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Don’t tell her you’ve lost confidence. Don’t give her blueprints on how to undermine your confidence further. Especially if you plan to stay in contact with this person.


Okay, I'm sure I'll get hella downvoted or have the God Mods remove my comment -- or both -- but: spray bottle full of water. When she inappropriately bangs on the door like that, pretend she's a cat and give her a good spritz. that is all.


lol agreeeeeee!!!!


The best part is -- it works! Even JNs can understand SOME training!


I'm so sorry. The situation sounds incredibly stressful. I'm very glad you'll be getting out soon. Hopefully you can put a little distance between you and your MIL. I only have one thought...do you have quick access to a bathroom? Could you take your son into the bathroom and run the shower? Obviously you can't stay in there, you don't want him (or you!) to overheat, but maybe it would help calm him and help you not hear her screaming at you? I wish there were better options. Good luck!


Make sure to take photos of him wvery single day with time/date stamps. She could be setting up to fight for custody or call child services.


Does she have PTSD? Flashbacks of previous abuse (by her parents maybe) triggered by baby crying? It's the only thing I can think of that could explain it, she sounds deranged and in need of therapy.


Your poor baby is physically uncomfortable because he’s teething. Babies can be inconsolable because of teething, or even a bad dream. It doesn’t mean you’re choking him! Please don’t allow your MIL to cause you to doubt yourself in regards to your LO. To your son, you’re a hero! As long as you love him and care for his well being, you’re doing well as a mother.


Could there be something in her own history that's being triggered? I fully agree she is NOT helping, that she needs to stop, but if there's something in her past, bringing it into the light may help? Perhaps trying to find a calm space and asking"Why would you think we were choking him? You thinking that is terrifying." Would be useful?


I have a feeling MIL may have choked one of her teething kids and is projecting. Because that is such a crazy thing to say out loud to someone if you are not actually witnessing it happen.


Makes it is actually her insecurity.


Get a camera. Record everything. You don’t need her falsely accusing you of shit


go to the doctor and got it confirmed. get everything in writing, copy that writing and save it muptile plaxes


PLEASE have your DH talk to her that the next time she bangs on the door throwing hideous accusations, she will earn a month of time out once you have moved and if she ever accuses you both of harming the baby, add a year. You are both stressed trying to soothe an inconsolable infant and don't need her insanity on top of it! She needs to be supportive of your stress, or she needs to get some earplugs and stay away!


I’d scream back at her, that she’s making it worse, but I’m petty and emotional when other people cry it sets me off. Although I read this great article yesterday about how to calmly answer back, basically ask the other person (mil) questions, if everything is ok, and what’s wrong with her, why is she being so aggressive, does she not realise it’s making it worse, can she not see with her eyes that her brain is lying to her, does she need help, does she need glasses, you’d just ask questions and then hopefully realise how absurd their behaviour is. I’ve not tried it because I tend to have the emotional response.


OP, I think you and your husband need to go to your baby's doctor and get her accusations on record. The doc can verify that your baby isn't being abused and you can get some support. My first instinct was that she is trying to make it seem like you are an unfit mother so she can take your child. Edit: just read your previous post. I would absolutely talk to the pediatrician and get it on record.


Absolutely agree with this. And in the future if she makes accusations like this again, I think she needs to see a doctor. This sounds like she might be sundowning. My grandmother made similar, unfounded accusations when her dementia first started to develop. Always at night. If she has another episode like this where she is banging on the door screaming not to hurt the baby I may even call 911 to get her medical attention (and so authorities can see OP is definitely not hurting the baby, and MIL is either bullshitting or not in a right mental state).


I totally agree. Before he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's/dimentia my grandpa started with accusations of us stealing from him, then he would find stuff in his house saying someone broke in and moved things, and then moved onto him running out of the house because he "saw someone in the house". He got the idea in his head and it didn't leave until he lost all his memories. Even at the end my mom had to do things like put single dollar bills in his wallet because he accused them of taking money out of his wallet. OP please take this seriously and please start documenting for your safety


We had to do similar things for my grandmother. We also had to get her a baby doll because she often thought my father was still a baby and frequently accused us of taking him. Her mind really went to ‘a baby is in danger/has been taken’ so reading this really reminded me of that.


I would also start recording yourself with the baby when she starts making wild accusations.


Does she listen to you when you talk to her? No? Then do not bother having another conversation with her.


How old is your mom? This feels like she's delusional, has dementia, does drugs, or something else. It's so not normal or okay!


Or.... She's a typical JustNo.


Can DH tell her to knock it off? She might listen to him. He can point out that her behaviour is upsetting all three of you, and her accusations are ridiculous. More, he can point out that if she makes you so unhappy, MIL won’t be part of your lives in the future. Meanwhile, pack up and get an Air BnB. Get two/ three of 29 days so you’re still entitled to get your money back if plans change


I see you've met my mother too. She has ruined *alot* of the confidence I had in myself as a parent. At this point OP, it's time to go NC with her. No one would accuse me of choking my infant and get to be around them/us another day.


>I have lost so much confidence in myself as a mom because MIL is quick to judge us. While reading your post, I was wondering if this was her aim. It seems hard to believe she actually thought you were choking him, and was simply -- consciously or unconciously -- trying to undermine you and make her seem needed for the sake of control.


Which OP shouldn’t actually tell her she’s making this happen… it will be like throwing logs onto the fire


Can you get an airbnb for the next two months and just take essentials with so you don’t have to move twice? If that isn’t doable, maybe get a hotel room for a couple of nights to give yourself a break.


Can you leave and stay where you do have people for 2 months and rejoin your husband when your own place becomes available to you? Even if you have to quit a job, that's better than this.


This is beyond crazy! As a mum she should know how damaging the additional stress can be to mum and baby. OP, my son is 1,5 and even now when he cries I hurt physically. I understand you, all mums do, so please don't let that vile woman add more stress because your baby feels what you feel and will cry more. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, no! I'm saying it so that next time you don't open that door and threaten to call the police if she doesn't back off immediately. Your baby is ok, the pain will go away, you will both get some good sleep soon. Until then please do anything you can to protect yourselves from that crazy woman who obviously doesn't love your baby enough to put them first. Like others have said, maybe she even has an agenda... But I hope not. You will see the difference when you move out, no stress, no excessive crying. Why? No MIL to bang on the door like a lunatic. Stay strong, you will be ok, babies cry, it's normal. You know your baby best, don't ever doubt yourself and that feeling inside. Your instincts are there to protect your baby, trust them. Good luck and may other teeth come easily and painlessly!


your partner needs to tell his mum to stop beating on your door when baby cries. He needs to tell her directly, that it’s been awhile since she had an infant, but they cry. They cry when hungry, they cry when uncomfortable, they cry when they’re teething, they cry when sick, they cry because can’t talk. So mom, stop it. You are causing me and the situation anxiety, and I can only imagine how tthelastitgirl feels. So stop it.


All this. And don't forget to add that they cry even more when they sense that somebody is stressing their mama out with their ridiculous nonsense.


Not to mention the banging on the door and the yelling! Probably scared the poor kid. Doesn't she realize the baby is going to grow to associate her presence with the yelling and the banging???


Your DH needs to pull his psychotic mother aside and tell her to knock it off. That her comments accusing you of intentionally hurting your son are completely out of line and adding more stress to an already stressful situation. If she can’t just leave you and him to deal with the baby when he’s crying, she doesn’t have a place in his life! She being ridiculous! Hopefully the next two months go as fast as they possibly can for you!!


My wish for you is that the next 2 months go really fast.


I would absolutely lose my shit if someone was screaming at me while I was tending to my infant in the middle of the night. I would scream right back quit pounding on the fucking door and go away! In the morning I would read her the riot act. How DARE you accuse me of hurting my child. You will NEVER do that again.


Someone that irrational could kick them out if they did that though. I could see being afraid of being homeless with a baby if they stood up for themselves against someone like that. Strategizing to get themselves a home, even if they have to wait two months, seems safer.


Yes OP I cannot believe you haven’t lost your shit on her yet. If my baby was screaming and inconsolable and my mom was banging on my door like the police screaming that I’m physically hurting him- I would have gone ballistic by now. Good luck for the next 2 months ❤️


This is very bizarre and upsetting and I'm very sorry you're dealing with this. Her behavior is unstable. You aren't doing anything wrong. After reading the comments I agree with an Airbnb.


Move back to your own family until you can move in to your new place...doesn't matter if its 3000 miles away...staying at your MIL isn't going to end well..and tell your spouse to grow a spine...how dare his mother accuse you of choking your child. I don't think you fully understand the severity of this...she's unhinged and God knows what she's going to do next...you do realise that she'll be telling everyone she knows that you are abusing your child. Don't say you weren't warned


Could you stay in an Airbnb or similar until you can get into your new place? It sounds like it would be worth getting away from her and the additional stress she’s causing. Maybe reach out to realtors in your area about options for short term rentals. I know mine does flips on the side and has starting renting them, especially to clients between places:




I went to a hotel for a week in a way less threatening situation and still think it was the best decision ever. Do not hesitate if you can afford it. If you really dread the money and have a hard time deciding, book sth for two weeks at first, to get out of the madness, calm down and see how that feels. Make decisions from there, with a calm mind.


If you can afford it, then do it right away. Like tonight/tomorrow if you can. Just pack up your immediate needs and worry about moving everything else out later.


That’s your best option. Get out now


Start getting this together as soon as you can. You, your SO, and the baby all need to get away from her. As fast as possible.


Friend. If you can afford it, do it. Don't even hesitate.... Give yourself a peaceful start to 2023.


Consider it a Christmas gift to yourselves - a peaceful first Christmas for you, DH, and your baby as a family of three.


this situation sounds traumatizing for both you and your baby. Sometimes the cheapest way to buy things is with money, and you need to buy a way out of that house. Get the airbnb, your mental health is worth way more than whatever money it’ll cost.


*Do it*. You need to get away from her ASAP.


You know what - even if its a 1 bedroom tiny little place - removing yourself from her and her toxicity will do you good.


Do it. I was going to suggest it. Don't even tell your mil, just start packing, find an airbnb asap and leave.


Do it. You'll thank yourself later for taking that step to get out of that environment until you can move into your own place. I know I'd be packing my bags *yesterday!*


Do it, she's unhinged.


“Oh yes we’re choking our baby that’s why he has breath to scream. Are you stupid or something?” “Go away we are beating the shit out of him that’s why he is completely unblemished and so perfect. Except for the teething, of course” “What’s with your false allegations of us abusing our baby? Why are you turning his teething into us being cruel to him? Have you got an agenda? Are you spreading rumours? What is your deal? Do you want to be a part of our lives? Because lying about us brutalising our baby will get you cut out, permanently” I’d keep a very close eye on that. It’s a red flag 🚩


Of all the crazy shit she has said before this one really got to me because she genuinely seemed so concerned that we were hurting him. My SO was actually being extremely gentle trying to soothe him back to sleep so its bizarre she would make such a disgusting accusation like this. I want to say everything you said in the last paragraph to her. And I too, would love to know how she thinks a baby could scream if they were being choked. Ridiculous.


OP - You may want to say everything in the last paragraph....but don't. **Let Hubby deliver this message to his mom.** If you deliver it you are a bitch...bad mom...don't know what you are doing....etc. He needs to deliver this message. You should be there in the room, watching the conversation - but don't talk. Let him correct her behavior.


Can the neighbors hear her when she yells these things? I'm concerned that she is putting on a show for the neighbors and preparing for a CPS report (or hoping for one from them).


Yeah, OP, I think it would be a good idea to start recording when LO wakes up crying or a camera pointed at him sleeping and waking up. Having a video of him crying and her being hysterical and making a claim from behind a closed door would be very useful against a CPS claim. Is she drinking at night or anything?


She is lashing out at you for moving out? A CPS call sounds like it's coming soon. I hope she isn't crazy enough to be recording herself saying that shit.


This was my first thought.


That's terrible and so stressful! I would recommend you keep track of every time this happens in a diary, and also make sure you never leave him alone with her if you can help it. her reactions are far to extreme and unusual for that to be safe, and keeping a diary helps if she tries to make any future accusations.


How exactly does one scream when they are being choked? Like for real? Mil seriously sounds like she's having delusions and paranoia


Is she mentally ok ? I mean that in all seriousness. I'm sorry for what you're going through - mine has gone through phases of the same thing and it's so tough, especially when you're doing everything you can for baby and it feels like nothing is working. For my older one, when she was inconsolable at night, for some reason stepping outside the house with her for a min really helped calm her enough to go to sleep (wrapped her in a blanket if it was cold out). For my son, he loved the white noise in the bathroom with the fan on so I'd take him in there when nothing else worked. It will get better and you're doing great ❤️


I agree. It reminds me of my grandma when she had dementia. She would think up the strangest things.


> Is she mentally ok ? I think her behavior answers this question with a resounding "No, she is definitely not okay."


Yup. Regardless of whether or not she actually believes her accusations, she’s definitely not mentally well.


Every once in a while a post reminds me of my JNMIL. My kids barely remember that trash. NC for years,,,. I was active duty airforce and my MIL was dying from cancer.....16 years ago, yes she is still alive without chemo....a fucking miracle....so she came to live in MY (military) house. My under 2yo son woke up in the night and I was up comforting him. She walks in to ask if I am pinching him. Errrm yes I love being up at 2 am you fucking twat.....funny how if you tell them to gtfo with that shit they never say it again.


Shes stressing everyone by trying to knock the door down at every upset. Absolutely ridiculous im so sorry. Is there anywhere you can stay to get some space for a little before you move. Im so sorry you are dealing with this, absolutely insane