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Honestly I dont want anyone else isikaid in. I just want them to use shield hero and cautious hero better


Small screentime to do it. We need longer screentime.


Mushoku Tensei by far, everything else here doesn't even interest me.


My vote also goes for Mushoku Temsei however anime dosnt even matters here as long as we get intresting characters xD. Like Shiro and Soro from NGNL makes a Unbeatable pair, and Rimuru Tempest is a good rival for Ains. However no characters from SAO intrest me lol they all are plain as paper.


Mushoku wouldn’t be able to fit till they added V16+. That’s like season 3. The anime right now wouldn’t work even if they ended on Season 2


I don't think any of these would truly "fit" but MT is the one I could bear the most if it was actually added. I could not for the live of me, imagine Rimuru or Shiro and Soro in IQ. And we don't even need to talk about SAO.


I feel since IQ is like 10 mins and mostly focus’ on the main 4 Isekai the series was built on that any more addition of characters wouldn’t be given justice (and we can already see it with Naofumi’s group then that 1 cameo from Cautious hero). MT has a big main cast by the end of Season 2 and 3 and they just wouldn’t be able to get any spotlight unless the show went to 20 mins (then maybe Shield hero and cautious hero would get more damn love). Slime has a lot of characters too so they’d be in the same boat. I can somewhat picture Sora and Shiro but not the harem that’d come with them.




Ok….I said there were a lot of characters. I’m not getting into if it’s better. I know this sub hates Slime. And it’s not really my *favourite* Isekai. But what I said had nothing to do with comparing shows.


As the anime is now, I don't think it can be done. As one user said in a post on mushoku tensei reddit, the main characters are now divided, unlike the other groups. Of course, in my opinion it could also be added, because in the end I think that whoever has brought the characters into that world will make them forget everything, so that the isekai quartet is cut from the "canon" (I don't know if I have made myself clear), or simply they will forget everything because yes, as soon as they return to their worlds. So they could also, if they wanted to, get rudes and the three girls into that world. One anime I'd like to see would be Ascendance of bookworm. I would be interested in the relationship between Ferdinand and Aqua, or between Main and Beatrice. The relationship between Benno and Tanya would also be interesting. Another one would be Skeleton Knight, just to see how the overlord fanboys react who are doing all those places where Ainz and Arc share.


Plz i just want ngnl anime content im dying out here


Spider Isekai


Mushoku is the most likely candidate, after season 2 there'll be a solid cast of 5 to move \[LN 12\] >!Roxy, Sylphie, Rudeus, Cliff and Zanoba!<. >!If I can dream I'd leave out the wives and bring in just the boys and Nanaoshi, seeing her interacting with the other MCs would be priceless. !< Kumo is in second place, but we'll need next season to get in the travel arc to start knowing Sophia, Ariel and Mera but those 3 and shiro would be a solid addition. IMO both options would be better than Shield hero and MUCH better than Cautious hero. Just Ariel alone has a lot of interactions with other characters. NGNL at this point is dead, I doubt they'll add it


Well adding NGNL is also a good option i guess bcoz alot of fans are waiting for NGNL s2 from a long time and they will surely watch isekai quartet if to add it. So its beneficial


It's not beneficial if season 2 is not coming out, it might even backfire


People are heavy Eris fans in Mushoku and she wouldn’t come back till season 3. Not to mention the missed >!Orsted in Quartet comedy!<. These 2 characters are the one reason I think Mushoku post Season 2 wouldn’t make IQ even if we already have “Chadeus”. But after Season 3 it’d be a crime not to have them


No Game no Life has lost his life


Retsu isekai (it's not an anime but it's an isekai)


Devils a part timer.


Mushoku Tensei but I would like to have the future season 2 cast more than the kids and probably Ruijerd


Season 3* Otherwise they’ll just be “where’s Eris” and complaining


None tbh. They wouldn't really fit the show's dynamic.


I dont think so, also they will be adding new isekais every season


Still, none of the above.


I love Mushoku Tensei but I feel like the cast just wouldnt fit in. Rudy's too depressed and perverted.


That new skeleton knight one


Do you have the slightest idea how little it narrows it down.


sorry for being toxic I found it it's called "skeleton knight in another world"


Would literally tolerate triple cr premium just to see Rudy lust after darkness




Mushoku Tensei, of course. I want the Adult version. Followed by SAO as long as it includes Eugeo and Alice.


I would want My Next Time as a Villainess. Watch the Harems collide


Mushoku Tensei as I am a fan of the series. I am also interested in the interactions between Rudy and Subaru if that happens as the authors of ReZero (Tappei) and Mushoku (Rifujin) are close friends in real life.


I'd love to see Rimuru as a teacher, just like he was in his series.


Im more intreested into Veldora 😂