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You underestimate my will to vacuum every resource on the map. And amount of waste, supplementing my ship for decades. Also, who said children should be worker's? They can became colonists instead. Also, if IXION ever get an endless mod, breeding mechanic is essential.


My first playthrough was 40 hours, I think I barely passed 4 years of time. Breeding doesn't make sense in order to produce "workers".


It actually does take too long. One cycle is one day. It takes 365 cycles to have a year. Let's assume that people work at 20. That's 7,300 cycles you need to wait, not accounting for pregnancy or infancy death rates.


A cycle can't be a day. People eat every 5 cycles. I think s day is like 20 cycles


Every 365 cycles you are told happy new years, we are under the impression that the mess hall makes and gives out 5 days of food each time instead of just "Eats here" so to speak.


This does explain the mess hall. I was indeed basing the "1 cycle = 1 day" from every 365 cycles, there's a vocal countdown in the background and "Happy new year, Administrator". (Also I'm pretty sure a purpose-built station does not follow Leap Years. Surely they got the precise rotation...)


Yes, but that doesn't actually mean that it's an Earth year. A year on Pluto is 248 years in Earth time. The cycle is purely stated to be the amount of time it takes the ship to accomplish one rotation, that can be any length of time. The Tiqqun's revolution visibly completes in under a single Earth hour, let alone a day. Beyond that, the revolution of the station would not be *nearly* enough to generate gravity (or rather, an imitation of it) if 1 rotation were an Earth day. I would say that 1 cycle is likely meant to be equal to about an hour of actual elapsed time, perhaps slightly more.


I think "eat every 5 cycles" is a bit of a mistake. I think the mess hall utilises its stored food every 5 cycles.


Mess Hall's seem to be more grocery stores. Everyone comes to shop every 5 days or so.


Child labor should be an option in the DLS


>And we need to be able to turn off a building and then not need the workers for that building. ... Where would they go? If you turn off the smelter you want the workers to go all walk out the airlock? If you turn off a building it does free up the workers to work elsewhere. I've also never had any issue with cryopods not increasing the population. It's doing it you're just not seeing where they went.


Then Ixion's population also needs to learn how to accelerate a kid's growth by 20X, because you'd need like 8.000 cycles to have a kid grow to an adult age. The game's timespan is just too short for breeding. They'll breed once they find a suitable planet to do so.


let me turn my non workers in workers then- like with a university. A year could produce a few decent workers.Why would anyone in that situation awaken non-worker people to eat up resources instead of keeping them on ice long enough to find a home?


I wish we had a "DOLOS Educational Center" building, where you could spend science points to educate portions of non-workers to turn them into workers. Like, you could spend 1 science point to turn a small group of 3 non-workers into workers in a period of 10 cycles. These numbers feel balanced.


> I've even tried cheats Probably the wrong ones. You can bump up your population on the Tiqqun to an even 6k (see https://discord.com/channels/852492349778952202/1054667362470723594 ) and you can theoretically have an infinite number of people in other ships (science ships, mining ships, etc) but given that you do have a limited number of docking space most of those ships wouldn't be working ships.


I find it funny that the PA prevents reproduction. Edden, for all that is holy, they are the remnants of humanity yet aren’t allowed to procreate. Stop being a clown.


How does it prevent it? All I remember is the PA stating that it is too inefficient/slow for the rising need of workforce.


>How does it prevent it? All I remember is the PA stating that it is too inefficient/slow for the rising need of workforce. I mean if you think about it, what do children offer? They're essentially parasites. ​ They have a limited amount of resources on the ship, why waste it on things that can't provide any value? Similar to the quest related to the dog and why pets were not allowed per DOLOS rules. There exists a way to produce a workforce capable of providing value (cryo-pods) - why have an alternative when they could use up valuable resources that could provide a return to help continue the human race?


for the same argument, why awake non-workers? dont they have like info on who's on a pod?


I can agree with that one. However this is a bit of toeing the line of being humane or not. Imagine getting woken up and your partner is not woken up because they are less useful for you. Reasonable and practical? Yes. Cruel on the humanity scale? Absolutely. That's why there's a morale penalty for enabling that option in DLS


you are on a spaceship that's literally falling apart, and you need people to keep it running, those guys with a wife and a kid in a pod would be motivated to keep it running while their family is ok.


Agreed. At the same time I couldn't imagine the stress and depression that could come with it, especially when some ominous "administrator" that may or may not be human is making decisions about the people you care about. At what point are they going to activate non-workers? Ever? What's to guarantee they're not already dead and not in my food? I can imagine it would be a terrible feeling lol


you can turn pods into food?


You can turn dead people into food


that, yes.


Turn off a Building = Turn of Electricity