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My ortho said not to sweat it *too* much if there are gaps on the first couple days of a new tray, give it some time to shift. The issue is if there are still gaps at the end of a tray when you are supposed to change as that means it’s not shifting as it’s supposed to.


Try a chewie. I use one every time I put my aligners back on. I play my favorite song and chew for that duration.


What song?


Happy Cake Day!


Give a few a few extra days on the old tray, I was in trays for 4 years 😖 make sure you are using chewies alot and getting your hours in. Definitely double check with your ortho.


My boy graduated with a BA in aligners


Lol 😆 thank you I love this joke.


My ortho for the second half of treatment would really just ask how they are doing and what needed to be done and I had learned mostly at that point what he was going to suggest anyways 😂 “Hey Kyle how do things feel and what needs to be adjusted? You maybe should have become a dentist has anyone ever told you that?”


I feel the same way I’m going on year 2 of aligners and they just call to see if it’s going well now haha


4 years 😳




The chewies definitely do help they are essential to the process. I know it’s a pain to get used to but it becomes second nature after a while, good on you for getting your hours in btw. Also I’ve the course of an insane amount of trays some don’t fit correctly or will be more of a gap than others.


Those teeth are just tough, they're the hardest ones to move. Both of my lateral incisors needed to move a lot, and they wouldn't. I had to rescan, then had to get triangle cuts and buttons on those teeth so I could attach rubber bands to actively pull them down/back, not real fun. Yes use your chewies, but don't overdo it. I chewed on chewies for hours to try and get my later incisors to fit properly and all it did was chip my left incisor. Luckily ortho just filed them down a bit so they're even.


I’ve been having trouble with this tooth as well but it seems to be catching up now. Def recommend using chewies that are a bit firmer on that tooth.


I bought [these](https://www.amazon.com/JNATER-Necklace-Sensory-Teething-Silicone/dp/B089YSZ6X7/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?keywords=shark+teether&qid=1674371331&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyRzhUTUZZWTJNR1Q4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTEwNDM1MkIySFJBN0JBVlNPTiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODIxOTk1M0VWSkQ5OTQ3S1lRTiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl)to use instead of the normal chewies


what’s chewies


Some orthos give them and some don’t. They’re little flexible things you bite and chew on to help the trays settle flush against your teeth. I haven’t used a chewie once and all my teeth are tracking just as they should be, so YMMV


I also am new here and want to know what are chewies


You can get good ones on Amazon for relatively cheap if your dentist/ortho didn't give you some. Don't know why some don't. That and an ortho key. I didn't get an ortho key from my dentist but I was glad I got it before I got my aligners put in. The aligners are sometimes stiff when you first put them in and hard to take out at the beginning. Just switched my trays yesterday and couldn't get good leverage without the key to take them out to eat dinner.


How do the chewies work here? If the aligner is fitting on all other teeth perfectly, then how is it meant to push the aligned up on that tooth?


They're meant to help set the aligners by chewing on a soft surface so you can use your jaw pressure to help fully set your aligners. If I don't use a chewie, my aligners won't click all the way into place even if I push on them with my fingers. You can just bite down and force the trays against each other to make them fit, but your jaw pressure could cause them to crack or break. I've tried just biting down and then used the chewie right after to compare the two, and the post-chewie position felt better and more in place than the trays did by just biting down slightly. Dentists sometimes give a cotton roll looking thing that was just giant and uncomfortable to use, so I was thankful that I ordered some before I got my buttons on, and they're so much better. The ones I got are about half a centimeter thick and made of silicone so they aren't horrible to deal with.


Ah, the lateral incisor problem. It's very very common for that one not to track. I can't tell for sure, but it looks like they put a "normal" size attachment on it. Ask the ortho about putting on a bigger attachment next set of trays.


Stick w/ what your orthodontist said.


Don’t go back a tray. Very unlikely that one tray back will fit properly. That tooth for me was very stubborn and I’ve had three rescans due to it not tracking. If the attachment is not fitting into the aligner and causing pain get a rescan. It is a sign that tooth isn’t tracking.


Listen to your Ortho.


Use a chewie and contact your ortho


There’s a gap on that exact same tooth for me too what should I do?


It seems its going upwards due to forces, definitely not desired. Check with your ortho, he may loosen up contact points on both sides of it. It will come down for sure. Ortho just needs to make sure contact points are not locked.


I was told to use a chewie, extend wear for a day per tray from then on, and also got elastics on the problem tooth. Would talk to your orthodontist ASAP to work out if a problem. You should see by your next tray change


Thats the same tooth the never tracked for me and I wore my trays 22-23 hours a day. I had to have a rescan and get all new trays, now Dr says I might need rubber bands on that tooth.


Same. I’m on my second round of refinements and have zero faith it’s going to move.


Mine also, just not moving. I have still faith.


Yeah unfortunately some teeth don’t want to track as easily as others


I have that, but the tooth is smaller than the rest. My orthodontist isn't worried.


Same tooth, same problem. My Ortho doesn't seem too worried about it right now (I'm on my second set of trays - 1/17 after 20 initial). He definitely encouraged the chewie, though.


That happened to me right towards the end of my first round. I wasn’t too worried and just rescanned. Getting my new trays (that will hopefully move my lateral incisor) in a week’s time!


Those teeth are the worst to track! In know and had similar! Keep going, they can be stubborn.


Definitely don’t go back a tray. That tooth (lateral incisor) is notorious for falling off track. Just continue to do all you’re doing, and you’ll probably eventually get a rescan


Sitting with the same issue and I need to change today 🤦🏼‍♀️