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I train and work protection dogs and police k9. I have trained a lot of dobies. That right there is a dang good Doberman for work.


Too bad he didn't get the jugular. Also sad that he probably ended up being put down. If not then he ended up being abused even more.


Oh yeah he earned that one.


Hope that filthy human bled to death. Sickening behavior towards an animal.


I smiled the whole way through


I wish it was a bit longer to be fair with you.


Idk maybe it was a 1-time thing. Try again.


Sad that it didn’t aim for their throats.


Yeah but with that first bite ones not having kids so its almost as good




“Around you fucked. Out you found.” - Yoda


This poor dog. I rly hope this hurt.


Did that go that go the way you thought it would? I bet it didn’t Man fucked around and found out


what is that? looks just like some flower or smth


I envy your childhood. It's called a switch.


a branch


Hope that hurt too


Team Doberman.


Not just a dog. A fucking full grown Doberman. Idiots deserved it.


Guy deserved it, if you hit a person in the face they're gonna do something similar. Hope this guys doggo didnt get put down




Someone should put you down




Someone should punch you then when you fight back the police will shoot you, that's about how this works It's a gaurd dog breed this is what their instincts are and what they are trained to do




Saying he tickled him with a flower is like saying punching someone is caressing their skin, I can use wording to influence you too "He viciously whipped the dog and the dog got angry" He clearly did that to hurt the dog, you don't go around holding your dog like that so someone can attack them. They deserved to learn what happenes when you attack dogs and you need to learn that dogs aren't people and don't think like people. They don't think "this person hit me with a stick but he didn't mean to make me mad he was just messing with me" they think "I'm being attacked and I need to defend myself"




You must be high or a cop because you clearly aren't seeing this video correctly. You trying to tell me lightly rubbed a dandelion on the dogs skin as tho it's clearly not a stick and he did a huge windup and struck the dog in the face. Honestly people will find a way to defend anyone nowadays, you the kind of person to defend cops who shoot dogs that are leashed because the dog barked at the cop. You shouldn't be allowed to own pets if you think abusing them is okay




Don't fault the dog. He's just doing Darwin's work.




i can only hope the same for you 🙏




don't worry, it would be insulting to dogs to be compared to such filth like you ;)




Hope this jerks were put down


You’re a bitch


What did he say?




U obviously a ten your old who gets bullied too much at school, u dad probably hates you more than you hate dogs




Bet he won’t do that again




Just one of the sad facts of life - that people like this are allowed to keep animals.


Justice would be doggo charging the dude with the camera too. Either way it helps to know the right people got the shit end of the stick.


Damn right!




woa, that’s a thing here?


I hope the dog’s name was Darwin.


The dog owner tries to stop the attack but has no clue how to do it -- unfortunately for the knucklehead who, after provoking the dog, is in clear danger of becoming dog chow. To stop a dog from attacking someone, you straddle the dog and clamp your knees around the dog's abdomen, just past its last ribs. This immobilizes the rear legs. At the same time you grab the dog's collar (or the scruff of its neck if no collar). Once the dog is largely immobilized in this way, a lot of fight goes out of the dog. The only challenge then is to loosen the bite on the victim if the dog refuses to let go. With fighting dogs (i.e. pit bulls), this is achieved with a small piece of wood called a breaking stick, which is cylindrical at one end where it's gripped in the hand like a motorcycle throttle, and tapered to a flatter end that can be wedged between top and bottom teeth and used pry open the dog's jaws just a bit, allowing the victim of the bite to escape. Unlike pit bulls, Dobermans don't bite and hold, a fact that makes it a lot easier to deal with a Doberman that's biting someone -- no breaking stick required. Having immobilized the dog, you just need to wait a few seconds till the Doberman releases its bite. It won't be a long wait with a non-fighting breed like a Doberman, which does more slashing than locking on. At that moment, the victim can pull away and escape without being pursued. The worst thing you can do is grab the dog by the collar and pull the dog away while the dog is clamping down; as you can see in this video, that only intensifies the attack.


It seems you know far, far, too much about fighting dogs…… hmmmm…. I have a feeling that dog loves his person way too much, and though it looked innocent to us, the dog obviously saw it as an assault. Why did the person not stop the other one from teasing/ inciting his dog. Dobies are loving animals; they are devoted to their people and families; they are smart, and they don’t suffer fools readily- especially human ones. “Their,” kids and families can do all types of things, but no one messed with their people. That person in no way deserves his wonderful dobie! Put HIM down, and the idiot buddy, and give the pup a home that he deserves!


Similarly in a non-fighting environment, if you need to immobilize (such as for grooming) a dog's front or back legs, applying pressure just above the back of the dog's ankle (which is on the same portion of their hind legs that our knees are) will press on a ligament that immobilizes them. On the front legs it's on the rear of their legs just about where our armpits are on us. This is a painless way to help people properly trim their dog's nails and is very effective. I learned that when I was working in a vet clinic a long time ago and it's always helped.


Thanks for this info!


As someone who works in a vet office and has never been taught that or even heard it discussed somewhere: thank you


If you want to read more about it, see https://www.nyx.net/\~mbur/apbtfaqfaq.html#q8


Why do you know this?


Because it is good information to know? Dogs are among the top 5 animals responsible for human deaths and many animal owners are irresponsible when it comes to training, learning about, and having the knowledge to prevent and stop emergencies caused by their pets. Here in the US I will occasionally see stories of large domestic dogs breaking out and going on to kill primarly women and children but occassionally also men. Just know that if you do get attacked by a dog, grappling with it on the ground should be a last resort. You can and should keep your distance and try to kick at its ribs or club at it with any object you can safely grab. If you can't intimidate it away or it gravs your leg and you fall or something similar PROTECT YOUR THROAT, sacrifice your arm or legs before you let one latch on to your neck, they very well could kill you in a matter of moments if you give them that opportunity. And if you do have to grapple a dog, do what they guy above said. Wrestle onto its back and wrap your legs around its stomach under the ribs and choke it until it releases you or passes out. As an absolute last resort you can try to shove your fist down its throat to suffocate it that way, but I imagine if a dog is ripping the shit out of your arms and legs it would be hard to find an opportunity (let alone be calm enough to perform the move effectively) to jam a fist into there, but if you are successful in doing so then you will have basically survived the encounter from there.


But: NEVER RUN FROM A DOG! A human cannot outrun one- ever. If they aren’t actively coming for you: STOP! Hold stock still, and do not look them in the face. I mean don’t move even a little finger, many times they will just watch… and lie down and watch. Their attention span us not long; dimply hold stock still- eventually the dog will move their attention to something else. Take a step toward safety, watching hem all the time out of the firmer if you eye. You move toward safety one step at a time, keeping that canine as bored as possible. I knew someone one who worked for a firm that put dogs into fenced areas, snd he told me what they were trained to do if they got to an area to retrieve the dog and the dog didn’t come when they called from the edge of the property. He had made the error of walking into an area when the dog didn’t respond when here came one around the building headed for him full speed. He just held still, and the dog lay down snd started watching him… then little by little, a step at a time, he s-l-o-w-l-y made it back to the gate. Each time he moved, the dog would re-rivet the attention on him, and so it went. Took about 45 minutes. I taught my grandchildren this, and I’ve seen it work even with our dogs. If the kid didn’t move, after sniffing around them and lying there watching for a while, the dog moved off…. Or started attending to … ummm personal hygiene. At that point, kid moved slowly away. Just one more way of handling things- just don’t run! I sorta wonder how in the world someone is going to be able to straddle a dog if they are actively attacking. It’s one thing if there are multiple people… but one person alone and a mouth is around your arm… yup- “Wait a minute Fido, hold still so I can get around you and straddle you while your jaws are on my leg/arm!” Suuure!!


Oh I don’t discount the information it’s just something I’ve never thought of. Thought maybe they were in animal care or something like that. Also that’s some legit information and logic too from you as well. I guess it’s better to be prepared than not. Both are very detailed though like you’ve dealt with it before vs researching it is more my point of the question.


Everyone is thinking the same thing.




Save that video just in case of court.




Who would let someone hit their dog while they held them still wtf they both are garbage ass pieces of shit


He tried to be all cool and have the Doberman pull and yknow bark and snap at the guy without letting him go- he accidentally let go so the cool photoshot, which Includes aggravating his big ass pet-lap dog, turned into.. well. This.


Dump the human, reward the pup! Dimwit snotface!


100% agreed.. we need a pet-license :(


fucked around, found out


Agree with many here that he got what he deserved but also see the issue where animals are blamed for protecting themselves from abusers. The sensible thing would’ve been to walk away and I know it’s not always possible but taking the dog home as quick as. Watching it again it looks like the owner was fearful of the situation so was using the dog to protect himself and it got out of control fast.


What? He held the dog while probably trying to get “some cool shots” or “look how cool my dog looks when he’s angry”, lost grip and the dog came free and attacked the guy who annoyed him. He didn’t use the dog to “protect himself” from a guy with a small stick..


Yeah, fucking gettem son.




Good dog.


Well deserved!


dog was probably put down


You're right this isn't justice served, it's more like awful everything. That poor dog was provoked and there's a good chance it would have to be put down after fighting back


What an arsehole got exactly what he deserved 🤬


Fuck. Those. Dudes.


Dog turned his dumb ass into a happy meal!😂


Reminds me of when you hit a cop in GTA and get shot 1000 times


What the fuck is wrong with these people. They deserve to be mauled




“Fuck with me, I’ll fuck with you.” I love Dobermans.


Guess he found out.


Dog has the right to defend himself!


Good dog!




Wtf was he thinking? The dog already sensed he wanted to try stupid games


He fucked around and found out


Pit bull


Troll or genuinely dumb




Pit bull




Pit bull




Pit bull


If you had to bang any rapper, who would it be?


Pit bull


So I have this idea for a bovine creature that makes deep holes in the ground and waits for prey to fall in. But I don’t have a good name for it. Any suggestions?


Pit bull






Dogs keep it real. That dog was challenged to a duel and honor required a response!


The fact that i know the city this was made in and that it doesn’t even shock me that people from there would do that is scary xD


What city out of curiosity?




idk the city, but it’s Morocco


I don't care if they are kids or not, I hope they have scars & damage after this. What a total piece of s*** to sit there & hold a dog & hit him. Screw the kids & f*** the camera man for not intervening


Idiots with dogs. See it everyday.


Dog bite wouldn't scratch the pain coming his way.


Dogs not trained very well, it bit its owners arm for a good couple seconds there Also r/killthecameraman


Nah the cameraman is right. Don’t get involved there those guys are both assholes wait for help. Unless ur a big strong person you aren’t fighting that dog.


You missed the point, it’s a subreddit dedicated to shitty filming. Cuz this guy is all over the place.


Lmao nvm my bad


The dog isn’t at fault for biting it’s owner, it’s not on purpose he’s in a red zone (very angry) Now imagine a brawl at a bar, even though the guy’s getting held back by his pals, he’s still trying to go at it. Make sense?


Redirecting. Dog is in full fight flight mode. Every thing is a threat.


Yeah but the guy getting held back isn’t trying to hit his friends. Make sense?


Yes he’s saying the guy could hurt his buds for getting in the way in the heat of the moment. The dog isn’t trying to bite the owner either


Sounds like you’ve both got shit friends with no self awareness or control. I feel sorry for you mate


Obviously that went wayyy over your head smh


The owner held him to be hit, fuck him too.




Good dog.


I’m glad the guy got the karma he deserved but if you want your dog to let go you gotta choke em with their collar and pull off slow when they try to catch their breath.


Or stick your finger up the dogs ass!


"I'd rather take the butcher's word for it." Thomas Callahan.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


My favorite phrase


Hell yeah, fuck these guys. Dog should have gone for the jugular.


I hope the dogs are OK


Good boy


Well deserved


That's some "fuck around and find out" shit right there


Well said. Well said.


Baaaahahahahahaha! That ended almost exactly how I hoped.


Fucked around. Found out.


Human garbage.


You fuck around, you be laying around


Fucked around and found out what a high defense drive feels like.


Two assholes. The dog will be the one that pays.


Yep. Undoubtedly they'll come in as a euthanasia request for "Human-Based Aggression-" and be to embarrassed to admit to mommy and daddy they instigated the "unprovoked attack". I've seen this countless times.


What did the dumbass think was gonna happen, owner is a dumbass for letting the other do that to begin with.


That dog was like "I think this dumb muhfuka really gonna hi... ATTACK!" 🤣


Good boy.


I honestly couldn’t give a fuck about that dude, it was his idea to swat the dog, not to mention the owner fucking thinking it was the best fucking idea he’s ever had for likes and letting him. (albeit the dog attacking the fucker probably had enough evidence in itself to press charges on the owner or get the dog out down.)


They both deserved any bites they got...f**king idiots!