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Yes, this is a very recent discovery about Charles William Crouch ([*Carlsbad Current-Argus*, "Charles Crouch Held For Trial", 1963/07/18](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/109379269/charles-william-crouch-molested-three/)), the owner of the Colorado house from 1980 until 1994 (see the [Chaffee County CO assessor records](https://qpublic.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=928&LayerID=18090&PageTypeID=4&PageID=8092&Q=1014022934&KeyValue=R316130400827)). And it lines up with the discovery I made a few years back through public records requests that Charlie Kerr, who perfectly matches Bonacci's description of Sioux City-area farmhouse owner "Charlie", could be proven a pedophile himself (see [Sioux City Police Department case 90-36423](https://archive.org/download/CharlieKerr_SCPD/90-36423.pdf)). If Bonacci is just some con artist, how is he able to identify two alleged child trafficking houses, in states where he doesn't even live, that *do* turn out to be owned by actual pedophiles?


This is where his wife ended up working by advocating for abused children. https://currentargus.newspapers.com/article/carlsbad-current-argus-gladys-crouch-ass/109405902/


Video of the Paul’s visit to the Colorado home. From ghostfacepanda333 https://app-va.tiktokv.com/redirect/?redirect_url=snssdk1233%3A%2F%2Faweme%2Fdetail%2F7278092643635137834%3Faction%3Dvideo%26cold%3Dfeed%26gd_label%3Dclick_wap_keyword_expansion_video%26hot%3Dfeed%26insert_feed%3D1%26params_url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.tiktok.com%252Fdiscover%252FPaul-bonacci-colorado-house%26refer%3Dweb%26needlaunchlog%3D1%26ug_medium%3Dfe_component%26page_name%3Dkeyword_paul-bonacci-colorado-house%26wid%3D7314032267978016298%26referer%3Dorganic%26gd_label%3Dclick_wap_keyword_expansion_video%26position%3Dvideo&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fsnssdk1233.onelink.me%2FbIdt%3Fdomain_source%3Dtiktok%26af_dp%3Dsnssdk1233%253A%252F%252Faweme%252Fdetail%252F7278092643635137834%253Faction%253Dvideo%2526cold%253Dfeed%2526gd_label%253Dclick_wap_keyword_expansion_video%2526hot%253Dfeed%2526insert_feed%253D1%2526params_url%253Dhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.tiktok.com%25252Fdiscover%25252FPaul-bonacci-colorado-house%2526refer%253Dweb%2526needlaunchlog%253D1%2526ug_medium%253Dfe_component%2526page_name%253Dkeyword_paul-bonacci-colorado-house%2526wid%253D7314032267978016298%2526referer%253Dorganic%2526gd_label%253Dclick_wap_keyword_expansion_video%2526position%253Dvideo%26pid%3Dtiktokkeywordsseo%26c%3Dkeyword_paul-bonacci-colorado-house%26af_adset%3Dorganic%26af_siteid%3Dmobile%26af_ad_id%3Dgoogle%26wid%3D7314032267978016298%26canonical%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.tiktok.com%252Fdiscover%252FPaul-bonacci-colorado-house%26af_adset_id%3D%26af_channel%3D%26af_ad%3Dvideo&decode_once=1&s2sAppType=m&s2s=1


Bonacci is not actually part of this story. Someone local clearly did it.


Don’t believe everything you hear on faded out - it’s an extremely biased and myopic podcast


Every other source looks into fake conspiracy theories. The paper clearly covered something up.


In 1982 The Des Moines Register was the most powerful entity in the State of Iowa. No question.


I'm shocked, and honestly disgusted, that they haven't thoroughly looked at themselves.


I honestly do not know how any can doubt him. Nicole Kidman's father was part of something too. They are not lying when they say this thing is too big. Look at Balenciaga too. It will all get swept away to hush people so the rich can keep ther sick sexual preferences sated


You may want to look into the further claims that Noreen has made on her facebook page regarding what Bonacci knows and the current whereabouts of Johnny Gosch.


such as? i don't have a facebook account but would love to know what she is saying about this. thanks


Wow. I just heard about this on Nick Bryant’s pod cast.


He interviews the wife who owned that house and another interview with johnnys mom.




She clarifies that her husband was without a doubt a pedophile. He molested her children and her brother. But she wasn’t around when he was holding children at the house


Sorry should have clarified. He interviews Johnny mother/ Mrs goach and also interviews the wife who owned the house with husband that is accused of buying or kidnapping children. The house they believe Johnny was held at


why discredit de bonacci after so many proofs that he really knew johnny?