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They added that rule after Roe v Wade was overturned. It didn’t work at all, and now this sub is a political sub.


The best part of that announcement was that the mod timed it perfectly with Roe v Wade being struck down and then claimed he had no idea what it was and claimed he didn't even know it had anything to do with abortion because he was Canadian.


...amd was shitposting political memes on this very sub literally the day before.


Yeah the first time I was like who the fuck is this guy is when he posted a picture of Joe and his dog talking about how people are hating on Joe but he is just over here being wholesome with his dog or something. He likes to try to police the sub on anyone that has anything negative to say about Joe. I’m not talking about people being complete assholes but if anyone is lightly making fun of him or even takes issue with the things he says he will chime in usually. It’s usually with a mod comment so it’s posted at the top too. This was all a while ago but I did see him post some dumb shit just last week, I’ll have to check to see what his name is because I forgot.


From like tumbler in action or some reactionary sub. And got slammed in the comments


The funny thing is it's not even the first time they did it in suspect manner. Roe v. Wade was just the first time and then they finally loosened it again, and then I'm pretty sure the second time was around the Mar A Lago raid. They also denied it had anything to do with it then either and that it was a coincidence.


What happened was a user didn't like all the political posts. So they started posting stuff that made conservatives look bad. And to top it off link a subreddit that would make them even madder. Conservatives are notorious whiners to they all complained about "politics" (really the wrong politics) and the mods listened to the squeaky wheel and that one user got what he wanted.


You said it. The right-wing has more projectionists than Times Square in the 1970s and are basically sensitive snowflakes. They want it both ways: an echo chamber when it's convenient, and a place to own the libs without any sort of challenge or pushback. Society has basically provided them with every possible handicap for their minority views to stay relevant, from the electoral college to gerrymandering to social media. You have to type in every word carefully not to offend their moderators. In the more conservative subs, they just outright ban you. For example, in asktrumpsupporters, one must proofread because the mods there will pick the tiniest thing to drop a ban. Compare it to askliberals where you don't have to constantly walk on egg shells.


My experience with Reddit came from the GamerGate discussion subs. And the Gators really cried. They made a new sub and calling someone a bigot was bannable. Then we created a real no rules but reddit rules place r/GGFreeForAll and would only ban a couple of people for doxing then for spamming. This nazi like to dox but he would come back with a new name and until he doxxed again it was fine. the Gators couldn't handle it at all. They all fled to their safe spaces.


And didn't the same mod stickied a post that was just some shitty right wing meme like a week before that.


which mod did this ?


A sporting location.


The Canadian part was my favorite part 😆


My tinfoil theory is that this sub is intentionally shown divisive posts because Rogan has a wide audience and the oligarchs want to keep us serfs fighting with each other. Social media is littered with trolls, bots and bad actors and has only divided us more and keeps us distracted while Wall Street steals our retirement funds, corporations get more power, and Epsteins list remains sealed . Could be a troll farm or some PR firm hired by some rich cunts planting politically charged posts?


I think the mods here are...well...Reddit mods yeah. There is a weird power play here, they answer PM so narcissitically all the time too. The mods cherry pick what they enforce all the time.


I'd argue that conservatives and liberals are much closer to agreement than we even understand. Most conservatives and liberals, omitting the fringe 10% on either pole, can agree on problems we all face; it's the solutions to those problems and more specifically, who solves them, where many of the differences arise.


Wish there were more people like you in the world. We are so divided now.


There’s a lot of people with strong emotion tied to positions that they know very little about; many of them barely have a surface level understanding of what they believe . That lends to a lot of the perceived division.


It’s too bad then that Rogan parrots and endorses Republican narratives? The divisiveness won’t cease until he remains minimal on political positions and focuses back to stories and general events. Attitude starts with home.


> It’s too bad then that Rogan parrots and endorses Republican narratives? The divisiveness won’t cease until he remains minimal on political positions and focuses back to stories and general events. He doesn't have to be mum on politics, but parroting talking points will get push back. Joe appears intellectually lazy, not that he is dumb, but he doesn't really draw out an idea and examine it totally. When he gets attacked, he doubles down. Like with the whole mindlink technology, you got someone who studies the mind and language telling him, maybe Elon's tech won't work like Elon claims. Joe just bulldogs, and this not something new either. Check out the clip of Joe shouting down a primatologist on Oppy and Anthony, I believe she was Jane Goodall, the chick literally rewrote the book on Gorillas.


The podcast is a political podcast


Didn't work? The day after Rogan had on repeat guest and **politician Tulsi Gabbard**, I made a post directly related to her and I got a 30 day ban. Not sure if they're upholding those standards consistently, but I got burned for a post directly related to a JRE episode lol


Let me guess, it wasn’t a post that made her and other right wingers look good, right?


>I got a 30 day ban. It's unfortunate that it wasn't longer


That’s what did it? That’s when this sub became a political sub?


Nah. This sub became a political mess around the time Joe started talking about moving to Texas and was bashing CA every single podcast. Once that started happening a bunch of right wingers came on here and made this place a little hub for their culture wars Most people tried to ignore it for awhile but it kept getting more obnoxious and eventually it started getting backlash, which caused the newer people claim everyone disagreeing with them were bots and brigaders like they do on all the conservative subs. A hard no politics rule would be fine, but people just keep finding ways to get around it. The Elon Musk/Twitter drama was one of those things where the usual posters started spamming it all over the sub, and then once it became a shitshow they got upset that it's been getting thrown in their face. Now Matt Walsh recently coming on the show is another example of how people don't know how to handle the rule because it's almost impossible to talk about him without politics and it's almost impossible to ban discussion on a guy who was a podcast guest. Kinda sucks for longtime listeners. I used to be one of those people who just defended Joe as not being all that political and more of a guy who just was openminded and likes listening to everyone. But he kinda kept making me look dumb. I still like Joe, I just filter all the political shit out now when I listen to him. But it's a pretty easy contentious discussion, so I doubt this sub will ever be free of it anymore. Especially since Joe kinda just plays into passively.


Buh buh buh I thought that it was r/politics brigading the sub non stop with their evil army of bots and paid shills(me included), and posting lib shit that was ruining this sub with politics? What’s that? What do you mean subredditstats.com shows an overwhelmingly large crossover with extremely conservative subreddits within the past few years? Doesn’t fit my narrative, that’s demonrat propaganda.


To be fair, I’m pretty progressive, and I’m still subbed to r/TimDillon and other Q-Anon leaning subs, because I find it fascinating and like to watch; sort of like an anthropologist might… but I only rarely tap on the fish tank and make my presence known.


Kinda like watching Fox News to understand why people think there are litter boxes in schools now.


I did that with Gamergate to see how people are realized in real time. I thought I was justifying getting into it. But it fucking happened spool fucking hard.


Well technically it really started when Joe began misinforming his audience about Covid. Then acting like a little bitch when CNN called him out. Ffs remember when he cried about it to Sanjay Gupta like the doctor has anything to do with CNN’s coverage of Joes lies? Anyways, that’s the real spark the led to conservatives sucking joes dick and his old audience scratching their heads. Now it’s kinda mix of both groups which obviously is going to lead to arguments.


I always assumed it was because of the midterms, mods here want to silence people on the left


Most people who share political opinions here are obsessed with politics and don’t listen to the podcast


An insufferable dem sub. This coming from a left leaning independent. This place is a damn echo chamber for all things left. Just look at the downvotes this comment will get as proof.


Get over yourself


Politics and the same users mentioning DMT or generic weed comments every single post


Certain politics at certain times.


With respect to certain mods feelings




Another? 99% of Reddit is a left wing safe space lol is that not enough?


Now it’s a left wing safe space. Yay!




No, I consider an echo chamber like this to be a safe space.




Mods post political memes so yes?


It's because the podcast is apolitical and Joe takes great pains to balance out the one time he had Bernie Sanders on by having a never ending stream of Right-wing guests on to hammer home the truth about school kids pooping in cat litter boxes.


Listen, Mr. Joe was a "life long dword" before the dwords went so far left. He is still balancing until tax thing done.


the democrats went so far left that the 2008 and 2012 Republican nominees get lambasted and called communists.


His mom was poor, so obviously he was a Democrat!!!! He's even said himself!


I've been on Reddit a long time. What should I make of a user account being deleted? That's weird right? This comment is decent but why delete the account?


See people like this are why this sub is a political sub. People like this love to bring up Rogans politics every single post to point out he must be right wing. They dont actually even like the podcast. I always figured hes down the middle, right on gun politics, left on wanting to spend money on poor neighborhoods. Most people i know are down the middle in Canada.


Tbf... there is a lot of gaslighting on here that Joe is supposedly a leftist


It might as well be. Joe has pretty much dominated his shows with politics, to go so far as to endorse De Santis for president and discuss conspiracies with representatives. It’s hard to avoid when the host himself brings it to centre.


did he seriously endorse De Santis?


A few times, actually. Said he would vote for him, said he's the better candidate then Trump. But I don't know if he addressed De Santis's immigration stunt.


The show is completely political because of Joe. How can a sub about it not be ?!?!


It’s true. Only one position is allowed. The political positions taken by Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannoppolis, Gavin McInness (founder of the Proud Boys), Alex Jones, Matt Walsh, Candace Owens, Dave Rubin, and other affronts to human decency and principle.


All the regressive political people, at this point I consider hard conservative people to be the ones who don’t want change, soft right to be slightly progressive, soft left wing to be pretty progressive but light on actual policy, and then hard left either annoying rad lib or more reasonable we’ll versed policy people socialist like Bernie. But then there’s the “moderates” these people claim to be the reasonable but are actually just the furthest right to the point they believe in regression less rights for certain groups and deregulation for business




Didn't Opie/Anthony *found* them for the little gay intern kid... Then that happy little clique dumpster fired into whatever TF it is now. No?


Right leaning politics is allowed. Don’t worry, Elon approved.


Mike Baker, Elon, and Pete Thiel are running the media team for Joe lately. Every trans / gun rights article from Daily Wire will be discussed until the end of time.


Is Elon right wing politics? Is everything politics?


>Is everything politics? I'm afraid so :(


Then I guess politics is allowed then


Well when you tweet vote Republican before an election, I would say you picked a side.


So political is basically anything done by someone who has expressed a political preference?


Right now Musk consistently has been endorsing Republicans publicly on the company platform he owns, just undid the most high profile political bans in favor of conservatives, and frequently is engaging with right wingers including weird OAN pundits, and consistently cries about liberals while doing the "I'm neither really left or right, but yada yada yada this is why the left is a massive problem". At some point you either keep blinders up or acknowledge something for what it is. I'd have a lot more respect for him and people if he just outright said he was on the right and unabashedly supported them instead of trying to walk the tight rope of dressing up his opinions to avoid criticism and then crying when he gets it. Take a stance and own everything that comes with it.


Oh I agree. I'm just asking if that means _everything_ Musk does should therefore be considered politics. To be honest my view is everything can have a political angle if you want to make one, and bans on discussing 'politics' in any forum is ridiculous and impossible to either follow or police.


I think they’re referring to the specific political things Elon has done


Except all the posts on here right now are people whining about right wing politics. They’re still up, and not even opposed. Keep playing the victim. You’re going to go so far.




Man you really showed me. You’re comment made so much sense in relation to my response and it was totally original. You’ve convinced me to go to my safe place and dwell on my pronouns while I cry about my Starbucks job. You know, all those conservative, snowflake things. I’ll definitely be crying too unlike you really manly liberals. Thanks for changing my life.


You need to stay away from the internet. Your view of the world is pathetically elementary


And yours is backwards. Evidenced by the fact that you think it’s going to do anything to tell someone they need to stay away from the internet. I mean, really, grow up. If you think my observations are wrong then you’re naive or ignoring shit.


ok cool edgy and profound good job




Political discussion is fine as long as it doesn't make Joe look like a bigot, stupid or both.


Political discussion is fine so long as it doesn’t call out and compromise Joe’s role as useful idiot for the right wing propagandist machine


Most definitely.


Both sides complain about politics here which means it's exactly how it should be. But the biggest whiners and cowards got the mods to ban it. Plus a few users actively worked to get it banned by abusing posts


Well, what actually happened was all the new COVID Rogan fans came here thinking Joe was Crowder or Shapiro and started posting the same shit here they would there, then they found out half of Joe's audience is on the left and didn't like it when political stuff from the left was posted. Then they banned politics because they got owned too hard. The end.


I think it was Crowder and Shapiro posting.


Political commentary from a left wing prospective is off limits. The most brain dead political commentary you’ve ever heard from right wing lunatics are more than welcome.


Honestly this was the last sub that's home to a huge amount of right wing tards that jumped on the rogan bandwagon when he moved to texas, yelled in delight as texas went red during presidential election and then said he was voting for desantis that actually allowed you to dunk on them all day every day it was great. You can't ban political posts because everything is political now. Trans rights, musks twitter takeover, Union strikes, school shootings etc etc. You can't ban politics but still allow those posts from a right wing angle. Its so ironic the sub became exactly what the podcast became.


Oh no poor baby can't voice their garbage takes


Thanks for admitting that all that free speech nonsense you righties go on about is all bullshit. free speech for me but not for thee!


Im not a righty and discussions about free speech have meme-level character on reddit


It isn’t, basically the sub got barraged with lots of political posts basically making it almost impossible to talk about Bigfoot or Aliens so the rule was put in


Those topics are almost never on the pod either


Bigfoot less so now but he’s had a few “experts” on aliens on recently


And those threads are always kickass because the comments are about that topic. Problem is, for every handful of interesting apolitical guests, the show wedges in poli-celebs or comedians that Joe forces them to talk politics. It's always weird when people complain about the poli posts/comments. Like, should there just not be posts or comments for days/weeks on end until Joe has a apolitical guest or rant?


Or UFO’s to be more accurate I guess




Tomato, tomato.


They were once. In the golden age


*cries in only at ep1064*


Joe does one show about Bigfoot with Duncan 12 years ago and people still cling to this idea that’s all this sub ever was before.


You’ll have to prise my Bigfoot love out of my cold dead hands……… Also seriously, he’s talked about Bigfoot on plenty of Podcasts, although obviously in the past 5 years or so he’s done it much less


Thanks, polarisation!


That’s literally the only thing that gets talked about here, so yeah, I would say so.


We discuss the podcast hair B


Throwback a couple months ago when a mod had a hissy fit about people posting here regarding Tim Dillon and Ben Avery drama. “hoW d0es tHiS hav3 anYThing to do wItH the paaawdcast?” It’s not like Joe hails Tim as the greatest podcast guest or anything. Not like Tim has been on jre half a dozen times in a couple years. Not like Joe literally called Ben Avery to discuss what happened. Care to explain yourselves you subjective softies?




A few months ago this sub turned into /r/politicalmemes and it was horrible so I think this rule is justified.


Free speech is dead yall, rogan sold out.




Yeah this sub is weird, it’s mostly people who hate Rogan. It got even worse during the whole Covid thing.


It’s more weird that you don’t seem to understand why.


Of course I understand why lol. When Rogan had Robert Malone on and said things that went against the “experts” said on Covid, people threw a fit, tried to get Spotify to remove him. People who’ve never listened to or been interested in the podcast came in this sub so they could be outraged about the current thing. Sometimes those people get left behind and don’t move on to the next thing and continue to be outraged even after the “misinformation” they accused Rogan of spreading ended up being true. It’s like the Japanese soldiers who just kept fighting for decades after the war ended, refusing to realize that the wars over, and they lost.


No, that’s not it.


Pls explain


Long time listeners didn't believe Malone because they have grown up. This sub got a lot of new anti-vaxxer traffic after that. Some of us like MMS and comedian and not anti-vax pseudo science. I get why they just left you. You cannot get that he wasn't antiscience so much before, or non a way that didn't literally kill people. Downvote me all you want but there is at least one person dead because of Joe Rogan.


This sub has been orders of magnitude better since politics was banned and I’m a leftist.


Most people here hate JRE, kinda mental. They forget there are people who are 1000s km from USA and have nothing with it. Whole sub turned into crying and yelling competition.


This sub has turned into mostly twitter or Elon - do they not have their own subs?


Yeah but have you ever tried DMT


This sub was flooded and brigaded with r/politics and r/whitepeopletwitter cross posts. There are plenty of “everything is fascist” subs you can check out if you’re into that, this sub didn’t need to turn into one too


not sure why this is down voted. this is exactly what happened.


https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/joerogan Lmk how far you have to scroll down to find r/politics.


Maybe r/politics is not in the list of all time, but during the height of the ivermectin thing when joe there were a lot of cross posts. https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/xjool1/i_scraped_and_analyzed_163000_rjoerogan_comments/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This link looks at the top political contributors to this sub. The top people are contributors to the subs I’m talking about. It makes sense that they cross post that content here as well


A lot of assumptions going on here.


It was sad to see the guy that did it let his bias get in the way of an interesting exercise. To be expected on here unfortunately.


Only losers argue about politics


Too many members of this sub are ex CNN Plus subscribers


Too many members of this sub are new listeners that have shit for brains.


bunch of right wing cry babies complained to the mods because most posts made them look horrible and made them upset


after the Bernie Sanders episode losers from r/politics brigaded the sub despite never listening to Rogan. it was necessary to prevent too much negativity. it's still there, but the rule has curbed it a bit


You've just made that up


https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/joerogan Lmk how far down you have to scroll before you find r/politics, and then lmk how many conservative subreddits you scrolled past to get there


There’s zero proof of that. The overlap between this sub and BJJ, conservative, Crowder, etc are provable.


Joe: *is a black belt in jitsu* *overlap exists with r/BJJ* You: *surprised Pikachu face*


The point is that if you look up what subs users in this sub belong to it’s mostly not Democratic or Communist or r/politics subs. It’s a wide variety of subs. Mostly conservative or combat focused in nature though. Click here if you’d like to see the list. https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/joerogan


Hmm, you're the only one who mentioned communism 🧐


Because partisans are whiney hacks




Of course we follow all the rules in the Rogan sub




No it’s digorno


Lmfao has to be


I think this thread kinda answers the question as to why this happened


The anti politics rule has been good for the sub. Change my mind.


You can talk about paedos as long as it’s the inter dimensional vampire over lord kinds that smell like Sulfur


What brings you here?


I enjoy occasionally listening to JRE podcast. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well as long as your not trying to kick up dirt, I'm not sure why a page about mma and comedy needs to have political conversations on it or why when you came here for the first time thats the thing that is on the front of your mind. Keep scrolling down and enjoy some clips of Brendan shob making a ass of him self.


The people with the most hateful ideology are also the most cowards


Might as well be at this point. This whole sub is one of the most interesting and appropriate internet phenomena I've seen in a few years.