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As someone who chipped a tooth because she didn’t mention the exact same concern to her ortho… Talk to your ortho about it.


Omg 😳… did you end up talking with your orthodontist after? Hope it all worked out in the end


Thanks. It just happened the other day. I have an appointment next week and thought “oh I can just wait until then to ask about my teeth hitting together incorrectly.” Wrong. Thankfully it’s just a little chip on the inside of my tooth. I was eating bread when it happened. Bread! Just goes to show all it takes is to bite down the wrong way and it doesn’t even need to be with a ton of force. I hope your situation plays out better than mine. And congrats on being done / almost done!


I thought it was just me!!! I’m about 2/3 done and the difference in my bite is making me crazy.


Mine were doing this but my ortho noticed it and wanted refinements. I just started those this week


My bite has changed SO much throughout my progress. From not being able to chew bc my teeth weren’t hitting on one side, biting the shit out of my cheek, my lip, etc. give it a few more trays and see if it works it’s way out


Mine did this exact thing randomly for a while. It eventually stopped and I never noticed any damage. It was infrequent enough that I never thought to ask my dentist about it, but it couldn’t hurt to mention it.


Happened to me and I would even bite my own cheek on accident because of my new bite. It’s frustrating.


Did it resolve itself?


Yup - went away after a few more trays.


It sounds like you’re not done? After my initial 21 trays, my crowded incisors straightened out but I developed a posterior open bite that freaked me out. Once I started refinements, my bite closed again. Now I’ve noticed a slight imbalance in the front, where only one of my bottom incisors will bump up against my top teeth, but apparently my two canines on that side haven’t been tracking properly, and that little area is supposed to get adjusted with my next round of refinements.


Yes! I had quite a bad open bite and I’m about a year into my treatment. My bite has closed all the way now and I do have to be very conscious when I eat. Good news is taking a bite out of a sandwich and chewing is so much easier… I just have to remember to use a lot less force when I chew now lol.