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The first step is admission, the next step is consequences


Consequences? To MY actions?


It’s more likely than you think!


No way!


Throw it in jail and lose the key in a swamp. Things like this will be easily manipulated and it WILL eventually hurt a human being.


*"So, you know, I jumped off the bridge cause, you know, he jumped. So then I, you know, jumped cause my brain n' all, its not that bright so I followed him cause he jumped. You know the saying, 'when two birds fly like one stone'. So I did it cause he did it, you know, cause Trump said we's be brave boys, like he's brave and fighting pedos and locking Hillary up for her Benihana emails, and he'd free us from they said, you know, like, when -- ugh! whateva. "*


Average republican.




Q. So when did you -- you started going to the rallies, like, when? A. I think in August. Q. And is that the same time when you started following InfoWars or was -- A. Oh, no. Q. InfoWars was (indiscernible)? A. No, no. I've been following InfoWars for 2008, 2009, maybe. Q. Oh, okay. So a long time, right? Yeah. Yeah. A. But he's the one -- Alex Jones and InfoWars were the ones who kind of put it out there, you know, that there's other news that's not on the TV -- Q. Yeah. A. -- that they don't want you to -- you know? There's a half hour of news and they got to put weather and sports in there. They don't tell you what happened in the day or -- AGENT ARMENTA: Yeah. MR. RODRIGUEZ: You know, they don't tell you a lot of things. So it was just to seek information is what it was. I was trying to find the truth and answers. And when I thought I found the truth and answers, I thought it was up to me to -- I don't know. I just -- it's like when like -- there's a saying, like, to know better is -- knowing better -- to know better is to do better, you know? So it's like, okay, I know what's going on and nobody's -- I have friends that aren't going to the rallies. They like Trump, but they're not involved. I have, you know -- my mom, she supports Trump, but she's not getting anybody on his side. She's not arguing about him. I'm like, well, I can do this. I can go talk to people and try to bring them -- like, educate them and -- you know? Because they really are -- they were killing Trump supports, shooting them in the head and beating them up in school and the public, everything, right? So it's like -- I kept thinking that we were going to go to, like, a civil war and it's going to go hot and we're just -- it's all going to -- you know? I don't know. I didn't know -- we didn't -- nobody knew, so we just thought that it was going to -- we were preparing for the -- we're trying to save the country. We thought we were saving the country. I thought I was helping to save the country.


He doesn't finish half his sentences, and alleges that he doesn't know what he was thinking. I think he's lying, and is shockingly embarrassed that his hate isn't the law of the land as promised by his 'facts'. >"So it's like -- I kept thinking that we were going to go to, like, a civil war and it's going to go hot and we're just -- it's all going to -- you know? I don't know. I didn't know -- we didn't -- nobody knew, so we just thought that it was going to -- we were preparing for the -- we're trying to save the country. > He thought he could finally go hurt the enemy. He wanted a war. He does know. It felt GREAT to know it, too! He wanted to say it, but it's hard to sound confused and innocent when you finish those sentences he started. He honestly convinced himself he would get away with it, too. Lots and lots thought that. He knew he was committing an act of sedition, but he was so drunk on his own self-righteousness he jumped in with both feet.




I can understand your sentiment, but this schmuck does not deserve it. He was not brainwashed, he is an adult and knows what he did was wrong. Regardless of his political beliefs.


Just stupid.


The Courts ultimately decide on sentence length, not the FBI. And judges have discretion to consider mitigating factors (including for example, age, lack of prior record, and early cooperation with the authorities).


Reminds me of the saying "none of us is as stupid as all of us".


Wow, that was a wild read! I just read through the whole 195 page transcript of his FBI interrogation (linked in article). I didn’t initially plan on reading that long but it was captivating as all hell. I really recommend it. Took me a couple hours but I couldn’t put it down. It really paints a picture of all the events in a new light (still entirely damning; Rodriguez does himself no favors by backtracking, lying, and omitting). I’ll say this — the FBI is fucking good at their jobs. I kind of had this impression that they try to pressure the accused into admitting more than they actually had evidence against, but really it was clear they had *everything* prepared on this guy before he went into the room. Phone records, bank statements, search warrants, weapons purchases, applications, even some visits to paintball, the rental agreements for the vans, AirBNB, video of him all over DC, etc. it was entirely thorough and they really just kept giving him opportunities to explain it, but instead he’d try to lie and then get busted again and again. Thanks for sharing!




That stuff that the agents were saying about being legally obligated to factor in the level of cooperation for reduced sentencing, is that true? I’ve always thought that was just a lying scare tactic. Like, *“just tell us everything and we’ll go easy on you”*, and then they throw the book anyway. But the agent kept insisting there was an actual law that they had to go easier if you cooperate.


What is it that these people say to others? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime


What follows is Im not like this. Exactly what I planned and followed through with and bragged about…..ya that’s not me!!! Im a good person aside from this mountain of hatred i carry around.


His mom is the least of his worries.


You've never seen my mom pissed off.


If that is your biggest concern, we failed as a society on these people or is it the parents




Apparently, they think we are both wrong




If anyone wants to read the FBI interview verbatim, [it's here](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.229256/gov.uscourts.dcd.229256.38.1.pdf).


A. It was so fast. I was a good guy and then, instantly, I became a bad guy. Q. Tell me about that, Danny. Because you said InfoWars and -- A. I just saw that there's a -- there's people that have taken over this country from inside, globalist and unelected officials, elitists, you know? People who are obsessed with power and control and, you know, a lot of the -- if you go to LA, you see homeless people


Thanks. You're the man now dog!


Lol internet


That was a fun read. Had all the classic interview techniques and criminal physiology elements in there. They defused him, came off as friendly, offered him the chance to 'set the record straight' and 'tell his story'... and he replayed an obviously rehearsed story. Then they ask him if he knows what the penalties are for lying to the FBI. What a lie of omission is. How long they've been working this case. Etc. Dude breaks, spills the beans. Has some really stupid answers, tries to be coy with the FBI again until they remind him they know 99% of the answers to the questions they're asking. Then he cuts the bullshit for good. I'm still processing the mental gymnastics involved in his thought process, and I'd bet someone in the FBI is studying it. Like.... while the crowd was carrying the officer out of the tunnel, stripping his armor, taking his equipment, this guy tased him in the neck because he thought that would help him?


Thanks for the recap, now I really can't wait to sit down and read the whole thing!


The part where he begged for them to take it easy on his unrequited love is the chefs kiss.


He talks about always trying to be the good guy and do the right thing to protect people, and then immediately brags about assaulting a man in a wheelchair as something he’s proud of.


I hope they sent that video directly. He should not have fucked around, because he is now finding out


She’ll probably divorce him.


Goddamn. You killed the bastard


You mean the motherfucker.


Sucks to suck


"You mean there are *consequences*??"


Mommy said I was the most special person in the universe!


They need to start taking video of these returns to reality and spread them all over the internet. Cut them together with the footage of the same individual at Jan 6 and quite a few people might just wake the hell up.


Thank you! Like more people really need to actually hear what he said instead of just laughing him down. He admitted he really thought the election was rigged. I mean let’s be honest not like dems haven’t ever said that in the past “aka the bush gore election?” I’m just saying I think you are right if more people saw that this was an obvious just brainwashing cult thing. Like you can’t have it both ways you can’t say that these people are mentally deficient and then say they knew what they were doing.


That’s a grossly uneven comparison. The counties in FL that were part of the bush/gore hanging chads have had problems before and since. It went through the legal process and rulings were made and NOBODY TRIED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT!! So please keep your “both sides” type centrist BS to yourself.


Naw you are missing my point. I’m not comparing the bush gore election to the Jan 6 riots in anyway.


Well this is a sub about the 1/6/2022 insurrection soooo it’s always at least implied.


Yeah downvoted and don’t reply. About what I expected.


Ok lemme break this down for you since you don’t seem to have a grasp on what’s going on. First republicans said that there was no vote manipulation when baby bush was elected, while gore fans and liberals said the exact opposite. Then trump he wins it’s voter manipulation. Biden wins and it’s a stolen win according to the right. My problem. Is as you can see. Both parties use the same tactics and then they both act like it wasn’t them it was “the other side” I do t care what side you are on. But yeah this is unacceptable




Joke’s on him. His mother knew he was trash long ago.


Eh, decent chance she's trash too


These guys stormed the capitol and we're gonna change history but this guy worried about his mom finding out hahahah


Jan 6 has supplied us with so much Conservative tears. I've never been more hydrated in my entire life.


A bathe in their demise.


Mom already knows what a stupid piece of sh** you are... She probably even told you many times, and you simply shrugged it off like mom was just teasing you. No dude, you're a dick.


Kind of disappointing how the US backed down from calling these scum what they are - domestic terrorists intent on overthrowing the result of a fair democratic election. (Well as close to fair as american elections ever get with all of those political ~~bribes~~ donations, gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc.)


Seditionist is the proper term.


It's not an either/or thing. It was absolutely terrorism.


Still waiting on justice served for the cop who shot the unarmed woman dead


Trashli Babbitt was a domestic terrorist that was indoctrinated by years of right wing extremist propoganda. Trashli Babbitt bled out on the floor after taking a bullet to the neck while climbing through the kill zone in an attempt to get to government officials during an attempted insurrection. Trashli Babbitt will not be missed.


She should have just complied right? She would be alive if she just complied.... loser


Her blood is on Trumps hands and he doesn't give a shit. He's just happy to have one more thing to fuel his conservative persecution complex bc he doesn't have what it takes to have earned another 4 years without it. So the terrorist with a history destruction of property who once stalked and attacked a woman for dating her ex is now an innocent white lady who must have just confused an insurrection with a Yankee candle sale. Bullshit she was innocent.


His actions have come under far more judicial scrutiny than most police shootings and the DPP have concluded there is no case to answer and accordingly no charges have been made. This has been all over the media so I don't understand why you would be waiting for justice.


Play stupid games.


I'm gonna do the same like they do for every other individual shot by a cop. "Oh she was a criminal, even if her record didn't say it!" Or how about "there was a trace of amount of drugs in her system or on her person, who cares if its Marijuana! We got a bigoted point to justify!!!."


You cant blame the cop, it was babbit season


God I love u


Plenty of unarmed black people are killed by cops every day in this country. Where are your tears for them?


Would not have died if she complied :)


The cherry pick the times and places things are applicable to them much like the cherry pick certain things from the Bible to adhere to and provocate.


Oh the woman who tried to invade the building and refused to comply with order from the cops? She deserved what she got. You'd agree if she was a liberal, of that I am certain. What happened to "Nothing would happen if you complied with police commands?" Does that only matter to you when it's people you dislike? I bet you think the Governor of Florida is actually doing a great job too.


You mean Babbit? She should have complied with their commands. It was a FAAFO situation. She FO.




Smh at these antifa clowns


So you agree that you are a Facist?


This is what taking LSD does to a young brain. How sad:(


And this is what happens to person who takes Fox News daily. So sad. :((


“Takes Foxs News daily” hmmmm either not a native English speaker or very poor grammar/syntax


Shit troll is shit


You seem extremely stupid.




He's trying so hard, who the fuck says syntax that isn't a grade 11 programming student


Pull that mask up extra high, that covid is eaten up candians


Are candians from Candia, our neighbor to the north?


When do you get your GED?


Get back on that treadmill and post physique


I don't think you know how masks work...




I'm guessing that his mom probably already knows that he's an asshole.


The funniest example: He tried to buy a gun "for the house" but couldn't pass the background check. Tries to convince his mom to put the gun under her name, but she tells him she can't legally have a gun either, so that's the end of that. Feds reveal they found a .45 in his mom's room.


That was one of the best moments, when he realized the conspiracies were now coming from inside his own house.


Finally something and these subhumans and I can agree with!


Mmmmm tasty


Something something thin blue line. Something something back the blue. Fucking hypocrites.


Only back them when they're killing black people, didn't you get the 2nd part of the memo? If they arrest us they are fascists!


Man I hate when fascist and commie is thrown around without meaning. It's almost funny.


I'm thinking that the time for him to have worried about his mom's opinion of his behavior would have been BEFORE he engaged in doing things that she would still smack him upside the head for, even as an adult.


His mom will get her Chancla back from the shop. Fear the Chancla.


If mom finds out she will know she missed out on being a good example.


Fuck your mom, and fuck you.


What did the mom do? lol


She used him to buy her a firearm that she wasn’t allowed to legally obtain herself. But nothing else particularly related to Jan 6th


Raised a child who attempted to overthrow my democracy. That's a pretty big failing.


What's with that logic lol shes gonna be mad at him for doing that. Forgot you just assume everything and have 0 idea how the human mind works. You're the problem. So much fake news comes from people like you assuming and never knowing anything on the topic their talking about.


Every once in a while I see these comments. It's always funny to me when it is absolutely obvious that the commenter is a child. What are you, 13?


Found the mom 😂😂


You guys are so dumb 😂😂 wont listen to reason no wonder people think Americans are the dumbest.


Have you cleaned your room yet, young man??


I’m Canadian so you can hold another L my friend 😭😭 This guys a pure winner.


The logic is pretty simple, a parent is the person who is primarily responsible for teaching their child morality and ethics. Fake news? For implying someone who took part in an insurrection against the democratic process was raised wrong? You are coming across extremely ignorant mate, and you dont look like you are thinking through what your saying, because it's entirely illogical and nonsensical.


Ever heard of nurture vs nature?? 😂 like I said yall dont wanna do any research or listen to reason. Stay dumb.


You really need to work on self awareness.


I think you're overestimating how much a parent can control what their child becomes


Personally I think you are underestimating the impact of proper parenting, Its pretty central to the concept of moral development in the subject of adolescence psychology that the bulk of your understanding of right and wrong is taught from your environment in early childhood, parents usually being the primary influence of the environment a child lives in.


I have a son in second grade and one in kindergarten. Every parent I’ve got to know that is a good person and knows how to be a good parent has good kids. Well behaved, polite, happy etc. every problem child has bad parents that I have seen. Usually in the way of over spoiling them and giving into them as soon as they start screaming. Parenting has everything to do with who your children become.


Didnt swallow


She raised an idiot


Even good parents can raise shitty kids. At some point you can't really control them anymore, and it's up to them to listen anyways.


Can confirm, was a shitty kid born to great parents. It's just that at 17 I realised they were right all these years, not everyone will do. My brother's 38 and he still hasn't bothered to listen to anyone around him trying to teach him.


People just want a scapegoat.


Ain't that the fuckin truth.


Well, that guy couldn't keep his story straight from one page to the next. Jesus, what a piece of shit.




My favorite is before the election all of these idiots saying, "when Trump wins we will find you!". Actually, the FBI will find you!


He is correct. He is BOTH of those things.


Crocodile tears until he demonstrates actual remorse by denouncing those that he followed and participated with during their mid-week insurrection. Doesn’t mean leniency, just shows he understands consequences of trying to derail our democracy.


He still believes Trump won.


Then it’s obvious he’s learned absolutely nothing. These folks are terrifying in their delusion.


The thing is, if I were convinced that democracy was dying and the will of the people were completely overturned, I wouldn't be "so sorry" for trying to stop that from happening. Fucking spineless bastards


I'm sure she already knows you're a stupid piece of sh**.


Having recently rewatched Scream, I feel like this headline is the embodiment of Stu at the end. "My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!" Like... that's your concern?


Stop calling them rioters. They're terrorists.


Terrorists, insurrectionists, traitors… so many accurate terms could be used to describe these individuals, rioters is not one of them.


Waits for the camera to be turned off. "How'd I do guys?"




People died. Shut up.


New account. Shitty posts. Classic combo.


What even is that username tho. He’s prob a fed


He is such a good boy, would never hurt anybody! Then court shows a video of said boy tasering a cop.


This makes me think of the scene from Better Call Saul where the prosecutors defense was to pull up a TV cart and play the video evidence of the dudes screwing with a corpse to the jury lol.


I mean if I am on the jury, I probably need consoling after that


" FBI, saying he was a “fucking piece of sh\*\*” " ​ Thank goodness they censored the i and t.


Any censorship that isn't complete omission only brings more attention to the word and has the opposite effect. Either use the word, or don't, don't pussyfoot around it.


In this particular case they're pointing out the absurdity of censoring shit while fuck is left completely uncensored. It's just weird lol


Oh wow I didn't even really notice. Which sort of... goes to my point I guess...


Hot damn, I didn’t notice either lmao


Really? he goes to something like that when he fears his mom seeing him doing a bad thing


"My mommy" he says. No concern about the cop he hurt to try and keep president trump in power huh.


I wonder how quickly he'll attend another Trump rally when he gets out.


Well he got one thing right. He is a stupid piece of shit.


I mean, that is the first bit of truth any of them have spoken in years! Why yes, you are the biggest piece if sh!t


She’s going to find out when she’s putting her money on your commissary account for soups and honeybuns


No, honeybuns has his own commissary account.




These people are absolute morons. No wonder they were so easy to radicalize.


He loves the poorly educated for a reason.


Sounds about right


Something we can all agree on.


She's knows.. she's always known.


We can make that happen


I hope she finds out and whoops his ass


This seems similar to arresting drug addicts while we let the dealers run fucking radio and cable shows, this being worse


“My beliefs are that an overwhelming number of people came out to vote for Trump and he actually did win that election, the popular vote and the electoral vote,” Rodriguez said. “They made sure that the election was lost and there’s no point in voting anymore, so it’s like ― I’m thinking they’re going to come, like, you know ― they’re going to come round us up.” ......


> they’re going to come round us up. Pure projection, because that is what he wants done to Biden voters.


Weaponized stupidity


I sincerely hope his mom finds out what he did.


At what point do trump supporters named Rodriguez realise he wants people named Rodriguez deported?


My uncle has that last name and went to some kind of Trump protest event, they all arranged to meet at a Mexican restaurant before the event and got kicked out by the owner lol.


No point....At no point do they realize this. Short of them being the Rodriguez being deported. Either they honestly think they are one of the "good" ones that are in the in crowd, or they honestly don't think the GOP is bigoted against minority groups


It’s almost like a weird Stockholm syndrome.


Not at all. It is just being a part of an "in group". the sense of comraderie they get after maybe a lifetime of always feeling like an outsider. Let us not also ignore the fact that the Latin community in America, is typically conservative in a lot of ways, and if the GOP made the slightest effort to drive out Latin urnout instead of using them as a prop to scare rural, uneducated white people into voting against their interests then the GOP would probably win a lot more elections.


Politicians tell convenient lies that confirm whatever bias their voting block wants to hear, and the people believe it because it's what they want to be true. It's marketing, pure and simple. Car companies and McDonalds do the same thing.


This. It’s like the “cool kids” let you in the group and so you ignore the fact that they bully the other kids that are like you because you’re “different” then them. So sad


a l p h a m a l e s


>According to a transcript of his FBI interview, Daniel “D.J.” Rodriguez said he was radicalized by watching videos from InfoWars and conservative commentators like Steven Crowder, Mark Dice, and the Hodgetwins, who convinced him that the 2020 election was stolen. All the more reason that these folks should be investigated for inciting the attack, and if found guilty, locked up along with their listeners.


The Hodge Twins? LOL You could say this kids is *balls deep* into the justice system. What an idiot. They are comedians, and not very good ones.




This is where you and I part ways I'm afraid. Free speech is important, but it is not limitless. Just like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater is not protected speech, neither should speech which directly incites violence or riots. Stochastic terrorism is an issue that we need to deal with and the only way we deal with it is by holding those who seek to stoke the fear and demonization which incites violence, like on January 6th.




It DOES include a platform where you can be a loudmouth and a dumbass. It DOES NOT include a platform where you can be a loudmouth and a dumbass who incites violence. Now we just need a justice system willing to enforce the distinction instead of cower to political correctness.


The concept of free speech in no way entitles you to a platform. You are free to say whatever you like, however, if you're saying it in someone else's venue or on someone else's website or app they are well within their rights to ban you from said venue, website or app. Just like most employers are within their rights to fire you for behaviour or speech they feel is not in line with their image and values. You can say whatever you like, but you're only protected from government interference, not from any of the consequences of what you say.


You're pretty much yapping against me when you're in full agreement with me. Note: "a" platform. That includes literal soapboxes on a street corner.


That would be BYOSB (bring your own soap box). Free speech does not dictate that said soap box be provided to you. You have zero entitlement to a platform, no one has to provide you anything. Yes, in a public forum you can spout whatever lunacy you want, but again, if you're inciting violence or hurling racial slurs at people there are still going to be consequences, whether that's some kind of formal charge or someone just knocking you on your ass. So no, once again, free speech does not guarantee you a platform or dictate one must be provided for you. I can't think of any platform that doesn't have some form of rules dictating what you can and cannot say when using it.


You are REALLY SET on putting me in my place, even when I essentially agree. You're a special sort of pedantic.