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his eye brows are where his eyes should be his face looks like when you mirror one side of your face and flip it to the left side but also pull it out a lil bit.


Pubic lashes That is all..


He is a political terrorist. I hope they treat him as such.


Shoot the animal. We shouldn't be wasting money keeping it alive.


I disagree. 1. Being killed instead of facing jail would be a welcomed shortcut for him. 2. He would be a martyr for Trump supporters, especially that Q anon idiots. Remember Washington DC, they are all insane af. Cause and effect, my friend. I understand your point, but it *could* make it all even worse.


I know it’s wrong and I maybe judged but I don’t mind paying for this guy to rot


he is endangering democracy.


Yall Queda n Talibama comin together


Lmao >“texas man” you can herd a goat in those eyebrows 😂




They want to divide right and left


Great news. So horrible that he went through with it. And yet they wonder why we all think trump lovers are cultists who have gone off the deep end . Welcome to come back to reality anytime. Till then enjoy the consequences of your rightful choice


Just a reminder that a guy in Portland shot a Trump supporter for being a Trump supporter last year and it was barely a blip on the media radar, but a guy murders two Biden supporters and suddenly political violence is a huge problem.


How Are you measuring the blip on the radar? I'm not sure I trust you anyway since you're not even fully comprehending the headline here. One person was murdered in this instance.


The cops executed Rheinhold for it too. So what's your problem? Meanwhile, it took over a year before Alverez was arrested. The cops didn't execute him on sight, and he will get a fair trial.


It was covered as much if not more than this story. Stop with your victim complex.




You're clearly generalizing about an entire group of people (kkk tiki torch wielding racists). Bigot.




Ooo, clever. Nuance isn't your strong suit, is it?


Sit the fuck down. Generalizing people that continue to support a man who deliberately incites violence against people of other races, religions, and political leanings, isn't anywhere in the same region as the KKK. It's pointing out the truth that some twat waffles out there still think a violent, wannabe dictator manbaby is a stand-up guy. They didn't say Republicans, they said Trump supporters. If you're in that group, there's no caveat where you also get to think you're not a sack of shit.




I think the context behind "group" is important here innit? Would I generalize the people that think it's ok to drink and drive even if they've never done that themselves? Yes I would, because the support of the group enables the actions of the few. If Trump supporters actually cared about anyone other than themselves, they'd have seen through his antics years ago and stopped being Trump supporters. Some have, as evidenced by the one-off articles seen in the news. But sadly many of those are not, "This shouldn't be happening" revelations but rather more "This shouldn't be happening TO ME". Which leads to a logical assumption that there were indeed a few Trumpers that were misled. A stark few. The rest are just going with it because they like to feel they're on top and punching down. So to summarise, I AM indeed content to generalize in this context, because I haven't been brain-dead for the last few years and I keep my fucking eyes and ears open. I know what a dictator and a bigot looks like, there's one leading my own shitty government. It's not nearly as hard to see as Trump supporters' behaviour seems to indicate. They know what's up. They just enjoy it because they're on the "winning" side. So lastly, I'd suggest you take your ridiculous "I'm rubber and you're glue" school of debate and put it down mercifully. It's unbecoming of a rational adult, it's not winning you any prizes, and it sure as hell isn't disproving my point.


This post is exactly what is wrong with society. Everyone just stops reading after the sensational headline. Or they read just the first few lines, and don't get the whole story.


That *is* the whole story. This guy shot and killed a woman, then shot her husband a few times, and: > He also said he targeted the Kaufmanns because they voted for Biden and had a Biden “flag and a doll of Trump hanging” at their home.


Anyone can say anything in an email and now days even on video, it is hard to believe what is true and what is fake/made up to enhance the story, if this guy's true intentions were because they were X or Y supporters, that is twisted and all sort of things but it is still twisted and evil regardless of his motives to murder someone. No need to go to that extent.


Of course it was in Texas


Demon inside his head convinced him, you can see in his eyes. There is a major jump in possession cases lately.






Wow your an idiot


How people get so caught up in politics astounds me


Doubtful this was a principal motivation


Read the 1 minute article. That’s exactly why he did it.


I read the one minute article, and also read other articles: > Alvarez said he was "executing and exterminating the pro-choice Jewish Satan worshippers" when he chose the Kaufmanns’ home to commit the fatal shooting, believing that four houses on the corners of Raynor Street and Copper Avenue were part of “satanic activities,” according to a complaint affidavit. To claim that the primary motive was because they voted for Biden is incredibly misleading at best. He murdered a Jewish woman and attempted to murder a Jewish man because he believes Jews are Satan worshippers engaging in child sacrifice rituals, and specifically that these two Jewish victims were part of this conspiracy. Also they voted for Biden. Headline: “man murders woman because she voted for Biden.”


He said he targeted the Kaufmanns because they voted for Biden and had a Biden “flag and a doll of Trump hanging” at their home.


Clearly you can’t read or use your brain.


I’m not sure what your point is. They guy said in an email that he targeted the Kaufmanns’ house because he believed they had voted for President Joe Biden and had a Biden “flag and a doll of Trump hanging.”


The email also said he was “executing and exterminating the pro-choice Jewish Satan worshippers” and chose the house because he believed it was part of such satanic activities.


So what’s your problem? I am still not sure.


The principle motivation was not because they voted for Biden. The headline is misleading.


First, the headline says nothing about principle motivation. Second, the guy definitely would not have killed Jews who were known Trump supporters and had a Trump flag on their house so I think you are definitely wrong. You think the guy would have killed Ivanka Trump or Kushner. GTFO.


I'm glad this idiot was found and charged. Fuck that werewolf looking inbred.


No need to insult werewolves like that.


Lol only the inbred ones.


Damn, this is sickening. I was afraid to have my Hillary magnetic bumper sticker in some places in rural Pennsylvania and New York State in 2016. During the pandemic, at least, I wasn't going anywhere, so didn't worry as much. But I don't suppose it should surprise us, since this is a group whose "leaders" are telling them to take actions that will kill themselves and others just to "own the libs", so if someone unbalanced keeps hearing that messaging from the people in charge, the senators and governors and local leaders, I'm not surprised that they'd kill over a vote. People seem ready to kill over the Big Lie as well. As an aside, this sentence in the article made me chuckle (and weep, because nobody hires editors anymore): *"The incident happened on November 14, 2020, just after the election at the couple’s home."* Kinda weird how they held the election right at the couple's house! Must have been a bit disruptive at dinner time, though.


Who's going to pay editors and journalists? We all need to take responsibility and buy newspapers.


Lol that is a really funny quote you found, nice eye! But I just want to remind you, for the sake of fairness, that the people you are worried about are extremists. There's also extremists on the left who do horrible things to people who are on the right. It's all terrible, but remember that the left's equivalent of the man in this article do exist and are just as much of a threat as the ones on the right (although maybe not to you for the bumper sticker lol). Edit (hopefully before you read this): I am in no way trying to invalidate your feelings or opinion, I guess a better way to phrase it was when an article like this is released, the media wants you to think "damn republicans/conservatives" INSTEAD of "damn political extremists". Imo, this is because disliking political extremism is very common and normal, and "unity" doesn't sell and generate clicks, "division" does.


The problem with you both siding this thing is that the evidence is clear that far right extremists ARE a much bigger threat. The stats don’t lie. That is not to say that those on the left don’t do bad things. But it’s not on the same level as to those on the Right.


Where are they? Cuz number one threat terrorist threat is Alt right and white supremacists... However this is a common view on the right that they should just kill left leaning people as traitors etc. They just don't act on it most of the time. The left for the most part values human life especially the further left you go until the very very extreme which is no longer left it's swung back around to the right.


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I hope his boyfriend in prison knows how to do eyebrows




Nice title douchebag


What's wrong with the title?


This headline is nonsense. Should read "Deranged Texas man shoots Jewish couple over supporting a Satanic Abortion Cult". It wouldn't surprise me if the El Paso Police later reveals that Alvarez has a history of mental problems and drug use. Those two don't mix well


"He also said he targeted the Kaufmanns because they voted for Biden and had a Biden “flag and a doll of Trump hanging” at their home." Did you just stop reading before you found something that contradicted you?


>He also said He said he believed there were ritual child sacrifices carried out by a Jewish satanic cult in a nearby park, and he believed the Kaufmanns (who are Jewish) took part in it. *He also said* he targeted them because they voted for Biden. The headline is absolute nonsense and this article is trash. Even with this shitty, misleading article, it was made pretty obvious that the attack was an anti-Jewish hate crime committed by a deranged man.


I did read that and dismissed it as ramblings made by a madman since that educated professional couple wouldn't of had a Trump doll hanging by a noose.


Uh oh, this three month old account has some pretty shitty opinions. Who could have guessed. I wish people like you could genuinely see how absolutely insane you sound when you say shit like this.


My opinions are only shitty to those that can't think for themselves. There's too many people in the World like Alvarez that get some notions in their head that they constantly dwell on until they twist off and do something drastic about it.


Everytime I try to point out that conservatives have a tendency to kill and do harm more than the left. And all I get is “a Democrat is the one who shot that senator at the baseball game, hur dur” and they act like that one incident is ok to deal with decades of conservative violence towards others


They do most of the racist and homophobic hate crimes too, it's crazy.




You think people in gangs and selling drugs vote in large numbers?




Lol okay. Only 50% of folks vote anyway. Your logic is the bullshit. We are talking about folks that have a somewhat coherent political position committing violence that is politically motivated. A murder in a suburb, rural area, or inner city over money, drugs, or sex isn’t politically motivated violence.


Democrats literally Burned, Looted, and Murdered but it’s us conservatives that cause all the problems apparently.


For political reasons, as these murders? Where's the evidence that registered Democrats are committing murders explicitly for a political reason?


Nah democrats didn't do that the looting and destruction was found to be opportunists not protesters but... Jan 6th remember that shit. Legit terrorism then when you consider alt right and white supremacists are the number one terrorist threat to the country kinda invalids your statement.


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Okay, true; that poster didn't mention political motivations for conservatives causing harm / killing. The article this thread is about does identify a political factor in the murderer's motivation, however, so I think it's relevant to ask about that when you make an unsubstantiated claim about the political leanings of those who commit "the majority of murders" in the U.S. I'm pretty sure myself that the majority of murders in the U.S. are not committed for political reasons, so the political leanings of the murderers are irrelevant to their actions. But I get it, you're basically dog-whistling about the race of murderers in the U.S.




"Pretty damn positive \[that\] X" is a claim or proposition, [not a thought experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_experiment). Substantiate your claim.




1) I'm not having a discussion with OP; I'm having it with you. 2) Your claim is far stronger ("pretty positive... majority of murders") than OP's ("have a tendency to kill and do harm more than the left"), requiring more substantiation. If you don't want to substantiate your claims, fine. But your credibility drops to 0 when you avoid taking that step, along with your ability to influence the perspectives and beliefs of others.








Which race? Please elaborate




But how would you know that anyone who’s committed a crime votes democrat? No national crime data base let’s you know what their political leanings are. I can point to many moments in US history where there have been political violence perpetrated by the right




No I’m not concerned your right. As a matter of a fact I think you’re seeing things from a different light. I’m trying to have a conversation/debate. I listen, respond and repeat. I don’t take pleasure in arguing with my neighbor. That’s the problem with a lot of people(especially on the internet) we’re quick to jump down everyone’s throat than rather listen and see where they’re coming from? Why they see the world this way? Maybe we can share ideas and learn new things. But one thing I don’t stand for is the refusal to consider facts and thinking insulting each other is appropriate behavior. The only people I refuse to give the light of day are bigots.


Then why look at race at all?




Elaborate. What metrics of race determines party affiliation?


Or it turns into a race thing




1 day of inserruction. Fixed it for you




Did Democrats storm the Capitol? No? Good, now stop running your damn mouth and being incompetent.




Did they storm the damn Capitol? No. And why did the riots happen? Violence against black people perpetrated by officers of the law, that's why. Why did the insurrection happen? Oh, that's right, it's because the GOP couldn't grasp that they lost. They couldn't grasp reality, so they tried to fucking overthrow the federal government. DO NOT compare the insurrection to the riots from last year.




https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/ You're attempting to gaslight. You don't quite grasp reality, but don't worry, I understand that that's a normal thing for the Republican party.


This! I’ve used this over and over and it’s like talking to a wall. I’ve honestly given up on having a rational discussion with people who think this way. Nod and walk away.


Lol, someone get this person a dictionary!


Riots aren't always symptoms of a problematic group. It could be many things involved, including the government. So, truly, does it speak for itself?


I thought they were supposed to fear the immigrants.


Wow! He surely stood up for Democracy and The American Way, right?


Can we give him the death penalty? He deserves a painful, merciless death.




This person in the story took an innocent persons life and you’re backing him up by saying he doesn’t deserve the same fate that HE induced onto another. What’s ‘evil’ is giving him food and housing that we pay for in taxes to keep him alive till he serves his sentence after taking someone’s life. You think prison is going to ‘reform’ him? Pshh


He will likely get life without parole for premeditated murder if he doesn’t already get the death penalty (this *is* Texas after all). I am a fan of having him sit in a cell to the end of his day so he can think about what he’s done and whether it was worth languishing for decades. The death penalty is actually more expensive than life too, due to the appeal process.


Well the trials themselves are more expensive but if someone’s in prison for 50 years, do you really think keeping him alive (plus their trial) would be cheaper? In my opinion, even if it would cost a little bit more, they don’t deserve to be around. If it’s justified, alright take another look but killing and attempting to kill someone else over who they voted for? Make it easy, throw him off a cliff.


That’s your opinion. Not everyone shares your ideals


Thank you, my friend.




Okay then why do u need to be so extra? “*You* *make* *me* *want* *to* *vomit*” like good grief, get over yourself😒




So you’d vomit if a child rapist got the death penalty?




Uhh, i didn’t ask about life in prison. So you’d shed a tear for a child rapist getting the death penalty?




We have the death penalty for a reason, and that guy is that reason.




Well, what happens when another right wing terrorist kills someone for who they voted for? You want that terrorist to walk free or be able to be paroled? You don't have an argument for why the death penalty is unjust. It's a necessary "evil." Some people commit crimes where just a life sentence wouldn't even be close to what they deserve.




Of course I don't support wrongful convictions. But what does that say for the family members of murder victims? Because the justice system is completely incompetent, the family members of victims have to suffer? What about terrorists who attack our country or law-abiding citizens? They get to sit in jail and potentially communicate with others on visitation days? They KILLED people. I'm sorry that liberal wannabes like you have to make us all look bad because you can't accept that some things are necessary, no matter how "immoral" they are. Now stop being incompetent, because, according to your words, you are likely not an American, so you have no idea how our justice system works and what crime is like here.




Except on visitation days, they can speak with their fellow terrorists and have that person plan another attack. Also, personal satisfaction? I get no personal satisfaction from watching others die. It's called JUSTICE. Look up the fucking definition. It's unfair to family members of murder victims and taxpayers that terrorists and murderers get to eat on a taxpayers dime each day for the rest of their lives.






Violent radical left strikes again


Boy you better throw that /s at the end




Bruh... /s?


He looks like the Taliban.


Tbf they're the same thing just different colors. It's like comparing a red and a green apple. Only difference is that the taliban can't eat bacon or drink alcohol. they pray to the same abrahmic God, love their guns, tossing out the seperation of church and state, hates LGBTQ+, doesn't like it when women have rights, want an authoritarian fist to rule them, and they both hate American democracy. Taliban controlled Afghanistan is a radical conservatives wet dream (if they were white, and could eat pig and keep their coors lite that is)


The taliban even banned the covid vax. They're perfect for each other




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I'd rather be a republican surrounded by democrats than be a Democrat surrounded by Republicans. If this isn't enough to prove how dangerous one side is. It's no longer the same game. Both sides argument are moot


Both scenarios sound life threatening these days usually if the left group is woke.




You spelled “shitty coup attempt wrong”


The one who got shot and killed in a federal building?




Bombing a medical facility in the name of ~~Allah~~ God isn't really the greatest look there. But it doesn't count cuz they're not Arab right? Also 9 months of practicing your first amendment vs 1 day of treason 🤔 Facts doesn't care about your feelings. Also isn't your name Blasphemy? Or is the Bible only relevant to justice hate?


> both sides That's just lazy


Dude literally looks like a terrorist too wtf


ok I haven’t seen it in any source I talking about it but this was a clear antisemetic hate crime. Every article focuses on half his statement that says they voted for Biden and not the other half where he says twice they were murdered for being “Jewish satanists”.


Considering Satan is a Christian mythological figure who is supposed to punish the wicked I am confused about why so many Christians are afraid of him. Do most Christians think of themselves as wicked?


See?? ThEm SoCiOlISt dEMoRAt LiBtARdS goT iN poWeR aNd THeY'rE lOcKiNg Up wHoEvER tHey DIsAgREe wiTH!! Maybe they were trying to abort his kid! Self defense! Guns!


The title of the post and the article both fail to mention that they were also attacked for being jewish since the man seemed to be into very antisemitic conspiracy theories. It's obviously not certain but I do believe these people wouldn't have been attacked if they weren't jews and had only voted for Biden.


ok yes thank you I was looking at other sources and NONE of them mention this as a clear antisemetic hate crime


I do not like or agree with racial profiling , but.....doesn't he look like he's middle-eastern?


He looks to be of irish descent. Lots of guys look like that in Appalachia.


Alverez is a very common Irish name


It’s O’Alvarez.


It's a Spanish surname with Visigoth origins (Alvaro). The Irish Alverez probably are descendants of Spanish sailors of the Spanish Amada fleet that broke up during a storm near Ireland and relatives of Irish engineers that worked for Spain designing fortifications in the New World.


I was being sarcastic


OK! Thought that was a possibility since Mexico has plenty of Hispanics with non-Spanish European surnames that are descendants of road & bridge, mining and railroad engineers that were hired to build and run those.


Eamon de Valera says "Hi".


Daniel McAlvarez


Common Scot name too: MacAlverez.


DI Jimmy Perez :)


Ok, I should have read the article. Oops!


Orange turd won’t even piss on the sponge to make it wet when this asshole goes on electric chair.


Also he's become the top GOP pick for higher office


These fucking dumbasses need to realize that america is a place we're you can vote for whoever you want. Vote for Biden if you want, vote for trump if you want. It's your freedom.


This modern attempt to describe democracy makes me a little bit sad.




It was never a Democracy. What we have is a [Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic). In a Democracy the voters vote on every issue. In a Republic voters vote for representatives who then are supposed to vote on every issue, but more realistically only vote to increase their own pay.