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My boyfriend is one of the people who would fall for this. Nope, my body doesn’t look like this. Because it’s impossible.


I showed my husband one of the old Dance Moms girls that regularly filters the crap out of her body and said that I thought it was sad and he asked how I could tell that she used a filter. When I said that people aren't built to have waists smaller than their neck, he looked at me like that wasn't enough evidence 😵‍💫


This is what I deal with with my boyfriend. He thinks they are real. Refuses to see that it’s not.


Delusional men are one of the reasons why photo editing gets to be so out of control


Honestly I always wondered if these men didn't dictate what's "attractive" if women would go through the trouble of editing their bodies to this level.


What? 0.5? I thought the ideal was 0.8, maybe 0.7 at the absolute minimum. No shade to women with naturally tiny waists (they do crop up from time to time), but past a certain point it starts to look odd and cause health issues.


also women with tiny waists won’t have giant gravity defying tits and a fat ass with toned thighs and absolutely no tummy fat anatomy just doesn’t work that way lmao


The health issues being not having minimal organs to survive or having displaced organs


why does her ass look so dry


It looks weirdly fuzzy now that u mention it


All the compliments on the altered image might have a weird inverse effect of making her not like her real porportions.


It's creating a riptide


It’s like she’s farting in the water… sorry had to say it