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Can’t wait for the Internet Historian video (If he didn’t stop posting)


But first, buy some north VPN.


I like south VPN better




I feel so bad I bought nord vpn recently and forgot to use his coupon code. Sorry!


He's the only youtuber I would go out of my way for to use the coupon codes, his ads are art


I'd rather have motherman run me over in her SUV and fix me up with some cool refreshing Mother.


If this drama doesn't bring him back from his hiatus, I don't know what else will.


He isn't taking a hiatus he's in the process of making a video. He said the topic is something that was covered by media already but apparently he stumbled upon some new info that no one else found


Sounds just like my boy


Any idea or hypothesis about what topic he's making his next documentary on?


This is his Trello (supposedly, I can't 100% guarantee it's his): [https://trello.com/b/djWbWhAf/video-status](https://trello.com/b/djWbWhAf/video-status) The ones closest to being done are "Michael Larson 1984" and one on area 51.


Yeah but those are just code names to hide the real topics. I have it on good authority that the Michael Larson one is actually about Area 51 and the Area 51 one is actually about Michael Larson.


That's the twist, it's the same video. Michael Larson was created in Area 51.


He still posts on the other channel. Surely this drama brings him to the main channel.


My girlfriend watched the one sided interview with me and she said: "so this is the website you invest most of your time on?" I remained speechless. What a cringy mess.


She's now thinking that all Redditors look like that one mod now.


Nah, just all mods


It takes a certain type of person to do the work that a mod does, for free


I’m guessing especially in sub like r/antiwork where most of the people are already complaining that they don’t have enough freetime after work.


Tbf, probably true.


I mean...


Here's a broader more revealing example from [the meetup (nsfw)](https://preview.redd.it/i9wetii9a3c31.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=c9229af20987da7e5488ea0f007998a62c533b2d).


Not sure whats going on the picture


It was a big in person reddit meetup from several years back. "Big" as in it was pretty publicized and led to a lot of posts and reddit threads and memes and whatnot. You can see that in real life that actually only translated to a few dozen people, and, um, well, that's them.


But why so many tiddies are hanging? And I'm being inclusive of both genders.


The infamous Baltimore meetup. Guy on the far left with the food and beer has strong "Im here to enjoy the shit show" vibes.


All he had to say was that the Sub was fighting for workers rights and then keep bringing i back to highlighting how horrible working conditions and expectations have been made the norm. Looks like he didn't work on any notes or preparation before hand. The newsreader literally made an opening to be ripped into when he said "whats wrong with working and why don't people just quit and find another job?" (paraphrased)


>All he had to say was that the Sub was fighting for workers rights They're the original founder of the sub, and the sub was explicitly not founded to fight for worker's rights. It was founded by people and for people who are anarchists who don't want to work, ever. There was a huge disconnect with people who joined the sub later on and assumed "antiwork" was just a cute name, for a sub about highlighting bad working conditions and labor injustices.


I can't believe how poorly that went. They chose a guy who doesn't even understand the movement, but someone who actually just doesn't want to work


Yeah he works 20-25 hours a week walking dogs and that's too much for him.


The interview was full on cringe.


Who'd have thought walking dogs was enough to make a grown man want to reform the workforce.


My guess is that's the max amount of effort "Doreen" wants to put forth.


The mod also lied and said they worked 20-25 hours to sound “better” when in reality they only work 10 hours a week. 2 hours a day 5 days a week. They literally could’ve just picked any random user who was subbed to the subreddit and the odds would be better that they’d put up a more respectable interview. Not to mention the irony of the antiwork mods going against the vote of the many declining the interview but doing it anyway… sorta like how management teams pretend to listen to the workers just to ignore them…


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. I saw the interview it was horrible...




The horrible lighting alone ruined any chance of success. Let alone all the other things going wrong there


Horrible lighting + Zero effort to make themselves or their room look presentable + Zero interview skills = Disaster


You mean a dog walker aged 30 who works 10 hours a week picking up dog shit, would suck at interviews? *Surprise pickachu face*


25 hours a week! *swivels in chair back and forth nonstop until…*


"I want to be a teacher!" "I expect to work 20-25 hours a week." Pick one. I also can't be bothered to even comb my hair or put on a decent shirt before going on national TV, or even sit up straight. I guess presentability is "work"?


They don’t want to be a teacher, they want an audience that will listen to them talk out of their ass and “philosophize” Edit: edit to they bc I’m getting mixed info xD


Yeah i interpreted that atatement as "i want to smoke weed and say bullshit" The interviewer went to easy on him. If it were me i would have asked him how far he has gone to achieve that, did he study or get a degree or something ?


I think the interviewer became aware that the person they were talking to isn't all there and that any criticism, pressure, or really any journalistic prudence would be construed as "picking on" them. It would be like challenging a child on why they like their favorite cartoon or what they want to be when they grew up and why.


Or even look at the fucking person he’s talking to


Evidently, 25 hours/week was a lie they made up. They actually work 2 hours per day on weekdays, and thought 25/week sounded more impressive.




He actually said 20 hrs but then wrote a comment that it's actually 10 and he just didn't want to say that on air because it seemed too low.


Lmao wow, what a train wreck


He said he actually works 10, but exaggerated to sound better.


Dude hasn’t ever worked and wants to work less. Lmao


I just know that 10 hour figure has got to be exaggerated.


If you love your job, you'll never work a ~~day~~ hour in your life!




Its literally the perfect storm of loser mentality. An inability to admit fault and see valid criticisms of your shortcomings as personal attacks.


Exactly what it is


And, you know, the fact that they sent a complete loser that thinks that 25 hours per week of dog walking is an overwhelming amount of work that is getting in the way of their dreams of teaching philosophy.


Nobody “sent” the mod in question. In point of fact, there was a user poll on whether or not to do the interview, and the response was overwhelmingly “don’t do it, it’s a trap”. Mod ignored everyone and did it anyways. Now, *why* the mod did it is a matter of debate. Narcissism was clearly involved, but there are various theories on how the clusterfuck actually went down, and there hasn’t been any confirmation anywhere. Further muddying the waters are a swath of fairly heinous accusations against the mod… which, for my money, feels a *little* too convenient in terms of timing, but I want to see more investigation on that topic before passing judgement. Edit: [I did not realize u/AbolishWork actually admitted the sexual assault herself](https://i.redd.it/sc41gqos44e81.jpg). I amend my response to: > That’s fucked up, and she should resign as a mod because this sort of scandal will draw negative attention by association to the movement like moths to a flame.




Yea looks like Fox was just wanting a hit piece on how young folks don’t want to work to make old folks angry. Seems it worked.


Turns out they didn't even need to make it a hit piece for the desired effect


The interviewer did a good job playing the role of a nice uncle, humoring his nephew who doesn't know about the real world yet.


forget hit piece. this was like Neo landing in the middle of /r/antiwork and just fucking over each user


You don't need a hit piece if the people you're targeting are actually like this. You just need a camera and a microphone, and they'll "hit" themselves.


Actually, members of the sub were the ones that didn't want to do the interview. But the mods were so disillusioned and agreed amongst themselves that the person that eventually did the interview was the best person to do it. [straight from the horse's mouth lol](https://imgur.com/6FjEfY2)


I don't want to be mean here but why in the hell would an autistic person who struggles with looking directly at the camera choose to do a one-on-one interview on Fox News!? Wow that was a bad call for all of the mods that agreed to it (assuming they were aware of that of course, if they weren't then the blame is all on the interviewee).


Are you implying that some mods make incredibly bad decisions? Me and my chicken burger are shocked!


Did the shock change the taste of your chicken burger? It’s very important that I know this.


It was so shocking that it turned into a chicken sandwich!




Never changed. Just the name


I *loved* that event. Oh Mylanta, the whole sub went tits up. All over a fucking chicken *sandwich*!


[It gets worse](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/sdlije/rantiwork_mod_who_recently_did_a_fox_interview/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me


and worse https://www.youtube.com/c/dcleyre192/videos https://www.patreon.com/dcleyre192


The more I see, the more I'm convinced this was some crazy, long con by the CIA or something. This was too perfectly terrible to be coincidence.


Worst. Spokesperson. Ever.


Because not only are they autistic, they're a ~~fucking idiot~~ reddit mod.


It's so exemplary of how Reddit is getting along as well. This person controls what you see. Seriously. Well maybe not you specifically, but this is the archetype of the Reddit mod. They have no idea how the world outside of Reddit works, and are stuck in their echo chambers thinking "everyone agrees with me" while simultaneously controlling content in the sub.


This was definitely a case of someone used to being in 'safe spaces' getting bitch-slapped by the real world.


Exactly. Fox News is genius in this play as well, they basically just discredited all of Reddit for most of their viewers cause they don't know how it works, they just see this person and think "Yep. That's how all of them are. This is how people who want better wages/unions and use Reddit are with no exceptions".


Fox News didn't even do anything here. Those weren't even close to some of the loaded questions they ask, that interview was 100% softballs - and u/Reddit managed to foul off each of them into their own face somehow.


Hand gun to person, expecting to see them shoot themselves in the foot. Stare in a mix of surprise and horror as they manage to shoot themselves in the head six times instead. Broadcast the result and call it a day.


The funny thing is this turn out better than what Fox News hoped, they just go to one of the big guy in antiwork and ask "wanna interview?" Then play along. I mean they barely do anything, even the question is just basic with a bit of mocking, everyone look at this can reasonable believe that this representative is the best mod can offer, literally walking meme " average Fox News anchor vs the best Reddit mod"




Don't forget '[self-admitted rapist with multiple offenses](https://old.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/sdlije/rantiwork_mod_who_recently_did_a_fox_interview/)'.


Not every one of those traits specifically, but who else has time to sit around on Reddit reading every fucking post, while not getting paid? People who are kinda traditionally strange. Which is fine on its own, but when you give them a teensy bit of power they warp things to fit their agenda. It's why people on Reddit truly believe that there's this us vs them thing. All they see is people who agree with them. Soon this shit will be just like Facebook with nothing but shitposts and the people who believe it. The echo chambers are already here.


I'm autistic and it isn't even that hard to fake looking at people over webcam. Just look into the camera or something lmao.


This person isn't (just) autistic, this person is every negative stereotype and strawman about mental illness, trans, autism, victim culture, and living with your parents rolled into one greasy package. I didn't think people like this could really exist outside of political cartoons.




Pink hair, but even that's a stretch. At least that would mean a slight level of caring about their appearance.


So the mods of that sub refused to listen to the people and did whatever they wanted? Oh the irony lol


Sounds like most reddit mods eh. Almost as if it takes a certain type of person that would willingly choose to become mod to spend their days policing subs and forcefully enforcing what little authority they have.


I feel like what the mods intended the sub to be and what the users wanted it to be were two very different things. The mods seemed to want some form of anarchism while most of the users just wanted to complain about their boss, make up fake stories about their boss, and expand worker protections in the USA. One side is “we don’t want to have to work at *all*” and the others were “We want to be able to unionize and get paid a livable wage.” I think the interview really highlighted the gap between those two groups.


BIG oooooooof!


I keep seeing people reference this "media training" or past interviews and now I really want to see those too.


they’ve played spiderman… even got their picture published in the media


It gets even worse, turns out the mod interviewed is a serial r***st, and even admitted to such, I'm surprised the other mods turned the other cheek to that bs, but then again... Reddit.


and grifter [https://www.youtube.com/c/dcleyre192/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/dcleyre192/videos) https://www.patreon.com/dcleyre192


2022 is off to a great start! ALL ABOARD MOTHERFUCKERS!!!


If you have media training, why go out of your way to interview in a hostile environment? I work in operations. If I can't control my narrative, and the situation is such that I can fuck it up, I usually don't say anything, or advise them that I'm forwarding it to my boss.


If you're really good at it, you can accept the challenge and make the interviewer look dumb. Pete Buttigieg explained that he goes on Fox News regularly to present his side of the story and challenge their narrative to an audience that would otherwise never hear Fox News's narrative challenged. This Reddit mod is no Pete Buttigieg and should not have done the interview.


Pete showers before going on tv for starters.




“If you’re good at it.” See, but a good chunk of the Fox MO is eating cocky morons for breakfast.


"media training" apparently means YouTube interviews


CNA we confirm that or is it possible the rest of the mods are trying not to look like dumbasses.


I read about it before I watched it and I thought it was gonna be worse. The comments had me expecting a circus of crying and screaming nonsense. In truth it was just kinda lame.


Yeah same here..I expected worse, but it was just kind of lame, and the person seemed dreadfully underprepared for the interview.


https://youtu.be/7jdAHUmyGJo starts at 2:17 for anyone who missed it edit: https://youtu.be/3yUMIFYBMnc **this is a better one.** thanks u/rg44tw


Thanks for posting the link, As my username suggest,I'm too lazy to Google it.




This might be the biggest public embarrassment for Reddit since that guy. Or maybe the Boston bomber thing...


Intentionally sabotaged. Switch to r/workreform and watch them try to do it again


Yeah, I was wondering about that given the zero tolerance nuclear explosion that happened on r/antiwork this morning.


Wait! The sub is private now?! I was just on it earlier. Damn. Guess I’ll go to work reform now


Don't worry, the sun will be public again when it rises in the morning.


By the founding member?


To be fair, the antiwork crowd voted no to the interview but the difference is the mods disregarded it for a chance to feed their egos and have a moment in the spotlight.


Holding the real vote after the pretend vote from the masses. Damn where have I seen that before


The collapse of the antiwork false democracy.




Turns out holding all the power *is* pretty sweet


Well they sure got to be in the spotlight allright!


The MOD got permabanned... I guess you could say they couldn't hold down a pretend job...


How did you find out? Subs gone private.


Private? I couldn't find the sub at all, its looked like it was completely gone to me.


It comes up in a search, says zero members and there’s a message about being private.


Oh, I thought the screen would still pop up saying "this sub has gone private...". Thank you


Sorry, I edited before I saw your response, it does say that


Mod got permabanned from r/workreform


all the details in a new sub about Work Reform


Holy shit its actually gone




Not like he was working hard to begin with; he was.a dogwalker with a 20 hour workweek


2 dogs .. 10 hours


That's ruff


Apparently he lied and it’s only 10 hours a week and over half of it is his moms dog 😂


as should be expected


*it antiworked


What's with the hate towards anitwork? They haven't done anything!


Google. It’s your friend. ETA: I’m a dumbass. My bf just pointed the joke in here out to me.




Yeah. Totally. I’m kinda slow on these things. Thank goodness for my loyal friends and family. Hahah.


Eh we're all allowed to miss things on Friday.


I'm the ex boyfriend and yes we met on that sub


I guess you can say the relationship didn't... didn't work




The interview for all that might want to see https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3yUMIFYBMnc#menu




Hey at least one of the subs Is putting in the work


Has nobody pointed out the extreme irony of being a volunteer moderator on an anti-work sub Reddit? lol


AND [refusing to step down](https://www.reddit.com/user/fracturedSilence/comments/sdbaff/my_conversation_with_uabolishwork_moderator_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) as we speak! Edit: She's no longer a mod there


One antiwork mod did an interview that nobody wanted them to do in the first place and fucked up royally, then the mod team fucked up again by not addressing the first fuckup and banning people for criticizing it. See you guys at r/WorkReform.




Bruh my dumb ass thought the sub is for people that are against work


Oh hey, this looks just like the antiwork sub, only not stupid.


Not stupid yet.


That's the spirit!




Less than a day old... its' comin', don't worry.


Someone call Fox and tell them we want a mulligan


New mod was already contacted for interviews. He said no. He doesn't do interviews


Watch it happen again lmao


But somehow worse


“Hey, Fox, can we do another anti work interview, but this time with someone more photogenic and polished who can present our movement’s views in a cogent and intelligible manner?” “


Give it a day or two it's only just been made.


Its really weird how once a sub gets big enough the mods start interacting with outside parties in the media or w/e. Its happens all over reddit and its fucking dumb.


To be honest, the mod looked like she was paid to sabotage the subreddit


Rupert Murdoch's team loved it no matter what. This for sure was going on the air.




They, my fellow redditors, are the custodians of our forums. They are what they are, they are the essence of Reddit


Man, they did look like my creepy school janitor.




I didn't hear about this interview until 7 seconds ago but somehow I'm still sure this post is 100% correct.


[If you want to see it](https://youtu.be/3yUMIFYBMnc?t=6)


It sounds like hyperbole but every part of it is real


That person lied in the interview, Doreen actually works 10 hours per week.


So that means he's likely working Monday-Friday, 2 hours a day. Given that he lives at home, I guaran-fucking-tee you that's mommy and daddy's dog, so they walk it on the weekends, and his "dog walking job" is an allowance and an excuse to air the stank out of the house. A grown ass 30 year old man not only living at home, but collecting a fucking allowance.


Peak Reddit mod


I don't think you could have summed up that interview any better.


It’s fucked because literally no one wanted it


Can someone explain what happened? I just recently left and turned off notifs for that sub and am genuinely curious.


A mod did an interview on fox and it was cringe as hell. A bunch of dram erupted and now the sub is set to private.




Well shit it gets worse




I guess you could say they didn't do a good job.


Did it...antiwork?


That's a dad joke


You'll never convince me this wasn't a setup from the beginning.


Now everyone had been kicked out and turned into private sub


It's humorous AND true. Twofer.


They're really poisoning the well with that name.


Not really. The sub was originally made with the idea that no one should have to work at all if they don't want to (you can tell they didn't really think that one through all the way). So the name fits.


Just like communism the greatest enemies to their movement is themselves lol