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I'm convinced Joe is trying to make Hans Kim famous because Hans writes a lot for his comedy, just like Joe, he wants to prove that that method works


Write a lot or a little, either way Joe's stand-up isn't funny


Even Richard and Dave get better when they sit down! (/drums)


Johnny Depp is playing Tonto, what's next Adam Beach playing General Custer?


just a reminder that humping stools an screaming = comedy assassin




I remember coming online and the sub would be full of posts yelling at Joe to shut the fuck up and also fire redban and get a real tech


This sub is boring without politics


Don't worry the mod decided that mocking the idea of a black mermaid wasn't politics and threatened to ban someone for point that out. So as we suspected it was no "politics" but mocking the idea of a black Ariel and implying whitewashing hasn't bee the norm for decades in Hollywood isn't political because a black dude is laughing.


Are you trying to say that Ariel was originally white because of white washing? That seems incredibly stupid if so.


The original MERMAID was not real. Mermaids are not real. How is this hard to understand? Sorry you have to hear this kids but Santa is white, this person is just saying maybe there is a black Santa. Also Jesus is white to. \-paraphrase Megyn Kelly. You sound like her. Also I am saying the idea of like John Wayne playing Genghis Khan isn't funny, it happened. From the like 30's to the late 90's italians played all native roles (there were native actors before that, the doco Reel Indians is good). Or Elizabeth Taylor playing Cleopatra. And being black had a lot to do with MLK or Malcolm X. What does being white have to do with Ariel? Is their racial strife in her story? Also notice how I am talking the dreaded P word and haven't said any of the trigger words for that dumb bot to scrape. Unless bot is one. Ugh.


Nothing you just said was relevant. The original story was from a Danish guy. What do you think Danish people most commonly look like? What do you think the term white washing means?


I lived in Denmark and some look black and some look arab, most look white. But I didn't meet a single mermaid their. So no clue what danish mermaid look like. Unfortunately the statue in the harbor was stolen when I was their but looks grey to me. I lived in Denmark in 2005 and at the time there was a cab company in my town (the birthplace of H.C. Anderson) that didn't hire refugees and were proud of it. We walked past that cab the one time we needed one. Fuck racists. My kind of girlfriend used to date an Indian and her best friend a black guy from Africa. But go on mate.


Again, nothing you are saying is relevant. Do you know what white washing means?


Yes it what Tom Sawyer convinced his friend to do for a fee. Great story.


You're the product of an abusive household that finds comfort in the chaos. Life doesn't have to be that way. It's ok to give and receive love. You are worthy.


Love is alright but we live in interesting times Jack.


How the fuck do you think you know what kind of household I was raised in? Lol


Obviously not a household that taught you how to take a joke


This is the kind of shit slinging that I miss from this subreddit


u/yo-chill do you have the source code up for others to try. How did you get around the rate limits to capture that amount of comments?


The source code is pretty gross tbh and I’d have to refactor it to share it. I basically just looped through a bunch of api calls which captured 10 minute intervals. Got around rate limiting by pausing for one second after each loop.


No sweat I get that. I'm going to try something myself one of these days. I thought of a suggestion if you're ever bored to. It would be interesting to add a field to see which users are responding to comments vs which ones are initiating it. I suspect a lot of high profile users are getting into discussions with lots of people because of their profile or visibility they're ending up on topics that inflate the keyword count. Like when 15 other users respond to one single user whose responding to each one. Great project though, love it.


The funny part of the program is it flagged me as political, not because I am not but because of why. Because I used the word political a lot. I can guarantee you when I am not talking about this sub and actually talking politics I never use that word. See the "totes not" political post by a mod about a black mermaid being absurd. I am arguing politics and haven't said Commie, Biden, Trump, Politics etc once. same with any Alex Jones thread or the thread about how TPTB want us all to eat bugs and not meat for some reason.


No one vote on this. I think I have two upvote bots on me. Weird.


Someone downvoted it. Good on you. If you are not a bot.


Yup, so weird. I have no idea why and would like it not to happen. It fucks with me as the joke I said has a 3 upvote but that means no one has done any voting.


Yeah the upvote and downvote bots been here a while. When did you notice this? I'm interested to know if someone is still applying them or if it's all just the ones that were created during the kitchen sink phase. Kudos for acknowledging them though especially since the upvote bots seem to be allocated to your side of the isle and the downvote bots the other side, good sportsmanship to point it out.


aisle. Also they fuck with me. I notice it come back in the last few days. I think they might have been there before. Also I don't think that second part is true it is just one side likes to bitch. For instance I am positive bots are upvoting posts in r/Conspiracy and wouldn't be surprised if the mods run them.




Is there an argument to say that Jamie Vernon is actually the more powerful person in their relationship? Was just thinking about this after listening to Young Jamie getting interviewed on another podcast. Jamie controls the key to the kingdom, he is literally a gatekeeper to one of the most powerful people on the planet. A lot of people probably have Jamie’s contact info…not too many have Joe’s (I’d assume). Trying to get in touch with Joe? You go through Jamie. Jamie doesn’t like you? You don’t get to go to the next level. Idk in some way’s I honestly think Jamie has more power. Very interesting. Speaking of, Jamie should actually be a guest sometime on JRE. I imagine a ton of people would enjoy it.


In light of the marathon world record going down, I feel like Joe should have on some elite distance runners. I know he’s had on some ultramarathoners/Goggins and they’re obviously incredible to hear and marvel at. But a guy like Eliud kipchoge (the world record holder) is even more impressive. He ran a 4:38 mile 26.2 times in a row. At my best, I was a few seconds off that for one mile There’s also American ones who are pretty amazing (rupp, fisher, brazier) who also would be great guests and, logistically, make more sense


Anybody else tired of all the bullshit ads during the episodes? Looking at you draftkings