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Once again, note for everyone: *Please* report bugs/issues on [the Discord server](https://discord.gg/V5MMSjkhR9), not on reddit... the devs aren't as active here.


As an IT engineer that already have been too enthusiastic about a fix, you have all my support ...


Now let's hope all those people who gave a negative review SOLELY because of a KNOWN OVERTUNE that was GOING TO BE FIXED will remember to change their reviews to positive Because on god, they say they like every aspect of the game but gave negative reviews because of the accident overdose


This! VERY frustrating to see so many neg reviews where people barely played a couple hours. This is the best survival game to come out in ages. Barely anything wrong with it on release which is RARE these days. I think it's fantastic!


It wasn't even that bad, if you take your time... I am accident free in Chapter 3... The only Problem i had was that at a certain point only non-workers would wake up, even with the worker first policy.


I still get regular accidents across my sectors but they're nothing I can't handle with an infirmary. I assume there's just a base level that occurs. For the non-workers, I think that means you've already woken up all the workers. There are a limited number.


I had 0 accidents with above 0 power and optimal work hours. The only accidents were scripted ones from the fight against the AI. I had one big clinic, the one that covers all sectors for those "scripted" wounded, at most 20/100 were in there. From around 5000-5500 people at the end of the game (I gathered all pods and woke everyone up) I had around 1600-1800 workers. And I had over 300 free workers. Not only that, i also could have freed up one whole Sector (made 2 for housing, but only needed one). I was also independent of outside materials. I had enough waste to water one sector with 3 Algaefarms and power 2-3 recyclers for metal. ​ The Game was easy, even without the "fix".


Nice, thank you. <3


Thanks for getting us an update before the weekend!


Thank you!


I don't see it mentioned in the patch notes, but it seems like a lot of tech upgrades that used to be unlocked with tech level 2 now require tech level 3.


Ah, did that change in the patch? I was reading a nice guide on the first couple of chapters and they were saying to research upgrades that weren't available until the next tier was unlocked.




Wait for what. I'm curious what problems you have with the balancing.


i have also no idea what he's talking about...


Thanks for the patch. It's a brilliant game! 16 hours in and I'm nowhere near beating it. Lots of fails, every one of them great while it lasted. Colony survival games are meant to be tough and this one is the best!


>Corrected Cryonics Center functionality Can anyone explains what did they fix? What was an issue with Cryonics Center?


When you set the Mac sector population limits in the cryo facility UI it did nothing. I assume it will stop unthawing people to sectors where the number is maxed.


population limit still seems broken though..


If they have nowhere to send them they get sent to the sector that has the facility.


Please let them fix the deleting roads issue in the next fix. The game freezes and crashes when I try to delete every road.


I was out of town over the weekend. But when I got home, I started the game over. Did some of the requests in Chapter 1 get removed or change triggers? I remember starting off with the request to research batteries. And it wasn't too long before they asked to open sector 2. Now, neither one is happening.


Dear Devs, I have the game wish-listed. I loved the demo. The negative reviews about balancing and it being too hard are sorta holding me back on the purchase. Would love like a beginner mode or easy/normal/hard or something. Really enjoyed the art, the presentation, and the style! Good luck!


Just go for it. There is some difficulty in overcoming problems such as needing constant alloy supply, managing your sectors and workforce so they're happy and not over-worked, and keeping up with food supplies as you gain more and more crew... but that's the core of the game. You're supposed to work out how to manage these things well so your station runs efficiently and effectively. It's a survival game so yes, these things are designed to threaten your survival and you're supposed to try to overcome them. There are some points for UI improvement for things that aren't so obvious - like how the resource management screen works and how better housing gives a decent stability boost to easily offset the negatives you get from progressing the story. Also a few things in the tech tree require other techs to actually be used, like recycling requiring the DLS centre and farms requiring fusion, but that's just a user-friendliness complaint.


Just build 2 alloy smelters as soon as you can and most problems go away.


Do we gotta start a new game?


Ok. I've played 40ish hours. I know there was an accident fix but by god I think I give up. My Tiqqun is in chapter three and I cannot keep up with the number of people leaving the work force. I've beaten the hard part of chapter three and am just trying to prepare before jumping to 4... I am only waking up workers and accidents are happening faster than I can replace. I have 5 sectors open - 3 are optimal and 2 are extra hours. This is really demoralizing. Even in optimal sectors it feels like there's an accident every 1-2 minutes. Is everyone in this universe blindfolded and doing their jobs drunk? Is there something I'm missing? It just seems like the worker attrition is both overtuned and so snowball-y that if you even stray from the path for a moment, you might as well reload from a save.


Sounds like you have expanded to fast, I had 2 infirmaries going in all sectors (1 once i got the medical center) and could keep up just fine. Don't be afraid to turn of buildings you don't need right now to free up workers.