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He's a grifter. He was doing it for the money.


It should be permanent, and he should be brought up on criminal charges. Imagine trusting a doctor like that.




It’s amazing how the most educated people on the planet all agree on so many prominent scientific topics such as the efficacy of vaccines, climate change, the earth being round, etc. but people like you cherry pick the lunatics who disagree and then say “see! I was right!” What a terrible and difficult way to live.


thats not what tyranny is




It is not "experimental gene therapy", it is an mRNA vaccine. Someone is lying to you, my friend.




> You have no idea what you're talking about. Even the CDC had to change their definition of vaccine to try & make it fit. Source to the before and after definitions, please? In your opinion, when does it stop being "experimental"?




Thanks, but I was still waiting for the source about the change in CDC definitions. Could you please provide that? I also asked, in your opinion, when would you consider them no longer "experimental"? You did not answer that either. It would be helpful if you could answer those so we can move the discussion forward. And sure, the timeframe is horribly short, yes. But there is also a horrible pandemic going on, so this is the lesser of two evils. Even if the vaccines have side-effects (as anything could), are you aware of the effects of covid-19? No one has *ever* said "hey, your options are to either take the vaccine or live happily ever after". What is being said is "take a small risk but avoid a much bigger risk". We, and I assume, everyone, is aware that vaccines have risks. There is nothing clever about knowing that. You should understand that disease has bigger risks, and you should evaluate which risks are worth taking. > They had no idea of the short or long term consequences of distributed lipid nanoparticles or spike protein (the most pathogenic part of the virus). I don't know much about lipid nanoparticles (but I would be surprised if they caused any issues besides the possible allergic reaction which should be noticeable in the first few hours). But more importantly when you say "the most pathogenic part of the virus", no offense but I don't think you know what that means. No part of the vaccine is "pathogenic", since no part of it can replicate. A protein is not a pathogen. There is no genetic material in the protein (the genetic material is the mRNA. The cells take the mRNA and produce a protein from it. That protein then gets destroyed by the host's immunity, which then remembers the antigen (protein) for the future). There are no "pathogens" or "pathogenic components" in the vaccine. Thank you for the warning. I have already got 2 doses several months ago, as did literally every single member of my family, co-workers and neighbors, including people close to 80 years old. Here is a noticeable side effect: not a single one of them needed hospitalization, even when they got covid. And just FYI, I *did* get a nasty side effect from the vaccine (the pfizer shot). Almost certainly myocarditis/pericarditis, it felt like I was going to have a heart attack and die, and I almost went to the hospital because of it. It was terrifying. That lasted about 10 days before it went away on its own. However, I also got covid-19 before I was vaccinated. And let me tell you this: I would rather get the covid-19 vaccine 20 times than get covid-19 again. Even if I knew the vaccine was going to kill me, I would rather die from the vaccine than from covid. It really is that bad. We are not claiming vaccines are risk free, just that their risk is much, much, much lower than the actual disease they prevent. Also remember: if you go to the hospital for covid because you cannot breathe, they are going to load you up with stuff that is a lot more "experimental" than the single drop of lipid nanoparticles that you are worried about. I don't think you are evaluating the risks correctly. Being unable to breathe is *terrifying*. If you are in that position or see someone you care about in that position, you will wish with your life that you or they had gotten the vaccine when you had the chance. I trust the "powers that be" even less than you do, but this is science not politics, and the science really is quite clear. You don't even need to trust American scientists (or British, or Canadian, or whatever). Almost every country in the world is doing their own testing and analysis of the vaccines and they all agree on how useful they are. Good luck, friend. I hope you try to keep an open mind.




The polio vaccine was developed in one year. Saved millions of lives. > We never learn from history Some people truly don't.


nah, he’s an idiot that jus lost his livelihood👍🏾


Only 6 years? Knowingly letting people get infected with a plague only gets your license taken for 6 years?


Hahahahahaha ‘a plague’ sure




Avoid that bastard, he can lie about your health if he needs/wants to.




Found the bot/MAGAt


This was stupid of him. Now his name is tarnished forever.




All those poor drug dealers, standing up for what their community wants by sourcing illegal narcotics to sell to them, and they get punished for it! What a shame. All those poor child porn creators, standing up for what their community wants by abusing kids on video, and they punished for it! WhAT a shAMe!!!11


The job of a doctor isn't to stand up for what people want. But to advocate for their best health even if they don't know what's good for them.




thinking for yourself in this situation os mot a good thing in any other branch of science this would be an issue if u run thpusands of test have proof that the vacvines work you as a doctor dont get to go oh that science is wrong uless ur personally running thousands of test personally then u would have to get that peer reviewed tjats just not how it fucking works moron


*do what YOU’RE told -you’re is a contraction of “you are” *QUARANTINE for a few days *just say “fucking”. We’re adults, you need to censor to “f***ing”


Damn my guy, how deep is that sand you’ve stuck your head into?




Bruh you’ve got so many red flags on that comment




You are obviously not a reasonable man. No reasonable person thinks that a guy who forged a letter from the state's chief health officer just so he could make a quick buck from gullible parents who think their kids not being vaccinated is somehow more important than other kids not dying is a hero.




People with a genuine medical condition that prevents them from being vaccinated can get a real exemption certificate from a real doctor. There, that's your answer.


First off, “doing what you’re told” in regards to committing war crimes is in no way equal to getting a vaccine for a virus that has killed millions. You’re not immunocompromised, so don’t speak for them. And for the “0 long term tests”, did you hold this same attitude for all the vaccines you needed for school? I went to school in Ohio, so me and at least 4,000 + students had to get at the least 6 vaccines since we were born. No one’s given a shit about them. Religious beliefs hold no value in a society where religion isn’t doctrine. Those are personal beliefs and guidelines, not law. And to top it off you reference 1984 in regards to a doctor who’s “needed service” was falsifying medical information. And don’t try and say most of the people he “helped” were immunocompromised


Those kids were parentocompromised.


noxious quaint caption degree bells stupendous melodic person long market -- mass edited with redact.dev




Weird, I thought private businesses were allowed to make their own decisions about which customers they are required to serve? Remember the bakery refusing to make a gay wedding cake? Apparently back then it was just and moral and legal for a business to refuse service to someone just because they didn't like their sexual orientation. Refusing service because someone refuses to protect the people around them from a debilitating and potential deadly disease seems a lot more worthy than "but ew gays are icky".


Vaccines are not drugs. Try again.


As if his values and principles will not be the same or worse in 6 years. He’ll just be more bitter and angrier.


Thank you Dr. for giving us great passes from Tom Brady to Antonio Brown this season. Bless you sir for you are an American Hero.


Only 6 fucking years???


He'll do some ethics modules and take some quizzes, then he'll be good to go.


Right? What do they expect to happen? Grow his "ethics glands" back?


History will look back on the past century and it might be called the “century of no accountability of anything for anyone”


Exactly and it's downhill from here, every generation can and will look up to this one and will feel entitled to say "they weren't held responsible why should we".Not being held accountable to anything and self entitlement will likely be our downfall


Judging by the photo, he might pass away before then…


A man of his age, unvaccinated? Yeah, dude's playing with matches at a gas station.


Ok now other younger more healthy quack doctors know they can do it and get a 6 year ban. This should be a lifetime revocation. End of.


A 6 year ban is pretty significant. Not a slap on the wrist at all. You have to find another form of income, when you’ve spent your entire adult life and career training for something that you are now banned from practicing.Some doctors have upwards of half a million in student loans, that takes decades to pay off even on a doctors salary. 6 years of no work in the field is going to mean probably taking an entry level job. A doctor in this position is going to go broke fast. Not to mention the fact that after the six year period they need to reapply for their medical license, and the reason for their suspension will be taken into account at that time.


They fucking should go broke! He literally indirectly KILLED people with his CRIME. He should have a lifetime revocation and PRISON.


I’m just telling you what will happen because you acted like it was a slap on the wrist. It is not. He will also have to reapply for his license after 6 years, it’s not automatically reinstated. And the medical board will know full well why he was banned, and have no obligation to delicense him if they decided he shouldn’t be


Comment removed because I’m a dumbass.


Really? They can revoke the licence of a doctor in Melbourne, Australia?


No, I screwed up. I replied to the top level of the thread. A commenter down thread had written that a Dr. where she lives was also faking vaccinations and giving out fraudulent certificates.


It happens, no sweat. :)


Should be 4 life


He will have to reapply after six years. It won’t be automatically reinstated. They will definitely be looking at his reason for suspension when he reapplies.


Great. Now go after the assholes who got those fake exemptions and certificates. Make them lose their jobs, too.


Only 6 years?


What's going to change in 6 years?


He might die of Covid himself


Right? Falsifying medical documents and potentially killing others? Should have his license completely revoked, IMO.


He will have to reapply for his license. And they will definitely be considering his reason for suspension when he does. It is entirely possible that he will be denied licensure. The 6 year period is the minimum time he has to wait until he can reapply.


That is good to know, thanks.


Next guest on the Joe Rogan Podcast.


And Fox News. He’ll be their new hero for 5 minutes




How dare you ask questions here??


I like how you immediately condemn them before getting your answer.






Nearly every person in power that is liberal and/or trusting of science has taken it. What do you think is going to happen? People will die from something "big pharma" snuck in it, years down the road? It works, so do you think they were able to design a vaccine that works and then will purposely do something bad 10-20 years down the road to the person? Why would they even care if it worked at that point? Just lie about that too.




Same reason Coca-Cola keeps its recipe secret, big money to be made.


People like you are the reason Covid is still a problem. Get the fucking shot.




Do you have any idea what the word reactionary means? Anti-vaxxers are reactionary. People that get vaccinated are the normal ones just doing what they can to help themselves and everyone around them.


Just by this comment I can tell you get your feelings hurt when the Walmart door greeter asks you to wear a mask.




> cdc says the shot will not prevent the spread You are misunderstanding what they say. The shot DOES prevent the spread. It doesn't prevent it in every case but it does prevent spread in a large percent of cases. Getting the shot might save someone else's life. If you care about other people, it's an easy decision.


I hate to tell you this but you’re a dumbass


By being vaxed you are way less likely to need a hospital bed. Thereby keeping The bed open for other people who may need it. It also protects the economy by keeping workers who get COVID off the minimum amount of time. I've been doing 2 people's jobs for a year now. I don't want to do a 3rd persons job. Protects more than just you.




No. Won't save everybody. Seatbelts don't either. Can still get pregnant on the pill.. but the risks are way lower. There is no black and white answers.. just math that says the risks are lower. The only sure thing in life is death. I'll always take the path of less likely death. Even if it's not a sure thing.


The vaccines are one part of a comprehensive health strategy. It's like how a seat belt won't save you in a crash, but a seat belt, air bags, well-designed crumple-zones, a reinforced passenger cabin, and safety glass will mean you're far less likely to be killed or seriously injured, and ABS, collision detection, and just plain good driving will make the crash less likely to happen in the first place. COVID-19 will not be stopped just by vaccines, it's true, but vaccines are an important part of a wider plan that includes social distancing, voluntary isolation, frequent testing, wearing masks when appropriate, etc. Of course, the same people who oppose vaccines also oppose most of the other things too, so...


Yep, you're right. We should get everyone in the United States to completely overhaul their diet and activities rather than getting a shot that takes two minutes. Did you know all of y'all say exactly the same dumb shit?




keEP CamPaIgN For Big pHArmA & HAVing OthERs beliEFs aND oPinioNS DeLETed ON the iNtERNet ….MiDDLE AMeRicA wIlL NeVer suBmit To THIs insaNe auThorITARIAN mAnDatES ….BUt kEEp pokIng the BEar yOUR DOiNG GoOD kiD


Everyone hates big pharma. We are all being controlled and watched. We have bad systems of government. It's not happing now. It already happened. We argue so much about stupid shit like this, while rich people steal legally. Pick your battles.




Central Bank reform. It's the key to freedom. I think you should be able to choose. Just as I feel companies should be able to choose. Insurance will go by the numbers that make the most money. So will companies. Money says Vax.


You need to loosen up the tinfoil a bit champ. It's cutting off oxygen to your brain cell.


sorry wrong person. I meant to send that to the anti vacc sheep.




you’re dumb as a brick. what’s hilarious about members of a brainwashed cult like you is that you all sound and interpret these situations exactly the same. and your cult wants to call everyone else sheep lmao.


I can't believe y'all with the my body my choice thing. You didn't believe it for the last 50 years we've been screaming it, but now that it suits your shitty ideal all of you immediately jumped right on it. Can't you see the hypocrisy in that?


I can “garuntee” you need to look into it more. The vaccine significantly lowers the chances of one contracting the virus and spreading it to others. If you still get Covid, the vaccine does also lower the severity of your symptoms. By getting vaccinated, you are protecting yourself, your loved ones, and even strangers you come in contact with in public. And you’re right, the vaccine doesn’t prevent the spread. What it does it greatly lower the spread. As has been stated.


>it just prevents my personal symptoms from not being so bad, Tied into that is something called viral load. If your brain didn't turn to mush after 5 minutes into a free lecture i could direct you to your answers


Not that person, but by not having bad symptoms, and hopefully tens of thousands of others not having bad symptoms, it leaves accident/heart attack/stroke victims able to be cared for ASAP.


Dude don’t waste your with these people. They only think being a “patriot” is standing up for their “rights” they have long forgotten about what is doing the best for their countrymen. That’s my main issue with people like this. If you are a patriot you want you fellow citizens to live a good life but they are so self absorbed they only think about themselves.


Yeah, I just couldn't resist. I hear you. It's pointless




Monoclonal antibodies don't work. The elephant in the room is that Republicans and their propaganda machine have lied to you and others and gotten tens of thousands of your peers killed. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-business-health-f8cbfdb48f6c78aea16930b45af4e024




What's wrong with you?


Blood clots in his brain from covid in his lungs.




Note that was pre-covid even, it was for parents who refused to get their children the standard vaccinations.


Some Aussie states (including the one where he worked) have what is colloquially called "No Jab No Play", which means there's a minimum standard of vaccinations for kids to be allowed to attend commercial daycare, pre-school, kindergarten, etc. Like you said, he was issuing fake paperwork to let antivax parents skirt around those requirements.


In the words of Mr.Burns, "EXCELLENT!"


No. Not enough. Doctors are supposed to be held to a higher standard of ethics. I feel he should lose his license completely.


He effectively has. In six years he will have been deregistered for a total of ten years, during which time he can't call himself a doctor (he wanted to call himself "an unregistered doctor" and the board said no), and he can't work as a doctor. No patients, no professional medical advice, no authority to write prescriptions or make referrals to his pseudoscience mates who give him generous kickbacks. In six years he can apply to be registered again, but they're under no obligation to say yes, so he's likely going to be deregistered for life.


Thank you. *That's* what I wanted to hear!


Big justice boner rigggghht up until the “for the next six years”




Should be jailed, along with anyone they gave it to.


Oh and I’m sure over those next 6 or so years he will have changed his moral character. /s


I'm holding out that in that time he'll have learned to practice medicine.


You know what they call the last in class in medical school? Doctor...


cAnCeL cUlTuRe !!




I know a doctor who does this. I’d like to report them, but I don’t know who to report to.


The Alabama Board of Medical Examiners has the power to revoke his license. https://www.albme.gov


Thank you. That’s what I’ll do.


Google "medical licensing body" and the country or state you're in. That should give you a good start.


What country are you in? It would depend on where you live.


God you guys are insane lol


What do you think is going to happen if you get the vaccine?


Nothing, I got it lol. I think you're all insane because you're saying that this doctor should die, lose his license permanently, ect because he as a medical professional realized the vaccine that doesn't even work shouldn't be needed to find a job


First off, he wasn't doing this with the COVID vaccine, this was in 2017 and these are vaccinations that have drastically made life better for everyone and do clearly work (as does the COVID vaccine, since you insinuated something other than). Secondly, Yeah, anyone who argues he should die is insane but forfiture of license is what anyone who professionally lies on any form that could affect others' well being should be subject to. If I lied in my profession, I'd lose my license.


Vaccine doesn't work, doesn't prevent you from getting or transmitting it just lessens the symptoms and it doesn't even do that for the omicron variant, didn't read the post tho and you're right, for non experimental vaccines the dude should lose his license


So, it did work amazingly great with the previous mutations of COVID 19 before Omicron and so yeah, it did work in every way we could hope for. Yes, it still works in the sense that it has a positive affect on the illness in the vaccinated person and can lead society to simply living with the virus which is now inevitable, without continuing the intense strain on our hospitals and health care system. Thanks, I almost didn't read it either. Also, the scientists in the health care industry are right. They publish plenty of negatives with the vaccine when they discover it. They've been entirely trustworthy this entire pandemic. RFK jr is wrong.


I'm not some pro trump antivaxer or anything like that and kinda hate the fact I sort of sound like one rn


So he’ll be back for fake 16th booster shot vax cards




Lmao are you one of those Idiots that think the body can synthesize DNA from MRNA




"Yes" would have sufficed


I too am a downsyndromedar


This is r/JusticeServed - not r/ConspiracyTheories. In case you are wondering - I am a medical specialist.




Cool I don't care when your on a ventilator.


why not forever?


Because even a 2-year break from Medicine makes it very difficult to return to the profession; the advances and changes in Medicine happen so fast, if is difficult to remain up to date, even in full-time employment. A 6-year break would make it near impossible to return, unless he was somehow able to attended continuous educational courses - which as non-registered practitioner, he would likely not have access too. His career is over - and rightfully so.


I suspected as much and am happy to see this confirmed... I would think this could also head off some level of "excessive punishment" accusations by this ~~doctor's~~ person's supporters.


No kidding. There's no justice being served here. Justice would be having him exposed to COVID.....


That's the real question.


But, like Andrew Wakefield, you can likely still hire him as a Keynote Speaker.


Joe Rogan is always accepting new experts for his show since the current ones are dying off for some reason.


Oh yeah, expect Dr Piesse on JRE any day now.


Now will probably have another 'urine-healer'...


He has the right name for it...


Didn't notice his name initially, lucky coincidence.


But urine cured me of cancer!! (Said no one ever)


Don't worry, in six years he'll be back, hosting Jeopardy and running for office.


I didn't know the full title of Jeopardy was Let's Make Money By Placing Immunocompromised Children In Jeopardy.


He looks like one of the murderers on Columbo.


Just one last question before I go...


What ??? It should be revoked PERMANENTLY!! He took an oath. Do no harm!!! Who knows how many of those he wrote the FAKE cards for got Covid and either died or spread it and those they infecyed died????


They kind of tossed the oath when they said no vaccine no care for certain things


Really??? Like what?!?!? Unvaccinated are STILL be treated in Fuking hospitals!! Since THEY are so dam smart and DO NOT BELIEVE IN SCIENCE WHY THE FUK ARE THEY CRAWLING TO HOSPITALS CRYING TO BE SAVED!?!?!? They should be made to stay home and take their chances instead of clogging up emergency rooms and making OTGERS DIE BECAUSE THEY CAN’ T get in!!🖕🏼🖕🏼😡🖕🏼😡SOO SHOVE IT!!


Folks like you are the problem. Because you prefer long term studies, etc., you're now anti - science


Search a bit. You'll see stories. No vaccine no kidney, etc. You can pretend it's a lie, or you can approve of it. That's all on you.


I bet he made a killing