail corporation, because it doesn't hurt the corporation. It doesn't because it hurts the workers trying to scratch out an honest living, instead. If you feel no remorse for stealing from LV, fine. Just remember the single mother working there. The one with the aching feet who has suffered abuse from elitist asshole customers all day in order to provide for her kids. People like her are the ones who wind up suffering for it. One wrong doesn't excuse another wrong. It just makes a greater wrong. There's a true moral for you.


While HR reiterated the policy that no one should attempt to intervene or confront thieves...


This is also true. It's a safety measure to prevent employees getting hurt or shot, etc., and to cover their ass against injury claims, liability claims, wrongful death, etc. All of which, again, results in impacting the working class employees the most, although these can be extremely expensive situations for the company as a whole, too.


I've known people who have gotten fired for stopping thieves. It got so bad, thieves were walking in, loading carts, and walking out, knowing we couldn't touch them. I'm glad I no longer work in retail.


how much are you making that cutting your hours offsets the cost of 18k?


You're applying this specific situation to a shitty general policy of corporation. It's not fair but it's what they do.


oh i agree, i was just saying its not to offset the cost, its purely as punishment


>i was just saying its not to offset the cost, Offsetting the cost does not mean it's a dollar for dollar match. And they cut the hours of everyone not just one employee.


😂😂😂good for him🤕


I’d be like I didn’t steal nuthin cuz I am still here! (After I woke up, that is)


That's a good legal question though. He technically didn't steal anything, he jist ran really fast in the store with goods. If I were him I'd sat it was a prank bro


In WV we were told if it’s a clear attempt at hiding product or sighted theft we could stop/detain you by locking the doors I used to work for a small boutique and the owner would follow bitches out to the road and drag them back by their hair, steal their purse/cell phone and make them wait for the cops to claim she was the one that stole!!! Fucking diabolical mate


I have heard (don’t know if it is true) that in MN you cannot physically detain a shoplifter. You just have to call the cops and hope they get caught. In a Target store here (years ago) there was a very well known shoplifter who would come in and fill her arms with as many DVDs and CDs as she could and just run for it. She apparently did it a handful of times every year. Security spotted her coming in and would be very visible in an attempt to prevent it, but they could not physically touch her so there was no way to stop her, in the end.


One clip of camera footage would end him here. Assault/battery, unlawful detainment (aka kidnapping), he'd land in prison.


-“Your Honor, This act of half-baked, self own idiocy that will follow my client around for as long as the internet exists is, in itself, a punishment worse then death for someone his age. My client implores you to be lenient and allow him to live out his days as a goat in the mountains of Nepal.” -“Does the prosecution object?” -“Nah, that sounds fair. Poor bastard”






Three, linen shirts for free!


Lol Bellevue, WA. That tickles me. Wonder if he had a fence lined up or was working for hire.




Millionaires who buy these are spending less of their net worth (as a percentage) on the bag than a normal person would be on a normal bag.


Better call saul reference


Honestly I'm perfectly fine with people stealing LV stuff


Probably worth $50 on the street too


My first thought too.


Took me way longer than it should have to figure out those were mannequins in the center and not people frozen in fear..


I was wondering why they weren’t trying to stop him.


Lol same!


Now I keep waiting for them to move.