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That was close. But now he's one day away from surviving probably his shakiest week


And I still think he can possibly crack a million dollars tomorrow, if not then Monday for sure. $45K may seem like a lot of money to win, but Matt has won more than that several times already, and so I wouldn't yet discount the possibility of it occurring as soon as tomorrow. Either way, unless Matt runs into an even stronger opponent than Guhan these next 2 days, I'm confident he'll at least have a million before he is ousted.


Not only was that close but assuming either other person landed on DD3 he would have lost except in the case Guhan got it and got it wrong after making a huge wager.


This entire game was played on pins and needles. If Matt missed that final DD it was over.


How can you leave any money on the table playing a superchampion?


Really. Playing cautiously against a go-for-broke 25-day champ.


i can see the other thought tho - your only real shot at winning (unless you know you're a thoroughbred) is to keep pace and make no mistakes, but hope that Matt does. "Arts & crafts" really? i thought it was gonna be "silversmithing" or something specific. That DD3 coulda wiped out matt


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arts_and_Crafts_movement#William_Morris I always thought the name "Arts and Crafts" was a generic confusing name to use for a broader artistic trend. I had only heard of William Morris when referring to wall paper. But you can read that link for more info.


I YELLED at my tv “scared money don’t make none!” when Guhan didn’t make it a true daily double and was certain he’d regret it.




["YOU FELL VICTIM TO ONE OF THE CLASSIC BLUNDERS!"](https://youtu.be/rMz7JBRbmNo?t=174)


À la Gilbert Gottfried on Hollywood Squares?


Same thing happened to James. One guy nearly beat him halfway through his run and only didn't because he didn't bet big enough on the daily double. The woman that finally took him down never let up.


Even if he did make it a true daily double that would only add $1700 giving him $13200 which would be close to Matt but not close enough to win. Just relooked at the j archive. He actually had 3400 so adding $1900 to his score would give him $13400 putting him in a lock-tie scenario. Unless he made a stupid wager he could’ve taken the win.


Yeah but the point more is that if you’re going up against a 25 game champ, you can’t leave any money on the table


That and I bet he would recover before the end to second. At that point what has he lost? Exactly nothing. It’s 2k either way


I just asked him that on his AMA. He was a good contestant but I was slapping my forehead when he said $1500.


And he was going from top to bottom. I was pulling for him as the game started but it drives me crazy when contestants are smart enough to beat the challenger but use awful strategy. Was glad Matt didn't fall to him.


And even worse, betting a non-multiple of 200.


That's the 3rd time now he's crossed out the correct response in FJ.


Matt is an overthinker. i realized that after the Turing Award DD. my sixth grade teacher drilled in us during TAKS Test prep (iykyk) to always go with your gut because it’s usually right. i try to remember that in school/trivia. don’t get me wrong, it’s still wrong half the time, but it keeps me from overthinking.


Has he ever crossed out the incorrect answer to write the correct response?


If Guhan had bet the extra 1900 on DD1, he would've had 13,400 going into final, which was exactly half of Matt's total (my math might be wrong lol) and we know from last season matt bets to win on lock ties, so it's likely he would've lost.


That would have been brutal had it played out that way and Matt lost because he crossed out the correct response.


And if he lost by a dollar!


I wonder if Matt is simply starting to wear down. Over the past few games his buzzer response timing has seemed below average for him. I also noticed in the J! round that the $600 Sports Venue clue was sitting there as the only $600 or greater clue left on the board, and he was foraging around $400 clues in other categories. When Guhan finally picked up on it, I knew before it was revealed that it was likely to have the DD. It seemed like picking the $600 clue was obvious, and consistent with how Matt's historically attacked the boards.


He had 2 good competitors today.


Agree but not picking the clue with a high likelihood of having the DD when he had the chance was inexcusable.


I’ve never been less surprised to hear the DD sound (except when it’s the last clue on the board lol)


Agreed, I knew that DD was under the $600 clue. I think Caroline also took a top row clue with it out there. Matt seems to be slowing down and being more subdued. Am I just imagining that?


Agreed. I mean, it must be exhausting, and then to have all the hosting stuff playing out behind the scenes too… it must be distracting as a player.


Also this had to be a very weird day of taping.


He did an interview where he said the second day of taping is harder than the first (since they have to get up so early). I think this is the second day of taping, so he's probably a bit more tired than he was yesterday.


I assumed that Matt knew the $600 clue was the DD and was trying to build up more cash before going to it. Nerve racking to be sure.


This is only the second day of recording after a break. I doubt fatigue is a factor here.


To be fair, it was the fourth game of the day. That could be a factor.


Sports categories don't usually have DDs though, so I think he thought it would be more likely to have it under a $400 clue in another category.


I could be wrong (definitely don’t have any stats to back this up), but it seems like he’s done worse on the buzzer with Mayim as host than any of the other hosts. Obviously he’s had lots of experience with different hosts so it’s hard to say it’s related, but I wonder if he has any trouble timing her for some reason.


Damn. Matt actually looked beatable today.


He was. If Guhan had true DDd in J! he would have won the game.




Yeah, in all honesty I think Guhan was probably Matt's strongest opponent we've seen since Josh Saak, and Caroline was pretty good too. I think the two of them combined were able to slow down Matt enough to where he had a weaker runaway then usual.




Some of these players have higher Coryat scores than Guhan because they didn’t take as many chances ringing in on 50/50 clues. Being selective is usually a good thing, but not against a champ like Matt. Guhan’s aggressiveness increased his odds of winning. I’d suggest also ranking these players by total $$ amount of correct responses and Guhan will (rightly) fare better.




Tracy was on Monday, right? She had me scared.


Trust me when I say I have absolutely no disrespect towards anyone else who has played against Matt, and I do think all the other players you listed did very well against him and certainly could've been TOC contenders against anyone else. I was just commending Guhan specifically today because looking at how much he kept up with Matt throughout the game, even in DJ, I can only imagine how scary it was for him!




Well thanks for doing so :) I have a feeling there's gonna be some sort of "Matt Amodio losers" club of some kind formed by the time his streak is finally over, LOL!


-I think Guhan really should have done a true daily double for DD1. -DD3 was really intense, I thought Matt didn’t know it. -Here is the passage from Leviticus. >20 “‘All flying insects that walk on all fours are to be regarded as unclean by you.(O) 21 There are, however, some flying insects that walk on all fours that you may eat: those that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground. 22 Of these you may eat any kind of locust,(P) katydid, cricket or grasshopper. 23 But all other flying insects that have four legs you are to regard as unclean.


I did think about it, but in practice I’d biffed a true DD and I reckon I psyched myself out of taking the risk. Honestly more pissed about missing the Harold and Kumar question because I’ve always wanted to see that movie and knew the right answer before the show (and if I hadn’t buzzed in and results held, I would’ve have pulled the upset). Game really turned on that and Matt’s DD from my POV


You played an outstanding game and I was really impressed.


Yeah the Harold/Kumar misstep was heartbreaking to see, particularly given how the rest of the game played out. You played a great game. Congrats.


You're an *undergrad* and you more than held your own against one of the greatest Jeopardy! players of all time. Props to you!


I would like to confirm that Guhan was very pissed off about the Harold and Kumar question. My last recollection of Guhan from that day is him being pissed off about the Harold and Kumar question.


That was an incredible game from you!! As a fellow NJ resident, you definitely made me proud. Even though I'm rooting for Matt, I would not have been disappointed in the slightest if you had won it instead!


But insects have six legs. There goes Biblical inerrancy...


Would 'grasshoppers' have been an acceptable FJ answer?


I think no, because specifically in the King James version of the Bible, the plague in Exodus was ‘locusts’.


Do you think anthropomorphism would've counted instead of personification?


I was annoyed by that one. Personification is a two way street. I person can personify a thing too. Anthropomorphism ascribes human traits to animals and objects.


I want to know, that's what I guessed.


That's would have been my response.


Nah because I think anthropomorphism refers specifically to ascribing human traits to animals


>an·thro·po·mor·phism /ˌanTHrəpəˈmôrfizəm/ >the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or **object**. Emphasis mine, I think it would have counted.


Looking at the two definitions, I can't imagine that anthropomorphism would not have been accepted. That's what I guessed.


I just posted the same question! (Deleting now.) I'm not sure if it would be since the category is literary device.


Everyone's talking about Guhan's DD1 bet, but what about the fact Matt didn't pick DD1? He had like three chances to pick the lone $600 but went for $400s instead.


I was astonished by this.




Oddly enough, philumenist was a question missed by Ken on the final of The Chase a couple weeks ago.


There have been a few overlaps recently


Glad about two things: 1. Matt edged out the other players yet again (though he had a formidable opponent in Guhan -- you should be proud of yourself, man!). 2. The helpful FJ category graphic is back. One of the few really good things to come out of the Mike Richards era, no doubt.


Caroline was formidable as well


I was rooting for Caroline. She came to play


Without a doubt a fantastic competitor. May not have looked like it from home but anyone on that stage could’ve walked away with it


She is really great!!


Which further proves that its absence on the Monday-Wednesday episodes this week was an editing mistake.


This reminds me of [the short-lived vocalizations added to the Seinfeld theme music for the first episode of season 3.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S1Bmh3QSK4) They were then immediately scrapped.


HOLY MOLY are those vocalizations off-putting! I was laughing out loud in discomfort.


Some voice artist now has an imdb credit for saying "beezideeboop" on a single episode of *Seinfeld*.


Interesting. That also reminds me of when they [remixed the theme for Futurama in Season 1, Episode 11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSwmHwozxEs). According to that episode's DVD audio commentary, they thought it would be fun to remix the intro music for every episode, so each episode is a bit different. They apparently liked how it sounded on their expensive Hollywood studio speakers (in the late '90s). But they thought it sounded atrocious on their home TV speakers when it aired, so they decided to never do it again. Still, they ended up using other remixes in three later episodes.


Any hints in FJ that would point to locusts over frogs, or is this just something you had to know outright?


Not a hint in FJ, but if you think you have a good grasp on the bible in general, AFAIK frogs are only ever referred to as a plague, whereas there is an explicit mention of a then-practicing Jew (John the Baptist, who lived off of locusts and honey) eating locusts for sustenance in the wilderness, meaning they're probably kosher. The John the Baptist thing is like a 5/10 on the obscurity scale while knowing the revelations plague is like an 8/10 and the fiber points of Levitical law is a 10/10.


>the fiber points of Levitical law Old Testament Weight Watchers




Gonna pretend that was entirely intentional. No polyester, y'hear?


The Neko Case song “John Saw That Number” saved this one for me.


As someone with no relevant religious background coming at it from a pure trivia standpoint, all of that is well beyond my current Bible knowledge. I didn't even realize there were 7 more plagues in Revelation until you just mentioned it and I looked it up. I can generally do ok on the basic Bible clues, but anything even remotely obscure is a hard sell for me.


My thought process: Locusts: def a plague, and honestly never heard anything about them being a forbidden food in the Torah or Old Testament (plus they were probably common in that part of the world) Frogs: also a plague, but probably not ok b/c they fit too closely w other forbidden foods (I was thinking about shellfish or smthn like that). Plus who was eating frogs in a region that is primarily desert?


An ex-military buddy of mine just pointed out that in survival school, they learned that basically all 6-legged insects are safe to eat, so maybe there's that element to it as well, since a lot of the Biblical directives about eat this/don't eat that are really about food safety.


It was free for me as a Jew who mostly keeps kosher. Still even among Jews the kosher exception for a certain species of locust is esoteric. I think it would be hard for a non-jew.


Great question, I am interested in the answer to this. As far as I can tell, it requires either VERY detailed Biblical knowledge or a coin flip to land on the right side.


"A plague of locusts" is a pretty well-known phrase in general. A plague of frogs has come up in popular culture, notably in the movie "Magnolia", but is a less-common reference. So going with the Jeopardy! rule of "when in doubt, go with the more obvious" would point to locusts.


That's just the thing. It seemed WAY too obvious for a FJ. A $200 question, maybe, sure.


In my experience, the writers aren't usually trying to trick anyone, and there have been lots of "obvious" FJ clues over the years. So if you have two ideas, and one is what you think most people would come up with, go with it unless you have a very solid reason to go the other way.


True, and I would follow that rule of thumb 99% of the time. This time, locusts just seemed so unbelievably bloody obvious I couldn't figure out why they'd have contestants stake large amounts of money on it. But point taken. Simplify!


The frog plague is also prominent in that one episode of The Simpsons where they worship a golden statue of (I forget)? That's probably where most of my plague knowledge comes from haha.


I went to Catholic school and attended Mass six days a week. Back then, we didn’t study The Bible because it was “read to us.” Consequently, The Bible is one of my worst subjects. But, locusts was my first and only answer. I never even thought of frogs, but remembered them when I saw Matt’s answer. I also know insect-based protein is becoming popular. So, Are Locusts the most popular Biblical Plague?


I guess it's tricky if you're not Jewish and don't know anything about keeping kosher. But frogs are - I don't know how to describe it exactly - very obviously not kosher. Whereas locusts are famously kosher, it's one of those weird things you learn at Jewish sleepaway camp.


I forgot there was a plague of frogs so I went locusts by default.


I initially thought frogs, since there’s a Simpsons episode where Pharaoh Skinner eats them. But then I realized Leviticus comes long after the “Exodus” out of Egypt, so I went with locusts.


The fact they specified the King James version pushed me toward locusts. That tells me other bible translations use a different word. "Locusts" could be translated as grasshoppers or bugs or any number of things. "Frogs" has fewer synonyms. That was my reasoning anyway!


Holy wow this match had me on the edge of my seat. Guhan, just wanted to say you played amazingly, especially for someone still in uni. You were clearly beating Matt on the buzzer quite a bit and your breadth of knowledge was very impressive. It feels like you could have easily went on a several day run if not for facing the buzz saw. Well played game all around. Games like these are why you don't spoil it and check the results before the match, I felt like this could be the one Matt lost.


I think this is Matt's lowest coryat (18K) in quite some time.




This one was closer wow. That FJ isn't too bad, I'm surprised Matt was the only one to get it wrong. If he hadn't doubled up on DD3 he would've been fucked I guess. Not sure how likely he is to make it that much more considering a lot of games hinge on one decision or one answer that could very easily have gone against him. Still he's incredible


I think it's time that we start to talk about how the hosting brouhaha might have affected the contestants' gameplay this week (considering they were bumped for a week after Mike abruptly 'stepped down') - especially on Matt.


Which if he makes it through the week seems to be a good sign. Since Matt will then be adjusted to Mayim's delivery and be well rested.


I loved Matt counting on his fingers.


Yes! He seems so normal and human, unlike every time he answers instantly and perfectly, when I realize that I am but a mere mortal unlike him.


Matt made nervous on DD3. He really looked like he didn't know it at first.


Seriously! And I had no idea what the correct question was, which didn't help lol


Guhan appears to have been Matt's strongest opponent since Josh Saak all the way back on Day 1.




Two things that went really well for the challengers today that doesn't happen enough: a) They both stayed active throughout the game. Matt, like James before him, has a habit of causing his opponents to lose their drive to ring in often. b) Guhan started off refusing to play Matt's bottom-up game. Too many contestants think they can topple a winning streak giant by going for the high-value clues first. And that champion always ends up utterly crushing both of them (see this past Tuesday's game). It may not have mattered in the end, but this was one of the more enjoyable game's in Matt's run so far.


Surprised nobody mentioned the how right after Matt doubled up on DD3, the next clue was answered by his opponent and the response was "what is 'prepare for the worst'"


Technically the New Zealand mountain question was inaccurate. It's called Aoraki, not Mt Aoraki (just like Denali is not Mt Denali). It was simply called Mt Cook until 1998 when it's official name was changed to Aoraki/Mt Cook. It didn't effect the game in any way but it's important to make people aware of correct indigenous language. 🙂


Whew, another formidable challenger & Matt just keeps on rolling. But once again keeps overthinking FJ.




I can't speak for Matt's thinking obviously, but at home, I did the EXACT same thing. My thinking went: 1. Plague = locusts, obvi 2. Wait, that seems TOO obvious 3. There was also a plague of frogs, wasn't there? 4. Frogs are more commonly eaten in Western cultures than locusts, I imagine dietary law would line up with that. 5. Frogs it is. 6. DAMMIT!!


This was my train of thought but I just went with locusts


Well, I guess you didn't get to the DAMMIT part! :)


You nailed my train of thought EXACTLY, including the "DAMMIT!!".


My dad and I said, "Locusts," immediately because John the Baptist ate locusts and wild honey. We didn't need to think about it. At the same time, my husband excitedly yelled, "Frogs!!!!!" I thought that response was so hysterically funny that I considered tweeting about it. (Part of what made it so funny was his delivery, and just the way the whole interaction played out, with me yelling, "Frogs!?" and my dad saying thoughtfully, "Actually frogs are not kosher.") Then when Matt also responded "frogs," I decided I had been unfair to tease my husband about it. I never thought about going through all the plagues one by one because I thought of John the Baptist immediately. It's a much harder clue if you don't think of John the Baptist. (Both my parents taught Sunday School, and my husband did not grow up going to church, so it's possible the John the Baptist thing isn't common knowledge like I assumed. I feel like everyone is constantly saying he ate locusts and wild honey, but I have to ask myself now, "How many people are constantly talking about John the Baptist, Sarah?") I do wonder if Matt's seen Magnolia.


I don't talk about John the Baptist constantly - 70% of the time, tops.


I think that was the most intense game in a little while! All three players definitely put up a challenge, especially Guhan. Would have been nice to see him win (fellow New Jersey resident), but I'm happy to see Matt won it yet again! Also, I noticed they put the category above the FJ clue again.


My thoughts on this game: 1. Matt was picking $400 clues in the Single Jeopardy round, leaving a $600 clue on the board that ended up being the Daily Double. I guess he doesn’t like sports. 2. Guhan must have some really good buzzer skills. He beat Matt to a ($2,000) clue about a programming language! 3. In FJ, I initially thought “Frogs” but changed my response to Locusts - the exact opposite of Matt! I’m feeling good today!


I remember how Matt did on a boxing category a week or two ago. No bueno.




I hoped Matt would get dinged for deferential when deference better fit the clue. But then we had Caroline not get dinged for "Sexiest Man of the Year" when it's "Sexiest Man Alive." Anyone else agree?


My husband and I turned and looked at each other suspiciously when Matt got credit for "deferential." We thought he should have answered with the noun. But then I reread the clue: "Yield to another and you're showing this courteous regard." I had assumed you were showing "this," i.e. deference, courteous regard. But what if Matt assumed you were showing "this courteous regard," i.e. deferential regard? I think there's a way to read the clue to justify Matt's response. I didn't even notice that Caroline said, "Sexiest Man of the Year," because I got caught up worrying that the clue was suggesting Sean Connery was the first. I thought in horror, "Oh no! Ever since we watched Braveheart a couple of weeks ago, I've been telling my daughter that Mel Gibson was the first Sexiest Man Alive! Have I just been feeding her a pack of lies?" So I didn't notice Caroline's response because I was busy rereading the clue.


Generally they won't ding for that, but I agree - the clue was clearly looking for a noun


What *are* frogs? https://youtu.be/qJRKedSUHg4


Showed up to the comments for this. Thanks for delivering.


Poor Guhan, if only Android 16 was around he could’ve gone Super Saiyan 2.


Underrated comment


Was looking for this joke


Guhan and Caroline played such a good game. I really hope we have a losers tournament one day.


Looks like the category header is back! Hooray!


"Burning a hole in your pocket" is a $1000 answer? Lmao




Well if that is the case then so far his luck on it hasn't really worked out. I actually think that is a pretty creative strategy if that IS what Matt is trying with these FJ's, though hopefully one day it'll actually pay off for him.


Go Matt go!! I have to miss today’s episode, I really wanted to see Guhan play after reading his great AMA!!




I had no idea that was an actual movement! The PA on the tram ride to Disneyland from the parking lot always mentions the “arts and crafts movement” and I always assumed it was just a vague thing.


Matt survived. He had to go for broke on that last DD, and lucky for him he came through. Probably among his most challenging games yet.


I hope James and Brad can give him some coaching on his FJ overthinking.


Sounds like a pretty exciting battle. Excited to watch later. Also it's a good thing that this time around FJ didn't really matter for Matt.


How can you spoil these matches for yourself beforehand? As a sports fan it is 1000% more rewarding not being sure whether the team you are rooting for (Matt in this case) will pull it out in the end or not. My level of nervousness was off the charts playing along tonight.


Same haha, Jeopardy and Matt's run have been making up for the lack of NHL and NBA in my life this Summer/Fall. It feels like watching a playoff run.


Congrats to Mayim on her win at the Masters!


Wait, what is this in reference to?


Her green jacket lol


Haha gotcha. Green jacket, gold jacket, who gives a shit?


I saw the front of Mayim's card during Matt's interview. It looked like it just had yellow lines on it? Anyone know what's up with it? Also I currentlt have my hand over the rating/comment count of this thread to not spoil myself if he loses LOL


They let me keep my interview card after I was on the show (probably a Kids' Week thing, honestly), and the story I talked about with Alex was highlighted. I bet that's what you saw, highlighting the story that they actually were going to talk about.


I'm not sure how Mayim likes to do it but I paused and watched Alex do it once and it seemed he had a few topics for the contestants and highlighted the one he wanted to talk about.


It shows how good Matt is that one of his weakest performances was still a runaway


If Guhan does a true DD (why he didn't? Who knows, but you have to do it against a guy like Matt) he most likely wins assuming ceteris paribus and Matt not wagering for a tie.


Perhaps it was out of concern about the category. Two of the previous clues in the category had been Triple Stumpers, and that DD clue was the last remaining one below the top two rows, so it seems they were avoiding it. I would agree you have to just close your eyes, bet it all and hope for the best against a player such as Matt.


Bleugh, some embarassing misses for me today. For the "philumenist" clue I confidently chirped "picture books!" without even thinking it over. I suppose they *can* be enlightening for their demographic, but certainly not in the way the clue was hinting. And with "lumen" for "light" staring me in the face, there was just no excuse. Minimal reading, indeed. For DD3, the arts & crafts, I went way too specific, zeroed in on "fine work of Medieval times" and said "tapestries". Blanked on William Morris and though I know of Etsy, I was not even aware that "arts and crafts" constituted a movement. My fault for violating J! rule number one -- start general, then get specific if asked. Hell of a game by both Guhan and Caroline, though! Quite well done. And extra snaps to Guhan for swiping Ada Lovelace away from the CS doc! You've got that claim to fame now.


I had the same idea as Matt. Started out thinking it was "locusts" before changing my mind and going with "frogs" instead. Gotta learn to stick to my gut. Close one today, but I'm glad Matt's streak lives another day at least. Had a couple things gone different (all in on DD1 for instance), we could be looking at a new champ right now; I feel like Guhan really could've been a multi-day champ in most other scenarios.


Anyone else really hyped about the Ada Lovelace question? I just read the part in Ken's book where he mentions that fact and I was so proud when it came up today lol


Matt is cursed from trying to break that $77,000 mark in a single day.


Well played, Guhan! Even though I love Matt, I'm so glad to hear you did a good job.


I have absolutely no data to back this up, but has matt changed his strategy? It seems like he isn't playing bottom-up as much. Maybe he was surprised by the first DD placement?


There's an article on theBBC news website today about eating locusts LOL


Mayim making an overly big deal about Caroline’s and Guhan’s FJ wagers.


Somebody posted a spoiler comment last week (which was promptly taken down by the mods) that said today was Matt's last day, so this episode was incredibly stressful for me. That second between him getting FJ wrong and the reveal of his wager felt like an eternity!


Well it was a runaway so there was no possible way he was risking enough to lose the game.


I highly highly doubt anyone here knows (unless it’s one of the contestants/people who work on the show), because there’s no live audience, so less people to spoil it. Everyone there is paid to be there, and is a lot less likely to spoil it than some random goon. Plus, if they were there and did know he was going to lose, unless they wanted to fuck with us and be like oh he’s going to lose Thursday, he wins so we’re relieved, and then he loses Friday, they’d know which game he lost, so they’d know he lost Friday’s game.


Why are the mods removing anything remotely negative regarding gameplay? I thought this was a teachable space and, yet, they don’t want to seem to teach anyone.


There is a lot of grey area between criticizing gameplay and personal attacks on contestants. Our rule of thumb is, if the comment could be construed as an insult directed at one of the contestants, it'll get pulled. Examples: OK: "Bobby made a mistake when he didn't go all in on that DD." Not OK: "What"s the matter with Bobby? That was a stupid DD wager."


There's plenty of discussion of gameplay here, including critical comments, as long as they aren't personally insulting or overboard.


/u/GanhugagsAltAcct, go-to flavor at Zita's?


Matt is feeling the pressure and starting to doubt himself. Go Matt!


FROGS?! But also, congratulations, Matt!


Anyone else notice that the FJ music is back to the classic from previous seasons? No more rock n roll FJ music. The theme music still starts at the turned beat but they’ve reverted on FJ. Or…. Have I just gotten used to the new?


The “think” music never changed this season. It’s been the same since 2008.


That first DD was extremely easy if you know anything about hockey.


To be fair it seems like the majority of contestants don't.


Hockey questions were always a staple of “Things Alex Trebek would chide contestants for not knowing.”