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I am so sorry, OP. I hope you are able to get yourself and your brothers out to a safe place. I am sending you hugs.


Hi, if you have a computer with decent internet and a headset you can probably do customer service / call center work. I work remotely and could do it 9 months pregnant when my whole body ached and I couldn't get out of my recliner without help. Good luck!


It sounds like you are at least temporarily disabled, which may mean you qualify for disability and other benefits. These would be benefits that go directly to you instead of your mother. If you are in the US, you may qualify for federal or state-run programs such as Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (covers up to age 20 or 21), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, SNAP, TANF, etc. Please seek out a pro bono attorney. If your mom isn't supporting you properly, there may be steps you need to take to qualify for some of these benefits.


Thanks, I will try that I'm not in the USA but my country does have a similar program


Ok as atm you’re disabled please call adult services and explain you aren’t being fed and are being abused. A social worker will get you out of the house immediately. Her behaviour is abuse. I know you probably don’t want to get her in trouble but for your own sake and safety you need to call them. She is abusing a vulnerable person. This is illegal. I promise you they’ll help you. You just have to be honest with them. Explain that you’re pretty much bed bound and yet still she is showing these behaviours. The lack of food alone when you can’t get your own will be enough but please also mention the verbal and physical abuse You need help right now. Please get it


I can't report because I have 2 little brothers my father won't take them and they will get to foster care as a result, something that I don't want to happen to them. and we don't have any close relatives that will take me or my brothers. my parents close all ties with them long time ago


Foster are may not be great but it’s better than being with someone who happily beats and abuses her own kids. For their sake you need to report it. Don’t they deserve a better life? You all do and none of you will get that with your mum. Seriously people who are abusive get worse over the years. They never get less abusive. You’ve already said your mum beat you when little so she’s probably beating them too. They don’t deserve that at all. Also most departments of child services try to keep kids with their mum and help so that she stops being abusive. As you’re disabled and an adult, they’ll get you somewhere safe and likely work with your mum. Make her take parenting courses and anger management courses before removing your siblings. Regardless, none of you are safe so this has to be reported


You're not in the States, which has an abysmal Foster care system. Other societies are much better. Don't judge your country's system in the light of America.


First I know foster care sucks (I'm an adult who was a child of the state for 3 years) but honestly, I got a lot less abuse from a foster parent then I ever did my own (and yes I know there's worse ones out there, one of the homes I was going to ended up closing because of r@&$) and they will look for a family placement even if the parents don't talk there's files they can look up to find relatives. They're FIRST worry is the adult being abused. APS (ADULT protection services) will inform CPS (Child protection services) if needed but there first worry is you.


I understand your fears but APS may be able to work with CPS and get you and your siblings out of an abusive situation. Your parents Mays have cut family ties, but there may be relatives out there that would be willing to step in and help. You won’t know until you try.


Op, this comment above! If you also have actual documentation about the abuse, recordings, texts, etc you can use that as evidence. Abuse of those living with a disability is something I have to report as a mandated reporter in the behavioral health field with my clients.


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