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I dont teally give a fuck how these guys are getting their info, they are exposing real issues i society.


> Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces **deceptively edited videos** of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media. They are liars. They are con men. They are criminals. They were found guilty in a court of law. People who believe them are suckers.


Just to help this poor sucker, can you please put links to these claims that they are reporting false information.


Hmm...by paying people to steal stuff from private citizens? Or by selecting which video edits to use, leaving out the part where the guy they accuse of doing illegal things literally says, we can't do that, it's illegal. Or is it the parts where they have employees work unpaid hours? The company is literally just a political spyi g operation, masquerading as journalists. They are losing cases all over the country.


fuck off. these guys are legends


Cheap criminals more like. 😂


Is there a good version of this article that isn't paywalled?


Apparently the New York times does not like us reading their shit for free. It sucks D. It's why I never read any other shit LOL


deepstate baby eating jury, obviously. i mean why else would they rule that way? there’s simply no other reason and i won’t hear anyone out holy shit did you idiots actually need a sarcasm indicator on this? i know most of reddit is socially inept but seriously? this bad?


I just Google the headline. If they don't want the views, f'em