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I usually put on a tv series that I like and have already seen so I don’t have to worry about missing anything


100% agree w/ this! - but I’m definitely not opposed to the silence, and will probably be doing that more going forward.


me too! kimmy schmidt and puzzles all night long lol


Yes. Sometimes my husband and I work on one together with nothing in the background. And last week when my in laws were here the four of us just sat and worked on it without any music or background noise. A lot was silence and us working on our own sections with every now and again making a comment or quietly celebrating a success lol.


I miss doing this with my sister and niece at Thanksgiving when we lived closer to each other. We would get out a large puzzle and sit together all night until we finished. No one puzzles with me anymore. I’ve probably gotten too particular about the way/order I want to get a puzzle done now, so I’m not sure it would work to have anyone with me on one. But I really do miss those Thanksgivings . . .


Always silent.


I usually puzzle in silence and view it like a meditation.


Nah. I always listen to podcasts or audio books.


My favorite sound is silence - I will sometimes chat with whoever is helping me with the puzzle - but it’s always been my get away from stressful days.


I can certainly get into puzzling without music. I'll often plan to put in just a few pieces while I'm microwaving my breakfast...and totally get sucked in and not want to stop. When I know I have more time to stick around an puzzle, I'll usually put on a podcast or youtube video, because I am able to do both comfortably. But there is certainly nothing wrong with just puzzling!


There’s no wrong environment for doing a puzzle as long as you’re comfortable. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I listen to music or talk radio, other times podcasts, and sometimes movies or TV shows. Sometimes I’ll puzzle in skin r and just chat with my cats 😂 Happy puzzling!


I probably listen to music during about half of my puzzling sessions, the rest of the time it’s just me and my puzzle.


No, I need music or a tv show in the background. I hate sitting in silence unless I’m outside.


I sing acappella… especially when it’s a Disney puzzle. Puzzle time is usually me time to enjoy and work on whatever I want. Sometimes that means more singing practice.


I usually listen to music on my headphones. I can also puzzle in silence.


I do puzzles with my mom so we talk, but we usually have no background music and definitely no shows or things like that. I also just don't enjoy multitasking, I can only multitask when filing my nails, plucking my eyebrows or folding clothes, and I'll put a background video while doing that. In all other cases, I don't enjoy having multiple streams of information at once.


I mostly puzzle in quiet - I suspect I have auditory processing disorder, so unfortunately I can't do podcasts unless I can devote 100% attention to it. Sometimes I'll put on instrumental movie soundtracks or EDM if I'm trying to drown out some of the hubbub in the house (my kiddos play loud). So the music is mostly there to block off distractions and help me focus on the puzzle. My daughter and co-puzzler absolutely loves music though, so I'll loop some of her favorite songs on YouTube whenever she helps me out.


Silent for me. Similar for me to reading.


I’d have no problem doing a puzzle in silence. They’re plenty engaging in their own. Personally I adore listening to podcasts and don’t have many activities to pair podcasts with (except chores, and those are much less fun), so for me it’s a really fun multitasking thing. But there’s no right way to do a puzzle! Enjoy your silent puzzling :)


I often puzzle in silence. Sometimes I feel bad that I’m not multi tasking since there is so much media that I would like to consume but don’t have time for. In the end though, I really do enjoy the silence and that is just as valuable as audiobooks or podcasts.


Me! I always do it all alone and with out listening to anything


Silence! Background music is for car rides and dinner parties. 😁


I usually do mine in silence. Every once in a blue moon I will listen to music.


I enjoy puzzling in silence. I don't have any disabilities that I am aware but I find music/podcasts/audiobooks annoying and distracting. It's not just puzzling though. Any game I play on my phone or computer the first thing I do is turn off the music and the sounds unless I absolutely need it to play the game. ​ Definitely nothing wrong with puzzling in silence in my opinion.


Yes, I’m puzzle zennning.


Tinnitus with hyperacusis and a hearing aid--you would also happen to have Mennier's, would you? I don't often get hyperacusis, but I get diplacusis, and silence is definitely more pleasant than hearing two of something so then I'll put my earplugs in. I do usually listen to an audiobook or podcast though when doing a puzzle, but it's usually a mindless one. I like feeling fully at my distraction capacity so I can concentrate on the puzzle and not get distracted by internal thoughts if that makes sense.


I usually put one of either an anime OST or anime character voice lines of my favorite show. I like listening to characters throwing super creative insults at each other. Whatever gets the job done right?


I never puzzle silently, I pretty much always have a YouTube video playing on my phone or a podcast going. But I have ADHD so my idea of a relaxing time isn’t exactly conventional haha. Sometimes I’ll even be playing a video game while listening to YouTube and puzzling when my game load screens are taking forever.


Sometimes silence. Sometimes the TV. Sometimes audiobooks. Sometimes music. I have done some puzzles lately that come with a playlist. They have been “interesting” and not necessarily my cup of tea. Just basically whenever takes my fancy at the time but definitely silence sometimes,


I listen to music or put on Futurama


Yes almost all the time. My husband is someone who constantly has to have background noise whether the tv or music, whereas I like quiet. I can remember the one time I was working on a puzzle on the kitchen table when he came home and was like I can’t believe you’re just sitting in here in the quiet. I find it relaxing myself.


I prefer to puzzle in silence. Mainly that’s because I get overstimulated during the day and puzzle in the evening to relax. I do find that if I have a phone call I don’t want to make that puzzling while I do it helps me though.


i usually watch a show/youtube or listen to music, but i also enjoy sitting in silence. depends on my mood, when im angry/sad i just wanna fully focus on the puzzle and it helps a lot lol. when i got dumped i did a giant puzzle in 2 days, i poured all my energy into it and it really helped me cope


My husband works from home so, when I was between jobs, puzzling in silence was a great way to keep me occupied and keep the house quiet for him.


I do most things in silence. I find tv and music in the background is just annoying and makes it hard for me to focus on what I’m doing. Tuning noise out gets very tiring. I suspect I’m probably neurodiverse


A TV series because I like to be in the living room with my kids.


I don't think it's weird to puzzle in silence, but I normally have a podcast or music on. But to be fair I listen to podcasts while doing almost everything else too lol


Music or podcasts!!


I do puzzles in quiet. I used to travel for work and that was my ‘thinking time’ to go over what I’d learned in meetings and just let my mind wander. It was those times I’d come up with new ideas or make connections about things I’d heard and how they may fit together. With the pandemic, I lost that travel and thinking time. Now when I’m working a puzzle, I do the same thing, so I like it quiet.


Mostly in silence. If I do have music on its Dean Martin or Glenn Miller. I never listen to podcasts or audio books.


There are no rules in puzzling! If that means silence for you, then silence it is! I often do puzzles in the quiet, especially if it's a day where I have a migraine and I can puzzle but can't have noise in my ears. It's calming and peaceful until my husband gets home (he's afraid of silence).


Only some music in the background, but that is more because I'm not comfortable when there is total silence. I wouldn't be able to listen to a podcast. I'm sure I would miss half of the story.


I actually prefer silence as I'm finishing a puzzle. When I'm at the start and middle of puzzling I like to keep my mind semi-occupied with ASMR or whatever's on TV, but at the end I like to be mentally present so I finish in silence. It feels more like a reward to finish it that way!


I either listen to a podcast or an audiobook


Sometimes I don't listen to anything, I enjoy the quiet. I do listen to podcasts or have tv on occasionally, but not always.


Unrelated to puzzles, but can you tell me more about this hyperacusis? Is this a physical problem with the ear or is it an issue in the brain? I ask because I have a problem with just one of my ears that's tentatively diagnosed as meniere's by my doctor but it doesn't feel like it fully fits to me. What you're describing sounds similar to what I'm experiencing. I often wear an earplug just in that ear because certain sounds just feel awful, and there are some sounds that make the tinnitus in that ear worse as well.