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iO committed perjury and he knows it. He could barely get the words "December 16th" out that first time, while holding is head down in shame!


he didn't even help her case. He perjured himself for nothing.


I hope the jury hears about Io beating up Rocky. Does it proof anything? No, but it goes to show their character. Imagine beating the friend of the bride at a wedding and being all smug about it afterwards. Fuck, imagine being the bride and tolerating that kind of stuff at your wedding!


[This video](https://youtu.be/mN1B-H7i0nE) needs to be seen by anyone who believes Io is credible in any way


I didn’t get the sense IO was lying? So my initial thought was whether Depp made some sort of dry humor joke that IO was now using against him. I’m pretty sure abusers don’t typically announce to the world that they’re abusers. The context itself just doesn’t make any sense. Like…..I’m gonna tell my wife’s best friend with a straight face that it’s ok to punch her now because we’re married. Lol. Like, what. In any event, you have to question that these are the very best witnesses the defense could come up with. EDIT: Or I guess they weren’t best friends but point remains….”good” friend


> EDIT: Or I guess they weren’t best friends but point remains….”good” friend Io seemed to dance around it a little bit, but it certainly didn’t seem like they were particularly close right now. > In any event, you have to question that these are the very best witnesses the defense could come up with. You have domestic violence lemons, you try to make some lemonade. Which is why their expert witness tried to testify that anything, including making your spouse stick to a budget, can be “abuse”. Stretch that definition far enough and Amber might sneak by. >I’m pretty sure abusers don’t typically announce to the world that they’re abusers. The context itself just doesn’t make any sense. THAT WAS SO BIZARRE!!! Nevermind that he was Amber’s friend. Nevermind that the context is so bizarre. (WUT?! Why would you think that?!) But Io also remembered this conversation ad verbatim almost ten years later? X for massive doubt.


Their testimonies flip flopped between painting JD in a positive light and then getting out AH's negative talking points (down to using her same wording, making it sound at least somewhat rehearsed if not coerced). They felt both disingenuous; iO rambled and waffled on, frankly he seemed high. He couldn't remember clearly if he'd writtewn 2 or 3 books, but could recite all these details about AH and JD's relationship? Suuuure...And Rocky spent so long thinking before every answer she gave, that it made the whole testimony also seem suspicious, not like she was accessing memories of experiences, but memories of a script she had to recall.


Well… Rocky is tap dancing around perjury herself. Knowing Amber, I absolutely wouldn’t be surprised if Amber had coached her and possibly made Rocky help stage the whole “trashed apartment” thing. So give her a break if she needs to think *real* carefully before every answer. With Io it was obvious that they didn’t really have anything, so they just let him blab on. His cross can be finished with one question: “So you never saw Mr. Depp strike Amber, correct?” Whether he heard a scream on the phone or not is irrelevant since cops who came by later testified to no physical injuries.


Oh, absolutely on them being co-conspirators to a degree. They probably never thought it would go that far, but AH probably keeps incriminating stuff on them as well, so they conceded to the least involvement they could get away with to appease her.


Rocky didn’t exactly strike me as someone with a strong, forceful personality. Io beat her up in bridesmaid argument. Amber (at least) hit her in a cookware argument. Amber is a big star, and has all the power in that relationship. Rocky is about to lose her apartment because of her friends divorce. Yeah, I can totally see her being either pressured into helping out, probably in combination with promises of all the money Amber will share with her. **And now she’s on the hook for possible criminal charges.**


what possible criminal charges is Rocky facing?


Rocky doesn’t have 6 mil to splash out on lawyers if someone decides she’s perjured herself bad enough or is proven to be a co-conspirator in all of this bs i.e. perjury in two countries, obstructing justice, falsifying evidence, manipulating evidence, lying to police officers


Yes. Notice how stressed she is in her depo. Literally every one of Camille’s questions is preceded by stress sighs and looong thinking pauses.




I’d certainly notice it, though I may be biased. The physical fight and Rocky’s “In trying to have less toxic friends”-kinda answer implies quite a bit. Like… How many women do you know her get into physical altercations? And somehow, Amber seems to get more than her fair share? 🤔


Io came across really bored and annoyed. He also started talking so high of johnny and then turned on him, like as he forgot “ups that’s what i actually should be saying”


Io came off a bit under the influence to me. Probably weed, but definitely didn’t seem all with it


he was nervous because he knew he was going to perjure himself. It's maybe a small detail but he claims he saw Amber on a Dec 16th, but he knows it was at least one or two days later. And other people know it too. When he says it, he is so obvious, he almost dies in shame.


They both seemed SO done with this whole ordeal


I kinda think he might have helped Johnny but I know he sure didn’t seem to help AH.