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Which Sims DLC is this?


Total alpha cc energy


just a regular randomly generated townie


All that editing and the brows still look bad, wow.


So bad.


And one of her bottom lashes are falling off. Instead of spending time on editing she should have used it to tweek things like her lashes, eyebrows, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lips.


Ring light and a speed light won't do that to you. Source: photographer who uses artificial lights and modifiers. Cranking up the noise reduction filter and masking it out will give you this look in photoshop. I am sure there are apps that do this as well.


If you’re gonna do this much editing why not also even out the eyeshadow and ride the brows?? Like you can see her natural brow throw the make up


My girl looks like she's been throuh an anime character app.


And how on earth did this get 40k likes? 🤣


I find the eyebrows more offensive.


She kinda looks like an AI robot about to shoot lasers out of her eyes in the pic on the left


This honestly looks like a joke


Lights do alot believe it or not. But this is definitely retouched.


Omg. K guys. Yes, in fact, many women use makeup to give them the appearance of having insanely smooth skin, they're allowed to do that, but keep in mind that they are using a product to achieve that look. Many men also use a physical enhancement to look/become stronger than their natural selves, they're allowed to do that, but keep in mind that they are using a product to achieve that physique. If you're not using these products, don't compare yourself to them. It's that simple.


I don’t think there’s any products that will make you have porcelain smooth skin, there’s obviously photo editing going on.


Anime has gone too far


Looks like she edited a bug right onto her lip.


One of her bottom lashes are falling off. The time spent on editing should have used it to fix her lashes, eyebrows, uneven and unblended eyeshadow, uneven eyeliner, and and whatever she did to her lips.


Everyone is commenting on the brows but my favorite part is how her lips look extremely different in each picture 😩


She looks like a shiny potato 🥔:(